The silent night is long and difficult!

While Daoyi was practicing, he looked after Feng Linger.Because Fengling'er sleeps very dishonestly, she always tosses and turns, if Daoyi doesn't look at her, she doesn't know how many times she fell down.

In this way, Daoyi stayed up all night and took care of Feng Ling'er for a whole night.

When the dawn light sprinkled on the earth and the sky gradually brightened, Daoyi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at Feng Ling'er's beautiful and charming face, filled with a smile, and said to himself: "You can really torture people!"

When the first ray of sunlight in the morning shone through the branches and leaves, Feng Ling'er was awakened from sleep by the dazzling sunlight.

When she opened her eyes and saw Daoyi, she suddenly turned pale with fright, waved her hand and slapped Daoyi on the face, and shouted: "Stinky rascal, what are you doing?"

Daoyi was a little baffled, he rubbed his face, and said angrily, "Feng Ling'er, what are you doing? I warned you that you depended on me, what are you doing now? Ah?"

Feng Ling'er smiled awkwardly, and said, "I'm sorry! I was just in a hurry and reacted instinctively. I hope you can understand."

Daoyi looked at Feng Ling'er suspiciously, and said, "What instinctive reaction, I think you did it on purpose!"

"Really! I really reacted instinctively. I used to sleep alone, but when I suddenly woke up, I found that there was another person, so I instinctively shot and yelled." Feng Ling'er explained.

Daoyi felt very unhappy, and said: "Last night, I took care of you all night, and you slapped me this morning. Who did I provoke? It's really bad luck for eight lifetimes."

Feng Ling'er said: "Okay! Alright! I'm sorry, it's my fault, I apologize to you, this is fine!"

Seeing Feng Ling'er's sincere and pitiful expression, Daoyi really couldn't bear to blame her again, so he had no choice but to say: "I really owe you in my previous life!"

"Hee hee! So, you forgive me." Feng Ling'er's face suddenly overflowed with a smile.

"Let's go!"

Daoyi took Fengling'er down from the tree and continued on his way.

"Are you going to hurry? I haven't had breakfast yet."

Daoyi said with a cold face: "Miss! Don't worry! Follow me, can't you still be hungry? There are wild fruits in this forest. You can pick them as you walk. There will be something for you to eat along the way."

"Oh! That's it! Then let's go!" Feng Ling'er took the lead and quickly walked in front of Daoyi.

"You run so fast when you hear there's something to eat, you belong to a pig!" Daoyi muttered behind him.

Feng Ling'er turned her head, tied her face, pouted and said, "You are a pig!"

Along the way, the two encountered many wild fruit trees in the forest.

Feng Ling'er is like a little girl, when she sees a kind of wild fruit, she clamors to eat it, whether she can eat it or not.If it weren't for Daoyi watching, she wouldn't know how many times she had been poisoned to death.

Looking at the carefree smile on Feng Ling'er's face, Daoyi really envied her. He didn't know when he would be as innocent and carefree as her. Maybe he already knew it. It will never come.Because it ceased to exist eight years ago, far away from him.

At noon, the two came to a small town.

Daoyi originally didn't want to go to the city, but Feng Ling'er decided to go in, saying that he would treat him to a big meal.

The two came to the restaurant and ordered a table full of meals.

Daoyi looked at the delicious food on the table, and he asked with some concern: "I said Miss! Are you asking for so much food for fun? And I don't have the money to pay the bill."

Feng Ling'er smiled and said: "Don't worry, we can feed those beggars if we can't finish eating! As for the money, you don't have to worry about it, I have plenty of it. So, hurry up and eat! After eating, we can go to Ma city!"

"Why go to the horse market?" Daoyi asked in bewilderment.

Feng Ling'er turned her head, stared at Daoyi and said, "You are stupid! Of course I went to the horse market to buy horses! I don't want to walk with you anymore, my legs are almost broken."

"Marks are very expensive, do you have money?"

Feng Ling'er approached her face playfully, pretending to be mysterious with a smile: "Hehe! You will know when the time comes."

Daoyi stopped asking questions, and began to eat and drink.Since there is a treat, he doesn't want to miss this table of delicious food.

An hour later, the two walked out of the restaurant patting Man Zai's belly.When they came out, the two of them packed up the leftover meals and distributed them to the beggars by the restaurant.

The two walked towards the horse market on the street, Feng Ling'er bought a lot of snacks on the way, and ate them on their own.

"You still eat, you're not afraid of being overwhelmed!" Daoyi really wondered if her stomach could take it.

Feng Ling'er smiled and said, "It's really delicious, why don't you have some too."

Daoyi shook his head and said, "I won't eat it! Let's hurry to the horse market to buy horses! We'll leave here after we buy horses."

Feng Ling'er suddenly took out a small cloth bag, took out a piece of silver from it, and said, "Let's split up, you take this to buy some dry food, and I'll go buy a horse."

Daoyi took the silver and asked concerned: "Can you do it alone?"

"I'm not a three-year-old child!" Feng Ling'er said.

"Then be careful!"


Looking at the 50 taels of silver in his hand, Daoyi smiled, and he can buy it freely.The reason why he didn't want to go to the city before was because he had no money, but now it's different, he is also a rich man.

Daoyi went all over the snack street and bought all kinds of dry food, really a big bag.In the end, he couldn't fit it anymore, so he gave up shopping.

"There are so many, it should be enough!" Daoyi turned around and walked towards the horse market, and had a round with Fengling'er.

Daoyi hadn't even reached the horse market when he saw people besieging him in front of him.

"So lively?"

Daoyi was very curious. It was just a horse market, but there were so many people around it. Could there be a horse in it?

Hey, maybe there are really good things to read.

Daoyi hurried up, but his sight was blocked by everyone, so he couldn't see inside at all.Although he couldn't see it, he heard Feng Ling'er's voice: "What do you want to do? Let me go!"

"Haha... What a tender little sister! Come on, let my brother love and love you." Immediately, an extremely obscene and disgusting voice came out.

Daoyi was startled, and hurriedly performed the ghostly flying cloud step, passed through the crowd and came to the center of the horse market.The sight in front of him made him furious. A big fat man with an obscene appearance, with a few followers, was flirting with Feng Ling'er.

"Looking for death!" Daoyi turned into a beam of blood and rushed forward. Immediately, blood blossomed, and several followers except the fat man fell into a pool of blood.

"Daoyi!" Feng Ling'er was a little scared, and instinctively hid behind Daoyi.

The wretched fat man was frightened into cold sweat, and stammered: "You... who are you?"

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