Daoyi's face changed suddenly, and he was shocked. He didn't even have to dodge in a hurry, but he was hit in the chest by two phantoms.

"Pfft!" Daoyi spat out a big mouthful of blood, flew out like a kite with a broken string, and fell heavily on the square, even the hard floor tiles burst, and a long road appeared. cracks.

"Ahem!" Daoyi kept coughing while covering his chest, and blood gushed out of his mouth.

Han Jiangfan took advantage of the situation, and the three figures merged into one in an instant, and stabbed towards him with his sword.

Daoyi couldn't hold his breath for a while, and being powerless to resist, he had to back away hastily, but could he avoid it?

"Pfft!" A cold light stabbed out from Daoyi's chest, but no blood flowed out, because the blood had already been condensed into ice by the cold energy contained in the sword at the moment the Nihan Sword pierced it.

This point of morality had already been expected, and what frightened him was the direction of the sword.This sword did not penetrate his chest, but when the sword edge was less than one centimeter close to his chest, the Nihan Sword suddenly disappeared.But in an instant, the Nihan Sword stabbed out from his back again.

Han Jiangfan sneered and said, "How is it? I said I will kill you under the sword of Nihan, and I will never break my promise!"

"Feng Wuxiang! It's really powerful. I didn't expect you to learn other exercises." Daoyi praised without hesitation.

Han Jiangfan said proudly: "You are just stupid. You can abandon your Taoist unique knowledge and practice other skills, but I can't?"

Daoyi nodded and said: "Yes! I was really stupid enough, that's why I let you take advantage of it and was defeated by your sword."

"All of this is fate. You are destined to die in my hands. No one can change it. Just accept your fate!"

Daoyi shook his head and said, "No! I don't believe in fate, so I never accept fate. Because I believe that man will conquer nature!"

Han Jiangfan raised his head and laughed loudly: "Haha...how ridiculous! Now that your life is in my hands, you still think that man will conquer the sky, is it just a dream?"

"Really?" Daoyi asked back.

Han Jiangfan was startled suddenly, his expression changed slightly, and he said, "You...why haven't you been frozen yet?"

It was only then that Han Jiangfan realized that after such a long time, why nothing happened to Daoyi. It stands to reason that he should have been frozen by the cold long ago!But why not?

"An accident?" While speaking, Daoyi slammed back with his left hand. A huge palm light contained powerful energy, and in an instant, it hit the stunned Han Jiangfan.

"Pfft!" Han Jiangfan immediately sprinkled blood, and the man flew out, hitting the stone lion on the square, and the stone lion burst into countless pieces.

"How is it possible?" In front of the main hall, Hanshan Temple looked shocked, unable to believe that the scene in front of him was real.

Han Jiangxue's face became more dignified. She didn't expect Daoyi to be so tenacious, and she still had the strength to fight after being hit by the Nihan Sword.

Daoyi turned around abruptly, with a gleam of blood in his eyes, looking a little scary, and said coldly: "You have to hold on, my blood of revenge has just started to heat up, I don't want it to end so soon."

"You...you are not human!" Han Jiangfan said in horror.Because he already felt the monstrous bloody aura in Daoyi's body, as well as the rapidly rising aura, which made him feel terrified and afraid as if he was in hell.

Daoyi stared at Hanshan Temple in a blink of an eye, and said: "Hanshan Temple, how you treated my Taoists back then, today, I will repay ten times. I will definitely call you the Han family, and no one will be left behind!"

"Ah!" Immediately afterwards, Daoyi raised his head to the sky and let out a roar, and a huge momentum burst out. His hair was disheveled, his eyes were bloodshot, surrounded by evil spirits, and the flames of hell were more intense, as if he had come to hell Like a demon, it makes people tremble, shudder, and creepy.

"This...is this still human?"

"The devil from hell, he is the devil from hell!"

"It's such a terrifying bloody aura, how many people have to be killed to have such an evil aura!"

In the main hall, everyone was horrified, because they were standing outside the arena, almost breathless from the evil pressure.It is conceivable how much coercion Han Jiangfan has to bear on the battlefield.

"Impossible! How could it be... How come his strength has more than doubled in an instant, this is too..." Han Jiangxue, who has always been calm, can no longer calm down at this time, she showed panic The color, muttered to himself.

Hanshan Temple was frightened when he heard the words, and anxiously said: "What? Xue'er, did you read that right? His strength has really doubled or more?"

"From the perspective of breath and momentum, it should be!" Han Jiangxue nodded, and said, "I really don't know how he did it? Could it be that he has been hiding his strength?"

In fact, it is very simple. Daoyi reversed the meridians. This reversing of the meridians is the ultimate killer move in the "Ni Dao Jing", which can instantly increase the strength by more than double.

"This... Is today really the end of my Han family?" Hanshan Temple said to himself: "No! Never, I will never let the Han family's century-old foundation be ruined in my hands."

Hanshan Temple suddenly turned to look into the main hall, and said loudly: "Have you seen it? This person is not my nephew Daoyi at all, but a killer sent by the Demon Sect. For the sake of our righteousness in the world, this person must be killed." Killing here, please lend a helping hand. Please!"

The purpose of Hanshan Temple is very simple, that is to use crowd tactics to besiege Daoyi and consume his true energy, because only in this way can he keep himself and the Han family.

But his calculation was wrong, everyone heard the words, but you look at me, I look at you, no one responded, and no one came out to help.

Hanshan Temple's face twitched, and he snorted angrily: "You are still righteous people, so many people are still afraid of him alone? If anyone kills this person, my Han family will have a big thank you."

After everyone was silent for a while, one of them asked loudly: "Thank you so much! I don't know what Master Han is talking about, thank you so much?"

Hearing this sentence, a smile appeared on the corner of Hanshan Temple's mouth, because he knew that someone was already tempted, and he said loudly: "If anyone kills this person, I will hand over my Han family's "Xuanbing Jue" Send them off!"

"It's true!" Someone said with a heartbeat.

"I, Hanshan Temple, say that what I say is the same, so naturally I take it seriously!" Hanshan Temple said.

"Okay! Let's all go together, kill this demon, and help me to be on the right path!"

"Kill!" He was seriously injured, and a brave man was needed!It can be said that there was a hundred responses, and in a blink of an eye, 200 people rushed out of the hall, rushed forward, and killed Daoyi.

Hanshan Temple smiled treacherously, with this group of scapegoats, he will definitely consume a lot of moral energy, which will give him another chance of winning.

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