That night!

There is no star or moon, the night is hazy, and the insects are noisy among the dead leaves, which adds a bit of vitality to this bleak forest.

Daoyi sat in front of a bonfire, grilling his dinner—two hares!

Daoyi has not known the taste of meat for more than seven years. Smelling the fragrant, oily, golden hare, his mouth is watering, and he swallows it non-stop.'s finally good!

Just as Daoyi was about to speak, a figure suddenly appeared in the darkness. This person was carrying a square wooden box on his chest. Although his movement was light and agile, he seemed to have injured his legs and feet, and his movements were a little slow.He glanced at Daoyi with a pale complexion, surprised.Suddenly, he stopped and knelt down straight facing Daoyi.

Daoyi was slightly taken aback, what is this for?Even if you have something to ask, you don't need to do such a great gift!

Suddenly, three more black shadows flew over, forming a triangle, surrounding Daoyi and the man just now.

Daoyi glanced around in a blink of an eye, and found that two of the three had entered the realm of congenital masters, and the remaining one was not bad, and had already reached the ninth level of martial arts, and was just one step away from entering the realm of congenital masters. .

As for the middle-aged man kneeling in front of him, his cultivation had reached the innate level, and his Yuan Ling was extremely abundant, which seemed unusual, but he was stronger than any of the three of them.

At the same time, the three of them also looked at Daoyi, and there was a trace of strangeness on their faces, because they had seen that Daoyi's cultivation was in the early stage of the innate realm (of course this was the result of the suppression of Daoyi).The three of them were a little cautious, worried that Daoyi would intervene. Once the two of them joined forces, it would be a big trouble for the three of them.

The three of them looked at each other quickly, as if they had reached some kind of consensus.

"He Lianfei, you can't run away. Hand over your things, and I'll spare your life!" The older of the three, who was also the one with the strongest cultivation, said coldly, waving a knife.

"You bandits, don't bully people too much!" the middle-aged man called He Lianfei said angrily.

Then he turned his eyes to Daoyi and said, "Little brother, please help me, help..."

One person hurriedly interrupted: "Little brother, this is none of your business, I hope you don't get into this muddy water."

Daoyi just grinned, said nothing, and gnawed the hare in his hand.As the man said, it wasn't his business at all.He didn't need to push himself into a dangerous situation for an irrelevant person.

The three of them expressed their satisfaction and happiness when they saw Daoyi's high-spirited state.

They were happy, but Helian Fei was not happy.Because if he wanted to survive, he had to pull the young man in front of him, otherwise he would have to die.Therefore, he will not give up.

"Little brother, the three of them are thieves, heinous scum, not only killed my family and servants, but also robbed me of my treasures. Please help me, please?" He Lianfei cried face, pleading bitterly.

A trace of sympathy flashed across Daoyi's face, because the experience he said was very similar to his. Hanshan Temple killed his entire family just to seize his family's ancestral treasures.Nowadays, when he meets people who are in the same sickness, he will inevitably have some compassion in his heart.

Although it was only fleeting, it could not escape the eyes of He Lianfei, nor could it escape the keen observation of the three of them.You must know that these people are all masters of observing words and expressions. If they don't even have the most basic ability in this cannibalistic world, then it is impossible for them to live to this day.

"He Lianfei, don't slander us here! This thing originally belonged to us, but you took it away by improper means. Now you are still biting back, you are really good!"

"What nonsense are you talking to him! Kill him, take the things and leave!"

A cold light flashed, and a murderous air spread, and the atmosphere suddenly became oppressive, making people breathless.

The biting murderous aura made He Lianfei's heart tremble.He suddenly flew up, hugged Daoyi's leg, and begged: "Little brother, I beg you, please help me! Help me, please? There will be rich rewards in the future!"

The three of them were taken aback, they never thought that He Lianfei would be so shameless, he would just kneel down, and now he is still begging for help.I've seen shameless people, but I've never seen anyone as shameless as him.

At the same time, the three of them were quite worried, worried that Daoyi would help He Lianfei.Because facing such a pleading from a person, as long as you are not a hard-hearted person, I think you will be moved with compassion!And through their observation of morality just now, they already know that he is not a hard-hearted person, so their worries are very reasonable.

In fact, it's not that Daoyi doesn't want to help Helianfei, but he doesn't understand the situation at all.I don't know who is telling the truth and who is telling the truth?So it is difficult for him to make a move, and more importantly, he is afraid of helping the wrong person.

Seeing Daoyi's dull expression, the three of them looked at each other. Suddenly, they swung their knives and attacked fiercely.Because they wanted to get rid of He Lianfei before morality made up his mind, so that there would be no accidents.

Three sharp sword auras aimed straight at Helianfei's waist, back and neck, cutting off his escape route and threatening to kill him.

Seeing the situation, He Lianfei hurriedly circulated the zhenqi in his body, and in an instant, an invisible stellar qi spread to his back, blocking the three attacks of knife qi. "Innate Gang Qi!" The three of them were slightly startled.

Xiantian Gang Qi is the symbol of the middle Xiantian stage. It is an extremely strong and tough Gang Qi that can only be condensed after transforming the true Qi in the body into Xiantian Qi. It is the best shield used to defend the body.

"Little brother, you have also seen that they are so eager to kill me, just to kill me. Can't you tell the difference?" He Lianfei continued to fight.

Daoyi also realized that if He Lianfei hadn't been injured, these three people might not be his opponents at all.What does this show?It shows that He Lianfei was very likely to be injured because he fell into the trap of these three people.Looking at the attitudes of both sides, as well as the words and expressions, he has a preliminary distinction in his heart.

"Hmph! He Lianfei, just give up! This little brother is a smart person, and he won't be fooled by you."

"That's right! Don't cry about your father and mother here, prepare to die!"

The three of them pressed forward step by step, with a domineering momentum.But He Lianfei still clings to Daoyi's legs and never gives up.Because this is his last chance!

However, at this time, Daoyi had already made a decision in his heart.Because he has already used his extremely keen senses to get the answer he wanted to know by sensing the heartbeat rhythm and emotional fluctuations of the four people.

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