
The sun is setting, and the sunset is like blood!

The wind blows the leaves and shakes, rustling!

In the vast mountain, a young man covered in blood and holding a spear sat on a bluestone, panting heavily, as if he had experienced a life-and-death struggle.

"My god! After ten days and ten nights, I finally got out."

Naturally, this young man is righteous. He was killed in the Shura Pagoda for ten days and ten nights. I don't know how many people died in his hands.He only knew that there were corpses everywhere behind him, and the ground was dyed blood red.

When he rushed out, Shura Hell disappeared, and he was in this big mountain.Exhausted, he had no time to think about it, so he found a piece of bluestone and sat down, breathing the fresh air, absorbing the aura of nature, nourishing his body that was about to dry up.

"Are you my ancestor? Did you play with your offspring like this?" Daoyi was really skeptical. If he hadn't had enough willpower and endurance, he might have died in the Shura Tower.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the ground shook and the trees shook, like an earthquake, and the sound continued.

"What's the situation!" Daoyi turned his head and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a huge monster running towards it.

What came was a giant saber-toothed tiger with an unusually strong body. It was nearly four meters long and two meters high. The two sharp and hard saber teeth were [-] to [-] centimeters long. It was scary to look at. Panic.

Daoyi was stunned and said, "No way!"

Obviously, this big guy ran over after smelling the blood on his body.

Daoyi has also seen it from its bloodthirsty eyes, it has already regarded itself as a prey, as its dinner today.

"Old Ancestor! Are you trying to play me to death?" Daoyi cursed angrily, finally took a breath, and unexpectedly attracted this vicious big guy again.He is very suspicious now, whether his so-called ancestor did it on purpose, and specially placed the exit in this mountain full of ferocious beasts.

"Roar!" With a howl, the saber-toothed tiger flew up.

"What a fast speed!" Daoyi was startled and turned around to dodge.Although he avoided the two sharp claws, he was injured by the energy blade carried by the claws, leaving four long bloody gashes on his chest.

Still in shock, the saber-toothed tiger struck again, even faster than before, and in a blink of an eye, the huge sharp claws slapped on his chest.

"Bang!" Daoyi hurriedly put the spear in his hand across his chest to block the palm, but was still sent flying by the huge impact.It hit a tree, and immediately, the leaves fell to the ground.

Daoyi said angrily: "Damn! Don't let me seize the opportunity, or I will kill you, eat your flesh and drink your blood, and tear your bones apart!"

"Boom!" The saber-toothed tiger slapped another paw. If it weren't for Daoyi's quick flash, it might have been broken and smashed like the tree behind him.

"Roar!" The saber-toothed tiger let out a roar, as if it was angry, and its right paw kept stirring on the ground.

"Fart! You want to scare me? You're too young!" Daoyi said angrily.

"Hoo..." For a moment, there were shadows of tigers and shadows of blood.Chasing after one attack and one avoidance, a burst of gray smoke and fallen leaves were set off in the forest.

The "Flying Cloud Step" is really easy to use. If it weren't for this flexible and fast footwork, I might have died in the midst of thousands of troops.Now it is just right to deal with your big tiger.

A sneer appeared on Daoyi's face, and he said, "Run! Let's chase! When you get tired of chasing, your death will come soon."

Daoyi's idea is very simple, that is to use Feiyunbu to entangle with the saber-toothed tiger to consume its body and strength, and he himself also takes the opportunity to absorb the spiritual energy to accumulate energy at this time, and then give it a fatal blow.

The saber-toothed tiger's stamina was astonishing. After chasing for half an hour, there was still no sign of weakness.

No!It's so strong, and I can't bear it if I continue to consume it like this.Before you get tired, I'll get down.This is absolutely not possible, and it cannot continue to be wasted like this.Since there is no opportunity, then I will create an opportunity.

"Myriad Leaves Flywheel—Slash!"

Daoyi swung his five fingers violently, and suddenly, countless green leaves separated from the branches and flew towards him.A spinning impeller was formed, wrapping around his wrist.

With a twist of his wrist, he slashed down with his palm, and immediately, the leaves flew down at an extremely fast speed, directly grabbing the saber-toothed tiger's neck.

"Roar!" The saber-toothed tiger turned its head and opened its mouth to roar, like a lion's roar, sweeping all directions with violent energy.Under this roar, all the leaves were shattered.

Daoyi turned his wrist again, and the leaf infused with true energy, with a faint light shining, flew towards the saber-toothed tiger's ribs.

The saber-toothed tiger sensed the danger, but it couldn't resist it, so it could only run and dodge, flying left and right.But Feiye, controlled by morality, followed like a shadow, gnawing at it, which doubled his pressure and made him feel very unhappy.

"Roar!" With a roar, it flew towards Daoyi above the rock.

Daoyi's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile, "Good opportunity!"

Suddenly, Daoyi soared into the sky, holding the Soul Eater spear tightly with both hands, and flew down.

"Pfft!" Blood spattered!The saber-toothed tiger flying in the air couldn't control its body to dodge at all, and was stabbed in the head.

The saber-toothed tiger let out a wail, and fell to the ground.

"Hey...you're not dead yet!" Daoyi sneered joyfully.

"Bang!" Suddenly, the saber-toothed tiger with dark eyes burst into a flash of light, and its long and powerful tiger whip lashed at Daoyi's waist and ribs.

"Pfft!" Daoyi spurted out a mouthful of blood immediately, and the man flew out.

After the saber-toothed tiger made this blow, its eyes immediately dimmed, its breath disappeared, and it died completely.Obviously, this was its dying counterattack, but its careless morality hit its target, and it was sadly seriously injured.

With blood hanging from the corner of Daoyi's mouth, he wobbled up a tree and climbed up. Looking at the dead saber-toothed tiger, his eyes were filled with anger, and he said, "I want you to die without a whole body!"

Daoyi staggered to the saber-toothed tiger, pulled out the soul-devouring gun, drank the spurted blood, and replenished his energy and strength.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound suddenly, as if some big guy was rushing over again, the momentum was even louder than before.

Daoyi was stunned, and with a mournful face, he said angrily in a low voice: "Old Ancestor, I hate you!"

He didn't want to encounter the big guys again. With his current physical condition, if he encountered again, he would die without a place to bury him.Therefore, without even thinking about it, he picked a direction and ran away.

I don't know how long I have been fleeing, but a road finally appeared in front of me.At this time, his body's endurance had also reached its peak, and when he was about to escape from the forest, he suddenly fell down, lost consciousness, and fell into a coma.

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