New York 2006

Chapter 192 First Week Box Office

Chapter 192 First Week Box Office
Of course Luo Ji didn't seek out Evan Rachel for a romantic relationship, but he wanted to give it a try to see if he could get new pieces of the apocalypse from her.

Somewhat unexpectedly, unlike Kristen Stewart who only gave Luo Ji one apocalypse clip, Evan Rachel gave Luo Ji several video clips, all from a TV series.

The reason why he knew it was a TV series and not a movie was because she gave Luo Ji Tianqi a TV series title.

Luo Ji got a piece of the TV series soundtrack "Main Title Theme", which also let him know the name of the show "Westworld".After inquiry, it was found that it was adapted from a 1973 movie.

"Logic, I'm sorry that I've caused you some trouble these days." Evan Rachel said a little embarrassed.

Luo Ji looked at Rachel strangely. In the past few days, it was he who took the initiative to ask Evan Rachel out to play, and some paparazzi took photos of her and spread the scandal. It was obviously Luo Ji who caused it, but she actually Apologize proactively.

Sure enough, the strong and weak relationship between people is inseparable from power and wealth.When Evan Rachel got along with him, she was basically careful to please him.

Now that she said that, Luo Ji simply took it as her fault: "It's okay, haven't I been rumored enough for scandals? They are all written randomly by some tabloids, so I won't cause any trouble."

"That's good."

Rachel smiled and said, "By the way, what was the box office of the "Twilight" movie at midnight last night?"


Rachel was surprised and said: "So many!"

"Generally average."

Rachel said enviously: "You are so popular, so many people support you!"

"I do have a lot of fans supporting me."

Luo Ji told the truth: "But it's mainly due to the novel's popularity. After all, I'm not a Hollywood actor. Everyone's attention is still focused on my music."

Nearly a week has passed since the movie's premiere. Yesterday, "Twilight" was officially released at midnight. The box office was unexpectedly good, surpassing all movies in the same period.

With the movie doing so well, the next three days are crucial.Luo Ji, Christine is of course very busy. During the day, she was interviewed by various media, appeared on TV, and met with movie fans. She was very busy.

It wasn't until he had some free time in the evening that Luo Ji asked Evan Rachel to have dinner at this relatively private restaurant in Burbank.The two of them chatted with each other.

Luo Ji looked at her and said, "Why are you wearing so many clothes? Isn't it hot?"

Rachel was wearing a long-sleeved jacket today and a T-shirt underneath.It's already June and summer is here, especially in a big city like Los Angeles, where the temperature is very high.Women generally wear skirts or short-sleeves when going out.Very few people wear coats.

Rachel shrank her head and hesitated before saying, "It's okay, I'm not hot."

Luo Ji felt something was wrong, so he took a closer look and found that when she raised her hand, she could see the bruises on her arm from inside her sleeve.

Luo Ji's first thought was that her boyfriend Marilyn Manson had beaten her because of the scandals in the past few days.Manson gave people the impression that he was someone who could do such a thing.

Luo Ji wanted to pretend that he didn't see it. It was better to do less than to do more, but she was a "Tianqi person" and so much wool was gathered around her, so he felt a little guilty about pretending not to see it.

Luo Ji simply stretched out his hand and pulled up Rachel's sleeves. Then he looked at her seriously and asked, "What's going on?"

Rachel was startled by Luo Ji's action, but quickly regained her composure: "It's okay, it's okay."

"Is it because of the scandal? Did he hit you?"

After getting along with her these days, Luo Ji found that she was not as rebellious and bold as she appeared in the movie "Thirteen", but instead looked like a little girl, a little timid.But she is not old either, only 20 years old.Living alone in Hollywood.

Rachel didn't dare to look into Luo Ji's eyes and whispered, "Yes."

Luo Ji took back his hand and asked seriously, "What's going on?"

Rachel hesitated and looked a little scared.

Luo Ji said warmly, "Don't be afraid, I will help you."

Evan Rachel, like Kristen Stewart, is from a middle-class background and has little power.However, Kristen Stewart is Jewish, and the Jewish people in Hollywood will help her, and not many people dare to bully her.

But Evan Rachel is different. The family has no power and no connections in Hollywood. It is normal to be afraid of big singers like Marilyn Manson.

"He often beats me..."

After listening to Evan Rachel's story, Luo Ji felt that she was being mind-controlled by Marilyn Manson and was completely PUA.

She was beaten, starved, and given very unpleasant nicknames by Marilyn Manson. She had to beg him for mercy until the other person felt her adoration and loyalty and would not stop torturing her. She was in her early 20s. She didn't dare to resist at all, and was even too scared to escape, fearing that she would suffer more serious punishment for escaping.

"Do you still like him?"

Evan Rachel said cautiously: "I was with him because I thought he was so cool. I don't like him now, but I don't dare to break up with him."

Luo Ji wiped the corners of his mouth with the napkin on the table: "There are only zero and countless domestic violence cases. You have to be brave to resist. Let's do this. I know a women's rights organization and have donated to them. They deal with this aspect. The matter is very experienced. I will call them to provide you with legal and public opinion support. You just need to cooperate with them."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he thought of Britney.The reason why Luo Ji knew these women's rights organizations was because of her.but……

Evan Rachel said: "I don't want to make the matter bigger and expose it to the media."

"It's okay, I will tell them. After you break up, if Marilyn Manson continues to harass you, they can provide you with protection. Whether it is legal or public opinion. As a singer, Manson, as long as he is in his right mind, If you don’t want to get a bad reputation, I will definitely not dare to harass you again. You..."

Rachel suddenly reached out and held Luo Ji's hand: "Do you like me?"


Know your place. Well, you, like Kristen, are both tools of the apocalypse.To be honest, helping Evan Rachel was done casually. She and Manson broke up two days later, but they did not announce it to the media. After all, Luo Ji had been having an affair with her in the past two days.

I heard from Evan Rachel that Marilyn Manson still wanted to pester her, but after a slight warning from women's rights organizations, Manson did not dare.

These are all trivial matters to Luo Ji now.As his wealth grew, he found that he had more and more resources at his disposal.Helping her is like a small episode in life.

After two days of continued contact, there was no more footage from Tianqi, so Luo Ji stopped asking her out.

"Fiona, Fiona!"

Early in the morning on June 2008, 6, Luo Ji woke up from his home in Los Angeles and shouted Fiona's name loudly.

"What are you doing! A ghost is screaming so early in the morning."

Fiona was rubbing her sleepy eyes, looking lazy in her pajamas, standing in the kitchen making coffee.She was obviously angry at this moment, but Luo Ji couldn't control that much.

"What else can we do? Of course it's the North American box office for the movie's opening weekend!"

"We'll find out when we get to the company!" Fiona said angrily.

Luo Ji saw that she was a little angry when she got up, so he simply checked it himself. He went to the sofa in the living room and opened the laptop on it. He entered the mailbox and saw that there was indeed an email from Zhu Haowei.

"YES! YES!" Luo Ji clenched his fists and shouted loudly, then jumped up.

"How many?"

Fiona came over with two cups of coffee and handed one to Luo Ji.

"The North American box office opened at 8360 million in its first weekend, ranking first!"

"How much?" Fiona couldn't believe it.

"8360 million!"

When Fiona heard this, she quickly put the coffee on the table and hurried up the stairs. As she ran, she said to Luo Ji, "Hurry and pack up, let's go to the company!"

When the car arrived at the entrance of Logic Pictures, reporters were already gathered outside. There seemed to be a dozen of them. When they saw Luo Ji's car, they immediately surrounded him. When the car door was opened, several microphones were immediately thrust into Luo Ji's face.

"Logic, what do you want to say about your movie "Twilight" which grossed 8360 million in its first weekend?"

Luo Ji said calmly: "It's expected."

"As expected?"


Luo Ji continued calmly: "As everyone knows, I have never had any problems with my investments. I knew this movie would be successful, so I decided to invest. Otherwise, do you think I spend money randomly? I am such a person. Never fight an uncertain battle."

When the reporters heard this, they instantly became excited and kept taking pictures.

A photographer said to the reporter next to him: "I have already thought of the title. The dark horse "Twilight" that was released in the summer. Logic had thought that the movie would be successful."

Luo Ji pretended to be polite, smiling and waving his hands: "Can you please excuse me? I want to go into the company."

The reporters were obviously not ready to let Luo Ji leave and followed him closely with microphones in hand.

"Logic, how many "Twilight" movies will you make?"

"At least four!" Luo Ji said as he walked.

"Logic, do you think the "Twilight" series will become the next "Harry Potter" movie series?"

"Of course. Stephanie is America's J.K. Rowling."

Luo Ji kept raving, hoping to arouse media discussion and attention.No matter what, as long as it increases the popularity of the movie and the discussion in the media.

Luo Ji came to the door of the company while answering reporters' questions. Then he stopped and continued to be interviewed by the media.He wouldn't just walk in, he would satisfy the reporters' enthusiasm for interviews.

"Logic, where do you think Twilight will land at the box office?"

"Logic, I heard that you and Kristen Stewart have a good relationship. What is your relationship specifically? Are you and Kristen in a relationship?"

"Logic, are you courting Evan Rachel?"

"Logic, what do you think about the "Twilight" movie soundtrack taking No. 69 on the Billboard album chart in its first week, with sales of [-]?"

"Logic, what do you think of the recent decline in bank stocks? Are you still short the banking sector?"

Luo Ji suddenly woke up when he heard this, pointed at him and said, "Today we will only talk about movies! Otherwise I will leave."

"Well, my fault."

The reporter thrust the microphone in front of Luo Ji: "So, Logic, what do you think about "USA Today" saying that you made a cold expression on the big screen the whole time, and it was awkward when you smiled. You have no acting skills at all."

Luo Ji shamelessly said, "I didn't. Don't talk nonsense. My acting skills are very good! If you don't believe me, ask my fans!"

 Main Title Theme - Westworld
(End of this chapter)

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