Sword of Immortals

Chapter 45 Murderous Aura

It's noon!

Suddenly, gongs and drums blared, and firecrackers blared!

The Longevity Lord, who everyone was waiting for, walked out slowly, accompanied by his children, and came to the main hall.

Outside the hall, Daoyi on the square, when he saw Hanshan Temple, he stood up excitedly, and the others also stood up excitedly.Of course, the two are different, the former is full of hatred, while the latter is full of admiration.

Daoyi's eyes shifted slightly to the left, and what came into view was a beauty dressed in white, with slender eyebrows, big glasses, a pink face, and a graceful figure.

Han Jiangxue!Daoyi knew that this woman must be Han Jiangxue, and on the other side of Hanshan Temple, a young man with a bright look should be his son Han Jiangfan.

"Everyone, please be quiet first!" Hanshan Temple said, waving his hands.

Immediately, there was no sound, and everyone fell silent, looking up at Hanshan Temple.

Hanshan Temple smiled and said: "First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming to celebrate my birthday from your busy schedule. Please forgive me for the inadequacy!"

"Master Han, you are too polite!" Everyone complimented.

Hanshan Temple smiled happily and said: "Then I won't say much, let's start the banquet! I hope everyone can eat well, drink well, and have a good time."

"Okay! Okay!" Everyone echoed loudly, whispering happily.

"Come on! Let's raise our glasses together, to the owner of the cold house, our birthday boy!" Suddenly, someone proposed loudly.

Hanshan Temple smiled happily. He picked up the wine glass and said, "Okay! Then let us drink this glass together!"

But at Hanshan Temple, when he brought the wine glass to his mouth, he suddenly felt an extremely strong murderous aura, stabbing at him like a sharp sword.

Hanshan Temple was startled, and hurriedly raised his eyes to look, he saw a pair of eyes full of hatred, a pair of murderous intent, a pair of murderous eyes, like the devil's eyes of hell.The owner of these eyes is naturally Daoyi!

Daoyi walked towards Hanshan Temple step by step, the murderous intent and murderous aura in his heart were undisguised, and they were all released. In an instant, the entire hall was enveloped by a strong murderous aura.

Everyone was surprised and turned to look at Daoyi. Their eyes were different, but they all had one thing in common, that is, they all had a hint of surprise and astonishment.I don't know why this young man is so murderous, and why he wants to target Hanshan Temple?

Under Daoyi's murderous aura, everyone was intimidated, and no one dared to step forward to stop him.

After a while, Daoyi came to the center of the main hall, about 20 meters away from Hanshan Temple.

Hanshan Temple put down the wine glass in his hand, smiled and said, "Little brother, what do you mean?"

"Little brother, haha..." Daoyi laughed loudly and said, "Uncle Han, do you really not know me?"

Hanshan Temple looked at Daoyi carefully and asked with some doubts, "You are?"

Daoyi grinned coldly and said, "Do you still remember my father Dao endless?"

Hanshan Temple's face changed suddenly when he heard the words, and he said in astonishment: "You...you are Daoyi?"

Han Jiangxue on the side looked ugly, and she was a little worried.Because morality appears at this time, its purpose is self-evident.

Daoyi nodded and said: "That's right! It's me, I'm back, you didn't expect it!"

Hanshan Temple was really surprised. He has been inquiring about the whereabouts of Daoyi all these years, hoping to get rid of the roots.But after so many years, there has been no news, which has become a heart problem for him.Because he knew that Daoyi would come back to seek revenge on him sooner or later, but he never thought that Daoyi would choose this time to take revenge.He didn't know whether to rejoice for himself or feel sad for morality.

If Daoyi seeks revenge on him secretly, he is really a little scared.As the saying goes, it's easy to hide from an open gun, but hard to guard against a hidden arrow!But now Daoyi comes to seek revenge on him openly and aboveboard, this is simply a godsend opportunity for him!He happened to take this opportunity to kill the grass and get rid of the roots, and get rid of his heart disease, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!

Hanshan Temple smiled and said, "It's really a surprise. I didn't expect to see the son of the old man after so many years. Today, I am so happy."

Hearing what Hanshan Temple said, everyone couldn't help being a little confused, and their eyes kept sweeping back and forth on the two of them.

Hanshan Temple knew that everyone was suspicious, so he hurriedly smiled and said, "Hehe! Come on, let me introduce you, this is the person I have been looking for for nearly eight years, the orphan of my elder brother Dao Wu endless——Dao Yi!"

"Oh!" Everyone was stunned, because Hanshan Temple asked them to help find Daoyi back then, but it was too long, most people forgot, now hearing what he said, they naturally remembered it.

"It turns out that this is the orphan of the first Taoist school back then. He is really magnificent and has an extraordinary bearing!"

"Hmm! It really has the style of Dao Endless back then!"

"Papa!" Daoyi clapped his hands and said sarcastically: "Hanshan Temple, after so many years, your ability to lie and act is really improving! I'm afraid even the actors have to bow down to you!"

Hanshan Temple remained calm, smiled and said: "My nephew's words are really funny!"

Daoyi said angrily: "Nephew, thank you for being able to speak. I have seen shameless people before, and this is the first time I have seen shameless people like you."

"Brother Dao, why are you talking, have you ever talked to an elder like this?" Someone complained about Hanshan Temple's injustice.

Daoyi glanced at this man in a blink of an eye, and said coldly: "Which onion are you? How cool is it? Why don't you stay there!"

"You..." This man was very angry, and wanted to go up and teach Daoyi a lesson, but when he saw Daoyi's murderous sword-like eyes, he shuddered and stopped in his tracks.Because he grew up so big and has been in the rivers and lakes for so many years, he has never seen such a cold look in his eyes.

"Nephew, do you misunderstand me? Do you blame me for not saving your father back then!" Hanshan Temple continued hypocritically.

"Hanshan Temple, aren't you tired of wearing this layer of hypocrisy?" Daoyi said tit for tat: "Since you dared to do it back then, why don't you dare to admit it today? Can't you be a man?"

Hanshan Temple's face twitched involuntarily, because Daoyi's every word and every sentence was slapping him in the face, and since he is a person who values ​​face, it is inevitable that he can't control it.

"Daoyi, you are enough!" Han Jiangxue suddenly scolded.

Daoyi shook his head and said, "Is this enough? Compared with you father and daughter, it is far from enough to wash my Taoism with blood!"


Everyone was stunned for a moment before recovering and exclaimed, "What? I heard it right!"

"I must have misheard. Wasn't the Taoist school ransacked by the Demon Sect back then? What does this have to do with Master Han?"

"..." For a while, everyone had different opinions. Most people didn't believe it was true, and only a very small number of people were skeptical.

Seeing that everyone in Hanshan Temple was willing to believe him, he smiled, and his heart blossomed with joy.At the same time, it also proved that his hard work in the past few years has finally achieved some results, and it was not in vain.

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