Three days are gone in the blink of an eye!

Today, Nihan Villa, known as the number one manor in the imperial capital, ushered in a big day, that is the [-]th birthday of the owner of the manor, Hanshan Temple!

There is an endless stream of people going to pay birthday respects, and the roads are blocked.Because everyone wants to witness the demeanor of the owner of a village in the world.

After getting ready, Daoyi came to Feng Ling'er's room, because he had something to explain to her.

"Let's go out and play! It's really fun here." Feng Ling'er smiled happily.

Daoyi said: "I'm afraid I can't do it today, I have very important things to do, why don't I do it tomorrow!"

"Oh! Do you have something to do? I don't know what it is, can you take me with you!" Feng Ling'er asked.

Daoyi shook his head and said: "No! You can't go, you just wait here obediently for me to come back, you understand?"

Feng Ling'er was a little disappointed, and said: "Ah! Then how boring I am here alone!"

Daoyi said: "When I finish my work, I will go out to play with you when I come back. It will be soon."

"How fast?"

"In short, it will be right soon! Remember, don't run around, I don't want anything to happen to you, understand?" Daoyi asked.

"Oh!" Feng Ling'er nodded and said, "I see, I will wait here for your return, but you must come back soon!"

Daoyi nodded and said, "I'm leaving!"

"Come back soon, I'll wait for you!" Feng Ling'er warned.

Daoyi didn't look back, and didn't respond, he quickly walked out of the room, left the restaurant, and embarked on the road of revenge to Nihan Villa.Because he didn't know whether he would come back alive after this trip, so she didn't want to promise Feng Linger anything, and couldn't promise her anything?

Nihan Villa is located in the west of the imperial capital. The reason why it is called Nihan Villa is because of a sword—Nihan Sword.The Nihan Sword is made of thousand-year-old cold iron, contains the energy of profound ice, and is a top-grade magic weapon.Back then, the ancestors of the Han family relied on this Nihan sword to beat all the martial arts monks in the world, and founded Nihan Villa.It has been nearly a hundred years since the establishment of Nihan Villa. The reason why it has been able to stand for a hundred years is entirely because of this Nihan sword.

These morals are naturally clear, and this is also what he is worried about, because the "Xuanbing Jue" cultivated by the Han family, which is originally extremely yin and extremely cold, can be used with the Nihan Sword, and its power will be doubled of.And even though he had the magic weapon in his hand, he didn't recover, like scrap iron.Therefore, in terms of weapons, he is already at a disadvantage.As for his cultivation, although he has reached the second rank of Jindan, he can compete with the late Jindan powerhouses, but how far has Hanshan Temple's cultivation improved after eight years?This is also what he does not understand.There are other factors too, which I won't discuss here.

In short, based on the above circumstances, it can be said that the fate of morality is more ominous than good, and at most it is only a [-]% certainty.But even if it is only [-]%, even if it is a level of confidence, he will not stop in morality, and he will continue to move forward as before.

An hour later, Daoyi arrived in front of Nihan Villa. He looked up at this luxurious manor, and the anger in his heart suddenly burst out.But he didn't show it, and God hid it in his heart.

After Daoyi presented a congratulatory gift, he easily entered the manor.

This is not the first time he has come here, he was a frequent visitor here when he was a teenager, and there has not been much change here in the past eight years, so he is still familiar with this place.

Daoyi walked in the manor, observing everywhere, and came to Han Jiangxue's boudoir involuntarily. He wanted to see what the girl he once loved had become now?

But he didn't see Han Jiangxue here, which made him a little disappointed.

Daoyi shook his head, turned and left.But when he turned around, he saw a young man with a long sword in his hand and extremely cold eyes.The whole person looks like an extremely sharp sword, and there is a cold sword intent everywhere, as if the cold air is pressing.

Suddenly, Daoyi felt that the young man in front of him had a feeling of deja vu. This feeling was so strange that he couldn't express it for a while.

Daoyi shook his head, turned and left the backyard, and came to the main hall.

The main hall is already overcrowded, and there is no room to sit.Therefore, the banquet was placed on the square.

Daoyi didn't want to compete with them, so he came to the square, found a seat at random, and sat down.

At this moment, Daoyi's heart is very calm, because the experience of these days has improved his mentality a lot, and he has seen a lot, so he is no longer so impulsive, and has added a bit of calmness and calmness .

As time passed, as noon approached, more and more guests came, and the square was almost full.

"Brother, don't you mind if I sit here!" Suddenly, a voice came from Daoyi's ear.

In the blink of an eye, Daoyi saw a young man about his age, smiling and asking for his approval.

"Please!" Daoyi said with a blank expression on his face and no emotion in his voice.

"Thank you, brother!" The young man sat down and said, "By the way, brother, my name is Wu Tian, ​​what's your name?"


"Dao Yi? What a good name!" Wu Tian said, "Brother Dao, you are also here to witness the demeanor of the old owner Han?"

"En!" Daoyi nodded impatiently.

"Hehe!" Wu Tian said with a smile: "Me too! The old master Han is an incredible person! I heard that he has already stepped into the realm of immortality. I don't know if it is true or not. If he can become his apprentice, he will definitely be able to Megatron Jianghu, that would be great!"

Wu Tian looked yearning, completely immersed in his imagination.

The Realm of the Immortals, Hanshan Temple, you have indeed entered the golden elixir stage, but are you really only in the golden elixir stage?

A sneer appeared on the corner of Daoyi's mouth, hum!No matter what your cultivation level is, you will not escape death today.

"Brother, I heard that many people want to take advantage of old owner Han's birthday to try their luck. If they can get old owner Han's favor and accept him as a disciple, then they will be lucky. The future is boundless! You are here to try your luck, right?" Wu Tian chirped.

Hearing this, Daoyi couldn't help but smile.

Wu Tian was a little displeased, and asked, "What are you laughing at? Don't you?"

Daoyi said coldly: "There is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people! The world is so big that there are many people stronger than him. If you want to be a teacher, you have to find someone stronger! He is not worthy!"

"You have such a big tone! Having said that, we can't see those experts. Right now, the only one we can see is the old owner Han. If you are not here to try your luck, then what are you doing here? ?”

"What? You'll know!"

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