New York 2006

Chapter 122 Musical Movies and Video Games

Chapter 122 Musical Movies and Video Games

"Toronto fans, I love you. The concert is over. Please leave the venue in an orderly manner and avoid stampedes."

The two concerts in Canada over the weekend were over. The person in charge of Live Nation came over and said with a smile: "Logic, the global tour you planned before is now over. We can continue to arrange a few more shows for you in other cities in the United States. Your popularity in the United States is so high, it would be a pity not to take advantage of it. If you don’t take advantage of this money, you won’t get it.”

"How much are the ticket sales for the tour now?" Luo Ji walked backstage, followed by people from Live Nation.

"6935 million. There are quite a lot of people attending concerts in East and Southeast Asia, but the tickets are set at local market prices, so the profit is relatively small. In the future, concerts will be held more in developed Western countries. Hold it so you can make more money!”

Luo Ji walked to the dressing room backstage and said, "Although the ticket prices for East Asia concerts are relatively low, my derivatives are selling very well, and my genuine albums are also selling a lot in East Asia. What if I don't go?" Is it possible to sell that many?”

"You are right. Your English physical album sold 100 million copies in several Chinese regions last month. It has set a record for the sales of English albums in Chinese regions."

Luo Ji said: "I don't know whether it's because of the bureaucracy or because the IFPI is too slow to respond. They haven't added the sales data of Hong Kong Island, Singapore, Taiwan and Malaysia to the "16 "Go to the global sales data."

Someone from Live Nation smiled: "Maybe it's because there has never been such a precedent before. In East Asia, except for Japan, English albums generally cannot be sold. After all, there is a language barrier. The International Federation of the Phonographic Industry is probably still verifying the situation. Make sure there is no cheating.”

Luo Ji walked into the dressing room and sat down. The makeup artist immediately came over and started to remove Luo Ji's makeup: "When the time comes, I'll ask the people from Universal Music to urge them. As the world's largest record company, Universal Music should have the right to have a position in the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry." Very powerful voice."

"Well, you are right." The person from Live Nation then smiled flatteringly: "Logic, what about your concert? There is nothing wrong with making more money while you are still young, and the concert is also an improvement. One of the best ways for a singer to become famous is if you can hold large-scale concerts, everyone will look up to you. You are the first of the new generation of singers, and you have to find ways to maintain your status."

Of course Luo Ji likes making money, but to complete every concert with quality and quantity without lip-syncing is really taxing on the voice. Luo Ji said: "I feel that my voice is very tired. I need to rest for a while."

"You are so honest. You really sing in every concert. Many big-name singers lip-sync during concerts, especially the high notes. Do you want to also do some pad sounds? Your voice will be ruined if this goes on. .”

Luo Ji thought for a moment and finally compromised with reality. From now on, unless there are particularly important occasions and there are difficult parts in the songs, he should try his best to lip-sync.

"Okay, then you go and work with my assistant Fiona and manager Braun to arrange more than a dozen concerts based on my schedule."

The people at Live Nation were finally satisfied: "Okay, leave it to us."

"By the way, try to arrange large-scale concerts. Don't arrange any concerts with less than 1 people."

"Okay, your concert attendance is acceptable. I believe those large venues are willing to invite you to perform there."

After everything was cleaned up, Luo Ji, accompanied by Fiona, Blake and a bodyguard, left the backstage of the concert and headed to the parking lot.

Blake, who was exploring the front, ran back and said: "There are still about 200 fans, some reporters are at the back door, and the venue's security team is maintaining order."

"Okay, as usual."

Luo Ji stood in the middle, with Fiona, Blake and a bodyguard standing around him. As soon as they walked outside, a group of fans started shouting excitedly.

"Logic, I love you."

"Logic, here, here."

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

Fans stretched out their hands on both sides, and Luo Ji high-fived them one by one. When he encountered a fan who wanted to hold his hand, Luo Ji would immediately move away.There were no problems along the way and the whole process went very smoothly.

"Logic, sign it for me." A little boy of twelve or thirteen years old shouted while holding a record of "16".

Luo Ji looked around and saw a photographer pointed right at this place.He immediately walked up with a smile, took the little boy's record, signed it twice, and then handed it to the little boy.

"Thank you, Logic, I love you," the little boy shouted.

Luo Ji nodded and continued walking outside.His bodyguard had parked his car, and reporters were gathered around him, but they were blocked out by the venue's security.

"Logic, can you tell me how much your tour grossed?"

"Logic, when will your movie "Twilight" be launched?"

"Logic, what do you think of Canada?"

Luo Ji took a look and saw that this was a reporter from Canada's National Post. Luo Ji smiled and replied: "Canada is particularly beautiful, with beautiful scenery and very welcoming people. The most important thing is that the security here is very good, unlike in the United States. Shootings were happening everywhere.”


The surrounding Canadian reporters laughed after hearing this. It seemed that the whole world knew that public security in the United States was not good.Luo Ji walked to the car, waved to the fans behind him, then made a heart-warming gesture and said loudly.

"I love you!"

As the car drove to the hotel, Fiona took out Luo Ji's personal mobile phone and said, "When you had your concert just now, Braun called you and asked you to call him back after the concert." Telephone."


Luo Ji took his personal phone and called back. Braun's voice came over. The first words he spoke instantly made Luo Ji extremely happy: "Logic, congratulations. Through the matchmaking of Mr. Cheng of Panda Express, Pepsi-Cola is willing to cooperate with us." You sign a 500 million advertising contract."

"several years?"

"In three years, PepsiCo has become the third largest food and beverage company in the world. This will be of great benefit to your global reputation." Luo Ji said with a smile, "Did they take a fancy to my looks?"

"Haha, yes, you are very beautiful." Braun paused and said, "Are you going back to New York tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I'll take a flight back tomorrow afternoon."

Braun then said: "I found a 13-year-old kid in Canada who sings very well on YouTube. I plan to sign him and promote this boy with your record company."

"Are you trying to copy my path to success?" Luo Ji asked.

"Hahaha, yes." Braun sat in the office of the SB management company and continued: "Logic, you promised me back then that you were willing to work with me to launch a singer."

Luo Ji looked at the night view of Canada outside the car window: "Okay, I still believe in your vision. When the time comes, you can talk to Jeff Basker about the specific cooperation matters, and I will explain it to him."

Braun smiled happily, picked up the coffee on the table and took a sip: "Thank you, Logic. Thank you for taking me with you."

"Stop being so stupid." Luo Ji said with disdain, "If you develop the company well, that's the greatest thank you to me."

"Don't worry, aren't you confident in my abilities? Your global tour SB Live Performance Company has not lost any of its integrity."

Luo Ji chatted with Braun for more than 20 minutes along the way. When he returned to the hotel and took a quick shower, it was already twelve o'clock in the evening.Without thinking about anything, Luo Ji immediately fell into a drowsy sleep.

After sleeping until ten o'clock the next morning, after finishing processing a few company documents, Luo Ji opened his laptop and browsed the news from the United States during this period.

The Russian Orthodox Church Abroad and the Moscow Patriarchate have reunited after 80 years of schism.Bob Barker hosts his final episode of "The Price" after more than 44 years as host.Ten people, including a California National Guard officer and a former Hmong general, have been charged with planning to overthrow the Laotian government.

Four people have been charged with plotting to bomb New York City's JFK International Airport.Luo Ji was immediately excited when he saw the news. There wouldn't be another 911.

"Fiona, Fiona." Luo Ji called loudly.

Fiona, who was packing her things, came over in a hurry: "What's wrong?"

"Go and get our tickets refunded, and we'll take the RV back to the United States with the tour team."

Fiona complained: "Didn't you say that the RV was too slow to fly? Why did you change your mind?"

Luo Ji pointed at the computer screen, "Read this news."

After Fiona read it, she said disdainfully: "This kind of news happens every year, so it's not like that."

"This happened not long ago, so we'd better be careful."

"Okay. Listen to you."

After Fiona finished speaking, she walked out of the room and asked the staff to handle it.The tour team set off in the afternoon, and Luo Ji continued to fish, watching news related to the entertainment industry on his computer.

In May, the video game industry continued to see overall sales increase compared to the same period last year.

《马里奥派对8》于2007年5月29日在北美发行后,该游戏在三天内在美国售出 31万套,成为5月份最畅销的家用主机游戏和整体第二畅销的游戏。销售额达到了1570万米刀。

"Pokémon Diamond and Pearl" sold 33 units in May, with sales of nearly $1650 million, ranking first in May game sales data.

The price of games in the United States is very high, with the average price close to 50 yuan. The average student cannot afford to buy games, so many of them rent them to play.

Luo Ji continued to read other news. The Recording Industry Association of America issued a statement that although Logic's "16" was a hit album in the first half of this year, it drove sales growth in the record market.But global record sales are set to decline further this year.

The reasons for this are the spread of pirated songs online, the rapid decline in physical single sales, and the low pricing of digital singles and albums.We call for increased pricing for digital singles and albums.

After Luo Ji finished reading, he realized that fortunately his music company had begun to diversify its operations, so he didn't need to worry about these things. He continued to read other news.

With the arrival of the Hollywood summer, starting with "Spider-Man 5" in May, blockbusters have come one after another, followed by "Shrek 3", "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End", "Fantastic Four: Silver "The Rise of the Shadow Man".

Next up are the most eye-catching movies this year, "Transformers" and the fifth installment in the Harry Potter series, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."

The top ten global box office movies every year are generally concentrated in the summer season.Because of the Christmas period, Thanksgiving period, spring period, and some other periods, other countries may not have holidays.There is only the summer season, when students are basically on vacation, and students are the main group of moviegoers.

Luo Ji watched the news for a while, then went to YouTube to watch interesting videos. Luo Ji followed the recommendations and suddenly saw a video called "Charlie Bite My Finger".

After Luo Ji read it, he burst into laughter.This video is really interesting. The older brother put his finger in his younger brother's mouth and was bitten by the baby brother. The video was less than 1 minute long and has been viewed 2000 million times.It’s a very famous viral video.

Luo Ji continued to watch other videos. As he watched, Luo Ji suddenly remembered what his manager Braun said last night. He wanted to sign a 13-year-old boy from Canada and let Luo Ji take care of the child and her mother today. Go to the United States.

Luo Ji hadn't seen that boy's video on YouTube yet, so Luo Ji typed in the search box of YouTube, Justin Bieber.

What popped up on the computer screen was a very cute-looking white boy.Luo Ji touched his chin and quietly watched his video.

(End of this chapter)

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