Chapter 127 No kidding?

Ye Meimei looked at Ye Zhenzhen intently, but cried when she met Ye Zhen's eyes.

She cried loudly: "Why is aunt crying?"

The female doll's appearance is really too good, especially the bright and dark eyes. If you look carefully, you can see a few traces of Xu Meng.

Ye Zhenzhen felt ashamed and annoyed because everyone was laughing at her. Knowing that Gu Qi had been watching, she felt as if her clothes had been stripped off. She was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole in the ground to crawl in.

Seeing the chaos in the Ye family, Gu Qi should have left at this time.

He did not move, facing Ye Zhenzhen's angry gaze, and only listened to him say: "Mr. Ye, don't be angry. I came to Ye's house today just to discuss matters about Lang Yue and the Ye Group."

Hearing this, Ye Mingliang's eyes lit up: "You mean that Lang Yue will continue to cooperate with our night market group?"

"I can't guarantee this. Long Yue is not my thing."

Everyone knew that Gu Yucai was partial to his youngest son.

Lang Yue will definitely belong to Gu Yuan in the future.

As for Gu Qi, all he holds in his hands is the excellence he brought with him.

Ye Minglang was a little disappointed, and he frowned unabashedly: "Then what do you mean?"

"Excellent is willing to cooperate with the Ye family."

"But it won't do you any good."

Joyo is now getting stronger and stronger, and there is a trend that it can be put together with Langyue, but after all, Langyue has accumulated nearly many years of accumulation, which is not comparable to a new type of company like Joyo.

There are still many uncertainties in excellence. One wrong step may cause the company to lose money. The result is that the company will stop moving forward, and there may even be an economic crisis.

Especially since Zhuo Zhuo had just won the Xiushui tender, leading the Ye family at this time was tantamount to causing a drag on himself.

"It's really not beneficial, but I also have conditions."

"What conditions?" Ye Minglang was very curious. There shouldn't be anything in the Ye family that was worth Gu Qi's risk.

"It depends on Miss Ye herself."

Everyone was stunned and suddenly understood.

As a person involved, Ye Zhenzhen was even more terrified: "What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Miss Ye, don't you understand? If the group cooperates with Zhuozhou and becomes an in-law, if Zhuozhou has a piece of the pie in the future, it will naturally be given to the Ye family."

Gu Qi stared at Ye Zhenzhen, with seriousness in his eyes that could not be ignored.

When Ye Zhenzhen usually sees him, he looks like a gentle and elegant person, but in fact the smiles on his face are all fake. Ye Zhenzhen has seen his true face and knows that the kindness shown by this man is all fake.

In fact, he was already rotten to the core, and he was a rotten person who couldn't get any more rotten.

It's just that the seriousness in his eyes didn't seem fake at that moment.

Ye Zhenzhen understood that he really wanted to marry herself.

But she still has Gu Yuan in her heart, and she will definitely not agree to Gu Qi.

But she has brains. If she refutes at this time, not only will the Ye family be saved, but he will also be beaten to death by Ye Minglang.

She stared at those eyes and suddenly smiled: "Okay, I can't just marry casually. After all, I am a person who wants to live a lifetime."

"So what does Miss Ye mean?"

"Let's make boyfriend and girlfriend first, and then we can get the certificate when the time is right."

"Miss Ye, this is putting me in a difficult position. If we are just a boyfriend and girlfriend, and I help the Ye family with the key, wouldn't I be in a big loss if I don't get the key?" "Gu Qi, I only have this request. It depends on your answer. No." Her expression was very firm. As long as Gu Qi said no, she would immediately overturn everything she had just said.

Not to mention being boyfriend and girlfriend with Gu Qi, she felt uncomfortable and disgusted when she saw the past.

Although Ye Minglang wanted to save the Ye family, he didn't want Ye Zhenzhen to marry casually like this.

"Gu Qi, what do you think of Zhenzhen's proposal? If you feel it's a loss, how about this? If I really don't marry you then, how about the Ye family giving you 5% of the shares?"

If this family loses Lang Yue, it will probably come to an end in a few years.

So these 5% shares are not a loss.

Facing everyone's gaze, Gu Qi only stared at Ye Zhenzhen.

I saw him relax and then smile: "Okay!"

The matter was decided like this. Ye Zhenzhen was still a little erratic, but he became Gu Qi's girlfriend without knowing it?

When Chi Yu returned to Beijing, she did not go to see Gu Yuan immediately, but went back to the company first.

By this time Xiaofei and Xiaoya had returned.

In the dressing room, several people laughed and laughed.

Xiaoya gestured with the clothes and nodded, "Ah, yes, yes, you are right. I also think this dress is more suitable, Yu."

On weekdays, as long as they are with Xiaofei Xiaoya, the two of them will have inexplicable arguments with her.

But at this time, Xiaoya actually didn't attack Ah Fei. Fang Zishu was shocked and asked in disbelief:

"What's wrong with you? Has your marriage and family status changed?"

"No, I just feel that things are different before and after marriage. He and I are a family now, and we can't be as willful as before."

Fang Zishu's pupils suddenly widened in shock, and his eyes were spinning in panic.

He raised his chin with feigned disdain and snorted coldly at Xiaoya, "Be normal, this makes me dare not admit it. Isn't this marriage a huge shock? You could say this before If so."

Xiaofei and Xiaoya were enemies before, but Xiaoya never let Xiaofei speak.

Xiaoya was ashamed and annoyed, her face turned green for a while, then white for a while, and finally remained green, "No."

Fang Zishu suppressed a smile, and the facial features on his face wrinkled up. He looked ferocious for a moment. The more he looked at Xiaoya, the more he felt something was wrong.

"Forget it, I won't ask any more questions. You are all in pairs when it comes to newlyweds. I, a single person, don't understand."

After saying this, Chi Yu couldn't help but laugh twice, until her stomach hurt slightly from laughing and she held her stomach.

After laughing, he remembered to ask: "How are you and Lin Hetao? You haven't been together for so long. Didn't you say last time that there was only one layer of window paper missing? It hasn't been pierced yet, so annoying?"

The last time I talked about this matter, it was after the New Year.

It's been so long, and Chi Yu hasn't heard anything about Lin Hetao and Fang Zishu.

Speaking of this, Fang Zishu was speechless at night.

"Is it me who is complaining? It's obviously him who is complaining. Is it possible that a girl like me should say such things?"

Xiaoya agreed: "Yes, both parties know their feelings. The man doesn't want to say it, so he has to wait for the girl to say it."

Chi Yu nodded: "That's right. I don't think Lin Tezhu is a stupid person. Isn't he still clear about this kind of thing?"

Fang Zishu: "It would be great if Mr. Gu took the initiative. It would be great to look after Mr. Gu. I know you are back and I just sent someone to deliver food."

(End of this chapter)

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