New York 2006

Chapter 124 Identifying Goals

Chapter 124 Identifying Goals
The Chinese Association Hall, 62 Mott Street, Lower Manhattan, New York City, is located in Manhattan's Chinatown.

Luo Ji, accountant Lin Qingji, Democratic Party Chinese fundraiser Xu Yongqian, multicultural broadcaster Liu Shu, founder of National Treasure Bank, a famous bank in the Chinese area of ​​New York, Sun Qicheng, director of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Steven Zhu, California State Equality Commission Zhu Dee Chiu, New York City Council Member John Liu, and Chinese-American elites on the east and west coasts.

Everyone gathered in this Chinese-style building to participate in the charity party held by the Chinese Office today.Luo Ji had no intention of attending originally, but was forced to come by Liu Shu and Lin Qingji.Said there was something important to announce today.

The host said on the stage: "The Chinese Office was founded in 1882, which has a history of more than 100 years. We are committed to reviving Chinese traditions and cultural heritage. Becoming a bridge of communication between overseas Chinese and local people in the United States. Maintaining the The interests of overseas Chinese in the United States. Sponsor educational and entertainment activities. Promote Chinese traditional culture to Americans."

"The Chinese Association is an organization composed of 60 groups representing various aspects. It includes various professional and business organizations, such as the Chinese General Chamber of Commerce, the Overseas Chinese Restaurant Association, Chinese American religious, cultural and women's groups. There are also hometown associations such as Taishan Ningyang Guild Hall and Midong Liancheng Office. Clan Associations such as Li Family Branch Office, Wuxu Mountain Office, etc."

"In recent years, the promotion activities of the China Club have been very effective. During the Spring Festival every year, the number of people who come to Chinatown to watch the dragon and lion dance performances has greatly increased."

“Under the initiative and leadership of the Chinese Association of New York, the Chinese Voters Alliance was established in May 2004 to encourage eligible Chinese citizens to register and vote in the 5 national presidential election. The efforts of this group inspired a movement in Chinatown. The number of Chinese voters increased by 2004%.”

Luo Ji listened carefully to what the host said, but these were all achievements in the past.The next speech is the key point.

"In the days to come, we will continue to promote traditional Chinese culture, let more Americans understand Chinese culture, and allow more Chinese to integrate into the United States. We will also support more Chinese-Americans to participate in politics and support more Chinese-American politicians. figures, allowing more Chinese to participate in government official duties."

"Next, let's have New York City Council Member John Liu take the stage to speak."

John Liu was in his 40s. He looked very energetic and had a friendly smile. He walked onto the stage with a microphone and spoke.

"good afternoon everyone."

Most Chinese in New York are located in Manhattan Chinatown, Queens Chinatown, Flushing and Brooklyn Chinatown.In the past, the largest number of Chinese were in Manhattan's Chinatown. However, with the improvement of the economic strength of the Chinese and the impact of the "911" incident, a large number of Chinese moved out, gradually forming the largest Chinese gathering area in New York near Flushing, Queens.

As the economic strength of the Chinese increased, everyone began to gradually pursue political status.

In 2001, John Liu represented the Democratic Party and ran for city council near Flushing. When the Asian voting rate was only 20%, John Liu called for improving schools and residential communities and providing equal treatment to all ethnic groups, defeating the white competition. Opponent, elected as New York City's first Asian city council member.

This is a microcosm of the political evolution of the United States. Rural areas in the United States are generally occupied by white people, and ethnic minorities can only come to live in big cities. With the influx of ethnic minorities, most white people in the city center have moved to the suburbs.

As the city's racial ratio changed, minority-leaning Democrats gradually took control of the city.

John Liu, now considered the representative figure of Asian and Pacific Islanders in New York’s Democratic Party, continued.

"East Asians have a long history in the United States, but the history of East Asians in politics in the United States is very short. It is time to make changes, and the voices of East Asians need to be heard in the United States. We East Asians will do our best this time Supporting Ms. Clinton’s candidacy for President of the United States, she also promised us that as long as she is elected, there will be members of Asian and Pacific Islanders in the cabinet, and she will also promote Asian and Pacific Islander members in the appointment of federal judges and prosecutors.”

The president of the United States takes office and has the power to appoint more than 9000 political positions.Of course it is impossible to replace all of them, but under normal circumstances, the president of the United States will replace about 2000 to [-] people to realize the concept of one emperor and one courtier.

If Ms. Clinton is really elected and fulfills her promise, the situation for East Asians will indeed be greatly improved.

After John Liu finished speaking, former California state representative Judy Zhao took the stage to speak.

Judy Zhao looks very intellectual and looks amiable and makes people want to get close to her. This trait is almost the basic quality of a politician.

John Liu and Judy Zhao are two representative politicians elected by Chinese Americans in the Democratic Party in New York and California, the two places with the largest number of Chinese Americans.They are also the East and West Coast presidents of the Asian Pacific American Support Association for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

"It's time for Asians and Pacific Islanders to stand up and speak for themselves. We can't continue to endure systemic oppression from the whole society. We must unite minorities and change this status quo..."

At the end of the speech, everyone stood up and applauded, and Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction.

Today's gathering of Chinese elites on the east and west coasts can, to a certain extent, unify everyone's thoughts. Future donations, political opinions, and the selection of Chinese politicians will all go to one place.

This time the Chinese Americans have a very good idea. Through political mobilization and donations, they strongly support the Democratic presidential candidate Ms. Clinton. This is the first time that Chinese Americans who have never liked participating in politics have tried as a group to participate in the presidential election. .

"Hello Logic, our whole family likes your music very much, and we even went to see your first concert at the Candlestick Arena." Judy Zhao said with a smile.

"What did you think of the concert?"

Judy Zhao gave a thumbs up: "Awesome! Your live performance is really very strong, surpassing most new singers. This is very impressive."

"Thank you." Luo Ji said, "By the way, Ms. Zhao, do you have any plans for your future career? I remember that you were a member of the California State House of Representatives before, so why not?"

Lin Qingji, who was standing next to Luo Ji, said, "The current state representative for Ms. Zhao's California constituency is her husband." Luo Ji remembered that her cousin seemed to be a politician, and it seemed that this big family was from California. A political family in a Chinese-gathering area.

Judy Zhao smiled and said: "I may run for the federal House of Representatives next, and you must support me then."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "No problem. If you need anything, you can contact me and I will raise money for you."

After receiving the billionaire's personal promise, Judy Zhao left with satisfaction.

Soon John Liu also came over. The two chatted for a while, and then Luo Ji said, "What are you specifically responsible for in the city council now?"

John Liu smiled and said: "I am now the chairman of the New York City Council Transportation Committee, mainly responsible for education, consumer affairs, health, land use and other issues."


"I heard that you have several companies in Manhattan with a lot of employees. Are you interested in moving to Queens? The housing prices here are much cheaper than in Manhattan, and the pressure of life is relatively low. I can also give you a certain amount Government subsidies, of course, the company must be a technology company or a music company. The kind that can provide high-paying jobs."

Luo Ji said: "In several of my companies, apart from the music company employees, there are also a lot of live singing employees. These employees complained that the housing prices on Broadway are too high. But my music company should It won’t be relocated. Broadway is a gathering place for New York’s literary and artistic media, and it’s more convenient to communicate there.”

"What about your live performance company?" John Liu asked.

Luo Ji said: "The live performance company is a position that requires a large number of people and requires a certain amount of physical strength and skills. If there is a suitable place, we can move to Queens. After all, the housing prices there are higher than those in Manhattan." It’s a lot cheaper.”

"You are very welcome to relocate your live performance company to Queens. I guarantee that nothing will be a problem with the government. I will also ask the police and the fire department to take special care of you to ensure the safety of your company."

The live performance company was originally located in Manhattan. Over time, Braun realized that the prices there were too expensive. During this time, he proposed to move the live performance company to other places to increase the company's profits.

SB Live Performance Company is pollution-free and can provide certain jobs with good wages. As long as it moves to John's constituency, it can bring in tax revenue and consumption, which is very cost-effective.

"Okay, I will send someone to Queens to investigate later. Let him contact you then."

"Okay, here is my contact information. Logic, you are very welcome to invest in Queens."

Luo Ji chatted with him for a while and found that John Liu seemed to be a relatively responsible political figure who hoped to develop the local economy.

The two communicated for a while and then dispersed.Luo Ji walked a few steps and found a group of people gathering together. In the middle stood a very elegant-looking man giving a speech. Luo Ji recognized him at a glance. He was the Nobel Prize winner in physics Steve Wen Zhu.

"Global warming is a real global problem. This has reached a consensus in the scientific community and is beyond doubt. The US Department of Energy has also taken action. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, which I am responsible for, is promoting research on renewable energy. Specifically, It’s looking at biofuels and solar energy.”

This was the second time Luo Ji heard celebrities around him talk about global warming. Luo Ji fell into deep thought. Could it be that renewable resources will really develop rapidly in the future?
Accountant Lin Qingji stood next to Luo Ji and whispered, "Zhu's family is a famous academic family. Among his two brothers and four cousins, there are four Ph.D.s, three M.D.s and one J.D."

"Wow, their family is a highly intelligent family."


Steven Zhu continued: "Traditional energy is still the mainstream at this stage, but humans will not turn a blind eye to what already exists. Renewable energy will inevitably develop rapidly in the future..."

After the speech ended, Luo Ji walked up to him with a smile: "Mr. Zhu, your speech just now was really wonderful."

"Thank you."

Luo Ji continued to ask: "To what extent have new energy technologies in various industries developed at this stage? Are there any ways to learn this information?"

Steven Zhu glanced at Luo Ji doubtfully: "Aren't you going to attend Vice President Al Gore's Live Earth global concert?"

"Yeah, you know all about this?"

"Haha, you think I don't understand the entertainment industry. I'm not a nerd." Steven Zhu continued with a smile: "After the concert, there was a new energy exhibition in the United States organized by him. He didn't invite you. Participate?"

"I was invited, but I didn't pay attention." Luo Ji continued: "Mr. Zhu, can you explain to me in detail what industries will develop rapidly in the new energy industry in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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