When Daoyi woke up, he found himself lying on the bed.

Looking around in a blink of an eye, this is a simple, elegant and unique bamboo house.In the bamboo house, there is a beautiful figure with a graceful figure, holding a medicine pot and pouring medicine into a bowl.

Holding the medicine in both hands, the girl turned around suddenly. Seeing Daoyi sober, she was a little surprised and said, "You're awake!"

Daoyi nodded in a daze, because the fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl in front of him was really fresh and refined.That innocent little face, big watery eyes, slender fingers and delicate hands, all exude a kind of non-human temperament, just like a little fairy like a mortal fairy, making people obsessed and intoxicated.

"Come on! Drink the medicine!" The girl smiled and said in a whisper.

Daoyi took the potion and drank it down: "Little sister, you saved me?"

The girl shook her head and said, "It's not me! I was rescued by Grandpa. You have been in a coma for three days and three nights."

Daoyi said "Oh" and thanked him: Then thank you, grandpa, and thank you for taking care of me these days. "

The girl smiled sweetly and said, "You're welcome! My grandfather is a doctor, and he should treat diseases and save lives. By the way, my name is Yan Zitong! Brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Daoyi!"

"Daoyi! What a special name! By the way, Brother Dao, why did you go to the Beiling Mountains? I heard from my grandfather that there are many ferocious beasts there. They can eat people without spitting out their bones. It's terrifying." Yan Zitong said. Said with a terrified expression.

Seeing her expression, Daoyi couldn't help smiling, and said, "I'm lost, so I don't know how to get in. By the way, what is this place?"

Yan Zitong said: "Our place is called Zhuling Village. It is a small village in the south of Beizhou, and it belongs to Xin'an County."

Daoyi was astonished: "What? Beizhou, I actually came to Beizhou."

You must know that on this vast continent of five continents, it is divided into five major states, east, west, north, south, and central, and Daoyi's home is in Zhongzhou.This Zhongzhou has a vast territory, abundant species, and abundant resources. Compared with the other four states, it is much richer, so it is also called Shenzhou.Of course, it is precisely because of this that Shenzhou has become the target of the other four states. Therefore, the five major countries in the five states are constantly fighting and fighting endlessly.

Daoyi never expected that he would come to Beizhou, which is thirty thousand miles away.He didn't know if it was arranged by his father, or if the so-called ancestor did it on purpose.

But no matter what, no matter where he is, no matter how far away, the goal in his heart will not change, because revenge has become a firm belief in his heart.

Seeing Daoyi's strange expression, Yan Zitong asked, "Brother Dao, what's wrong with you?"

Daoyi showed his face and smiled: "It's okay! I just thought of some past events."

"Brother Dao, where does your family live? Do you want me to inform your family so that they don't worry about you. "

Daoyi shook his head and said, "No need! My home is in Shenzhou, you can't get there!"

Immediately afterwards, he said again: "No, I don't have a home anymore."

"Shenzhou, no home, what do you mean? I don't understand?" Yan Zitong shook his head in doubt.

Daoyi stood up suddenly and said, "Thank you for your care, and also say thank you to your grandfather for me."

With that said, he walked towards the outside of the bamboo house.

Yan Zitong was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Brother Dao, are you hurt? Where are you going?"

Daoyi turned around and said, "Thank you! I'm fine now, I'm going back to Shenzhou to do something that needs to be done."

Yan Zitong stepped forward to stop him and said, "No, you haven't healed yet, so I won't let you go."

However, can she stop it?

As soon as Daoyi used Feiyunbu, he bypassed her and appeared in the courtyard.

In fact, Daoyi's injuries have already healed, because after three days of self-cultivation, the true energy in his body has recovered by [-]-[-]%.Under the recuperation of the medicinal power, the skin trauma is almost healed.The rest of the pain is not an injury at all for a cultivator.

It's just that Yan Zitong didn't know this, she only knew that Daoyi had just woken up, and according to her common sense of medical theory, it would take some time to recuperate before she could recover and be discharged from the hospital.

At this moment, an old man with a medicine basket on his back walked into the yard. The old man had blue hair and silver threads, was dressed in plain clothes, with wrinkled skin, hands like dry sticks, slender as claws, and looked a little scary.But his eyes are extremely sharp and energetic, not like the eyes that an old man should have at all.

"Grandpa, Brother Dao has not fully recovered from his injuries, and he is about to leave. Please persuade him quickly." Yan Zitong hurried over and said.

Elder Yan looked at Daoyi and said, "Are you leaving now?"

Daoyi nodded and said: "Yes! Thank you for saving your life. If I am alive, Daoyi will be rewarded!"

Hearing this, Yan Zitong was startled, and a worried expression appeared on his face.

After looking into Daoyi's eyes for a long time, Mr. Yan said: "I don't know what kind of hatred you have, but I want to advise you, let go of what you can let go! This is for you, for him , good to everyone!"

Daoyi said: "I appreciate it! But I can't let it go, because the blood debt must be repaid with blood. Farewell!"

Seeing that Daoyi insisted on leaving, Yan Zitong quickly shook Old Yan's hand and said coquettishly, "Grandpa..."

Elder Yan rolled his eyes at Yan Zitong, but continued to persuade him helplessly, "Why are you so persistent?"

"Everyone will have something he is obsessed with!"

"That depends on whether this thing is worth pursuing!"

"It's worth it!" Daoyi said firmly.

Old Yan shook his head and sighed, "It seems that I can't talk to you anymore!"

Because he already knew the firm and unshakable attachment to revenge in his heart from Daoyi's eyes and tone of voice, and it was impossible to persuade him to change him.

"Zi Tong, Mr. Yan! Goodbye!" Daoyi strode towards the outside of the courtyard.

Yan Zitong pouted and said, "Grandpa..."

Old Yan sighed: "Hey! Let him go! He doesn't belong here, and staying here will only bring disaster to us. Maybe his path is already doomed and cannot be changed!"

"Grandpa, will Brother Dao die?" Yan Zitong was worried.

Old Yan looked at Daoyi's back and shook his head: "I don't know! Maybe? Maybe not?"

Yan Zitong was a little helpless, and suddenly shouted loudly: "Brother Dao, you must live well, and you must come back to see me!"

Daoyi turned his head, smiled, and responded, "Okay! As long as I don't die, I will definitely come back to see you!"

Yan Zitong laughed and said, "It's a deal! You can't lie to me!"

"Don't worry, I won't lie to you!"

Although Daoyi said so on his lips, he was very uncertain in his heart.Because the road ahead is full of unknown dangers, he doesn't know if he can survive.

Hanshan Temple, wash your neck and wait!

Han Jiangxue, I want you to kneel in front of me and beg me bitterly!

The fire of moral vengeance has intensified in his heart, and there is nothing that can stop him from embarking on the road of revenge.

But what will be waiting for him in front of him?

Is it a contest of life and death?Or a journey of fate?Or is it the end of fate?

Now everything is still a mystery, no one can predict it, let alone control it, there are only unknowns!

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