New York 2006

Chapter 123 Braun’s Obsession

Chapter 123 Braun’s Obsession
“Boss, during this period, through various forums on the Internet and various new media channels, we have criticized the Chicago Sun-Times for spreading unverified false news indiscriminately, and also condemned the person who first reported the Virginia Tech shooting. The female reporter said that she went crazy in order to become famous and fabricated news randomly."

After listening to the report from the general manager of multicultural new media, Luo Ji touched his chin with his hand: "What was the reaction of the Chicago Sun-Times and the female reporter?"

"The Chicago Sun-Times has been pretending not to respond. The female reporter has not published an article for a month and is missing."

Luo Ji sat on the swivel chair in the office, holding his hands on the table: "What do you think she might have done?"

"She may have been fired by the company, she may have changed her name and continued to work as a reporter, or she may have been transferred to a department by the newspaper. Considering that the Chicago Sun-Times is a well-known right-wing newspaper and has been pretending to be dead, the latter two are more likely. .”

Luo Ji said, "Why can the Chicago Sun-Times keep pretending to be dead? Don't we have any friendly forces?"

"Relatively few, mainly some Chinese media and some ethnic minority media, reported simultaneously with us! The mainstream media basically did not get involved."

"Is it because the discussion on our Internet is not loud enough? Did CNN, NBC and other media not respond at all? The Chicago Sun-Times is a right-wing newspaper, and they did not seize such a good opportunity."

The general manager of Multicultural New Media explained: "Boss, the reason why this matter has not aroused discussion in major media. On the one hand, it is because this matter is not very popular in the United States, and everyone is still concerned about the Virginia shooting itself. , most of the people who are concerned about false reports are the Chinese community. On the other hand, there is a tacit understanding among news media workers. It is true that CNN, NBC and the "Chicago Sun Times" are hostile, but they will not put a shackles on their heads. .”

Luo Ji understood instantly: "The reason they don't hype up the mistakes of fellow reporters is because they may also have such problems."

"Yes, just like the Bar Association and the Doctors Association, they will protect their own people, and the same goes for the Journalists Association,"

Luo Ji couldn't help but fell into deep thought. Due to the existence of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, legally speaking, there was really nothing he could do against this female reporter.

However, there is no solution for this matter to remain in such a stalemate. Multicultural new media cannot endlessly hype this matter on the Internet. It will eventually be resolved.

Luo Ji tapped his fingers on the table and thought for a moment: "You can find a way to publish an article in a somewhat authoritative online media, saying that the female reporter made up the news randomly in order to become famous. Now she has been fired by the Chicago Sun-Times That’s it. That’s the final word on this matter.”

The multicultural manager clapped his hands: "This is a good idea. Even if the people at the Chicago Sun-Times didn't fire the female reporter, they wouldn't dare to refute it. After all, they are unreasonable."

"Well, you go take care of it." Luo Ji continued: "By the way, I went outside and called Jeff Busker over by the way."


Jeff Basker, the music director of Future Records, knocked on the door, stuck his head out, and took a look inside. With a flattering smile on his face, he greeted Luo Ji: "Boss."

"Take a seat." Luo Ji continued: "So, Janelle Monáe's album is a hit, and it may not even reach [-] sales in the end?"

"Yes, Boss."

Janelle Monáe, a black girl, is quite pretty and has good singing skills. The most important thing is that she is a figure that Luo Ji has inspired, and she is so powerful.This was a bit beyond Luo Ji's expectations.

Luo Ji asked with concern: "How is her state of mind now?"

"She is completely autistic now and wants to go back to her hometown in Atlanta."

"That's not okay." Luo Ji quickly said: "Let her prepare during this period. I will have a concert in a while, so I can bring her with me to see if I can bring her some popularity. By the way, let her give me some Live harmonies, I pay her wages.”

"Boss, you are too kind to her. You should leave this opportunity to other singers in the company. She is so violent that she cannot be saved."

There is no way, who calls her a "Tianqi person".Even though she threw herself into the street like this, Luo Ji still didn't want to give up on her.I am willing to give her some preferential treatment.

"I have decided, please stop trying to persuade me."

Jeff said in surprise: "You wouldn't have an affair with her!"

Luo Ji glared at Jeff and then said, "Tell me about other people's recent results!"

Jeff Basker was stunned and hurriedly said: "Tracy's first major single peaked at No. 76 on the Billboard Singles Chart, and Bruno Mars' first single peaked at No. 69 on the Billboard Singles Chart. None of the other artists' singles entered the Billboard singles chart." "As expected."

Luo Ji had listened to their songs, and the electronic music lead singles of two of them were mediocre, with no characteristics, and unpleasant melodies. Luo Ji's electronic music strategy seemed to have failed initially.Didn't make it.

There is also the middle-aged man who sings very well, but the quality of his songs is not good. His timbre is not the top-notch timbre of Rihanna, and it is normal for him to be a hit on the street.

What was more unexpected was Luo Ji's accompanist Tracy. She sang a country ballad. Ever since it entered the Billboard, it has never been out of the charts. It peaked at No. 76 and is now No. 93 on the singles chart. It was about to fall out.

This result is far inferior to Taylor's performance. Taylor's first single stayed on the Billboard for more than 40 weeks, and it ranked very high, winning many times on the country chart.

Luo Ji's favorite was Bruno Mars. His original rhythm and blues songs were pretty good, but his style was too similar to Michael Jackson and he was criticized by the media. In the past few weeks, his song peaked at No. 69 on the singles chart.

"It seems like you won't see an amazing singer like me for several years," Luo Ji said with emotion.

Jeff Busker complimented: "You're the only one in a few years. Boss, you're one of a kind."

Every month in the United States, hundreds of new singles are released and dozens of albums are released.Many people are like Janelle Monáe, who disappear in a hurry without making any waves in the market. It is still relatively difficult to cultivate a slightly famous singer.

"Then only Tracy and Bruno Mars are worth cultivating now. Although their results are not very good, they can still be saved. I will grant an additional 20 in publicity expenses, and you let them try to hit the bulletin board Take a look at the list.”

"Okay, boss." Jeff paused and continued: "What about the other three singers? Their title songs failed. Is it necessary to produce albums for them?"

Luo Ji said: "The budget is controlled within 100 million, and the album is sent to them as planned. As for whether it can succeed in the end, it depends on their ability and luck. As for Tracy and Bruno, they can budget their album Raise it to 200 million."

"Okay, boss."

Test the waters with the first single, then calculate the budget for the album based on the results, and then start working on the album.This is the current routine used by record companies to train new singers, and Luo Ji also learned it.

It's just that other record companies may not release albums to singers with poor results if they see bad results.

Luo Ji was still willing to take a gamble on them. If they failed in the end, he would ask SB Live Performance Company to buy some news to praise them, and then take them to live performances to slowly make money.

"By the way, how are you and Braun discussing about Justin Bieber's appointment as a singer?"

Jeff said: "The signing has been completed. Our future record and his SB record will jointly launch Justin Bieber. However, Braun does not plan to launch Bieber immediately. He plans to copy your path to fame and let Justin Bieber First upload the cover video on YouTube and gain popularity by singing on the streets.”

"Okay, just follow Braun's idea. He discovered me on the YouTube, and I quite trust his vision."

Jeff touched his hair: "By the way, Braun wants to train Justin Bieber into a solo singing and dancing youth idol singer like Britney."

Braun's obsession was really deep. Braun wanted to train him to become an idol singer, but Luo Ji rejected him.He's now ready to unleash it on Justin Bieber.

"I have no problem with it. Although idol singers are not popular, they can make money."

"Haha, yes." Jeff continued: "I met him. He is a pretty white boy. He has the potential to become an idol singer."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Yes, that little boy is quite cute, has a good personality, and is lively. By the way, remember to share the initial training costs with Braun."

Jeff Basker looked at his 16-year-old boss silently, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, you are only three years older than Justin, and you call others a little boy.But Jeff didn't dare to express it with his mouth, so he smiled and said.

"Leave it to me, boss."

(End of this chapter)

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