Sword of Immortals

Chapter 12 Bloodbath

"You... all of you... deserve to die!"

At this moment, Daoyi was really angry, aroused the anger of real fire.

Suddenly, bloody rays of light radiated from his whole body, his eyes also turned blood red, and a disgusting bloody aura spread out.Because he was completely enraged, the murderous aura condensed into the evil spirit of blood, and the killing intent had turned into a bloodthirsty intent.

Morality is like a bloodthirsty demon coming to hell, eerie and weird.Especially those blood-red eyes are creepy and chilling.

"Hmph!" Helian Ba ​​snorted coldly: "The dying struggle is just futile!"

Before the words were finished, Helian Ba ​​waved his right hand, and a huge aura spread out, and in an instant, he rushed over, directly grabbing Daoyi's forehead.

Daoyi's face was indifferent, he clenched his fingers and clenched his fist, and punched out violently.

"Kaka..." When the fists and palms met, blood spilled out, Helian Ba's arm was broken inch by inch, and bones protruded from his shoulder. The scene was cruel and bloody.

"Big brother..."

"Boom!" Daoyi took another kick and kicked Helian away, only to see blood spurting from his mouth and spraying all the way.

He Lianfei hurried forward, followed by Helian Ba, and said, "Brother, how are you doing?"

Helen Ba coughed out a mouthful of blood, and said with a horrified expression: "Let everyone go up together, and he must be killed!"

In fact, at this time Helian Ba ​​already knew very clearly that it was impossible to kill Daoyi.But things have come to this point, and it is impossible to think about it.You can only fight with all your strength, if you win, you will live, if you lose, you will die!

"All of you, damn it!"

Suddenly, Daoyi turned into a beam of blood, and quickly shuttled through the crowd.

All of a sudden, blood spattered and heads rolled.When all the blood was gone, all the people fell into a pool of blood, and some of their necks were still spraying blood.

When Helian Ba ​​and He Lianfei saw this scene, their hearts were extremely cold, and they were also extremely afraid.Is that human being?This is simply a devil!Because only the devil could be so cruel.The hall was stained red with blood, and the corpses leaned on each other, and the smell of blood rushed to the face, which was extremely disgusting.

"You... you devil!" He Lianfei said ferociously with tears in his eyes.

At this time, Daoyi was covered in blood red, as if bathed in fresh blood.He said with a frosty face: "You asked for everything. You destroyed my worldview and my kindness. For this, you have to pay the corresponding price!"

"I'll fight with you!" He Lianfei, who was extremely sad and angry, hurriedly circulated all the true energy in his body, condensed a sword gang that was more than two feet long, and swung it down impressively.

"Too weak!" Daoyi shattered the sword gang with one punch, and at the same time, he swung out another palm, and the huge palm force swept He Lianfei out, spitting blood, and several more wounds appeared on his body. Road bloodstains.

"Ah!" Helian Ba ​​yelled suddenly: "Go to hell! Use your body as a sword, use your energy as your front—a sword that breaks the sky!"

All of a sudden, Helian Ba's whole body seemed to be on fire, with red flames emitting, which looked extremely strange.

"Brother, don't!" He Lianfei exclaimed.

Helian said aggressively: "Second brother, if you have a chance, run away, go to Xingyuzong to find Chen'er, and let him avenge me!"

Helen Ba was ready to die, because the people in the castle died because of him, and his heart died with them.As the saying goes, there is nothing greater than the death of one's heart. If a person's heart is dead, what is the point of his life?

"No... Brother, you can't do this..."

However, it was too late, Helian Ba ​​had already ignited the blood essence in his body, once the blood essence was ignited, it would be irreversible until the blood was completely burned.

"Let's go!" Helen Ba flew towards Daoyi as he said that. His palms were combined under the cover of flames, and he seemed to be transformed into a huge sword. With dazzling fire and unparalleled momentum, he seemed to be destroying all will.

This is Helian Ba's most powerful sword in the way of swordsmanship, which is powered by burning blood essence—the body-incarnation sword, which is often called the human sword, has the terrifying power to destroy everything.

But can he really destroy everything?

"Being overestimated, death is not a pity!" Daoyi stood on the spot without moving at all, just waved his right hand lightly, and struck the tip of the sword with his palm.

"Hey..." The light of the sword in the palm suddenly appeared, and in an instant, the giant sword was divided into two halves.

A little blood fell from the air, and the two halves of Helian Ba's body fell on both sides.A strong man born with Dzogchen died tragically in the hands of Daoyi.

"Big brother..." Helianfei roared hysterically.

He watched helplessly as his eldest brother was divided into two, but he was helpless.This kind of pain cannot be expressed in words, let alone experienced by others.Perhaps only those who have really experienced it can appreciate the taste inside.

There was no pity in Daoyi's eyes, like a bloody Shura, only killing and bloodthirsty in his eyes, he walked towards Helianfei step by step.

"Ah! Let's go to hell together!" He Lianfei roared, compressing the true energy in his body with all his strength, rushed up to embrace Daoyi and blew himself up to die together.

But he couldn't break through the protective energy shield of morality at all, and was blocked outside, what a deal!

"Ah! Why?" Helian Fei roared up to the sky: "God, why did you treat me like this, why didn't you even give me the chance to die with the enemy? Why?"

At this moment, He Lianfei was completely desperate!

Daoyi said coldly: "God has given you a chance, but you don't know how to cherish it. So, God sent me to punish you!"

"Hmph! Winners and losers, kill as much as you want! Don't say such high-sounding words here!" He Lianfei had already given up resisting, because he knew that there was an insurmountable gap between the two in strength, and it was impossible to resist. Just in vain.

"Go down and accompany your elder brother!" Daoyi slapped Helianfei's head on the top of the sky, and immediately, seven holes bled, his eyes became dull and dim, and then he twitched twice, and then died.

"Father!" He Lianyan, who was lying in the corpse and blood, woke up, just in time to see this bloody scene.

Daoyi glanced at her in a blink of an eye, and strode away without saying anything.

"Bad guy, you killed my father, I'm going to kill you." Helianyan picked up a long sword from the ground and ran up to stab Daoyi.

Daoyi struck her chest with a finger, and she froze there immediately, unable to move.

"You...you let go of me, I'm going to kill you." Helianyan who had her acupuncture points pressed cried loudly.

Daoyi ignored it, he came to the practice room in the backyard, found the spirit stone that almost killed him, and put it in his pocket.Because he needs to use this spirit stone to heal his injuries.

Daoyi took the spirit stone and left, and Helianyan was the only one left in the huge Helian Fort.

"Woooo..." She was crying, crying very sadly.

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