New York 2006

Chapter 20 The First Pot of Gold

Chapter 20 The First Pot of Gold
The day after moving, Luo Ji received news from YouTube that Sony was very interested in his Internet advertisement and asked him to immediately participate in negotiations.

Luo Ji called Jamie to consult, but Jamie was just a lawyer and didn't know much about the value of advertising in the entertainment industry.

In desperation, he could only contact Scooter Braun in advance: "Braun, I choose you to be my agent."

Braun asked doubtfully: "First of all, thank you very much for choosing me, but can I ask why you informed me in advance? Didn't we agree on the weekend?"

"It's like this. I made a video and was spotted by Sony for advertising. Now I need my agent to participate in business negotiations. So, can you get into work immediately?"

Braun did not agree immediately: "So I am the best among all the competitors, right?"

Luo Ji rolled his eyes speechlessly: "Yes!"

Braun then said with a smile: "Then I can get into work mode immediately."

"You send me your email address, and I'll send you the video. Here's how it goes..."

Braun listened: "What we are discussing now is not an endorsement, but how much is this ad worth? Does Sony plan to buy it and play it on your channel? But who owns the ownership of the video?"

Braun was really smart and thought of these issues instantly. Luo Ji said, "It would be great if you could let me endorse this camera, but the hope is slim. Don't worry, how much value can this advertisement create?" , I will give you a share of 7%. The ownership rights of the video should belong to Sony, so it can be played here."

"Ok, I see."

Luo Ji continued on the phone: "I used my own music for this commercial. The photographers were friends around me, and the actors were all my family and friends. You can include them in the cost. Of course, the cost will definitely be low." high."

Braun said: "This is not conducive to negotiations."

Luo Ji added: "Your main negotiating advantage is the quality of my videos, my unconsciously unique advertising method, and the most important thing is of course the number of clicks on my videos. I can easily get millions of views on one video now."


"By the way, you can refer to the advertising video that Nike uploaded on YouTube last year. The advertising effect of their video was very good."

"Yeah, I'll take a look."

"Also, don't be too forceful in negotiations. This advertising model has not been verified after all. We have no negotiating advantages. That's basically it. I will give you the number of the negotiator. You can familiarize yourself with the information and then contact them. Telephone negotiation.”

"Leave it to me." Braun is very confident!

A few hours later, Braun called Luo Ji and told him that the negotiation was over: "The advertising fee of 100 yuan will be paid directly, and for every 1 million plays, they will pay you [-] yuan. And the YouTube official will include a shopping link for this camera under your video. As long as someone purchases through your link, you will receive a certain percentage of the share?"

Luo Ji asked: "Is this result good or bad?"

"Not sure! Everyone is still in the exploratory stage of this Internet advertising model."

"Okay, when will it be signed? Where will it be signed?"

"They said New York or Los Angeles would work, preferably tomorrow."

"That's just right. Come to New York. I'm in New York now. You can fly over tomorrow morning! Let's sign the agency contract by the way."

Luo Ji has been asking for leave these days, and he called his teacher to ask for a few more days off.

The next day, Luo Ji and his mother, Sami, rented a luxury car and went to the airport to pick up their manager, Braun.The three of them first went to Jamie's law firm to sign the agency contract, and then grabbed Jamie and went straight to the Sony Electronics Department in New York. After a busy day, the contract was finally signed.

Luo Ji wrote the title in front of the people from Sony, "Brothers, I received a Sony high-definition camera worth 6999 meters from YouTube officials."Then click upload!
Lawyer Jamie, agent Braun and mother Sami applauded and blessed, and people from Sony Electronics were also very considerate and clapped along.Luo Ji asked, "Have you also reached an advertising cooperation plan with YouTube?"

"Yes, we have a series of advertising cooperation plans!"

"Then YouTube and them want to thank me. After I received the camera, I came up with this video idea and asked YouTube to contact you."

The Sony Electronics executive responded with a smile: "Hahaha. Your advertising fees will be paid later."

Luo Ji said, "Thank you. What do you think of the soundtrack for the commercial? It's music I composed myself."

"The soundtrack is good and sounds very fresh. You are a great singer."

Luo Ji then asked, "Can you ask your music department to help release the single?"

People from Sony Electronics hurriedly excused themselves: "We are not in the same department. If you need to release a single, you can go directly to the music department. We are not subordinate to each other."

"All right!"

Lawyer Jamie, agent Braun, and mother Sammy have already compiled.As soon as a group of four people walked out of Sony's building, their manager Braun said: "The main task now is to produce the song. Your guitar playing recording is still too rough. In this way, you can go to these big companies for distribution and negotiation. It’s very difficult to get up.”

Jamie followed up and said, "Yes, they won't pay attention to you if you just release a single. These distribution companies will usually sign a distribution contract with you, five years, three specialties, seven years, five specialties and so on."

The apocalypse is still too slow. It has been almost two months since the time traveled, and there is only one song in the apocalypse.Including the song he brought before his death, there are only two songs now, which is enough for the entire album.Luo Ji couldn't help but feel helpless and could only take one step at a time.

"So Braun, can you stay in New York these days to help me record a single?"

Braun immediately protested: "Come On! I'm not from your record company, I'm just your manager."

Next to him, Sammy immediately spoke up and said, "Just help Feili. His career has just started and he needs your help."

Braun was resentful. The feeling Luo Ji gave him on the phone earlier made him feel that Luo Ji's music company was very powerful and was not short of money at all. However, after being coaxed to sign the management contract, Luo Ji confessed that his The company was broke, and Braun felt cheated.Luo Ji showed weakness.

"Just help me, Braun. You see, my songs are so good. As soon as they are released, they will definitely become popular. When I become famous, I will cooperate with you in various commercial performances and endorsements. Let's make a fortune together."

Braun turned his head and said nothing. Jamie stepped forward to persuade him: "Yes, think about it. You should be very clear about how much money a famous singer makes. Besides, business is business. When negotiating with you, Feili should use some small words." Isn't it normal to use tricks? He confessed to you after signing the contract."

Braun was still sane. He was very optimistic about Luo Ji's future. When he reached the stage, he said, "Okay, okay, I promise you. Logic."

Luo Ji said, "Thank you, Braun."

The process of professional recording is still very complicated. You need to rent a recording studio, hire accompanists, harmonize, do post-production, etc.Luo Ji knew nothing about this, so it should be much easier for him to have an agent like Braun, who has worked in the music industry for many years, to help him.What's more, Luo Ji didn't intend to owe Braun anything. He would observe Braun's character for a period of time, and if there were no problems, he would give him the producer's share.

Sammy said, "Where should we go next?"

"Of course let's celebrate with a big meal!"

Braun answered: "Wait a minute, I'll find a hotel to settle down first."

"Don't look for something too good, I'll reimburse you."

(End of this chapter)

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