Mr. Gu, Madam is on the hot search again.

Chapter 126 Where’s the Look at Me Laughing chapter?

Chapter 126 Are you kidding me?
Ye Zhenzhen didn't look at him and turned away.

Gu Qi came in, his eyes on her from beginning to end, and said with a smile: "Mr. Ye, I haven't seen you for a few months, you look much better."

"That's right, these days I often ask my servants to take me out for a walk."

After the two exchanged pleasantries, Ye Minglang asked people to sit down.

Gu Qi did not respond, but looked at Ye Zhenzhen: "Mr. Ye, I have already sat down. It's not good for Miss Ye to stand here. How about letting her sit down too."

Ye Minglang glanced at Ye Zhenzhen and snorted: "If you want to sit down after leaving such a big disaster, just let her stand and show her a straight face."

Ye Zhenzhen's face was darker than a pot of coal at this moment, and the look he looked at Gu Qi was even more resentful, like a vigilant wolf.

"Miss Ye does have a bad temper, but I don't think she did it intentionally. No matter what she did wrong, it is still the Ye family's family matter. If she is allowed to stand here, how about I avoid it first?"

Ye Minglang was about to say no.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhenzhen choked at this time: "Gu Qi, don't pretend to be compassionate here. I don't need you to be a lobbyist here. Who are you pretending to be?"

"Do I not know what kind of person you are? I don't know who taught you. It must be your mother, the mistress."

She looked at Gu Qi provocatively, but this move completely angered Ye Minglang.

You saw him getting up, holding his crutches, and you came over in a few steps and slapped Ye Zhenzhen directly on the face.


A crisp sound.

There was a silent silence throughout the living room.

Gu Qi's eyes darkened and he looked at Ye Zhenzhen.

The servant on the side lowered his head, not daring to make any move.

"Why do you hit me?" Ye Zhenzhen shouted. Ye Minglang had never touched her since she became an adult.

When Ye Minglang heard this, his face became even more ugly, and his tone was filled with gritted anger, "What's wrong with me beating you? Who allowed you to talk nonsense!"

Ye Zhenzhen laughed sarcastically, "Where am I talking nonsense? Isn't her mother a psychopath? Gu Qi is not her son. You may have forgotten that neurosis is hereditary."

"shut up!"

Ye Minglang was furious, but the corner of his eye accidentally turned to Gu Qi who came to the side without knowing when.

Angry in his heart, he slapped Ye Zhenzhen again with his backhand.

"If you can't speak, just go upstairs and don't be embarrassed here!"

Ye Zhenzhen hissed, and waves of tingling gradually appeared on his face. He touched his cheek unconsciously with his hand, and tears rolled in his eyes, "You..."

Ye Minglang glanced at Ye Zhenzhen impatiently and saw that she was sitting on the ground in a very embarrassed manner, with the messy hair hanging down from her forehead, covering one of her eyes.

The other eye glared viciously at Gu Qi on the side, as if he wanted to cut him into pieces with a thousand knives.

"Gu Qi, are you coming to my house to see my jokes? Why don't you get out of here quickly? This is the Ye family, not the Gu family."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Minglang slapped him again.

Hearing the noise, Ye Mu from upstairs hurried downstairs, still wearing slippers under her feet. Her movements were so eager that she almost slipped in the air.

"What happened? Why did you hit someone?"

She hurriedly protected Ye Zhenzhen behind her.

She was taking a nap just now and didn't hear anything going on downstairs. She didn't know what happened downstairs until the servant came to wake her up.

Seeing Ye Zhenzhen being beaten, she felt distressed and her words became urgent. "Look at what the daughter you taught said. She learned her current nature from you, these useless things." Ye Minglang didn't care about his mother's face and scolded him.

Ye Zhenzhen felt angry in her heart, and she attributed the source of the anger to Gu Qi. If it weren't for him, things wouldn't have developed to this situation.

She looked at Gu Qi and said coldly: "Have you seen enough excitement?"

There was anger and hatred in Ye Zhenzhen's eyes. He recalled that when the two first met, Gu Qi's gentle and considerate look was completely different from what he looked like now.

Ye Minglang frowned, and the restlessness in his heart was rushing around, "Shut up, what are you doing? Do you know what politeness is? How did you talk to Gu Qi? Get out of here!"

Ye Zhenzhen's eyes were full of dissatisfaction, "I won't get out, this is my home, why should I leave if he is here."

Hearing this, Mingming frowned even more and opened his mouth, just about to speak.

But suddenly there was a tick and the door opened.

"Dad, you are all here..." Before he finished speaking, Father Ye let out a surprised sound, "Zhenzhen, why are you on the ground with this face..."

At that time, he was holding a doll in his hand.

Ye Dawen's woman, the only grandchild of the Ye family.

Seeing that her father Ye was back, Ye's mother hurriedly stepped forward and walked over with tears in her eyes, "Ah Xuan, you are finally back. My daughter was almost beaten to death by my father, but fortunately you are back."

When Ye Xuanzha heard this, he said, "What!"

It was very incredible to look at Ye Minglang.

Ye Minglang didn't answer.

Ye Xuan pursed his lips in silence. After staring for a few seconds, he looked away and looked at the bright slap marks on Ye Zhenzhen's face. He felt depressed in his heart, as if there was a stone pressing down on him.

He opened his chapped lips and said, "Dad, what did she do to make you do this to her?"

Thinking of Ye Zhenzhen's words that humiliated Gu Qi, Ye Minglang didn't know what to say for a moment. Gu Qi was here, and he couldn't say it either.

After all, this is a matter of stabbing people in the spine. The heritability of mental illness is certainly possible, but Gu Qi is obviously fine and does not look like he is mentally ill. Ye Zhenzhen just said it, and this is a beating.

Thinking of this, the look in Ye Minglang's eyes became even harsher.

"Your daughter said some nonsense. I spanked her just to teach her a lesson and tell her to control her mouth in the future."

Ye Xuanrou frowned, and the memories of Ye Zhenzhen's previous feats gradually emerged in his mind. He was indeed bold and unabashed.

Thinking about it, he not only sighed helplessly, "Then Dad shouldn't have been so harsh. Look at his face, it's swollen."

Father Ye stepped forward to help Ye Zhenzhen up, and then looked at Gu Qi helplessly: "Gu Qi is here too. It's really a joke for you. My dad has a bad temper."

When Old Man Ye heard Ye's father's words of defense, he snorted and glanced at Ye Zhenzhen's red and swollen face again. He seemed to feel that he had acted harshly, and his face was a little unnatural, but he said so.

"It should be hit!"

"Don't make any noise." The voice was milky.

Gu Qi followed the sound and turned his head to look. There was a girl standing at the door.

The girl's round, almond-shaped face was full of shock, her clear watery eyes were wide open, and her peach-like mouth was slightly opened.

Even with such an exaggerated expression, she is still so beautiful and moving.

If you look carefully, you can tell that it is Ye Zhenzhen.

(End of this chapter)

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