The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 103: Sun Jing did not accept the responsibility, but Huo Simiao, the great doctor, was since

Chapter 103: Sun Jing did not accept the responsibility, but Huo Simiao, the great doctor, was sincere!

"Doctor Sun..."

Huang Jingjing looked hurt by this attitude.

no way.

With a licking dog like Huo Simiao still smiling playfully even after being slapped three times, Sun Jing's attitude of ignoring her was even more unacceptable.

But under Sun Jing's calm gaze, she said nothing more, just apologized sadly and left.


Lin Wanyu gave Sun Jing a thumbs up.

Hu Yifei, who was sitting in a wheelchair, tried her best to hold back her smile without losing her composure.

Usually she only sees Sun Jing ruthlessly attacking her.

She was still dazed and angry.

Now watching Sun Jing quarrel with other's so cool, isn't it?
Just be so ruthless!

The more ruthless the better!

"Sun Jing, are you going too far?" Zeng Xiaoxian, the Boiling Sheep, suddenly couldn't bear it anymore and started to persuade him.

"A beautiful girl wants to see a doctor for her mother. There is no need to be so strict."

"Teacher Zeng, you don't understand." Sun Jing glanced at him.

"..." Zeng Xiaoxian's face froze, and in his mind, he was clutching his chest and filled with grief and anger.

What do you mean he doesn't understand?
What does he not understand?
What does Sun Jing mean?

Why do you say you don't understand?

Is it...

Absolutely impossible!
When I think about Sun Jing being a miracle doctor, maybe I can really see that he is handsome, has a successful career, and should have everything he wants, but he is still a virgin...

No matter how sad and angry he was, he didn't dare to say anything.


It must be so.

Otherwise, why would Sun Jing conclude that he didn't know how to treat beautiful girls correctly?
"Do whatever Dr. Sun says. He must know best!"

Chen Meijia once again crossed her hands under her chin, unable to help but look like a nymphomaniac.

no way!
She is such a nympho.

There is no right or wrong, only appearance!
Many people in Renhua Hospital who had seen Zou Yu couldn't help but say that she and Sun Jing were the golden couple, the most suitable couple.

Therefore, from Zou Yu's appearance level, we can roughly infer Sun Jing's appearance level.

Such Sun Jing, in the eyes of a nymphomaniac like Chen Meijia, is the embodiment of absolute justice!
"Okay, it's getting late. Let's go back to our homes and find our mothers." Sun Jing said with a smile, "When Zhanbo is discharged from the hospital tomorrow, we will get together in the love apartment."


"Forbidden good!"

Everyone in the love apartment here is getting familiar with each other, and the atmosphere is festive.


Huang Jingjing, who was rejected by Sun Jing, held the film gloomily and didn't even come back to her senses even after returning to the ward.

And this expression directly frightened her mother, who said in a trembling voice: "Jingjing..."

"Mom!" Huang Jingjing was called back to her senses. When she saw her mother's expression, she quickly explained that her condition was not serious.

But her mother didn't believe it, she just thought she was trying to fool herself.

It wasn't until Huang Jingjing explained the cause and effect of her expression that Huang Jingjing's mother let go of the hand holding her head and got out of the dizzy state.

"You kid! Why don't you listen? Didn't you tell me not to go to that young man?"

"Mom, I asked again, Dr. Sun is really amazing!"

Sun Jing's face flashed through Huang Jingjing's mind. Even if she was treated like this, it was still difficult to feel bad.

"You! You still don't understand!" Huang Jingjing's mother looked at her daughter and shook her head: "You are simply confused by his face!

Do you still remember how I evaluated him to you before?
This incident once again verified my view!

Nowadays, many young people have just joined the job and have no time to study their skills. They just mess around all day long and follow the rules. They have no courage and spirit to pioneer and innovate.

But this is treating illnesses and saving lives.

If you don't seek merit, you are letting many patients who should not die and whose quality of life is so poor die, but their quality of life is very poor!
I have long heard that many young doctors are the same as the young people in our unit. They do not learn skills, but only study interpersonal relationships, learn conversational skills, and think about making money.

I didn't understand anything, so I just gave him various checklists regardless, and asked him to do all the tests he could.

If the problem still cannot be found, the patient will not delve into the cause of the disease, but will directly refer the patient to another doctor, or may be discharged as a gift and asked to go to another major hospital.

This Dr. Sun is a typical example!
He is a close relative of Dean Fu. He occupies a high position that he should not occupy at a young age, but he has no real ability despite his reputation.

Now I need to make a decision when I encounter something.

Of course he would not answer the questions if he could, and repeat other doctors' diagnoses if he could.

He will never consider the actual needs of our patients for quality of life whether he can prescribe surgery or not, he just won't prescribe it.

It’s also called prudent practice!
Anyway, if you don't take responsibility, that's it.He was so irresponsible and did nothing, but it was easy. There was absolutely nothing wrong with him.

But if we really listen to his words, if pain or even blindness occurs again in the future, or benign tumors develop, we will be the unlucky ones in the end. "

"Dr. Sun is probably not the kind of person you said." Huang Jingjing advised.

"I think you were confused by his face!" Seeing that her daughter was disobedient, Huang Jingjing's mother said angrily: "It's your mother now. I'm sick and need a doctor's treatment!"
It doesn’t matter how handsome his face is!
You have to rely on backbone elites like Dr. Huo!
Dr. Huo, this young man, is quite decent. "

"Pfft!" When Huang Jingjing heard this, she couldn't hold back and burst out laughing.

Huo Simiao, decent?
She felt like she was hallucinating.

But these words came from her mother's mouth.

She used to think her mother was very amazing;
Although she didn't want to be a civil servant, she always regarded her mother as her idol in her heart. She felt that her social experience and vision were really great...until she came to her 'professional' field.

It turns out that my mother is not as powerful as she thought!

Even Huo Simiao could get it completely wrong.

This thought flashed through her mind and she quickly killed it, not wanting to think about it any more.

"Why are you laughing?" Huang Jingjing's mother frowned, not liking her daughter's attitude: "Do you think what mom said is wrong?"

After Huang Jingjing shook her head repeatedly in assurance, Huang Jingjing's mother continued to introduce her successful and mature social experience as a leader.

“Dr. Huo also cares about people!
Help me arrange this and check that!
I heard that his father is still the director of the Health Bureau~"

Speaking of this, Huang Jingjing’s mother couldn’t help but show the kindest smile: “I believe Dr. Huo!
He has a truly kind heart worthy of being called a doctor!
Do you know that there was a doctor named Sun Simiao in ancient times?
He wrote a book called "The Great Doctor's Sincerity".

This kid really kind of inherited the spirit of the doctors of that era!
He has a bright future~"

"..." Huang Jingjing was speechless about her mother's kind and friendly attitude towards Huo Simiao as if she were her nephew.

If there is no Sun Jing as a comparison.

She would nod confusedly.

I think what my mother said is quite right.

But with the obvious comparison of Sun Jing, these words sounded strange.

After her brain stalled for a while, she finally figured out what was weird and asked the key question carefully.

"Mom, the reason why you are disgusted with Dr. Sun is that he is a close relative of Dean Fu, so you are not afraid that Huo Simiao is a bigger connected..."

"..." Huang Jingjing's mother's smile faltered, and she glared at her daughter, who had no eyesight at all. She was ashamed and annoyed, but she also hated the fact that iron cannot be transformed into steel.

"At the beginning, I was strongly opposed to you becoming an actor. It would be better to take the civil service exam and be safe and secure.

But now I can see it.

You are indeed not suitable for the mixed system.

You are so ignorant of the ways of the world!
Blame us too!
Ever since I was little, I have loved you so much!
Just remember that your mother eats more salt than you eat rice.

Mom can tell who they are and who they are.

Leave it alone!

I have the final say on my condition!
It’s Dr. Huo!
Let him perform the operation on me, I will rest assured! "

"Mom!" Huang Jingjing persuaded with a smile: "Of course you still have the final say in matters at home, but I don't think you need to be anxious.

Surgery is not impossible.

But we can wait and see. "

"Why wait?" Huang Jingjing's mother scolded: "It's not you who feels uncomfortable, right?
What if I become blind and sick while waiting, can you help me bear the pain? "

Seeing that Huang Jingjing had nothing to say, Huang Jingjing's mother skillfully made a leadership gesture.

"That's it! Dr. Huo said sincerely that he has been doing this kind of surgery for ten years, and there has never been a single case of failure!
Do it early and relax early!If he delays it any longer, it will hurt his sincerity, and after a while he won't want to do it anymore.

Where can I find such a great and sincere doctor to operate on me? "

Sun Jing didn't know what Huang Jingjing's mother said about "I don't care about Sun Jing, but Huo Simiao, a great doctor, is sincere."

Otherwise, it will definitely not look good.

It's not because it's disdainful to say that he doesn't take responsibility.

It's because Huang Jingjing's mother has tarnished the four words of great doctor sincerity!

In his impression, only a very small number of doctors deserve this evaluation.

These four words not only represent the pinnacle of medical skills, but also represent medical ethics that are profound and moving.

Not to mention Huo Simiao, even Sun Jing himself barely reached half the standard.

Sun Jing thought that he would never be able to reach such a high level of medical ethics in the second half.

Sun Jing, who has a systematic future that will inevitably live forever, the eternity in his heart is eternity in the literal sense.

You can imagine the weight of these four words!
It's so funny!

Not surprising though.

Huang Jingjing's mother completely said all the key words that she really valued.

(End of this chapter)

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