New York 2006

Chapter 221 The American military base in Australia

Chapter 221 The American military base in Australia

Early in the morning on September 2008, 9, the 27-year-old Buffett walked out of the house he bought 78 years ago, went to the garage, drove his old Cadillac, and drove out slowly.

What is different from the past is that today, reporters were gathered around him, and Buffett took the initiative to stop for an interview.

American reporters respect the stock god very much, and everyone queues up to ask questions in an orderly manner.

A reporter from out of town squeezed to the front: "Buffett, did you invest in BYD because you followed Logic?"

The local reporters around him suddenly became furious, and several of them were very unhappy and prepared to step forward to educate him.

But Buffett was not offended by this question. He waved his hand and said: "If I remember correctly, the question you raised does not exist. We have been buying BYD shares in the Hong Kong stock market for a long time, and until recently During the financial crisis, there was a lot of selling, but we quickly acquired 10%, only two days later than Logic."

"So you and Logic don't know each other?"

"Of course we know each other, but we haven't communicated in private."

A reporter next to him shook his butt and pushed aside the foreign reporter who had just asked the question. He looked at Buffett with a smile and said with a pious look on his face.

"Mr. Buffett. Yesterday, Logic said in the Chinese media. The reason why he invested in BYD was, on the one hand, because BYD's stock was seriously undervalued during the financial crisis, and on the other hand, because he was very optimistic about the future development of electric vehicle companies. Please ask me. What are the reasons for investing in BYD?”

Buffett said seriously: "We both invested in BYD for the same reason."

Another reporter hurried forward: "Mr. Buffett, Logic has been saying in the media that he is your believer. Like you, he supports the "Economic Stability Act". He also expressed his position in the Chinese media yesterday, saying that he has learned Half of your investment philosophy, are you satisfied with the performance of this "student"?"

Buffett smiled happily: "Satisfied, otherwise how could he think of working with me to invest in BYD?"

The reporters also wanted to ask questions, but Buffett waved his hand and drove away in his classic car, heading to a McDonald's not far away to buy his own hamburger and Coke breakfast.


In the afternoon, Luo Ji got off the flight from China to Australia, sat in the car and headed to a nearby semi-military cooperation point, and then saw the news about Buffett.

Luo Ji had always said in the media that he was a follower of Buffett, but in fact he was doing it to put money on his face and use his reputation as a stock god to bring him media traffic.

Unexpectedly, after taking so long, Buffett directly admitted his status as a "student" in the media because of the BYD incident.

Fiona looked at Luo Ji with admiration, and then reacted: "Do you want to call Buffett?"

"Of course I need it."

"But we don't have his contact information."

"Just leave it to Braun, he can take care of it."

"Okay, I'll call him right now."

Luo Ji turned his head and looked at the scenery outside the window.After the vehicle left the Sydney metropolitan area, what we saw was a vast expanse of wilderness.People can only be seen from a distance.

Australia is a country with a vast territory and sparse population. Only about 796 million people live in the 2100 million square kilometers of land.It is one of the countries with the lowest population density in the world.

As the main ethnic group living on this land, the Anglo-Saxons, like the Anglo-Saxons in Canada and New Zealand, enjoy the gifts of the British Empire during the colonial period.

Unlike the ancient countries living in Eurasia, they have a large population and very few resources per capita.

These former British colonies had huge lands, small populations, and rich natural resources.Sell ​​some minerals casually, develop agriculture and tourism, and your life will be extremely comfortable.

As countries industrialize and modernize, people are no longer willing to have children, and the population of these countries should not experience explosive growth.

In the foreseeable future, they will have abundant resources per capita and their lives should remain comfortable.

"Braun went to contact Berkshire Hathaway and should be able to get Mr. Buffett's phone number." Fiona said.

"Yeah." Luo Ji replied casually while looking out the car window.

"What are you thinking? So preoccupied?"

"The Age of Discovery and Great Geographic Discovery."

Fiona said: "I have learned that Columbus discovered the New World, Europeans massacred the indigenous people, the triangular trade, and slavery in the United States, are all bad things."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded and said.

The United States is tearing apart, as can be seen from Fiona's answer.

Before the Clinton administration came to power, the competition between the two parties in the United States was not that fierce.The textbook basically continues the previous view of history, highlighting the glory of white people.

But after the Clinton administration came to power, the competition between the two parties became unprecedentedly fierce.The struggle gradually spread to the field of education.

Textbooks in the United States are not set by the federal government, but by the states.

So whichever party controls which state, that state's textbooks will serve that party.

Whoever controls the past controls the future.Elites from both parties clearly understand this statement.

After the textbook reform in the United States in 1995, history textbooks began to split in states controlled by the Democratic and Republican parties.

Fiona, who lives in Chicago, the base of the Democratic Party, and Luo Ji, who lives in New York.The education received is to deny the benefits of white colonization of the world to white people.

Denying the glory of white people, deepening white people's guilt, making Americans aware of white people's debt to ethnic minorities, and then supporting the Democratic Party to improve the treatment of ethnic minorities and endorse the unity of ethnic minorities.

People who receive such an education will naturally have a favorable impression of the Democratic Party when they enter society.But in Republican-controlled states, the textbooks tell a different story.

The white Europeans' colonization of the world brought civilization, Manifest Destiny, and City of God to backward areas, expanding the living space of white people, white supremacy, and conducive to the global status of white people, etc.

People who receive such an education will have a favorable impression of the Republican Party once they have the right to vote.

In some swing states, the competition between the two parties for education is very fierce, but no one can do anything about the other.On the contrary, their textbooks do not set political leanings in advance and are relatively objective and neutral.

The current generation like Fiona is the group of people who entered society after the split of education in the United States.

However, this phenomenon is not obvious yet. These people are still young and do not have many social resources.When they take control of the resources, the divisions in the United States will become more and more serious in the foreseeable future.

Luo Ji was thinking wildly along the way, and before he knew it, he came to the military cooperation point between the United States and Australia.

I don’t know if it’s because I said hello in advance, or because this military cooperation location itself is not very confidential.

Luo Ji showed his face at the checkpoint. The soldier in charge of the inspection smiled at Luo Ji and gave him a thumbs up. He sent a white soldier to accompany him, allowing Luo Ji to pass easily.

The white soldier came to the car and sat down, and said to Black who was driving: "Just go straight."

"it is good."

The white soldier smiled and looked at Luo Ji beside him: "Hi, Logic."

"Hello." Luo Ji took the initiative to extend his hand to shake.

"I like you very much. Can we take a photo together later?"

"of course can."

Luo Ji chatted with the white soldier. He seemed to have no sense of confidentiality at all. He told Luo Ji about the situation of this military cooperation point.

After World War II, unlike some other countries and regions, such as the Philippines, Germany, South Korea, Japan, etc., there were still troops stationed.All Australian American troops withdrew.

The current semi-military cooperation point in Australia is established by Boeing, Lockheed Martin, the United States and the Australian military.

Mainly to provide logistical support for the Australian troops participating in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. There are only more than 500 American troops here, responsible for communication and coordination between the two countries.

There is also an airport here, which is responsible for transportation between the two countries' militaries, and also handles some civilian business. It is not considered a closed military base.

Under the command of the soldiers, the vehicle drove near the airport.

There are several Boeing transport planes parked on the airport runway, as well as several Boeing small planes and helicopters.They are all used for transportation, and there are no fighter jets in sight.

The vehicle arrived at a lounge next to the runway, which may have been notified in advance. Several people in military uniforms and a few old white men in suits and ties stood outside.

Luo Ji and others got out of the car, and Musk, who was standing outside, walked up with a smile: "Hi, Logic."

"Hi, Musk."

Musk stepped forward and put his arm around Luo Ji's shoulders, and brought him to a few old white men: "Here, let me introduce you. This is the person in charge of Boeing at this base. This is the base's military commander." The person in charge, this is the person in charge of the Australian military, this is the person from NASA..."

"Hello." Luo Ji shook hands with them one by one.

After a few people got to know each other, Musk said: "Logic, let's take a photo together."

"it is good."

A photographer next to me was already ready, and everyone took a group photo first.

Then several old white men took Luo Ji for a group photo alone. Of course he would not refuse. No matter where he went now, there was an endless stream of people wanting to take photos with him.

Musk said: "Let's go in and have a rest first. The plane won't take off until a while."

"Okay." Luo Ji said with a smile.

He followed and walked into the lounge, suddenly remembering the promise he made to the white soldier who accompanied him just now.So he stopped, and several old white men next to him also stopped.

Luo Ji turned around and saw that he was standing not far away, looking at him pitifully.

The white soldier was young, only 22 years old. Maybe it was because his commander was nearby and he couldn't ask for a photo.

Luo Ji waved his hand: "Come here, I promise to take a photo with you."

The mournful face of the white soldier disappeared immediately and he ran over with a smile.Musk and several old white men stood by and waited patiently.

Luo Ji stood on the street with the white soldier and asked the photographer to take a few photos: "When the time comes, you can go to him and ask for photos."

"Okay, thank you, Logic."

"You're welcome."

Luo Ji waved his hand casually and walked towards the lounge. Next to him, Musk and a few old white men followed him.

The white soldier next to him looked envious. When would he have such power and make others wait for him?

Musk accompanied Luo Ji and described the current situation: "Falcon One has been transported to Omelek Island by a Boeing transport plane, and the staff has also gone over to debug the equipment. In the afternoon, we first took a small plane to the Republic of the Marshall Islands. . Rest one night and take a helicopter to the launch base tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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