New York 2006

Chapter 182 Your red hair is beautiful

Chapter 182 Your red hair is beautiful

"As soon as the market opened this morning, the S&P 500 banking index in the United States fell by 3%. Some experts said that it was affected by the news that Logic was shorting the banking industry."

After Luo Ji finished reading the news, he walked to the window and took a look at the dozen reporters and interview vehicles in front of his house. His mother, Sami, was distributing drinks and desserts to them.

Luo Ji felt a little stressed. He looked away and continued to watch CNBC. At this time, the news had switched, and what appeared on the TV was an interview with Lehman Brothers CEO Fuld.

"I would like to say that the subprime mortgage crisis and the shrinking credit market are coming to an end. The enthusiastic subscription by investors of the 40 billion US dollars of convertible special shares we issued proves everything. Is Logic an investment genius? I don't think so, he He’s just a clown who got lucky, bet against us Lehman Brothers and wait to lose his pants!”

The reporter asked: "Then what do you think, Lehman Brothers' net income dropped significantly by 57% in the first quarter of this year?"

Fuld, the CEO of Lehman Brothers, waved his hand, said no more, turned around and walked back to Lehman Brothers' corporate building.

The host's screen then switched to the studio: "Just now, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, AIG and other companies have also stood up and said that the crisis has passed and everyone does not need to worry. Logic's short selling is unreasonable and has no basis."

Lawyer Jamie said after reading the news: "Wall Street's response was really quick! So many investment banks and financial companies came out to speak out."

Broker Braun responded: "The main reason is that Logic is too famous, and he is also known as an investment genius. When his news breaks out, it will inevitably be discussed all over the United States. The influence is too great, and people on Wall Street must take action. "

Jen Psaki looked at Luo Ji: "How do you plan to respond to Wall Street's doubts about you?"

Luo Ji rubbed his hair irritably: "I don't want to be like John Paulson, who fully confronts Wall Street! I am a star, so I have to pay attention to my personal image."

Luo Ji then looked at Xu Youyu: "These two short selling events were all your idea. How about you go out and speak out? You are an investment genius!"

Becoming famous and becoming a star investor is almost what Wall Street brokers dream of. However, Chinese Americans are used to keeping a low profile, so Xu Youyu hesitated for a while.


Luo Ji started to encourage: "You are originally from Wall Street. Think about how famous John Paulson is. He responds to everything in the capital market and is a guest wherever he goes. It's time for a Chinese American to have a star investor."

Xu Youyu smiled shyly: "That's okay."

Braun, Jen Psaki, Fiona and lawyer Jamie all looked at Xu Youyu with gazing eyes.Applause followed.

Ten minutes later, Luo Ji led Xu Youyu outside. Reporters and TV stations immediately gathered around him, as well as residents from the community who watched curiously.

"Logic, is it true that you made $[-] million by shorting the subprime mortgage crisis and the banking industry?"

"Logic, how did you discover last year that the subprime mortgage crisis was about to break out?"

"Logic, have you cleared your short positions in AIG, Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Merrill Lynch, American International Group, and Washington Mutual now? Do you think the U.S. banking industry will decline further? ?"

"Logic, what do you think? After your short selling news came out, the US S&P 500 banking index fell by 3%."

Luo Ji stretched out his hand, and the scene suddenly became quiet.

Luo Ji said loudly: "I have said before that I am a believer in Buffett. I pursue the value investment philosophy. Whichever industry or company I am optimistic about, I will hold their stocks for a long time. I don't like speculation."

A FOX reporter asked: "Then why do you short the banking industry and subprime mortgage derivatives?"

"I have to ask the person next to me. His name is Xu Youyu. He is the CEO of my investment company. It was his idea to sell short twice. If you have any questions, you can ask him."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he gave the venue to Xu Youyu.The reporter was obviously more interested in Luo Ji and followed up with questions.

"Logic, is it true that you made $[-] million from short selling twice?"

"Logic, how much assets do you have now?"

"Logic, what do you think of the trends of Apple, Amazon, and Naphi?"

What responded to them was Luo Ji's leaving figure. The reporters had no choice but to interview Xu Youyu.

"Mr. Xu, regarding the short selling in the banking industry, when do you plan to clear your position?"

Xu Youyu said with a smile: "This is a company secret and cannot be disclosed to everyone for the time being."

"Mr. Xu, how did you discover the subprime mortgage crisis?"

"That was at the end of 2005..."

Luo Ji returned to the room and looked at Xu Youyu who was being interviewed outside. He seemed a little nervous, but basically everything went smoothly.Luo Ji looked at the people in the room.

"Braun, please pay attention to the media's reaction to my incident. If you have any questions, please report to me at any time."

"it is good."

"Jamie, you go prepare for the lawsuit with Deutsche Bank and the possible investigation of me by the prosecutor for the Southern District of New York."

"it is good."

"Jen, come with me!"

Luo Ji took political consultant Jen Psaki to the backyard and opened the back door. By this time, Fiona had already parked her car on the side of the road.The two of them got into the car.

Fiona looked at the two of them, said nothing, started the vehicle and started to set off.

Luo Ji said, "I didn't go into details when we were in the room just now. Yesterday I was told that the person under investigation was Ms. Clinton's assistant Patty Doyle."

"Senator Clinton?" Jen Psaki asked in confusion.

Luo Ji said, "Well, I have been her sponsor since last year, but later we had some unpleasantness because of Xu Yongqian's incident. I went to ask her to do something, but she didn't agree. We haven't contacted each other since. I can't figure out why she suddenly showed favor to me?" Jen Psaki said: "Have you not paid attention to political matters for a long time?"

"Well, during this time I'm either busy with music or movies. How can I have the energy to study politics?"

"She is showing kindness to you just for money or public support."

Luo Ji asked doubtfully, "How do you say that?"

Jen Psaki said: "Now the Republican candidate has been established, but the Democratic candidate is still fiercely competing. My original prediction was wrong. I thought that Senator Clinton would lose when the media was extremely disadvantaged. It was very thorough, but now the difference between him and Senator Barack is only a few dozen votes."

Luo Ji was not surprised, so he said, "The United States has always been a country with a majority of white people."

Jen Psaki said: "But she is a woman. You may not know that among white men, the majority of men voted for Ms. Clinton, but more women voted for Senator Barack. Because women are more willing to vote than men, so in the end I still think Senator Barack will win.”

Luo Ji wondered: "Why is this happening? This is a bit counterintuitive! Aren't women more supportive of women?"

"That's how you men think. Women are actually less willing to see a female president, but men are more willing to see a female president. You can understand the subtleties yourself!"

Luo Ji thought about it carefully and finally understood.

But he quickly reacted: "But that's not the point. What I'm asking is why did she show kindness to me?"

"Don't worry!"

Jen Psaki continued: "Right now, because Ms. Clinton is so unfavorable in the media, she is under a lot of pressure to raise money. Last month, she only raised $3500 million, and Barack is participating. The congressman raised $5500 million. After April, some media revealed that she had incurred debts of $1000 million in order to run for election, and she paid for it herself."

"So she showed kindness to me with the goal of getting me to donate money to her?"

Jen Psaki said: "Don't underestimate the bottom line of a politician. She is very likely to let you publicly support her in the media. You don't know, but you have a very strong influence among young people under the age of 25. She's likely to make you appeal to young people to vote for her. Just like Oprah endorsed Senator Barack."

"Fxxk, she wants to eat shit!" Luo Ji said angrily.

Jen Psaki smiled and lightly slapped Luo Ji on the shoulder: "You are underage, don't say bad words."

Luo Ji was stunned and looked at Jen Psaki strangely.She quickly took her hand back, her face turned slightly red, and then she smiled awkwardly.

Luo Ji pretended not to see it: "Then when we see her later, everything will be left to you. Let me appeal to everyone in the media to vote for her. Don't even think about it. As for donating money, that's fine, but I need to know the Southern District of New York. I want to see specific documents as to where the prosecutors and FBI are investigating me."

Luo Ji had no problems with his own investment, but he and William Daly had passed on inside information.The two of them did it very secretly, and the chance of finding out was very low, but he was still a little worried.

Jen Psaki continued: "She has a lot of power in New York, and these problems should be easily solved."

After chatting about basic things, there was nothing more to say, so Luo Ji lowered his head and started playing with his phone.Jen Psaki sat aside and looked at Luo Ji blankly.

After a few minutes like this, Luo Ji shouted in surprise and pulled Jen Psaki out of her distraction.

"Look, the Internet is full of people calling her, Clinton bitch, Clinton is a bitch, YouTube, there are many such videos and discussion groups on Facebook."

Jen Psaki returns to elite status: "Both platforms are controlled by Jewish capital, and Senator Barack attaches great importance to the Internet, so no surprises."

Luo Ji said, "Is politics so dirty? Direct personal attacks."


Jen Psaki said with a smile: "This is competing for the most powerful position on earth. There is no bottom line. This is the greatest respect for this position."

Luo Ji handed over the phone: "There are also some different sounds, look at this one."

"Buchanan said the media has "almost canonized" Senator Barack, acting as if he was "born in Bethlehem."

Jen Psaki smiled: "Putting aside the tendencies of the media, Senator Barack's resume is indeed relatively clean. There are fewer points that can discredit him."

Luo Ji was chatting with Jen Psaki while reviewing recent political developments.

This high-ranking woman was pretty and had a good temperament. Luo Ji felt very happy chatting with her.Even possible lawsuits are forgotten.

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Your short hair is so beautiful. It suits you very well."

Jen Psaki was surprised and said, "Really?"

Luo Ji reached out and touched her hair playfully: "Of course, your red hair is beautiful."

"Haha, I think my red hair is beautiful too."

Jen Psaki smiled brightly: "Logic, your black eyes and black hair are also very beautiful. Has anyone ever said that you look a bit like Leonardo when he was young? They are both very handsome."

After Jane Psaki finished speaking, she touched Luo Ji's hair.

"Of course." Luo Ji smiled and said, "But Chinese people generally say that I look like a dragon in my youth."


Fiona frowned as she looked at the two people sitting in the back chatting animatedly through the rearview mirror.When she saw Luo Ji about to speak, she immediately interrupted.

"Fili, I have something to tell you. Taylor has agreed to go to the Olympics with us this year."

(End of this chapter)

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