New York 2006

Chapter 125 Democratic Fundraiser

Chapter 125 Democratic Fundraiser
"Ronaldo, are you interested in investing in my fund? The annualized return of my fund has averaged over 15% in the past few years."

Luo Ji felt a little unhappy. Ever since the news that he became a billionaire was reported by the media, few people dared to call him Ronaldinho.

However, Luo Ji soon felt relieved and lost his emotions. After all, Xu Yongqian's status was extraordinary, and she had also helped him.

Xu Yongqian is a donor raiser for the Democratic Party and is considered a prestigious person within the Democratic Party.

To a certain extent, he is a broker between the Chinese and the Democratic Party.If the Chinese encounter some problems that require the intervention of political figures, they can generally easily find the relevant political figures through Xu Yongqian.Then through political donations, politicians can solve the problem.

Xu Yongqian is also an investment genius. He runs multiple funds and his income has been very stable in recent years.His net worth is close to [-] million US dollars.

Luo Ji's accountant Lin Qingji invested 100 million dollars in him. Lin Qingji had recommended Xu Yongqian's fund to Luo Ji before.Luo Ji also knew some Chinese celebrities who also invested money in him.

Luo Ji asked curiously, "What is your fund's investment direction? The rate of return is so stable and high."

Xu Yongqian said confidently: "The main direction of my fund investment is to provide bridge loans to some large companies in Asia. Under normal circumstances, the annualized return is 15%. In good cases, investors can earn 90% every 6 days." % profit.”

"No wonder." Luo Ji suddenly realized.

A bridge loan generally means that an enterprise obtains a loan project from a bank and is later unable to repay due to lack of funds. At this time, the bridge fund provider comes in to advance the funds and waits for the enterprise to have money to repay. The provider withdraws, which creates a money turnover process.

Since bridge loans are generally emergency funds, the cash flow of borrowing companies is not ideal.Therefore, there is a certain risk, so the interest rate is much higher than that of ordinary bank loans.

Xu's investment strategy looks good, and the credibility of large Asian companies is still acceptable.The risk shouldn't be high.

"Mr. Xu, I'm sorry, I still owe more than 2000 million to the bank. My next movie "Twilight" still needs a large amount of investment. I really don't have the energy to invest in your fund anymore. "

Compared to Xu Yongqian, Luo Ji believed in himself more.

Luo Ji had a large amount of cash in his hand, and he would indeed invest a large portion of it in the movie later on. However, this was not the main reason for Luo Ji's refusal. The main reason was that Luo Ji believed in Apocalypse more. So far, Apocalypse has not had anyone except Janelle Monáe. Made him lose money.

"Don't you think about it anymore? The production cycle of a movie is still relatively long. You can leave your money with me first. Even if the time is short, you can still have a certain income. It is definitely more cost-effective than leaving it in a bank."

"The movie is about to start." Luo Ji said casually.

Luo Ji's current cash has been invested in Apple stocks. The Apple mobile phone will be released at the end of this month. A full touch screen mobile phone similar to that in Apocalypse will definitely cause a huge response in the market.

"Okay." Xu Yongqian did not continue to pester, he smiled and said: "It's okay, your movie is the most important. When your movie is released, remember to notify me, I will bring some celebrities and friends to attend Your premiere.”

Luo Ji smiled and said, "No problem, I'll definitely let you know when the time comes."

"By the way, Logic, are you free in August?" Xu Yongqian's name for him quietly changed.

Luo Ji pretended not to notice and said, "What happened in August?"

"In August, I am planning to hold a fundraising party for Ms. Clinton in Los Angeles with businessman Rob. Ms. Clinton will also appear at that time. I would like to invite you to perform live to support Ms. Clinton's presidential campaign. Make a little contribution.”

Of course, this kind of performance is free of charge. Luo Ji liked Ms. Clinton's political views and was willing to perform for her for free. But unfortunately, Luo Ji said, "The company arranged a concert for me in August. I I can’t get away.”

"That's such a pity." Xu Yongqian said.

At the previous fundraising dinner for Ms. Clinton, Luo Ji received a commercial performance invitation from Xu Yongqian, who introduced Luo Ji into the circle of Chinese elites.During that banquet, Luo Ji also negotiated several endorsements and business deals, so he owed Xu Yongqian.

"Although I can't go, I can let the singers from my company go."

Luo Ji smiled and continued: "Tracy and Bruno Mars, they just debuted. If you think they are too little known, I can also find other artists in the entertainment industry for you."

Xu Yongqian said: "Then please find someone else. This time there are many rich businessmen from the east coast participating."

"Do you have a favorite candidate?"

"Can you let Britney perform? She has a very good image now and is very popular with everyone."

After Xu Yongqian finished speaking, he smiled meaningfully, and then he continued jokingly: "Logic, I know your relationship with her is unusual."


Luo Ji was already used to the gossip between him and Britney. He continued: "Let me ask her for you. I believe she is willing to meet Ms. Clinton. By the way, the specific date is When?"

"August 8, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles." "Britney agreed."

Luo Ji hung up the phone and turned to look at Xu Yongqian: "She personally admires Ms. Clinton very much. Please help her introduce her to her when the time comes."

"Okay, no problem."

At the headquarters of the Republican National Committee at 310 First Street Southeast in Washington, DC, USA, as the sun sets in the afternoon, a trace of afterglow shines into the conference room and falls on the desk.

Robert Duncan, chairman of the Republican National Committee, looked across at John McCain, an old white man. The two old white men were in a conference room, talking about next year's presidential election.

"John, although Rudy Giuliani is currently leading the polls, he will not be your opponent. He is too harsh on Wall Street, and Wall Street does not support him at all. Moreover, he supports strict gun prohibition, which offends the National Rifle Association of the United States. . Since he announced his candidacy, the media has not stopped attacking him. He will not survive next year's Super Tuesday. The media will completely kill him."

Rudy Giuliani is the former mayor of New York. During his time in office, he vigorously cracked down on crime, and New York's security became unprecedentedly good.

When the "911" incident occurred, he responded quickly and stood up in the face of unprecedented dangers. He was a heroic mayor who united the entire city and was known as the American mayor.His popularity within the Republican Party has always been high.

"I understand, but that's not what I'm worried about. As you know, because of the Iraq war, the American people now hate the Republican Party. This will have a great impact on our presidential election next year."

John McCain has a military background and was captured during the Vietnam War. He is regarded as a hero in the United States.

After returning to the United States, he entered politics. He is a hawkish veteran of the Republican Party. He advocates a strong diplomacy and hopes that the United States will increase its troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and other places.He is a long-time sponsor of the U.S. military-industrial complex.He is now a U.S. Senator from Arizona.

Robert Duncan, chairman of the Republican National Committee, continued: "It's okay. People's memory is like a fish. There will be a solution when the time comes."


John McCain couldn't help but feel relieved after receiving a promise from the chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Basically, he got his promise, even if he got the endorsement of President Bush, he also got the support of most people in the Republican Party. It seems that everyone is optimistic about him running for the 2008 presidential election.

"You don't have to worry about it within the party. It's basically everyone's consensus. The biggest worry now is outside the party. Ms. Clinton of the Democratic Party is too popular. She is now the number one candidate in the polls among the candidates of both parties."

John McCain touched his chin: "Our Republican Party must also nominate a female candidate, otherwise all female votes will go to the Democratic Party."

“What about Sarah Palin?”

Robert Duncan continued: "She is the governor of Alaska and has always been very popular in the United States. A large number of conservative voters in the United States like her very much, and the conservative power of American women is not weak."

"This candidate is a good one." John McCann continued: "Can you help me negotiate with her then?"

"give it to me!"

"That woman, Clinton, received so many donations to her presidential campaign that all the candidates have received now."

John McCain paused and continued: "We must take action and we cannot let her continue like this, otherwise it will be difficult for us to win next year."

"What are you going to do, John?"

In the American election campaign, apart from human factors, the most important factor that affects the outcome of the election is the amount of campaign funds.Whoever has more money basically wins.

"Of course we will use our best method!"

John McCain's eyes flashed coldly, and he continued: "I will arrange for the FBI to investigate several of Ms. Clinton's main fundraisers. With so many people donating to her, I don't believe that all these donors are clean. .There will always be someone who accidentally shows his tail."

"Then we have to move quickly, we can't afford to delay."

The presidential dream is the ultimate dream of every American politician.John McCain is no exception.The last time John McCain lost within the party to George W. Bush, this is his best chance.

He came from the Vietnam War and lived through the Cold War.Now he is 70 years old and he can't wait any longer. This is his last chance to run for president.

As the sun set and the last ray of light disappeared in the conference room, John McCain stood up and walked to the window, looking at the White House not far away, and he spoke slowly.

"Don't worry, no one in the party takes this matter more seriously than me."

(End of this chapter)

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