Sword of Immortals

Chapter 48 The Flames of Hell

Suddenly, on the frozen square, in the piled snow layer, a blood-red flame shone.

Under the scorching flames, the sound of melting ice and snow kept coming out, and it was particularly pleasant to hear in this cold and desolate square.

"Hoohoo!" Suddenly, blood-red flames rushed out of the ice and snow, engulfing Nihanjian and Hanjiangfan in an instant.

In the flames, Han Jiangfan was astonished, he hastily circulated the profound ice essence in his body at full speed, and sacrificed an ability shield to block the erosion of the flames.

"Crack!" Suddenly, there was a crisp sound.Almost at the same time, the two waved their right fingers and shot out a sword light, stabbing each other's chest.One silver and one blood, two sword glows collided in an instant, and suddenly, they all collapsed.

"Boom!" There was another sound, and the two people's fingers were palmed together, and they bombarded together.Immediately, both of them flew back out.

Daoyi hurriedly retreated four or five steps before stabilizing his figure, and his left palm was sealed by ice, but in an instant, he was melted away by the flames of hell.As for Han Jiangfan, his situation is not better than Daoyi. He flew upside down for more than ten meters before stopping, and his hands were even stained with hell flames, but he was quickly expelled by him with Xuanbing Zhenqi .

Daoyi looked indifferently, and glanced at Han Jiangfan, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a smile that was not a smile, as if he had a plan in mind.

Han Jiangfan's face was solemn, his eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about something?However, the aura emanating from his body was getting colder and colder.

"Fan'er, be careful!" Hanshan Temple reminded suddenly.

Daoyi looked around in a blink of an eye, and saw Han Jiangxue supporting Hanshan Temple, and Hanshan Temple's pale face had recovered bloodshot, the breath in his body had stabilized, and the blood had already stopped, as if there was no serious problem .

Daoyi sneered and said, "Old guy, you're not dead yet!"

Hanshan Temple gritted his teeth and snorted angrily: "Hmph! Daoyi, don't be too complacent, my son will definitely avenge me."

Daoyi smiled ironically, and said, "Do you think you can kill me with a broken sword? Just watch with your dog eyes wide open! See how I picked and killed your son!"

"You..." Hanshan Temple was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

Han Jiangxue hurriedly patted Hanshan Temple on the back, and said: "Father! You are injured, so you can't get angry. Don't worry, but don't forget that my brother is Qu Feng's apprentice, and he can definitely defeat morality."

"Yeah!" Hanshan Temple suppressed his anger, nodded and said: "Okay! I'll just watch and see how you die!"

Suddenly, Han Jiangfan stabbed towards him with a sword, Daoyi was startled, and hurriedly dodged sideways, but he couldn't avoid the chilling sword energy from Nihan Sword.Daoyi's body was cut open, but no blood flowed out, because the cold air entered his body and sealed his blood with ice, so it didn't flow out.

Daoyi couldn't help being stunned, this Nihan sword is really extraordinary, and the cold air contained in it is even more frightening. If he is not protected by the flames of hell now, the cold air pouring into this sword will not be long. With the blood flowing all over the body, it can freeze the blood in his whole body.

But right now, he wasn't worried at all, because after the fight just now, he had basically figured out the power of the mysterious cold air, and he already had a countermeasure.

Turning the soul-devouring gun in his palm, the flames immediately flew up, and Daoyi's whole body was on fire. In a blink of an eye, he turned into a flame man.

This trick was realized by Daoyi in the old ghost's alchemy furnace, and it was called "Hell Flames". He originally wanted to use it to deal with ghosts, but he didn't expect that it would also have a miraculous effect against Xuanbing cold energy.

"This flame?" Hanshan Temple's face was a bit ugly, because the flame was blood-red and looked weird, which made him a little worried.

Even Han Jiangxue, who had always been calm and composed, had a serious look on his face.

Han Jiangfan didn't take it seriously, and said, "Do you think this flame can block my Xuanbing cold air? You are too naive!"

"Although you are very good, you have to pay for your arrogance!" Daoyi sneered, "Hellfire Dragon!"

Daoyi thrust the Soul Eater gun into the square, and suddenly, a fire dragon rushed out from the ground, uttered a dragon roar, and circled upwards.

In a short while, the ice on the square was melted away.The surrounding temperature also rose rapidly, and after a while, it returned to normal.

"I... I didn't see it!" Someone in the hall rubbed his eyes and said.

"I really didn't expect that I would see the legendary fire dragon here."

"It's rare, it's strange, it's just a fake dragon condensed with true energy, and it's not real, so why be surprised. If a real dragon appears, at least the mountains and rivers will change color!"

"Hmm! It makes sense! But it's really similar, lifelike, just like the real thing."

Han Jiangfan sneered, and said, "Fire Dragon, who are you scaring! Do you think you are the only one who can? Just watch!"

"Xuantian Ice Dragon! Come out!" Han Jiangfan slammed his left finger on the Nihan Sword. Immediately, a burst of Xuanbing cold air that could freeze the air burst out. dragon.

Suddenly, the ice dragon let out a dragon cry, opened its mouth and spewed out a gust of cold air, trying to freeze the fire dragon.

Naturally not to be outdone, the fire dragon stretched its hovering body, roared loudly, and shot out a ball of flames from its mouth.

The cold current and the hot air met in an instant, and immediately, a thick layer of fog filled the sky, covering the entire square and confusing everyone's eyes.

At this moment, Daoyi and Hanjiangfan both moved, and both attacked each other at their fastest speed.

"Ding!" There was a tinkling metal impact, and two beams of light burst out, one silver and one red, which looked extremely dazzling in the vast sky, and the permeating fog was dispelled in an instant.

When everyone saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned.The two stopped in the air, no more than five meters apart.The weapons in their hands clashed together, the blade of the sword against the blade of the spear, not giving in to each other.

High in the sky, Fire Dragon and Bing Leng were also facing each other, fighting inextricably, not giving in to each other.It can be said that they are evenly matched. For a while, it may be a little difficult to tell the winner.

But the battlefield situation is ever-changing, who knows what will happen in the next second?

"Blood blade!" Daoyi slashed out with his left palm, and a five-meter-long blood-colored sword light suddenly swept across the sky, cutting towards Han Jiangfan's head.

"Ice Sword!" Han Jiangfan swung his sword and blocked the light of the sword.

Daoyi sneered and said, "Not bad! But if this is all your strength, then you are dead."

Han Jiangfan was murderous and said, "You are the one who is going to die!"

"Wind has no phase!" Suddenly, Han Jiangfan transformed into another self, and with lightning speed, left and right, he suddenly attacked Daoyi.

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