New York 2006

Chapter 183 Logic is a good boy

Chapter 183 Logic is a good boy

Luo Ji took Fiona and Jen Psaki out of the headquarters of the Clinton Foundation in Manhattan. Everyone around them was looking at them, and Luo Ji could still hear the whispers of the people around them.

"This guy made $[-] million from shorting the subprime mortgage crisis."

"I heard that he also has his own investment company. I don't know if he will accept investment now. The stock market has not performed well in the past two days."

Jen Psaki asked Luo Ji next to her: "Will your investment company accept investment? I have some spare money here."

Luo Ji opened the door of the building for the two ladies: "My company is a private equity fund, with a maximum investment quota of [-]. Therefore, for the time being, we only accept investments from people with connections, or people who invest large amounts of money."

Jen Psaki smiled and said, "Are we related?"

"Of course." Luo Ji said immediately, "However, I only give you one spot."


Jen Psaki smiled and said, "I actually enjoyed the same treatment as Ms. Clinton."

"Don't tell others!" Luo Ji warned.

"it is good."

As the news broke out today, Luo Ji was a little panicked at first.

But when I came to Ms. Clinton today, I found that her attitude was very good.She only mentioned it lightly and asked Luo Ji to stand up for her and appeal to the people to vote for her. After Luo Ji refused, she did not mention it again and her attitude was very good.

Then Ms. Clinton directly gave Luo Ji the documents of prosecutors investigating him, but she made a small request, hoping to buy a fund from Logic Investment Company.

Only at this moment did Luo Ji realize how tempting his annual income of over 1400% was.

Everyone wanted Luo Ji to make them rich.

Disgusted, Wall Street vampires, the Big Short, non-existent, everyone wants to get in his car.

However, this idea was attributed to the big shots in the upper echelons, people who might be able to get in touch with Luo Ji.Those at the bottom who lost their properties are likely to hate him.Luo Ji thought something should be done.

In the car, Luo Ji and Jen Psaki carefully studied the documents of the prosecutor's investigation into his investment company, and found that the main focus was whether there were any irregularities in his investment or whether there was tax evasion.

Luo Ji suddenly felt relaxed and let out a long sigh of relief.

He put the documents in the safe inside the vehicle: "It doesn't look like there's a big problem. My company is very clean. Let them investigate!"

Jane Psaki warned: "Don't be careless. The prosecutor this time is Chuck Rhodes. He is a character that Wall Street has heard of. He will not let go easily when he targets a person. John Paulson is now under investigation by him."

"Chuck Rhodes?"

"He specializes in investigating insider trading on Wall Street and has a grudge against many Wall Street fund managers. I heard that he has investigated and found out that John Paulson, who shorted subprime mortgage derivatives, had insider trading, and it seems that Goldman Sachs was also involved."

Luo Ji asked curiously: "What is the specific situation?"

Jen Psaki said: "It seems that John Paulson entrusted Goldman Sachs to package the junk subprime loans he created into AA products and sell them to investors. Then, John Paulson used CDS to Short these products. Get high returns.”

"It's real money! No wonder he earned 20 billion from 150 billion."

Luo Ji then said with a relaxed expression: "I'm not afraid anyway, and I didn't do anything illegal."

Luo Ji's investment relied on intuition and revelation. How could he be afraid of the prosecutor's investigation?

Three days later in the afternoon, Luo Ji and Xu Youyu came to the Daily Show with their old friend Jon Stewart, preparing for a talk show public relations session.

The three of them stood together, with a CBS staff member next to them.

Jon Stewart smiled and said: "Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't expect it! You actually have such a genius investment."

"Haha, it's all Xu's credit." Luo Ji said with a smile.

Jon Stewart asked: "Can your investment company still buy funds?"

"Cough cough."

Luo Ji said to Jon Stewart: "The company is now managed by Dr. Xu. You have to ask him for the specific arrangements. I am not involved in the daily management of the company."

Jon Stewart looked at Xu Youyu with questioning eyes.

Xu Youyu mentioned the excuse that the two of them had already discussed: "Our fund is a private equity fund and can only have a maximum of [-] investors. I want to go back and do some research and wait for news."

Luo Ji then winked at Jon Stewart, then looked at the CBS staff next to him, and he immediately understood.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.Luo Ji's personal cell phone rang, and it was an unfamiliar number.

Luo Ji showed an apologetic expression: "I'm going to take a call!"

Jon Stewart had a good attitude: "It's okay, it's still early for the show recording to start."

Luo Ji walked aside and said angrily into the phone, "Who are you?"

Luo Ji's personal phone calls have not stopped in the past two days, and they are all people who want Luo Ji to lead them to invest. Luo Ji has been so annoyed these days that he simply refers them all to Xu Youyu.

The person on the other side was silent for a while, and then said in confusion: "You are Logic, right?"

Luo Ji said, "Yeah."

The person on the other side was very confused as to why Luo Ji felt like he had eaten a powder keg, but he still said: "I am the head of the mobile software development team of Apple. We are recently preparing to launch a third-party developer platform for third parties on Apple mobile phones. We named it App Store, which is a mobile application distribution platform. Is your Holi game company interested in producing mobile software for us?"

"App?" Luo Ji's intuition came over again.

"A mobile application, mobile application."

Luo Ji immediately said, "Of course I'm interested. I'll let the company's employees contact you."

"Then I won't bother you, Logic."


After hanging up the phone, Luo Ji touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Jon Stewart walked up: "Logic, what's wrong?"

"It's okay," Luo Ji said casually.

"Then let's review the script."


The next night, Luo Ji's recording yesterday will be broadcast.

The Taylor family stayed at home in Nashville, watching CBS's "The Daily Show" on television.At the same time, more than 700 million viewers in the United States also watched today's program.

Jon Stewart wraps up today's news.

He then said to the camera: "On April 4, I saw a news. A 3-year-old young man spent more than a year and made more than 17 million yuan with a principal of 2000 million. Knife, I thought this might be an April Fool's Day joke at first, but when I looked at the time, April Fool's Day has passed." Hahaha, the audience burst into joyful laughter.

"Can everyone guess who we invited today?"

The audience in the venue shouted: "Logic!"

"Then let's invite Logic and Dr. Xu Youyu, the CEO of his investment company, to appear!"

Bang bang bang, Luo Ji and Xu Youyu appeared on the stage amidst the applause of the audience.

The two of them have a very strong aura today, and they both look like successful people in suits and ties.Xu Youyu also put on makeup and contact lenses today, and applied pomade on her hair, making her look much more handsome.

"Logic, Dr. Xu, welcome."

The three of them sat down after shaking hands. The sofa was very comfortable and everyone sat down and chatted like old friends.

Jon Stewart smiled and said: "Logic, everyone wants to know, is it true that you made $3.1358 million? We haven't seen you admit it in the media."

Luo Ji said, "It seems that everyone is better at math than me. The numbers are very precise!"

"Is that true?"

Luo Ji said lightly: "Yes."

Wow wow wow wow, the audience in the venue suddenly burst into exclamation.

Taylor's father looked at Taylor in front of the TV: "How much has the 60 you invested in Logic become now?"

Taylor's mother Andrea and brother Austin also looked at Taylor with curious eyes.

Taylor also imitated Luo Ji on TV and said lightly: "It will be 1100 million dollars soon."

Andrea said in surprise: "This is twice what you have earned in the past two years."

The program continued on the TV, and Jon Stewart continued to ask: "Logic, how did you find out that the subprime mortgage crisis was about to break out?"

Luo Ji pointed to Xu Youyu next to him: "Did he tell me?"

Jon Stewart continued: "Dr. Xu, when did you discover it?"

Xu Youyu began to explain: "It was at the end of 2005, I did a research on the real estate industry..."

Luo Ji, who was on TV, was watching and found that Xu Youyu's performance was much better than in the previous interview.The whole person has been able to cope with it easily. This group of elite talents has really strong adaptability.

Jon Stewart continued: "So the report came out in late 2005?"

Xu Youyu said: "Yes."

Jon Stewart then said: "So when did you and Logic meet?"

Xu Youyu recalled: "At the beginning of 2007, at a banquet."

Luo Ji continued: "I was just a little star at the time. I was a little tired at the banquet, so I found a place to rest, and then I met Dr. Xu."

Jon Stewart then said: "Haha, history is always full of accidents. So how did you talk about the subprime mortgage crisis?"

Luo Ji explained: "I asked Dr. Xu what he did, and he said he worked on Wall Street. So I asked if there were any investment opportunities?"

Xu Youyu answered: "So I told Logic about my research."

"Why would you tell a stranger your theory?"

"Maybe it's because Logic is handsome."

Hahahaha, the audience laughed.

Xu Youyu then said seriously: "It's because of the desire to talk. At that time, not only I discovered this theory, but also several people on Wall Street, such as John Paulson and Michael Barry. But at that time, people in the United States also believed it. There are just a few, and the real estate industry has been booming for more than 20 years. This theory is difficult to be accepted by people, and few people believe that subprime mortgages will collapse."

Jon Stewart continued: "Does it bother you that your theory is not accepted?"

"Yes." Xu Youyu said.

Jon Stewart then stared at Luo Ji: "So, Logic, did you believe his theory then?"

"Yeah." Luo Ji said calmly.

Jon Stewart asked seriously: "Why did you believe it when others didn't believe it? And then you made 3.1 million yuan."

"This is not a legendary story, but it is a bit sad to tell it."

Luo Ji put on his best acting skills and said in a low voice: "As you know, I come from the bottom. I used to live in an RV camp, which was a gathering place for homeless people. At the end of 2006, "At that time, I noticed that there were more and more homeless people in RV camps. I talked to them several times and found that they all lost their houses because they were unable to repay their loans."

"I didn't know what caused them to lose the house at the time. It wasn't until Dr. Xu told me his theory that I understood what caused it."

"More homelessness? It's that simple."

"Yeah." Luo Ji said in a low voice, "When the theory is the same as reality, there is no reason not to believe in the correctness of the theory."

Jon Stewart continued: "So? That's not a happy thing, is it, Logic."


Luo Ji continued: "So, I took out some of the company's profits very early and invested them in the "Long Live Life" charity fund for charity. In the future, I will help more homeless people."

On TV, there were photos of Luo Ji and a group of volunteers donating clothes and food to the homeless. The photos switched back and forth, and there were many photos, all of them in different places and with different people.

Of course, these pictures were produced during emergency operations in the past two days.

Jon Stewart spoke up and said, "Logic, you're doing great!"

"I'm just contributing my little bit."

The photos on TV finally settled on one photo.

Luo Ji held a cute little white girl in his arms. Next to him stood a white mother and two older children. They all took a group photo standing in front of a house with a smile.

"What's going on with this photo?" Jon Stewart asked.

Luo Ji said with a smile: "She is a single mother, and her house was about to be taken away by the bank because she could not repay the loan. After I heard about it, I helped her pay off all the loans."

Jon Stewart continued: "You were raised by a single mother, right?"

"Yes." Luo Ji then said in a low voice, "That's why I understand them best."

At this time, a voice emerged from the hearts of countless people sitting in front of the TV, Logic is really a good boy!

(End of this chapter)

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