New York 2006

Chapter 211 The Proud Entrepreneur

Chapter 211 The Proud Entrepreneur

Early in the morning, Robin stood in front of Luo Ji. She looked at Luo Ji seriously and stretched out her hand to help arrange Luo Ji's clothes and tie.After finishing, he put his hand on Luo Ji's shoulder and said.

"Perfect, very handsome!"

Luo Ji reached out and touched her face: "Robin, do you know the difference between you and the stars?"

"I do not know."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "The stars are in the sky, but you are in my heart."

Robin laughed momentarily, then put his hands over his chest.Luo Ji looked at Luo Ji with a moved expression: "Oh, Feili."

Women really like this kind of romantic love words.

She stepped forward, gave Luo Ji a big hug, and kissed Luo Ji on the lips.Luo Ji put his arm around her back and responded passionately, kissing her passionately.

After a while, the two of them started to breathe a little faster. Luo Ji thought that there was still business to do today, so he separated.

"It's getting late, I'm going to the company first."

Robin held Luo Ji's hand with a look of reluctance: "My dear, are you still going home tonight?"

"I guess not. There might be a party at the company tonight."

"Okay." Robin said helplessly.

Luo Ji saw the child's mother like this, so he said, "Let's do this. You send the child to Sami's place. I will send a car to pick you up in the evening. We will go to the party together tonight."

Robin instantly became happy: "Okay, honey."


Under the escort of bodyguards, Luo Ji quickly arrived at Holi Game Company in Silicon Alley.

In the office, he received the first important visitor today, Bill Lee, a former Silicon Valley entrepreneur and now a venture capital firm.The two of them were old acquaintances, and after chatting for a while they got down to business.

"Logic, there is no need for you to quarrel with Musk in the media. It makes no sense."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Didn't you see that he and I have never spoken in the media? He is just a lunatic, and I am too lazy to talk to him."

"That's good. It's best to do business in a harmonious manner."

Bill Lee then said: "Musk asked me to invite you to participate in the fourth launch of the Falcon rocket. The time is September 9, and the location is in the Marshall Islands."

Luo Ji said angrily: "That coward doesn't even dare to call me now? What does he mean, is he trying to show his favor to me?"

Bill Lee smiled and said, "That's right. You don't have much conflict to begin with. You two are still cooperating in business, so you can't stay away from each other forever."

Luo Ji had finally figured out Bill Lee's character. He was always kind and gentle in everything he did.He might have made his own decision to be the peacemaker. Luo Ji didn't believe that the arrogant Musk would take the initiative to say these things to him.

"I want to hear Musk's exact words."

Bill Lee looked at Luo Ji's serious look, sighed and could only tell the truth: "Musk said one thing is another thing. He said that you have indeed contributed to SpaceX, and you are still a member of the board of directors of SpaceX. He He will respect you as a member of the board of directors. As for Tesla's issue, don't even think about getting involved. Even if you continue to acquire the shares of other Tesla shareholders and become the company's second largest shareholder, he will not let you join the board of directors. of."

Luo Ji said angrily: "That bastard, I am still a shareholder of Tesla. I heard that he sent financing applications to all shareholders, but not to me."


Luo Ji was silent for a while, then said: "What's Tesla's situation now? How far has it reached in terms of financing? You are a shareholder of Tesla, so you must know."

"It's inconvenient to disclose."

"I promise not to reveal it, and I won't ruin your affairs. You have my promise."

Bill Lee thought for a moment and said: "Okay, now Musk has quoted a company valuation of $5.5 million and is in contact with some venture capital companies. Several companies are now interested in investing."

"Fxxk, that bastard used my reputation and status as a genius investor to advertise Tesla. In the past, no one wanted to pay attention to him with a valuation of 4 million US dollars, but now he is getting more arrogant."

As the actual beneficiary, Bill Lee decisively remained silent and did not speak.

It took Luo Ji a while to calm down, and he looked at Bill Lee: "Okay, let Yang Jian take you to visit the company. I will give you a share of today's financing."

"Okay, what about the launch of the Falcon rocket?"

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "Let's talk about it later."

After Bill Lee left, Luo Ji handled various company affairs in front of the computer.

After more than an hour, Fiona walked in with a person. He was the second largest shareholder of Holi and a representative sent by Tencent. He would be responsible for the subsequent financing of Holi by Tencent.

"Hello, Logic."

"Please sit down."

After saying hello, Luo Ji went straight to the topic. He looked at the Tencent representative with calm eyes and asked in a casual tone.

"I heard that you are developing QQ space and are preparing to introduce the concept of social games?"

"Well, your sense of smell is very sensitive. I didn't expect you to pay attention to the Internet trends in China."

Luo Ji said with a smile: "The world is changing rapidly. The Internet ecology in China is changing rapidly, and some innovations are faster than those in the United States. If I don't pay attention, I will probably be eliminated by the world."

"Haha, you are very smart."

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Then you plan to learn from Facebook and open up the third-party developer platform so that all game companies can share your social dividends, right? Don't worry, my social game company is number one in the world. I hope we We can cooperate closely." The representative of Tencent was stunned, and then said with a smile: "No, no, we are going to develop the game independently."

Luo Ji shouted: "Without the participation of game companies, how can you make social games last forever? Only by maintaining the innovation of games and fierce market competition can we ensure that users are always fresh about social games. You have also seen the updates and iterations of social games. It’s fast, and it’s easy for a game to become popular or disappear.”

The representative of Tencent said with a smile: "Isn't this your company? We are a strategic partnership. Tencent Games can buy out the copyright of your company's games in China."

Luo Ji said, "I don't care about the buyout fee. I want a share of the game revenue. We operate alone and can give you 30% of the channel fee, which is the same as American publishing companies."

Tencent now has [-] million users. As long as one-third of its users play social games, its gaming company will make a lot of money.

A representative from Tencent said bluntly: "No way."

Luo Ji said coldly: "So you don't plan to let us participate and share the dividends in your social field?"


Luo Ji shouted, "You want to be alone, right? A company can grow big only if it knows how to share profits."

A representative from Tencent quickly apologized: "I'm really sorry. This is a decision made by the company's senior management, and there is nothing I can do about it."

Luo Ji pressed forward: "Look at Facebook, how long it has only been in development, and its market value has almost caught up with yours. Don't you have any ambition at all?"

"I'm really sorry."

Luo Ji persisted in his pursuit, but the Tencent representative refused to let go, and the negotiations reached a deadlock.

Luo Ji was angry: "Without our games, how will your company plan to develop social games? Social games only have so many mechanisms and gameplay, and you can't get around us."

A representative from Tencent said, "Aren't we a partnership?"

"Then you should let us enjoy it."

A representative from Tencent said bluntly: "Logic, no monopoly company is willing to share profits."

"Where's Facebook?"

"You are a smart person, why are you telling me this? The social market in the United States is different from that in China. Tencent has already achieved a monopoly in the social market in China. We are the only one with no competitors. But the social market in the United States is different. There are many heroes. Fighting for hegemony, Facebook has just achieved the first place in the number of social users, is it still far from monopolizing the market?"

Luo Ji fell silent.

The representative of Tencent continued: "Social games have always been dependent on social software companies. Facebook is now just using the innovation of social game companies like you to attract new user registrations and expand user loyalty. When Facebook monopolizes the social industry , he will show his fangs."

Of course Luo Ji knew what he said was right and was wary of this aspect.

The last time he visited Facebook, Zuckerberg had privately hinted whether Holi's social game could be sold exclusively on Facebook. However, Luo Ji declined politely, and he did not dare to press forward. .

This was a negotiation, and Luo Ji would not admit this.

Luo Ji said nonchalantly: "If you want to implement a social game strategy, no matter how much you say, you can't get around Holi Game Company."

The representative of Tencent said seriously: "Logic, we at Tencent think that we are very good to you. The last financing and this financing have supported your high valuation of the company. Are you planning to threaten Tencent now?"

Luo Ji said, "I'm not threatening, I'm just telling the truth. Isn't your investment profitable?"

The representative of Tencent had a fierce look in his eyes: "You know Tencent's style."

"What style?"

"Isn't your company practicing this? Imitate popular games and quickly occupy the market with publicity and status. I remember that this is what you did with other people's "Mob War"."

Luo Ji said fiercely: "If you dare to copy Holi's game, then you will file a lawsuit."

A representative from Tencent said seriously: "China is our home court. If the lawsuit goes to the end, the compensation may not be as high as the game buyout fee we gave."

"Then let's see you in the media. You are a listed company, aren't you afraid of damage to your reputation?"

The representative of Tencent was amused: "You are not afraid of damage to your reputation, are we afraid?"

Luo Ji said angrily, "You are simply scoundrels."

"All global monopoly companies do this, and we are just following business logic. Don't you do the same thing? Now tell us the other way around."

Luo Ji gasped and said, "Fxxk, I didn't expect you would use this on me."

The representative from Tencent waited for a long time. Seeing that Luo Ji's mood had calmed down, he cautiously asked.

"So, you agreed?"

Luo Ji said: "Then let's increase the commission for the agency. The operating rights belong to you. We want a small share. Isn't this how China introduces foreign games?"

"It's impossible. The development cost of social games is not high, and social games are not the kind of games that require large investments."

Luo Ji waved his hand: "I don't want to discuss such trivial matters with you. You can talk to Yang Jian."

This negotiation is bound to be a tug-of-war and may take a long time. Luo Ji will not agree to it easily.It would be better to leave this kind of matter to your subordinates and let them waffle.

"Then Tencent will no longer support you in your Holi financing this time."

Luo Ji stood up, supported the table with both hands and said condescendingly: "The venture capital companies that want to finance Holi Game Company are lined up all over Silicon Alley. Are you sure you want to withdraw from the financing? Is this your own idea or the idea of ​​Tencent's senior management? . Please think about it before you talk!"

(End of this chapter)

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