"Kneel down!" Daoyi said murderously.

"You...you...what do you want to do?" Fatty said with a pale face and trembling voice.

"I tell you to kneel down!" Suddenly, a powerful aura erupted from Daoyi's body.

Fatty was a little suffocated by this momentum, he hastily knelt down and begged for mercy: "Hero, please...please forgive me!"

Daoyi stared at the fat man coldly and said, "Apologize!"

"Yes, yes!" Fatty nodded quickly, knelt in front of Feng Ling'er, and said, "Miss, I'm sorry! Please forgive me."

Daoyi asked: "Ling'er, what do you want to do with him?"

Feng Ling'er was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Daoyi to call her that, she looked at Daoyi and shook her head, not knowing what to do?

Seeing this, the fat man hurriedly begged Daoyi and said: "Hero, I know I was wrong, next time I won't dare again, just treat me like a fart and let me go!"

Daoyi squinted at the fat man, a three-pointed sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he swung his right hand suddenly, a bloody light flashed, and the fat man's head flew out, and blood gushed out of his neck like a fountain.

"Ah!" Seeing this scene, Feng Ling'er screamed in fright.

When the onlookers saw this extremely bloody scene, they also exclaimed, and some even vomited.

Daoyi patted Feng Ling'er on the back and comforted him: "With me here, you don't have to be afraid of anything. Well, it's all right now."

Feng Ling'er looked at Daoyi with some fear, and said, "Your eyes were so scary just now, are you still the Daoyi I know?"

Daoyi nodded and said: "Of course, of course I am the Daoyi you know. Well, don't think about it. They are all people who deserve to die. You don't have to feel sorry for them, and I will never be soft on people who deserve to be killed. "

"Oh! I see." Feng Ling'er calmed down, and the expression on her face gradually returned to normal.

Daoyi smiled and said, "Have you bought the horse yet?"

"En!" Feng Ling'er nodded.

"Then let's go!" Daoyi led the horse, and Feng Ling'er walked out of the crowd.

Seeing this, the onlookers hurried out of the way.It can be seen from their eyes that they are all afraid of morality, for fear that they will accidentally offend this murderer somewhere.

Although they thought the domineering fat man deserved to die, they didn't agree with the moral approach, so they just chopped it off, so they still felt a little bit offended.But what scares them even more is the ruthlessness that morality says to kill, which makes them daunting.

Facing the strange eyes of everyone, Feng Ling'er was a little uncomfortable.But Daoyi is very indifferent, because he only thinks to do what is right for him, or what he should do, and he doesn't care about other people's eyes, let alone what they think.

But just when the two were leading the horse and were about to walk out of the crowd, there was a loud shout from behind: "Return my young master's life!"

Immediately afterwards, a long sword roared towards it, carrying a strong wind.

"Be careful!" Feng Ling'er looked back at the stabbing long sword and exclaimed.

Daoyi didn't even look back, he swung his left finger violently, and a burst of sword energy shot out.The man had no time to resist, the sword energy pierced his right shoulder, and blood gushed out immediately.Then, he fell from the air and knelt on the ground.

"You..." The middle-aged man covered his wound with his left hand, looked at Daoyi's back, and said, "You...why did you kill our young master?"

"Damn him!" Daoyi continued walking without stopping.

Feng Ling'er wanted to stop and talk to this person, but she saw that Daoyi didn't intend to stop at all, and it was hard for him to stop, so he could only follow along.

"I want you to tell me why?" the middle-aged man growled.

Daoyi ignored it and walked forward normally.

The middle-aged man Jian Daoyi ignored him and drifted away. He was very angry in his heart, he stood up abruptly, and killed Daoyi with the sword in his left hand.

But just as he took two steps, a sword energy struck, piercing through one of his backs, and he knelt down on the ground again.

Everyone can't help but feel a little sad for him!

"I don't want a third time!" Daoyi said coldly.

"Ah!" The middle-aged man raised his head to the sky and roared, he seemed to be venting, and also seemed to be blaming himself for being helpless.

In the eyes of everyone, Daoyi and Fengling'er gradually moved away, and finally disappeared at the intersection of the street.

Then, the two left the city, got on their horses, and left here.

On the way, Feng Ling'er didn't say a word, but looked at Daoyi from time to time.

Daoyi felt a little strange, so he asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Feng Ling'er shook her head and said, "It's okay! I just want to see you and see what you have gone through so that you will become what you are now?"

"Everyone has his secret in his heart. If he doesn't want others to know, then others will never want to know." Daoyi said slowly.

Feng Ling'er showed a charming smile and said, "Then can you tell me the secret in your heart?"

"Since it's a secret, I'm going to tell you, so is it still a secret?"

Feng Ling'er said: "If you don't tell me, I will definitely dig it out for you."

Daoyi said: "Okay! Let's stop talking about this. For your safety, I think it's better to release the seal in your body first! Then you don't have to be afraid of these prodigal sons."

"Can you undo the seal in my body?" Feng Ling'er was a little skeptical, she didn't believe that Daoyi could undo the seal set by her father.

Daoyi said: "Try it! Maybe it will work!"

Feng Ling'er nodded and said, "Okay! Then try it!"

Daoyi suddenly jumped onto the horse that Feng Linger was riding, and imprinted her right palm on her back, pouring a wave of true energy into her body, trying to break through the seal in her body, but this true energy was like water entering the sea. None of the bubbles splashed.

Daoyi was a little unwilling to give up, and he also bombarded her back with his left hand, injecting another wave of true energy, but the result was still the same as before.

Now Daoyi completely gave up, and said: "No! The seal your father made is too strong, and I can't break through it with my strength. I'm really sorry!"

Feng Ling'er said: "It's okay! It's actually quite good for me to be like this now."

Daoyi asked: "By the way, why did your father imprison your cultivation?"

Feng Ling'er's expression changed slightly, but then she smiled and said, "This is my secret, I won't tell you!"

"You don't want to say it, and I won't force it!" Daoyi said, "But don't stay too far away from me in the future, otherwise I won't be responsible for anything that happens."

"Understood!" Feng Ling'er said: "By the way, where are we going? Can you tell me now?"

Daoyi thought about it, and felt that it was time to let her know: "Emperor Capital! Do you know?"

"Are you going to the imperial capital?" Feng Ling'er smiled and said, "That's great, I've wanted to visit the imperial capital for a long time."

Daoyi also smiled, but his smile froze suddenly.Because he thought of one thing, if he took Feng Ling'er to the imperial capital, would it hurt her?But he couldn't leave her behind, so he didn't know what to do?Right now, he can only take one step at a time.

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