The movie miracle doctor starts from the love apartment

Chapter 104 Xiao Zou Yu rushes towards me!

Chapter 104 Xiao Zou Yu rushes towards me!

The night passed.

The incident at the wedding of Wang Tiezhu and Tian Erniu is finally over.

At Hu Yifei's urging, Sun Jing took a good look at Lu Zhanbo again.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, he drove the siblings back to the love apartment.

Along the way, Hu Yifei couldn't stop nagging Lu Zhanbo, telling him this and that, not allowed this and not allowed that.

Lu Zhanbo could only turn his head and agree respectfully, constantly signaling Sun Jing to help him with his eyes.

But Sun Jing just smiled: "Zhan Bo, listen carefully, this is good for you.

Believe me, I have seen many geniuses like you.

Without family members like your sister who care about everything and advise them on everything, many people like you would never survive to adulthood. "

"Did you hear that?" Hu Yifei raised her chin happily when she heard Sun Jing agree with her.

"It's useless to make any more faces! I am the sister who takes care of you, not the brother who is being taken care of by you!"

"I wish you were my brother..." Lu Zhanbo muttered softly.

"What did you say?!" Hu Yifei's tone was dangerous.

"It's nothing." Lu Zhanbo quickly shook his head with a smile.

He became more and more sure of Sun Jing's judgment. It was indeed because of his strong elder sister that he imagined such a brother who needed to be saved.

But he is so envious of Lin Yi's life in the 'parallel world'...

Back in 3601, Lin Wanyu was still awake.

Beauty sleep for the rich young lady must be ensured.

Hu Yifei pushed Lu Zhanbo in a wheelchair and directed him to move into 3601.

This silly brother of mine must be more careful in the future, otherwise he will suddenly disappear one day.

The movements are not big, but Hu Yifei's voice is loud.

Lin Wanyu rubbed her eyes and came down from the second floor with a high partition, complaining: "Feifei, why don't you take a rest?"

"I would like to rest more, but how can I sleep well with you guys like me?" Hu Yifei said angrily.

"They're all here! I just happened to buy breakfast, big buns stuffed with chives! Come over and eat together!" While they were chatting, Zeng Xiaoxian walked in carrying breakfast.

"I won't eat it." Sun Jing smiled and waved his hand when Teacher Zeng handed it over: "Yifei is still injured."

"What does Feifei's injury have to do with you not eating steamed buns?"

Lin Wanyu was in need of free breakfast, so she happily took it, took a bite, and then blinked at Sun Jing curiously with her big beautiful eyes.

"Yes." Lu Zhanbo also looked over strangely.

"Children, don't pry!" Hu Yifei immediately understood and scolded with a red face.

"Child?" Lin Wanyu was just curious before, but seeing Hu Yifei like this, her eyes immediately became strange, and she looked back and forth between Sun Jing and Hu Yifei from time to time.

Zeng Xiaoxian's expression was even more exciting.

He checked it out and learned about the effects of leeks.

But he still bought it...

"Zhanbo is moving in?" Zeng Xiaoxian forced a smile and changed the subject: "Wanyu, where are you and Meijia?
As the Vice Chairman of the Residential Council, I have good news for you.

3602 next door happens to be vacant. If you want to move in, I can help you. "

"That's great, thank you, Teacher Zeng!" Lin Wanyu said gratefully.

"You're welcome!" Zeng Xiaoxian was very embarrassed: "Who made me the vice chairman!"

"I still have to thank you!" Hu Yifei interrupted: "If Wanyu and Meijia are determined to live here, then they can simply move in and live with us."

"This can't work. We only have two empty rooms here." Zeng Xiaoxian immediately questioned: "Do we really want Wanyu and Meijia to live together~"

At this point, his eyebrows began to jump wildly, and his expression began to become serious, showing an expression that all men understand.

"What are you thinking in your pig head?" Hu Yifei scolded: "I mean me, Zhanbo, Wanyu, and Meijia, there are exactly four of us, each with a room!

You move next door to 3602!

Anyway, you used to live next door to Tie Zhu! "

"Why?" Zeng Xiaoxian was stunned, and then said aggrievedly: "I live in four rooms by myself, am I crazy?"

"Doesn't Sun Jing also live in a whole apartment by himself?" Hu Yifei mocked: "You are still a radio host and a self-proclaimed star. You can't even pay the rent, right?"

"How is that possible!" Zeng Xiaoxian immediately raised his neck: "I am a high-income earner! The rent is not a problem at all...but."

"No buts!" Hu Yifei interrupted.

"If you really can't afford it, you can find roommates to rent out. That bastard fake priest also said he wanted to live in.

You can be a roommate with him.

You can definitely follow Wanyu and Meijia's example of 'moving in as a couple', with free water and electricity, and half the rent~

You're looking forward to it anyway, aren't you?

Of course I have to wait a month and a half. "

Although Lu Xiaobu had Xiao Diaochan to help him convince the old priest, he was not detained.

But in the end, he still had to be detained administratively for 15 days to vent his anger on the old priest.

"...Sun Jing?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Sun Jing pitifully: "Otherwise, you and I..."

He just made fun of Wanyu and Meijia's check-in method, but he didn't expect to be ridiculed by Hu Yifei in turn.

"Sorry, Teacher Zeng." Sun Jing smiled and shook his head: "I'm not used to living with men."

"Wanyu?" Zeng Xiaoxian looked at Lin Wanyu again.

"Teacher Zeng, you are actually a famous radio host, that's amazing~" Lin Wanyu apologized a little, but quickly put her hands together in a gesture of worship.

She has no money now, so it should be cheaper to live with Hu Yifei and the four of them, right?
"..." Zeng Xiaoxian's mouth twitched.

He is so 'powerful', so he must have no choice but to accept the bitter fact of moving to 3602 next door and paying rent for four people by himself.

After all, he is the kind of guy who doesn't even read men's magazines that are just money-making and is too embarrassed to cancel his subscription.Sun Jing invited them to have a dinner together to celebrate.

Chen Meijia rushed over immediately.

This time there was no Malatang or KFC, and everyone had a great time.

Hu Yifei was injured, even though she gritted her teeth and said she could do it under the invisible pressure of Lin Wanyu and Chen Meijia.

As long as she is here, Sun Jing should go back to the love apartment more often and not waste 3603's rent.

But this is China after all, and Hu Yifei is neither Monica nor Robin.

So Sun Jing stopped, held her in his arms and helped her to the bathroom, then drove back to the hospital again.

Yanhua Hospital.

"Teacher Sun, have you heard?"

As soon as they arrived, the third child said hello, and Bai Xiaojing took the initiative to say: "That Huang Jingjing's mother still needs surgery immediately, and she asked Huo Simiao to do it!"

"Every patient has the right to choose." Sun Jing didn't care.

"But I heard that she always praises Dr. Huo Simiao for his sincerity when meeting people. In turn, her words imply that you are not responsible." Bai Xiaojing revealed the gossip that really made her unhappy.

"Haha." Sun Jing said coldly, "Don't worry about her!"

This is why he will never become a great doctor.

He always has his own emotions and attitudes towards people and things that make him unhappy, and he always chooses to follow his own principles and emotions.

He will not care about her condition in the future.

If something goes wrong later, there is a 5% chance that it will happen to her.

No, now Huo Simiao said it has dropped from 5% to 1%.

If there was a 1% chance of an incident happening, and he was asked to come to the rescue, he was so responsible, wouldn't he be slapping Huang Jingjing's mother in the face for saying she was wrong?


He is too kind-hearted to see that his own words and deeds would cause others to be inconsistent with their words and deeds.

"By the way, I think I saw Lawyer Zou." Ye Chunmeng reminded in a low voice: "She seems to know Huang Jingjing. The two went up to the 18th floor talking and laughing."

Sun Jing frowned slightly.

I never heard that she knew Huang Jingjing before.

We haven’t seen each other for three years. Could it be that Zou Yu has also practiced acting in addition to playing various musical instruments?

So you met actress Huang Jingjing?

It seems that Zou Yu also needs to raise the thread appropriately and learn some skills, otherwise the person who is close to the vermillion will be red and the one who is close to the ink will be black.

At that time, the wonderful skills of these eighteen musical instruments were all in vain.

But he didn't think much about it and took Sanxiao for ward rounds. ''

If that's the case, it's too dark, and the worst possible outcome is not to follow her example.

Separate the eighteen musical instruments and just follow them one teacher at a time.

He can do it anyway.

I went to the ward, took Sanxiao to see the patient, explained it, and then came out.

"Teacher Sun, Lawyer Zou!" Bai Xiaojing reminded.

Sun Jing followed her gaze and saw Huang Jingjing talking to a woman in a smart suit at the end of the corridor.

This temperament and back view are worthy of being called picturesque.

However, Sun Jing turned around and left without saying a word.

The third child just wanted to secretly praise Teacher Sun for being Teacher Sun. He was so thorough in not discussing personal matters during working hours, so he had to keep up.

Then I saw 'Lawyer Zou Yuzou' who was talking to Huang Jingjing at the other end of the corridor turned his head suddenly and ran towards this side quickly.

Back in time a few minutes ago.

Huang Jingjing and her good friend who came to visit her mother after hearing the news went upstairs together. Seeing that they could not persuade her mother to wait any longer, her mother insisted on having surgery as soon as possible.

She couldn't help but agree.

It was moved from the VIP ward on the 18th floor to the neurosurgery ward on the 10th floor.

This is the suggestion of the attending doctor Huo Simiao, who said that although the VIP ward on the 18th floor is quiet, doctors and nurses come less frequently.

Therefore, for safety reasons, it is best to stay in the general ward on the neurosurgery floor. There are many patients and nurses come frequently.

The doctors are also nearby and can arrive as soon as possible if something happens.

But she still felt that Huo Simiao might have made it up deliberately so that he could flirt with her.

After all, he couldn't stay on the 18th floor forever.

Just as she was quietly complaining to her good friend who came to visit her mother that she would always think about Huo Simiao's behavior in this regard, she suddenly saw Sun Jing walking out of the ward with his third child, and immediately reminded her good friend to go see him.

However, her good friend's attitude shocked her.

Are all writers so unrestrained?

"Sun Jing!"

The unrestrained 'Zou Yu' ran all the way, and when he saw Sun Jing, he didn't look back and shouted loudly.

When Sun Jing stepped up helplessly and turned around, he threw himself directly into Sun Jing's arms without slowing down.

"What look!"

Sun Jing glanced at Bai Xiaojing and Ye Chunmeng.

With his arms filled with joy, he looked up and looked over. Who was Zou Yu?
The difference in height alone is a full 5 centimeters!

To a certain extent, it can be regarded as Zou Yu.

It’s just little Zou Yu!
Zou Yu’s writer sister, Zou Yue, has the pen name Ruo Lan!

 ps: I still follow the mainstream and write one chapter of 3000 words, and 2 chapters of 6000 words every day, which is equivalent to 3 updates in a new book issue. Otherwise, I will be bald even thinking about an interesting chapter title every day.

(End of this chapter)

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