New York 2006

Chapter 210 Becoming a global giant

Chapter 210 Becoming a global giant
September 2008, 9, Holi Games Office, one week has passed since the MTV Awards Ceremony.

At this moment, Luo Ji was talking to Braun on his cell phone.

Braun on the other end of the phone said: "Taylor's manager is very cooperative. During this period, he has been calling on fans in the media to calm down. You no longer have to worry about Taylor's crazy fans blocking you."

Luo Ji snorted coldly: "Am I afraid of this?"

"Okay, okay, don't be afraid!"

"It's almost there."

Although Britney won the most awards at this year's MTV Awards, the headlines went to Taylor and Logic, who was not present.

Taylor presented the award, and the winning song was "Perfect," Luo Ji's love song for Taylor. It was so topical.

The media's default is that Taylor wants to cause trouble, and the two of them will soon start fighting in the media like many American couples.

After MTV made such a fuss, the heat between the two of them breaking up suddenly started again.

MTV became a hit, and the ratings for reruns were much higher than before.Taylor's album sales have increased, and the number of YouTube views of the music video for "Perfect" has increased from 7800 million to 9500 million, second only to "We don't talk anymore".

The top two videos on YouTube were the MVs shot by Luo Ji and Taylor together, and all three seemed to have made a lot of money.

These are the advantages, but of course there are also disadvantages.

Luo Ji's reputation as a heartless man has spread more widely, Luo Tai's CP fans have become even more sad, and the quarrels between Luo Ji and Taylor fans have increased.

Taylor's reputation was also somewhat tarnished.Britney directly dissed Taylor during the interview after the awards ceremony.

She said that Luo Ji wrote songs for her and helped her promote her records, which brought her a lot of financial benefits, but Taylor repeatedly used the topic of her ex-boyfriend to hype her up, and was not particular about it.

Whether it is Taylor or Luo Ji, they have adapted to the environment of the entertainment industry and can bear these negative public opinions without shame.

But on the second day of the awards ceremony, what Luo Ji had been worried about happened.

One of Taylor's ardent fans sneaked up at the entrance of Luo Ji's company and tried to attack him with both fists. Fortunately, the bodyguard responded in time and the attack failed.

Luo Ji was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat, and Taylor was also slightly implicated by the news. It would have been all over if it had been replaced by a gun.

When things got to this point, Luo Ji's manager Braun and Taylor's manager Rick Buck took timely action and began to clarify the matter in the media. The incident began to point the finger at MTV.

Braun continued into the phone: "After you stopped fighting with Musk in the media, he also fell silent. In short, your negative public opinion has finally subsided."

"Then find a time to announce the news that Robin and I are together to pave the way for the child."

"Okay, I understand. But do you understand Robin?"

"It makes sense, she's very clear now."

After ending the cell phone call, Luo Ji picked up the old New York Post newspaper on the table and read it. This was news clarified a few days ago.

"Taylor Swift revealed to reporters that she was deceived by the head of MTV, and she had no intention of promoting it. Taylor said that before she became the guest of honor for Video of the Year, the head of the company clearly told her that it was not Logic who won the award. , she accepted the invitation."

"Taylor said that the matter between her and Logic is over, and they are now friends. She hopes that the media will not hold on to one person. She hopes that fans can restrain themselves and stop trying to attack, block, or hold signs to protest against Logic. .”

"This reporter also contacted Logic. Logic said that he hopes that people will not pay too much attention to the affairs between him and Taylor. The two of them are friends now. At the same time, he also hopes that the public will not attribute the behavior of fanatical fans to celebrities. That is Fans’ personal behavior.”

"This reporter tried to contact MTV, but MTV declined all interview invitations. They also did not respond in any way to the matter of Taylor and Logic."

Luo Ji read the news again, picked up the phone and dialed the number of Viacom boss Philip Dauman. After a long time, he got through.

Luo Ji said directly: "Mr. Daoman, I thought that after the agreement between us was reached, we would help each other. But now MTV is doing this to me."

"It is indeed their fault this time, and I apologize to you."

Luo Ji shouted loudly: "When you were a lobbyist before, I agreed to all your requests. I also supported the politicians you recommended to me. Are you going to do this to me?"

Philip Dorman said: "MTV didn't respond in the media. Doesn't it amount to acquiescence? Isn't that enough?"

Luo Ji said angrily: "Thankfully I have been busy recently and did not participate. If I appeared on the stage, it would be an insult to me. You don't respect me at all."

"I'll say hello to MTV and ask them to take more care of you and Taylor in the future. Just pretend this didn't happen, okay?"

Luo Ji said coldly: "If it had been a gun, I might have died."

The breakup of Luo Ji and Taylor was not a big deal at first, but after MTV made such a deal, the outside world thought that the two were incompatible and had completely broken up.

When we were in love, we almost talked about the crematorium. How could I endure this?

Philip Dorman softened his attitude after hearing this: "Logic, no one expected this to happen. The behavior of those fanatical fans is simply unpredictable. I will criticize the person in charge of this award ceremony."


"Then what do you want to do?"

Luo Ji said bluntly: "I want MTV to formally apologize for this incident in the media. At the same time, you give me the name of the person who planned this incident and fire him."

Philip Dorman said loudly: "Logic, you are a smart man. You know this is impossible. If MTV officially apologizes to you in the media, then MTV's credibility will be completely destroyed. I will compensate you. In the future, MTV will I will take care of your singers."

Luo Ji gave Philip Daoman eye drops: "Compensation? I don't think you have control over MTV."

"What do you mean?"

"That's what it means on the surface. Last year's award ceremony was just a small stage. This year's stage is even smaller. It's so low. I suggested it to you last year. Didn't you say it would be changed? Why is it still the same this year? Isn’t it possible that no one will be corrupted? Or maybe you have no control over MTV at all.”

Philip Dorman snorted coldly: "It's not your turn to intervene in Viacom's affairs."

Luo Ji said casually: "I'm not interested in traditional media!"

“You talk like you can afford Viacom.”

“How much is your company worth?”

Philip Dorman sneered after hearing this: "Logic, I'm not Musk, and I don't want to have these meaningless quarrels with you. Let me put it bluntly, it is impossible for MTV to apologize,"

"If it had been a gun, I might have died." Luo Ji repeated what he said before.

Philip Dorman's attitude softened when he heard this: "Well, I will tell you the name of the planner after I investigate. As for how to solve it, that is your business." "Let me take a step back, MTV Instead of a direct apology, an employee broke the news to the media, but I won’t let that planner go, and I want to see him fired.”

Philip Dowman solemnly said: "I say it again, it is not your turn to intervene in Viacom's affairs."

"Then I'll go find Redstone."

"Logic, do you want to make me laugh? Don't you know his character? He is such a strong person and he will not negotiate with a singer."

Luo Ji gritted his teeth and said, "I have my own company, and I'm not just a singer. If you don't promise me, then our previous agreement will be invalid. From now on, my music company's MVs will be directly uploaded to YouTube. Also I would kick MTV Movies out of the company I work with in the film industry."

Philip Dorman said coldly: "Logic, are you threatening me? I hope you think about it before you speak!"

Luo Ji thought about the media power controlled by Viacom and CBS, and finally said soft words.

"If it were a gun, I might be dead, and I supported the politicians you recommended to me. Is this what you're going to do to me?"

Philip Dorman was off guard by these words: "Okay, okay, Logic, why are you acting like a scoundrel? I will try my best to meet your requirements. But..."

"But what?"

"I heard that your private equity fund's return in the first three months exceeded 23%. Is it expected that the return in half a year will reach 50%?"

When Luo Ji heard this, he suddenly had a clearer understanding of Philip Doman.

In Luo Ji's mind, his giant-like image was instantly shattered and he became an ordinary person like all living beings.

Philip Doman is a super question-solver. When he was 13 years old, he got a perfect score on the SAT exam, scoring 1600 points. He started studying at Yale University at the age of 14.

However, he did not start a business, but used his intelligence and talents to work.

As a 54-year-old worker, he has now reached the pinnacle of his career and controls a super media giant with a market value of more than [-] billion.

Although his control over resources exceeds that of Luo Ji, in the final analysis he is just a worker. The real owner of the group is Red Stone, and he is just a tool to help others make money.

When his power reaches its peak, what he pursues is wealth.Use the power in your hands and the influence of the media giants to obtain benefits for yourself within an affordable range.This is a routine operation for professional managers.

He can definitely do it, and precisely, Luo Ji's private equity fund can bring wealth to others.

Regardless of all the blessings of his identity, he was no different from an ordinary person, and Luo Ji was very experienced in dealing with such "ordinary people" who asked for help from him.

Luo Ji said calmly, "Can I call you Daoman?"

"of course can."

Luo Ji said seriously: "Daoman, let me be honest with you. I can't guarantee future returns, but now the returns of private equity funds have exceeded 35%. You have also seen that bank stocks have fallen relatively sharply recently."

“Are you still shorting the banking sector?”

"As long as you know, don't disclose it to the outside world. Wall Street is very sensitive now."

"Don't worry. Logic, I'm a very strict person."

"That's fine."

After saying this, both of them fell silent.Luo Ji would not take the initiative to ask for help from him.

After a while, Philip Dowman said: "Logic, in addition to investing some money in the Madoff Fund, I also have some funds here. Does your private equity fund still accept investment?"

"You should have heard that the 500 places in my private equity fund have been filled."

Philip Daoman said with a smile: "I will help you with your affairs, and I will also take care of the singers in your company."

Luo Ji decisively agreed: "Okay, no problem. How much funds do you have, and when will it be available?"

"The 1000 million-meter knife will be available soon."

"Don't worry, Daoman, I will help you arrange it."

Luo Ji pondered for a moment: "Actually, you don't have to do this exchange of interests. The relationship between the two of us has always been very good. If you ask, I will definitely be willing to help you."

Philip Daoman said leisurely: "Compared to the simple contribution of one party, I am more willing to believe in the feeling of mutual help. In this way, two people are equal. Only equal feelings will last longer."

After hanging up the phone, Luo Ji stood up and walked to the window to stare blankly at the night view of New York.His mood was very complicated at the moment.

On the one hand, he is somewhat proud that his private equity fund has begun to attract top figures from American Jewish forces.

On the one hand, he was a little disappointed. If he were one of the top tycoons on the Forbes rich list, Philip Dowman, a senior manager, would have easily agreed to his request.

Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway, Bill Gates’ Microsoft, Larry Ellison’s Oracle, Sergey Brin and Larry Page’s Google...

Compared to these people and companies, Luo Ji had too few resources and energy.

Luo Ji's acquisition of Tesla was actually prepared for this.

He wanted to take control of a company that could grow into a global superpower.Tesla has this qualification.Its growth potential and the scale it can achieve in the future are likely to make it a global giant.

It's just a pity that it didn't succeed.

Luo Ji looked out the window at the cars passing by on the street. When he looked up, he could see the New York skyline.

Luo Ji thought of the ancestors of mankind, Homo sapiens, more than 7 years ago. They were not afraid of the road ahead, overcoming obstacles and creating the current splendid human civilization.

Immediately afterwards, those people in history who changed the world, good or bad, appeared in Luo Ji's mind one by one.

Emperor Constantine, Cai Lun, Napoleon, Confucius, Qin Shihuang, Hitler...

Finally, Luo Ji thought of Nietzsche's philosophy of the Superman.

He has a strong will to live, has strong creativity, is not constrained by rules and morals, and becomes a strong person in life.

At this moment, the feeling of disappointment was swept away, and his heart was full of pride.

(End of this chapter)

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