New York 2006

Chapter 199 Taylor’s Day

Chapter 199 Taylor’s Day

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.

Early in the morning, Taylor was woken up by the wake-up ringtone of his Apple phone.She lay quietly on the bed, listening to the harsh ringtone of her cell phone. After more than 30 seconds, the ringtone ended.

She just took the phone over and woke it up. The white letters on the screen read Wednesday, July 2008, 7, Los Angeles.

"I forgot to change my phone screen saver again."

Taylor looked at the screen saver on her phone in a daze. The photo was taken by her and Luo Ji at the Ohio amusement park.You can also see the amusement park's Ferris wheel in the background.I remember that the photo seemed to have been taken by an East Asian person.

In the photo, she is lying on Logic's back, and the two of them are smiling innocently, just like two children.

I remember that both of them were young singers at that time, carefree, unlike now, where they have to worry about so many things every day.

Taylor said to himself: "Why did I change the screen saver on my mobile phone? He changed it for me in the first place. Forget it, I won't study it anymore."

Get up, wash up, put on makeup, go to the hotel restaurant, and order breakfast.

Taylor picked up the fork and picked at the plate, feeling that he had no appetite at all.

Agent Rick Buck came over with a breakfast. He looked at Taylor who looked listless and said.

"You should eat more, you are too thin and this is very bad for your health."

"no appetite……"

Taylor thought about what someone said to her before, and a smile appeared on her lips, but it quickly disappeared, and she said to her agent: "Well, I will eat more."

The agent looked at Taylor who had started to gobble it up and nodded with satisfaction, then picked up a small piece of fried egg and ate it.After swallowing, he said to Taylor.

"You haven't answered Logic's call yet?"

Taylor said nonchalantly: "He hasn't called since we last saw him."

Rick Buck looked regretful and said regretfully: "I advised you not to return the gift at the beginning. For such an excellent person, he must have a very strong self-esteem and be very proud. Returning the gift means that How can he continue to accommodate you if you want to break it off?"

"Just right, it will save me the annoying ringtone every day."

Rick Buck persuaded: "Do you want to call him and take the initiative to ease the relationship?"

Taylor stabbed the eggs on the plate with his fork: "He has self-esteem, but I don't have it? I don't want it."

"You young people just take your self-esteem too seriously, just like the song "We Don't talk anymore" that you two collaborated on before. You two obviously have feelings, but you just don't contact them. Is it worth it? You two Are you not even a friend?"

Taylor ate his breakfast in silence without saying a word.

"Excuse me, does someone as good as Logic have a problem?"

Rick Buck continued to persuade: "Have you not seen the recent news? The global box office of "Twilight" has exceeded 4.3 million US dollars. Professionals predict that the global box office will fall between 4.7 million and 4.9 million US dollars. , he may earn more than 3 million US dollars based on the box office of this movie alone, plus future DVD sales."

"This is a gold mine! Not to mention that this is a series of movies. I heard that the second part of the movie has been launched. He has now become a big shot in Hollywood. Countless companies want to participate in his projects, and countless actors want to Squeeze it into his movies.”

Taylor stopped holding the knife and fork in his hand and looked at his agent seriously: "That's his achievement, what does it have to do with me?"

"Why doesn't it matter? Haven't you always wanted to make movies? Have a good relationship with him and ask him to make one or two movies for you. It will definitely be successful based on his talent. It's much better than you shooting the big movie "Hannah Montana" ”

"I don't want it, please stop talking!" Taylor picked up a piece of broccoli with a fork and put it in his mouth.

The manager didn't stop talking: "I observed that day, Logic really likes you. As long as you forgive him, he will definitely be willing to come back to you. Even if you don't get back together, it's okay to continue to be friends."

"I've gotten to know him, and he's kind-hearted and not ruthless. He feels guilty for you. If you ask him to do something, he will never refuse. Wasn't it you who recommended me to his private equity fund? You are very popular with him. I heard that some fund companies on Wall Street wanted to invest [-] million yuan in him, but he rejected it."

"He has privately revealed the fund's first month's income to you. You know, ordinary investors like us usually only receive the statement in three months."

"You know, Lady Gaga from his record company has become more and more famous during this period. There is also the Flushing Music Festival in New York, which was also super successful. The media revealed that 28 people attended the festival. This It is also his property.”

"He is of Chinese descent, and I heard that Chinese people have higher IQs. Some media even reported that his SAT score was particularly high. What is it?"

"He is a genius, a miraculous person, and a person favored by God. By the way, does he believe in religion? It seems that she has never seen him express religious belief in the media. Do you think you can get him to become a believer?"

After a quick breakfast, Taylor finally got rid of the annoying agent.

Taylor came to the room and took out his diary and started composing songs. During this period, he was so inspired that he had already composed several songs.

But as soon as I had an idea, there was a knock on the door.

Taylor opened it angrily and saw that it was his brother Austin, followed by several young and beautiful girls.

Several girls immediately took out their notebooks, and then started chirping: "Taylor, it's really you, I love you so much! Can you sign your name for us?"

"of course can!"

Taylor immediately smiled, showed off her best manners, swiped, and quickly and skillfully signed words that she didn't even recognize on the notebook.

Austin looked at the girls with a flat expression: "Let's go in and chat."

Several girls said in surprise: "Is it really possible?"

Austin said stinkingly: "Of course, she is my sister."

Taylor still showed respect to Austin in front of others and walked aside to let the girls in.Then he glared hard at Austin behind him, who immediately made a begging gesture.

Several girls entered the hotel room and asked to hug Taylor and get in touch with the idol in person.As her own fans, of course she must pamper her, and Taylor fulfilled their requests one by one.

"Tyler, when is your album coming out?"

"This Friday!"

"Wouldn't that only count two days?"


"We will definitely support you!"

"Thank you."

One of the younger girls timidly said: "Taylor, can I make a small request to you?"

"What's the request?" Taylor asked.

"Can you take us to meet Logic? We like him so much."

Taylor said with a regretful tone: "He is busy, and I am also busy. So, I am really sorry."

A girl said: "He should be in Los Angeles during this time. There seems to be a photo of him and Steve Jobs online."

Another girl added: "He was photographed in Los Angeles yesterday, very close to here."

Taylor was stunned for a moment, and then said politely: "I'm really sorry. I'm busy and really don't have time. I have to promote the song during this time."


After chatting for more than ten minutes, the girls left in good faith.

Taylor's brother Austin wanted to follow, but Taylor grabbed his ears and pulled him back.

Taylor said angrily: "What did you do in Los Angeles? And you hooked up with a few little girls."

Austin rubbed his ears and said a little aggrievedly: "Didn't Logic tell you? The project of "The Twilight Saga: Eclipse" is about to start, and the company asked us actors who will appear in the second part to sign the contract. "

Taylor looked at Austin. Only a few people knew about the news that she and Luo Ji were about to break up.She didn't even tell her brother Austin.Confidential.

"Did Logic call you?" Taylor asked.

"Yes, he called me personally and offered me a very handsome salary."

Taylor: "..." Austin was a little impatient and distanced himself from Taylor: "I'll leave if you're fine. I still have an appointment."

Taylor stretched out his hand to grab him: "What date? Are you going to hang out with those girls just now?"

Austin immediately denied it: "No, no!"

"Have you told mom?"

At this time, Austin had already rushed to the door: "Bye, Taylor."

With a bang, there was a closing sound at the door.

Taylor sat on the sofa and thought for a while, then took out his notebook and searched, and found Logic's recent news.

It turns out that he has been in Los Angeles these days!

"Logic attended the App Store media briefing held at the Los Angeles Technology Center a few days ago. During the break, Logic, as a special guest, took the stage to demonstrate several mobile games from his Holi Game Company."

There are also pictures on the webpage, including pictures of Logic standing on the stage demonstrating the game, and pictures of him taking photos with Jobs.

There has been a lot of news about him recently.

"Logic Pictures yesterday signed a distribution contract with Warner Bros. for the next ten films, establishing an exclusive partnership."

"Logic Pictures, Brad Pitt's Plan B Pictures, Legendary Pictures and Warner Bros. have reached a cooperation to adapt the "World War of the Dead" novel. The film is expected to cost more than $1 million and will be released next year. start up."

"Logic attended the celebration party for the movie "The Dark Knight."

"Logic appeared in Burbank today to start preparations for "The Twilight Saga 2." The director has been confirmed to be Zhu Haowei, the screenwriters are Melissa Rosenberg and Stephenie Meyer, and the film producer is Once Production Yang Yanzi, who starred in "The Joy Luck Club". The production cost is estimated to be 6000 million US dollars."

After watching the news for a while, Taylor felt a little disinterested and no longer in the mood to write songs.I sat on the sofa and turned on the TV, changing channels back and forth, and started watching it boredly.

A scene from Logic seemed to suddenly appear on the TV. Taylor stopped changing channels and watched it carefully.

Accompanied by a group of young people, Logic visited an office building.

Taylor recognized the white nerd accompanying Logic to the right, who was Mark Zuckerberg, the recently popular technology hero, but the Chinese woman on the left did not recognize him.

"Logic, accompanied by Mark Zuckerberg, visited Facebook's headquarters today. Logic's mutually beneficial game company cooperates very closely with Facebook. The social games developed by mutually beneficial game company attract new users to Facebook. Facebook also provides Holi Game Company with its own social network and a huge user base."

Taylor looked at Luo Ji on the TV. At this time, he was calm, steady and high-spirited.He seems to have gotten over the shadow of broken love and is running around for his business empire.

Soon the news came to an end, and the footage showed Luo Ji leaving the Facebook building accompanied by Fiona and his bodyguards.

In the picture, Luo Ji was walking on the road and did not notice the reporter at first.He frowned, biting his lip with his teeth as he lowered his head and thought.

Taylor was very familiar with his expression. Needless to say, he must have encountered something troublesome.

When Luo Ji saw the reporter, his expression immediately changed, he smiled and made a heartfelt gesture towards the camera.


Taylor looked at Luo Ji on the TV and burst into laughter.But after laughing, I felt dull again.Only one person could initiate a stay.

Bang bang bang bang bang.

"Taylor, open the door." came the voice of mother Andrea.

Taylor came to his senses and hurriedly ran to open the door: "What's wrong?"

Andrea said angrily: "Have you seen Austin?"

Taylor immediately complained: "He went out with some girls."

"That kid didn't even say a word to me when he came to Los Angeles, but I heard it from Rick."

The two of them walked to the sofa and sat down while chatting about Austin.

Andrea sat down and looked at Luo Ji's news photos in her desktop notebook. She then looked at Taylor.

Taylor immediately closed the notebook, pretending that nothing happened, and looked at Andrea with a smile: "Mom, what do you want to eat for lunch?"


Andrea sighed heavily: "If you miss him, go find him. I have no objection."

Taylor immediately exploded: "Why are you looking for him? Get back together with him, or continue to be friends with him. He betrayed me and has two children. Do you want me to pretend that nothing happened and just be two children?" Stepmother?"


Andrea sighed and pulled Tyler into her arms for comfort.

"UuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuHe is such bastards.

Andrea was relieved: "Oh, you are still young, and you will meet better ones in the future. When you grow up, you will know that this emotional experience is just a small episode in your life."

"Wow, oh, oh, I love him so much..."

Taylor buried his head in his mother's arms and cried loudly. Andrea didn't say anything more, just caressed Taylor's back.


At night, at a radio station in Los Angeles, the radio DJ spoke into the microphone.

"Today we have a special guest. She is only 18 years old, but she has already won a Grammy. Her first album of the same name has sold more than 400 million copies. Her second single even reached the Billboard No. [-] Two, she’s Taylor Swift.”

Taylor walked into the studio holding a guitar and spoke into the microphone: "Hello everyone, I'm Taylor Swift."

Then she took out a box and handed it to DJ: "I brought you cupcakes that I made myself."

"Thank you."

The radio DJ took the cake and put it aside, smiled and said, "Taylor, congratulations, your single "Love Story" has sold more than 100 million copies."

"Thank you for your love. Next, I will perform this song live for you. Thank you for your continued support."

I love you and that's all I really know
I only know that I love you
I talked to your dad Go pick out a white dress
I've already told your father to pick out a white wedding dress

It's a love story Baby just say yes
What a beautiful love story, marry me darling
'Cause we were both young when I first saw you
Because we were both young when we first met you
The radio DJ curled his lips after hearing this. As a veteran in the music industry, he was obviously dissatisfied with Taylor's live performance.

After Taylor finished his performance, he put the guitar aside and sat down next to the DJ excitedly: "Was my live performance great?"

The radio DJ was about to make some sarcastic remarks, looked at the cupcakes next to him, and could only smile and say: "Of course!"

"Thank you!"

The radio DJ then said: "By the way, Taylor, Logic's "Perfect" got the No. [-] spot on the Billboard, and your single "Love Story" got the No. [-] spot. What do you have to say? Everyone says you guys It’s mutual success.”

Taylor said: "I have nothing to say, and I have nothing to do with him."

The radio DJ asked tentatively: "It doesn't matter?"

"I broke up with him."

"How can you break up?"

The radio DJ said with a look of regret, then reacted and took a professional attitude: "I mean, why did you break up?"

"Because he is a heartless man!"

 Thank you Jotaro for living in my heart forever, Yigui, book friend 20230206095316066, book friend 161006201620794, time 1979 for the reward

(End of this chapter)

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