New York 2006

Chapter 19 Companies and News

Chapter 19 Companies and News

Apocalypse's Viva La Vida, although it is just guitar playing and singing, the quality of the song is there, and this song obviously conquered Braun.

He really thought that he was very rich and thought that many agents were contacting him. He had no advantage over those big agencies and was afraid that he would sign with other agencies. The next day he called himself again and told his story. advantages and reduced the commission rate to 7%.

Luo Ji didn't agree to him, but decided to give him an answer next weekend as originally planned.

The time came on November 2006, 11. After school in the afternoon, Luo Ji and Sami took a taxi to Jamie's law firm.People from the law firm were gathered around the computer watching the news.After saying hello, Luo Ji also came up.

"California Governor Schwarzenegger successfully ran for re-election. The mid-term elections in the United States have ended. Democrats captured a majority of seats in the House of Representatives and performed well in the gubernatorial election. The only thing that is uncertain right now is whether the Democrats can also win a majority in the Senate. Seats, Virginia seats could be the deciding factor."

"Ms. Clinton, the U.S. Senator from New York State, was also re-elected, but she spent $2950 million in campaign funds, ranking first in the country. Michael Toner, chairman of the U.S. Federal Election Commission, said that Ms. Clinton's burning of money must not only focus on This midterm election is instead preparing for the 2008 presidential election. He said that Ms. Clinton may intend to replicate President Bush's victory in 1998. President Bush was elected governor of Texas with an overwhelming majority in 1998, laying a good foundation for running for president in 2000. .”

Jamie shouted angrily after seeing the news: "These Democrats will only use some dirty tricks to campaign, such as online warfare, advertising warfare, door-to-door lobbying warfare, and finally phone warfare. They must do everything." If it weren’t for these, how could the Republican Party lose?”

The female law partner immediately retorted: "The Republicans are not that good, mainly because the people are angry with the President and the people are tired of the war in Iraq. You Republicans are all war maniacs, and all you can think about is war." "

Jamie didn't want to argue with the female lawyer, so he turned to Luo Ji and said, "Feili, you must not believe these Democrats. They are all a bunch of hypocrites. From now on, you will vote for the Republican Party like me, you know?"

The female lawyer immediately responded: "Feili, don't listen to him, this old stubborn guy from Montana. The Democratic Party is the future. Look at the good things the Republicans have done in Iraq! They bully the people of the third world every day and use the country's Money feeds the domestic military-industrial complex.”

Jamie was choked and speechless. The Republicans have indeed been worse in the past two years and have lost the support of the people.

Luo Ji was speechless and didn't want to get involved: "Okay, okay, stop arguing, I'm only 16 years old and not yet old enough to vote. I'm here to sign the contract today, let's get down to business!"

"Okay!" Jamie took out the files in the drawer.

Luo Ji took the contract and carefully read it word by word: "Jamie, where do you sign?"

"This, this, and here! Sammy, you also need to sign in these places. Fili is not underage yet. I need your authorization."

Mother Sami was very excited, her hands were trembling a little, she signed with difficulty, and wiped the corners of her eyes with her hands: "My child, I am proud of you!"

Luo Ji didn't say anything, he just walked to his mother, patted her back gently, and comforted her.

Jamie also followed up and said: "Congratulations, Feili, you have done a good job on YouTube recently, Future Music Records, Future Music Records will be yours from now on!"

Others in the law firm also applauded.

"Thank you."

After Luo Ji finished greetings, he came to the window of the law firm. His mood was not as calm as it appeared. He was very excited at this time.Since then, he has started his own independent recording career. Although he only has some virtual assets now, he will eventually grow up in the future.

But he remembered one more thing, and his mood worsened slightly. Yesterday, after Blake found out that he was setting up a record company without him, he was very angry, said a lot of unpleasant things, and turned around and never talked to him again.

Luo Ji could understand his grievances. The two were good buddies and they worked together to shoot videos. He must have thought that they would be together if they started a business.But Blake was too naive and didn't realize his status at all.

Luo Ji personally "composed" the songs and discovered the path to fame on the Internet. He provided creative ideas for shooting videos, edited the videos himself, and posted forum posts himself to attract traffic. He uploaded each video himself, and sometimes the editing took a long time. Even though it takes a long time to think about an idea, everything is his hard work.

All Blake did was shoot under his guidance, and anyone else could have done it.Moreover, Black was just a former friend, and Luo Ji didn't have deep feelings for him.

Although Luo Ji would not give him shares in the record, he did not intend to treat him badly. During this period, he would give him half of the money he earned from street singing. Moreover, Luo Ji also told him that if he made a lot of money in the future, he would definitely take him with him. Give him a satisfactory salary.But Blake was too angry to listen.

Sammy's mood finally stabilized, and she seemed to see Luo Ji's confusion: "Feli, how do you plan to deal with your relationship with Black?"

"Let him calm down first and wait for a while before talking. Now he is angry. I asked him at school today if he would accompany me to shoot videos in the future, but he ignored me."

"That's okay! By the way, I've already rented the house in Brooklyn. When will we move?"

"Let's just move tomorrow." The family got up early the next day and cleaned the RV inside and out. They gave all the unused or old things to the neighbors and threw away the things no one wanted. Lose.When everything was ready, Sammy drove the RV outside.After driving about 100 meters, she stopped again.

"Have you informed Blake? We are leaving and he didn't come out to see you off. You are just a friend, why don't you go and say goodbye to him?"

"He didn't answer my phone calls, and he didn't reply to my text messages. Besides, it's not like we're moving abroad, it's just an hour's drive away in Brooklyn, and it's not like we'll never see each other again."

Sami suddenly became melancholy: "Imagine that after living here for so many years, I still feel a little reluctant to leave!"

Dilapidated RV campsites, all kinds of drug addicts, drugs everywhere, many people wandering around with nothing to do all day long, with numb expressions on their faces, there is no hope of life here at all.

Luo Ji spoke: "What's so nostalgic about this poor place? It's all caused by genes, and it's a fear of the uncertainty of leaving the safe zone. Don't worry, our life will get better and better."

Sami frowned: "You can ruin such a literary and artistic moment."

"Hurry up and drive away. I've had enough of this place! I've been busy today, buying new quilts, electrical appliances, kitchen utensils, sofas, etc., and, by the way, there's also a TV. I've had enough. There's not even a TV in the room. life."

Sami felt a little guilty when she heard this. She knew that she had not fulfilled her responsibilities as a mother.

After working all afternoon and until eight o'clock, the family cleaned the three-bedroom house and arranged the furniture.The family was sitting on the sofa, watching TV and chatting.

"I first agreed that the largest room will be mine. I want to install a computer and bookshelf in the bedroom. The space is too small and there is nothing I can do."

"Okay." Sammy didn't object.

Chucky then said: "Then I want the second largest house."

Mother Sami decisively suppressed her: "Be honest, you are the youngest, go to that small room."

Luo Ji's stomach was already growling with hunger: "What are you going to eat tonight?"

"I'll go cook and you guys can watch TV here."

Luo Ji picked up the remote control and flipped through the channels one by one. Suddenly, a picture of Britney Spears appeared on the screen. Luo Ji stopped. It was a gossip show with a man and a woman shouting.

The woman danced and shouted: "Wow, wow, wow, today is such a good day. Britney is finally divorcing the scumbag Kevin Federnan. I really don't understand Britney's eyes for choosing men. Why did she choose them in the first place?" I have a crush on Kevin, the toad."

The man said: "Maybe Kevin is stronger in that aspect, hahaha. We don't care how Britney fell in love with Kevin in the first place, anyway, now our little sweetheart is finally going to divorce this scumbag."

The woman continued: "Kevin, a scumbag, didn't care about the child when Britney was pregnant. He also fooled around with friends and often visited nightclubs to find strippers."

"It's obvious now, isn't it? Los Angeles Superior Court spokesperson Pat Kelly confirmed that it has received Britney's divorce lawsuit. Britney has a prenuptial agreement, and this scumbag will not get much money from her."

The woman looked longingly: "So will Britney become the Britney in our hearts in the future?"

The man spread his hands: "I don't know, but she seems to be in a good mood. Yesterday Britney had dinner with some friends in New York in the afternoon. She also went skating at the Rockefeller Center ice rink in the evening."

"Then I hope she gets better and better."

Luo Ji watched the gossip news for a while. His mother, Sami, had already prepared the meal. Maybe everyone was hungry, so the family finished the meal quickly. After finishing the meal, Luo Ji said hello and returned to the room.

Looking out from the window, the community is very quiet at the moment, the surrounding greenery is also very good, and there are security guards on duty at the door.Not far away is the police station, which is very safe.

"I've done a good job these days after traveling through time and allowed my family to live a stable life." Luo Ji thought to himself.He turned around, took off his clothes, lay down on the bed, and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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