New York 2006

Chapter 222 Let Her Go

Chapter 222 Let Her Go
Luo Ji, Blake, Musk, the head of Boeing, and Fiona strolled along the coast of Kwajalein Atoll, part of the Marshall Islands.

The sea breeze blew by, and there was the sound of waves hitting the shore. Luo Ji's tense nerves in the past few months suddenly soothed, making him feel peaceful and relaxed.

Blake asked with some concern: "I heard that a nuclear test was conducted here. Will there be any radiation?"

Musk explained with a smile: "The location of the nuclear test is on an uninhabited island in the easternmost part of the Marshall Islands. It is very far away from here. Don't worry."

"That's good."

The Marshall Islands are an archipelago in the South Pacific, geographically close to Australia and New Guinea.

It was occupied by Japan during World War II. After the United States defeated Japan, it was controlled by the United States.

The Marshall Islands later became a military testing base for the United States.Including missile launch, Reagan defense ballistic test, radar optical radio telemetry, correction missile trajectory, interceptor missile test, nuclear bomb test, etc.

The nuclear test base selected by the US military was conducted on the farthest uninhabited island.

They conducted a total of 67 nuclear and hydrogen bomb tests here.However, due to pressure from international public opinion, the experiment was stopped in 1985.

The Kwajalein Atoll where everyone is located was the main control room of the former military testing base of the US military.Safety is absolutely guaranteed.

This place used to be very prosperous, with more than a thousand soldiers, engineers, and scientists gathered here.But in the end, because of the cessation of nuclear testing, most of the personnel left here.

Now there are no more than fifty permanent staff here, and it has gradually become lonely.

Luo Ji asked curiously: "Musk, how did you come up with the idea of ​​using this place as a launch base?"

"Recommended by NASA Administrator Michael Griffin. After the nuclear tests stopped, the US Army began to develop other uses here, including low-orbit rocket launch tests."

Well, it seems reasonable that the missile launch base becomes a rocket launch base.

Luo Ji's thoughts quickly diverged and he suddenly said, "Do you think that if global warming does not stop, will this place be completely submerged by sea water one day?"

"Hahaha, good question." Musk said with a smile: "This is very possible, but then we need to work hard to avoid this situation."

Luo Ji nodded in agreement.

His investment in new energy vehicles and electric vehicles is certainly based on profit considerations, but this does not prevent him from packaging this purely commercial behavior into a lofty ideal and grand narrative.

The person in charge of Boeing smiled and complimented: "You two can definitely do it."

The person in charge of Boeing Company in Australia originally didn't need to come because he had nothing to do with him, but for some reason he shamelessly followed him.

This small island is not big, so everyone quickly finished the tour and came to a pavilion to drink beer and enjoy the sea breeze, which was very comfortable.

Jingle, Jingle, Jingle.

Fiona's satellite phone rang, and she answered the phone under the watchful eyes of everyone.

"Did Mr. Buffett readily agree?"

"He's also interested in talking to Logic. Is that right?"

"Okay, okay, he'll call over in 10 minutes, right?"

Musk and the head of Boeing obviously heard Fiona's words, and looked at Fiona and Luo Ji's faces in surprise.

Fiona hung up the phone with a smile on her face and looked at him excitedly: "Feili, Mr. Buffett will take the initiative to call you in 10 minutes. He is willing to chat with you."

Luo Ji nodded without changing his expression: "Yes."

Although Luo Ji looked calm on the outside, he was actually extremely surprised inside.

Mr. Buffett is well-known in the investment community as a talkative person who likes to communicate with young people. He also set up a Buffett lunch and took the initiative to talk to others in the name of charity.

But Luo Ji didn't expect that he would take the initiative to call.

The person in charge of Boeing said with a smile: "Is it because you invested in BYD together?"


Luo Ji then said: "It's because I have learned 50% of Mr. Buffett's investment skills."

"I think you lied!"

The person in charge of Boeing Company looked serious: "I think it's more than 50%. You already have at least 80% of Mr. Buffett's investment skills."

Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction. Not only was this man handsome, he also spoke nicely and was easy to get along with.


Everyone burst out laughing, and Musk laughed in agreement.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.Luo Ji quickly picked up the phone.

"Hello, Mr. Buffett."

"I am now in the Marshall Islands in the South Pacific to participate in the fourth launch of the SpaceX Falcon rocket. There is no mobile phone signal here, so I can only communicate by satellite phone."

"I can't say whether this launch will be successful or not. There is no 80% guarantee of whether the rocket launch will be successful. However, the probability of success is indeed very high. Musk revealed that the probability of success is over [-]%."

"Haha, Musk and I don't have many core conflicts. What we say in the media are just angry words. We can't take it seriously."

Musk, who was sitting next to him, his eyes lit up when he heard this, and a smile appeared on his lips, but he quickly suppressed it.

"I have visited BYD's electric vehicle manufacturing factory. You know, they started by manufacturing batteries, and the core technology of electric vehicles is batteries. Their company is indeed powerful, and its electric vehicle technology is considered first-class in the world. But their Brand marketing is an issue and efforts need to be made in this area.”

"I am indeed very optimistic about the new energy industry chain. Global warming is a real problem. You should also know that I have called on the public to pay attention to global warming in the media more than once."

"Yes, the human species is too buggy and has caused more damage to the earth than all species in the past combined. Climate change cannot explain the current phenomenon."

"Of course I support the Wall Street Relief Act. This comes from the bottom of my heart. But you should also know that I speak softly, and not many politicians will take my words seriously." They support this bill. But I don’t know the congressmen who were revealed in the media as not supporting this bill. Most of them are Republicans.”


Musk's ears immediately perked up.

"please wait a moment."

Luo Ji glanced at Musk, took the phone and walked aside to whisper to Buffett.

Musk looked at Luo Ji walking away, wanting to listen to their conversation, but he had no choice but to sit under the umbrella and wait.


Twenty minutes later, Luo Ji held the phone in his hand and walked slowly along the beach. The sea water hit his feet and the sea breeze blew on his face, making him very cool and comfortable.


Luo Ji shouted to the sea that this was the goal he had been working towards.

Now, he was finally able to be looked at head-on by these big shots.

He stretched out five fingers and put them in front of his eyes to look at the sea, feeling filled with pride.Whether it was an illusion or not, he felt that the entire sea was under his control at this moment.

"Hi, Fili."

Luo Ji turned around and saw Fiona happily waving her hands to greet him.Black, Musk and the others were still standing around.Luo Ji also waved to them and walked towards them with a smile.

Fiona looked at Luo Ji with joy on her face: "I haven't seen you relaxed like this for a long time. It feels like you were always tense before."

"is it?"

"Of course." Fiona nodded affirmatively.

Blake asked excitedly: "How was the conversation with Mr. Buffett?"

"We had a good conversation and he said he would invite me to have dinner with him at Smith Walensky Steakhouse in Manhattan some time."

The head of Boeing said in surprise: "Buffett's lunch?"

"Yes, but it's free." Luo Ji said with a smile.

Fiona, Blake smiled broadly.The person in charge of Boeing and Musk looked at Luo Ji with envy.It seems that the stock god’s status is really high in their minds.

It’s not right to say that. The stock god does have a high status in the hearts of American people.

Because not only can he make money himself, but he can also help others make money.

In a sense, Luo Ji's previous statement that he was a follower of Buffett was not entirely for hype. He was actually copying Mr. Buffett's path to success.

However, Mr. Buffett relies on his value investing philosophy and strong mathematical abilities.Luo Ji relied on apocalypse and intuition.


At twelve o'clock at night, I don't know if it was because of what happened in the past few months, or because of today's conversation with Mr. Buffett, or because of today's comfortable environment, which made his tense nerves relax and calm down.

Luo Ji closed his eyes, and all the experiences he had experienced in the past began to flash through his mind.

Chicago's Black Prosecutor, William Daley, Penny Pritzker, President of Universal Music, Xu Youyu, Jeff Basker, Braun, Yang Jian, "16", "The Twilight Saga" 》, Holi Games Company, etc.

These people, these things, these works have changed him in his career, whether for good or bad.

"Is it hard for me to have a good time?"

Luo Ji asked himself this question.

These things flashed through his mind one by one, and the final image settled on the face of an 18-year-old girl.

I don’t know if it’s because of the death in the previous life, but the girl’s face is so clear in my mind.

It was like someone placed a high-definition photo in front of his eyes, and he could clearly see every detail on the girl's face.

Luo Ji looked at her lips, her nose, her ears, her cheeks, and her golden hair.

Finally I saw tears in her eyes.

The still photo suddenly moved, and a tear fell down the girl's cheek. With a ticking sound, it fell on Luo Ji's heart.


The tears seemed to have passed through the false fantasy and actually hit Luo Ji's heart, making him feel a dull pain in his heart.

Three months have passed since the incident. It was already over for him, and he no longer cared about it. He had not thought of her for a long time.

I didn't expect that today, I would be at such a happy and relaxing moment.

Perhaps it was because no one else could share such a happy moment for him.

Apocalypse appeared in his mind, the sad prelude of music sounded, and slowly, a lonely and sad male voice sounded.

Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only think of the light when it is dim

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
I miss the warmth of the sun only when it's freezing and snowing

Only know you love her when you let her go
You only know it's true love when you let go

 Passenger-Let Her Go
(End of this chapter)

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