New York 2006

Chapter 193 The Chase from Hollywood

Chapter 193 The Chase from Hollywood

On June 2008, 6, Luo Ji, Zhu Haowei, Thomas Tull, Fiona and others came to the gate of Warner Bros. headquarters in Burbank in high spirits.

"'Twilight', another 'Harry Potter'! Look, it's a project created by this kid."

"Do you know Lady Gaga? She is the new singer who has been gaining momentum recently. She is under his Future Music Company."

"There are rumors that he is still shorting the banking industry, haven't you noticed? Banking stocks have fallen again during this period. Maybe it was caused by his followers following him."

"Have you seen the "Forbes Celebrity List" some time ago? This guy is so fierce. In the past twelve months, Forbes said he earned $4.3 million in income. He directly defeated Oprah and took the first place. I I’ve long been unhappy with that black woman.”

"He is an amazing person who can achieve success whether in the recording industry, music field or investment field. Can I go over and talk to him and ask him to guide me?"

"Want to fart?"

People around him whispered, many looked at him with admiration, and some even wanted to come up and chat with him.

Luo Ji remembered that the last time he came here, he heard someone talking about another singer who wanted to work in Hollywood.

What's the result now? "The Twilight Saga" has grossed 1.41 million US dollars at the North American box office in two weeks. The arrogant and arrogant old white man from Warner's film distribution department last time is now standing at the door with a smile on his face, waiting for him. Even Warner Bros. CEO David Zaslav also came out to greet him.

"David, I didn't see you last time I came here!" Luo Ji stepped forward to hug him and patted him warmly on the back.

David Zaslav said with a smile: "You are a great contributor to Warner Brothers. Of course I want to come and meet you. Come on, let's go in and talk."

Luo Ji and CEO David Zaslav walked in front and chatted. Several others followed behind, with David leading the way. Warner employees quickly got out of the way along the way, and soon everyone arrived at the conference room.

Warner Bros. CEO David Zaslav said enthusiastically: "Logic, are you interested in cooperating exclusively with our company?"

Aren’t we here to discuss overseas distribution today?
Luo Ji asked in confusion, "How do you say that?"

"Just like our cooperation with Legendary Pictures. You should have heard Toole say that, right?"


Luo Ji said that Thomas Tull had been clinging to him like candy for the past two days. He also told him about the agreement between Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros., and asked him to come to Warner Bros. today in person. It turned out that he was a lobbyist!

As competition among film distribution companies in Hollywood has become increasingly fierce in recent years, in order to bind high-quality production companies, some distribution companies will sign exclusive distribution contracts with them, including discounts on distribution commissions, tilting distribution resources, and arranging high-quality schedules. , and financial support.

Hollywood's high-quality independent production companies such as Amblin Entertainment, Morgan Creek Films, Regent Entertainment, Village Roadshow Pictures, Legendary Films, Virtual Studios, Silver Image Pictures, and Dark Castle Entertainment are now Exclusive partnership with Warner Bros.

Other major film studios, of course, also have their own independent production companies that they cooperate with.

However, the independent production companies that sign these exclusive contracts are basically old independent production companies that have been in Hollywood for many years.I didn't expect that Luo Ji's Logic Pictures would now receive such treatment.

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "Other companies have contacted me these days and want to sign an exclusive distribution contract with me."

"Warner can give you the best terms."

David Zaslav said: "Logic, if you don't believe me, ask Tur, have we ever had any conflicts with him after we have cooperated with him for so long?"

"Warner is very trustworthy. It is absolutely trustworthy." Thomas Stull said seriously.

Luo Ji was going to fool him first: "Besides "Twilight", I have no other production plans for the time being. But the distribution contract of the "Twilight" series belongs to you. It doesn't matter whether you sign the distribution contract or not. You You know, my film company has just been established and I have no other actions for the time being."

"Logic, we're serious, and I want you to be honest too."

David Zaslav, the CEO of Warner Bros., looked at Luo Ji and said, "Your Logic Pictures has been acquiring scripts and novel adaptation rights in Hollywood these days. This is no secret. Are you acquiring these to prepare for dust? You It's obvious that you want to do something big. And your "Twilight" was successful, and it was super successful, so you are not short of funds."

Damn, Burbank is just that big, and if something happens, it will spread everywhere.

"Okay, then I'll tell you my concerns."

Luo Ji said seriously: "David, you should also know my experience. When I was in the record industry, I had conflicts with Universal Music. They took advantage of their strong position as a publisher to make me surrender, and they also treated me personally. Attack. When I think about this experience now, I still feel frightened. I don’t want to go through it again.”

"Of course I know this about you."

David Zaslav continued: "We will never do this to the independent studios that contract with us. If you ask about Warner Bros.'s reputation in Hollywood, we have never threatened or coerced our independent studios. You are free." Luo Jicai didn't believe his promise. It was safest to put it in black and white: "Then can this clause be written into the contract? During our cooperation, Warner Bros. is not allowed to try to buy shares in my company for any reason. Film and television companies, unless I take the initiative.”

"absolutely okay!"

David Zaslav continued: "So can we invest in your movie? We are very optimistic about you. You are an amazing person. No matter where you invest, you have never failed. Hollywood always believes in winners."


David Zaslav smiled and said: "Toole's Legendary Pictures, your company and Warner Bros.! The three of us jointly invested and signed a contract for the investment and distribution of your next ten new film contracts. The project is completely controlled by you. We will never interfere, but of course there still needs to be a financial audit."

The "Twilight" series is definitely not included. After all, this series has long been divided up by Logic Pictures, Legendary Pictures, MTV Pictures and Summit Entertainment.No one will share the profits from successful projects, and now everyone is talking about ten new film contracts.

"And I can also let you invest in Warner's projects. You know, these years, major studios have not dared to independently invest in top-level productions. They are all looking for external cooperation. We can also bring you in."

Zhu Haowei poked Luo Ji with his finger, and Luo Ji understood what he meant.

"Let's do this, David. You draw up a contract first and then give it to me. I will get back to you after I read it."

David Zaslav said seriously: "Okay."

"Then let's not talk about this for now. Let's talk about overseas distribution. After all, this is the main purpose of our coming here today."

Overseas distribution is of course also handled by Warner, but everyone had only determined the release time before, but not the cost of overseas distribution.The cost of overseas distribution will be determined based on the North American box office.

Everyone discussed for about an hour and roughly determined the issuance fee.An additional US$1000 million will be spent on promotional expenses in North America, and distribution expenses overseas will be US$3000 million. Warner Bros. will advance half of the amount required by Logic Pictures in advance.It will be deducted from the box office proceeds in the future.

In this way, the promotional fee has reached 6000 million US dollars, which is higher than the production cost of the movie, but correspondingly, it can also bring higher box office for the movie.

After the discussion, Luo Ji and Zhu Haowei returned to Logic Pictures with an exclusive distribution contract from Warner Bros., and the two quickly finished the contract.

Luo Ji said: "Warner Brothers' exclusive distribution contract is no different from the distribution contracts of Universal Pictures, Fox and Disney! The only extra thing is that they are willing to give more discounts on distribution resources."

Zhu Haowei said: "These large companies have a tacit understanding and will not compete maliciously. They are the only ones who will suffer from this."

"Which one should I choose?"

"Conditions being the same, the first choice is definitely Warner Pictures."

Zhu Haowei continued: "I think don't worry about it now. Let's wait until the income from "Twilight" is settled and see if they will make any small moves."

"They don't dare, right? After all, there are still the follow-up series of "Twilight" waiting for them."

Zhu Haowei advised: "We are not in a hurry anyway. After all, we have no plans for new projects. There is no need to be so anxious to find a publisher. Maybe if we delay, we can get better preferential terms."

"Okay, you convinced me."

Bang bang bang, there was a knock on the door, and the person who walked in was the front desk of Logic Pictures.

"Boss, Mr. Harvey Weinstein is here."

"Okay, let him go to my office, I'll be there soon."

During this period, many Hollywood companies contacted Luo Ji, wanting to distribute Luo Ji's movies, and asked if there was a lack of investment in Luo Ji's new movies. Many stars came to look for opportunities, and some even wanted to invest in "Twilight". City".

Basically, Luo Ji would meet everyone who was famous, and he would expand his connections in Hollywood.It’s always good to know more people.

Luo Ji said to Zhu Haowei beside him: "In addition to keeping an eye on "The Twilight Saga" during this period, the next thing you have to do is contact the three investors and launch the second project of "The Twilight Saga". The new moon."


"Of course, there is also a script to act in advance."


(End of this chapter)

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