New York 2006

Chapter 200 Helping your ex-boyfriend choose a girlfriend

Chapter 200 Helping your ex-boyfriend choose a girlfriend
Luo Ji sat in the car, looking at the crowd of reporters outside, and his scalp suddenly went numb.

The number of reporters is comparable to the number of reporters when Britney shaved her head.

The two bodyguards parked the car and immediately walked to the door to block a gap.Fiona, Braun, and best friend Blake escorted Luo Ji out of the car.

Click, click, click, flash lights suddenly kept ringing, and reporters kept asking questions.

"Logic, are you having an affair with Lady Gaga?"

"Logic, are you in love with Kristen Stewart?"

"Logic, are you and Evan Rachel getting together?"


Several people broke through many obstacles and finally got rid of the reporter.

Everyone entered the office of Logic Pictures, and the employees inside immediately looked at them strangely. Luo Ji glanced at everyone, and they immediately lowered their heads and started working.

Luo Ji ignored them and went to his office with Braun.

Sitting inside was an old white man from Warner Bros.'s distribution department. He smiled and said, "Logic, great job! But it would have been much better if this news had been revealed just after the movie was released. But it's not too late. The movie box office has been in the past few days." It’s picked up slightly.”

Luo Ji nodded casually, then found a seat and sat down.

The old white man from the Warner Bros. distribution department said with a smile.

"I didn't see it. You are still a lover, and you are so good to Taylor Swift. You would rather lose your own media image to promote her album."

"Your strategy is very good. Taylor's second album sold 103 million copies in the United States in three days last week, breaking Lil Wayne's record this year and directly ranking first on the Billboard album chart."

This is probably the current view of insiders. The purpose of suddenly breaking the news two days before the release of Taylor's album couldn't be more obvious.

Luo Ji said, "Is that why you came here to discuss these gossips today? I'm very busy."

The old white man immediately apologized and said, "No, I have something serious to do. It's obviously not an option for you to keep stalling like this without giving reporters an answer. Everyone is now very curious about who your new girlfriend is."

"I don't have a new girlfriend,"

"Then have you ever thought about being with Kristen?"

"How to say?"

"You are very popular in the Chinese community around the world, and the movie has just been released in China, Treasure Island. The two of you together will definitely be good for the box office of "Twilight". Since it is a hype, why not make the movie Are you considering it too?"

Luo Ji immediately waved his hand and refused, walked to the computer desktop and sat down: "Don't say such things. If there is nothing else, I will be busy. The company still has a lot of things waiting for me to deal with?"

"Don't you think about it anymore? If you don't give the media an answer, they will keep pestering you. They might dig up news about you and Taylor's fake breakup. If the public feels that they have been deceived, it will be very difficult for the two of you. It’s very detrimental.”

Luo Ji pointed at the office door.

The old white man wanted to say a few more words, but when he saw Luo Ji's expression that he couldn't refuse, he could only leave angrily: "Okay, then I won't disturb you."

After sending Warner's white man to the door, Luo Ji closed the office door, took out a file and handed it to Braun with a smile.

Braun opened it curiously: "What is this?"

“Invitation to speak to Monterey Park City Council, Los Angeles.”

“The festival’s venue rights were successful?”

Luo Ji said calmly: "I have already said hello to the mayor and city council members of Monterey Park. Just relax."

Braun asked in confusion: "Do you still know the mayor and city councilman of Monterey Park?"

"I've told you a long time ago that I have a great reputation among Chinese Americans. Why are you still questioning me now? The Chinese population in Monterey Park, Los Angeles, exceeds 50%. It is simple for me to obtain land use rights for the park. .”

"I'm not questioning you, I'm just curious!" Braun looked at the time on the invitation: "Aren't you going to give a speech tomorrow?"

"I'll just show up tomorrow, introduce you to the local politicians and then I'll go back to New York. After all, you are the CEO of SB Live Performance Company. You still need to deal with the details of these matters."

Luo Ji imagined a wonderful future and said excitedly: "Our music festival in New York has been very successful, so let's continue our strategy. Contact local governments to seek funding and policy support, and open music festivals all over the United States. The city or even the whole world!”

"This requires a lot of funds!"

Luo Ji smiled and said: "New York's Flushing Music Festival was only held for the first time, and the box office reached 1000 million, not to mention derivatives, sponsorships, record sales, etc. We achieved breakeven in the first year , what are you afraid of?"

"New York City Senator Liu Chunyi told me that this music festival will bring at least [-] million US dollars in consumption to the local area. This kind of cultural program is the favorite of government departments, and they will definitely support us strongly. Resistance from the government It shouldn’t be big, and we can get policy and tax support.”

"Use Internet thinking to organize music festivals, and don't care about the immediate profit dividends. Financing, loans, and expansion. Music festivals are a blue ocean industry. Although the entire record industry is shrinking, the market share of music festivals is increasing. We are now What we have to do is capture as much market share as possible.”

"We also have a music magazine, which will rank the world's most famous music festivals. We will operate in secret to control public opinion and make our music festival famous."

"Whether you can become a billionaire or not depends on the development of the company! With the experience of the New York Music Festival, we will hold a few more in other cities this year and expand the scale to twelve next year. We will strive to make the company more successful every month There are music festivals! Electronic music festivals, rock music festivals, punk music festivals, you can decide what to do.”

Braun thought for a moment: "This is not easy."

"Think about what it will be like to become a billionaire, and you won't feel the hard work."

Braun had a look of longing on his face, and he was obviously moved by this prospect.

Luo Ji continued: "Of course, I won't let your hard work go in vain. As the CEO of SB Live Performance Company, your annual salary should be increased. As the only shareholder, I decided to triple your annual salary. You You shouldn’t be against yourself, right?”

"Well...of course I won't object."

Luo Ji would not be stingy at all with his subordinates who were capable and could make money for him.If you want a horse to run, you must feed it sweet dates.

Luo Ji and Braun discussed for more than 20 minutes before ending the conversation.So he lowered his head to deal with other companies' matters on the computer. After a while, he realized that Braun had not left.

"what happened?"

Braun hesitated: "There's something I don't know whether I should say?"

"Since you're staying, you should figure it out."

Braun organized his words a little: "I think what the person from Warner just said makes sense."

Luo Ji stopped working on the computer: "I don't want to find a girlfriend so soon. It's good to be single for a while. This relationship makes me a little tired."

"I know you did this out of respect for Taylor."

Braun continued: "But you also saw that Taylor just told the media that you were a heartless person, but did not say what the specific reason was. Now everyone has assumed that you have a new love and abandoned Taylor, and everyone wants to know that woman Who is it! That’s why the media has been chasing you and Taylor these days,”

"Isn't this great? It'll be good for Taylor's album sales!"

"But it's bad for your image!"

Braun said firmly: "You wrote "Perfect" so affectionately, but you broke up with your girlfriend less than a year ago. Everyone will only think you are hypocritical and a playboy. You should consider saving yourself now, and you can't let the media The heat keeps going like this.”

Luo Ji tapped his fingers on the desk in his office, unable to make up his mind.

"Without you, how could her grades in her second college have been so good?"

Braun continued: "You've made up for your apology and you've been good enough to her."

Luo Ji said nothing, just lowered his head and thought.

Braun's eyes became sharp, and there was a hint of fierceness in his eyes, which began to irritate Luo Ji. "If it were another girl, she would have forgiven you long ago if you had called her so many times and begged her for forgiveness."

Braun continued: "But Taylor never answered your call once. She doesn't love you as much as you think, and she's not as innocent as you think. Career is her first pursuit, and love always comes second. You two. She is now using your compassion to pave the way for her own career!"

Luo Ji didn't feel angry after hearing this. He said with a hint of regret, "But it was me who hurt her after all."

"You are so good, aren't you worthy of her giving everything? Broadway is lined up with people who want to be with you!"

Luo Ji said seriously: "If she is the kind of person who compromises easily, has no pursuits, and no dreams, how can I like her? Excellent people will attract each other."

"But she's not pretty!"

"I like things that are not pretty."

"You are cheap!"

"Okay, I'm just a bitch."

Luo Ji said casually: "I'm a man, and the playboy persona doesn't have much influence on me. Look at Brad Pitt and Leonardo, who among them are not living well. You are just a little unfounded, I Didn’t I tell you a long time ago? I don’t want to be the good boy in the eyes of the media.”

Braun decided to change his approach and persuade: "Okay, since you feel guilty and want to minimize the media's criticism of Taylor, then you should take action and quickly find a girlfriend to reduce the heat of the incident."

"How to say?"

"People will soon stop caring about a certain thing. If the media doesn't get a result on your matter, it will inevitably dig deeper. You said they found evidence of your cheating, and It would hurt Taylor more if you had two children. Or would it hurt her more if you fell in love with someone else and broke up with Taylor peacefully? "

Luo Ji thought for a while and finally nodded and agreed: "Okay, you go discuss it with Taylor's agent!"

"What about the candidate?"

Luo Ji said casually: "As for those female singers and Kristen Stewart who are being released by the music company, it's all about hype anyway, whether it's a movie or a singer."


Night on the set of "Hannah Montana" in Columbia, Tennessee.Taylor's scene was shot in less than an hour.She plays her real self and comes to perform at a country concert.

All you need to do is put on beautiful makeup and sing a song.

Is it that simple to make an emotional movie?Not difficult at all.When she thought about "Twilight", she felt like she could have sex with me!

Miley Cyrus trotted over: "Hi, Taylor."

Taylor said, "Are you done filming?"


Miley said enviously: "Your second album was so successful. I wish I could be like you one day."

Taylor smiled and said, "Aren't your TV series and soundtrack already successful? You're still a teen idol."

"But this is Hannah Montana, not me. I kind of hate this show."

Taylor: "..."

Miley said, "Logic is so good to you!"

Taylor rubbed her head helplessly. Many people in the industry had said this to her in the past few days.But she didn't know how to explain it.

Miley touched Taylor with her shoulder: "Aren't you afraid of losing your temper? Logic is so good. If you "break up" with him, won't it leave a grudge in his heart? Will he think you sacrificed love for your career? "

"I really broke up with him." Taylor could only say helplessly.

Miley winked at Taylor: "I know, hehe."

Taylor: "..."

The two of them were chatting about each other. Miley looked at this sister who was three years older than her and couldn't help but compare. She was really tall and her legs were really long, and she couldn't help but feel a little discouraged.

She looked at Taylor's chest again, then at her own, then puffed out her chest and smiled on her face.

"Hi, Miley, hi, Taylor." Miley's father, Billy Cyrus, walked over.

Miley smiled and said, "Hi, Dad."

Taylor came up and said hello: "Hello, Billy!"

"Taylor, your agent is looking for you again, it seems there is something urgent."

Taylor did not hesitate, and under the guidance of Billy, he quickly found his agent Rick Buck.

The two came to a secluded place and looked around. No one was around.The agent then told Taylor the whole story.

After hearing this, Taylor yelled: "Felix, what do you mean, you want me to help him choose a girlfriend?"

"Shh, be quiet!"

Agent Rick Buck quickly explained: "His agent is mainly afraid of being dug out by the media about the two children. It is better for you to break up peacefully. These are just hypes. His agent did not explicitly let you choose, but Let me give you some advice."

Taylor said angrily: "Then let him decide for himself, I don't care about him! Bastard!"

"Are you sure?" Rick Buck said meaningfully.

Taylor hesitated for a moment: "Bring over the candidates and show me the candidates."

Agent Rick Buck had already been prepared. He took out the notebook he carried with him and showed a few photos.Then explain.

"These girls are female singers whose albums are being released or are about to be released by his company. This is Christine, the heroine of "Twilight". Hyping up with A-list stars like Logic can increase your popularity and bring media traffic. , get additional financial benefits. Just like you are now."

Can he speak? Taylor curled his lips and looked at it.

"Too fat, no!"

"Too old, no!"

Rick Buck looked at Taylor strangely, but said nothing.

"Caitlin Rose, um... her breasts are too small. No."

"Christine, um...not pretty, no."

"Lady Gaga, ha... just right. She has fair skin and is pretty. And she and Fili happened to have a scandal before, so she's the only one."

Rick Buck stared at Taylor for a long time. Taylor looked a little uncomfortable, so he muttered.

"Go ahead and do it!"

"Okay!" Rick Buck took out his cell phone and was about to call.

"Wait a moment."

"What's wrong?" Rick Buck stopped.

Taylor added: "Don't say I picked it, just say it was your idea, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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