New York 2006

Chapter 240

Chapter 240
The black DJ on the radio said in a black accent: "Tomorrow, American history will open a new chapter. Barack will become the 44th President of the United States. He will be the first American president of African descent. Let us look forward to this scene. , this is another victory for African Americans. Al, what do you think?"

This little black singer named Al said in a rap tone: "Hey, Bro, I can't even understand it when you say it so formally. I M-Fxxk only know that the time has come for the United States to belong to the Nico brothers."

"Hahahaha." The unique laughter of a group of black men came from the radio.

Luo Ji and Jen Psaki were sitting in a stretched Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle and couldn't help but laugh out loud while listening to the black DJ's program on the radio.

This M-Fxxk is so black!Only they can call themselves Nico.

Psaki said, "Logic, I haven't congratulated you yet. Your single "Counting Stars" debuted at No. [-] on the Billboard charts last week."

Luo Ji said angrily, "It's funny, it's so easy that I don't feel the difficulty."

"In the music industry, you are indeed the best." Psaki complimented with a smile.

Being complimented by this intellectual beauty, Luo Ji was instantly in a state of ecstasy.He said, "Am I not great in other ways?"

"Hahaha, of course you are great in other aspects too!"

Luo Ji turned sideways and looked at her: "Tell me, what are the aspects?"

Psaki smiled slightly, turned sideways and looked at Luo Ji with her eyes. She slightly smoothed the hair around her ears: "Are you going to let me kiss your butt?"

Psaki uses Kiss ass, kiss your ass.This is the meaning of flattery and flattery.

However, this word is generally used between people of the same sex. When a man uses this word to a woman, or a woman to a man, it can easily cause ambiguity.She did it on purpose!
Luo Ji was stunned for a moment, then he patted her shoulder lightly with his hand to make physical contact, and tentatively said, "If you don't want to, how about I kiss your butt?"

With a smile in her eyes, Psaki inadvertently brushed Luo Ji's thigh with her right hand and said with a smile, "Maybe you can give it a try."


"Guess," Psaki said with a meaningful smile.

Luo Ji would be too stupid to understand. This woman was indeed teasing him.

When the two of them got along before, because they were both busy with work, Luo Ji thought it was a misunderstanding!Now it's certain.

Today, Psaki is wearing a retro black evening gown. She looks intellectual, dignified, and has the feel of a classical beauty. Her temperament is really attractive.

As the vehicle drove slowly through the streets of New York at night, Luo Ji closed the partition in the middle of the Mercedes-Benz, leaving only two people in the back compartment.

Luo Ji slowly leaned towards her, gently touching her cheek with one hand and holding her waist with the other.

Luo Ji could feel her body trembling slightly, and he slowly moved his mouth closer to her ear and said, "You know, there are still more than 40 minutes until we reach the destination. I have time to give it a try."


"Hey Jane, there are some wrinkles in the back of your evening gown. Let me straighten them out for you."

Ms. Clinton walked over from behind with a smile on her face. After she finished speaking, she helped Psaki straighten her black evening gown. She reached out and touched it before she felt something was wrong: "Hey, why is it wet?"

Psaki's face suddenly turned red: "This... this is Logic accidentally spilling some wine here."

Ms. Creighton didn't notice anything unusual and immediately looked at Luo Ji angrily: "Why are you so careless? Can't you take good care of your female companion?"

"It's my fault." Luo Ji quickly took a sip of wine and suppressed the smile on his lips.

Today's party was initiated by Ms. Clinton. It was held at the Hilton Hotel in midtown Manhattan. The standard was high enough. The entire banquet hall was crowded with people and was filled with New York's upper class.

Luo Ji saw many people who usually appear on TV today, including New York Mayor Bloomberg, financial tycoon George Soros, John Paulson, Carl Icahn, media giant Robert Murdoch and others. His wife, Wendi Deng, Newhouse III of Condé Nast.

Celebrities in the entertainment and fashion circles include Alicia Keys, Anne Hathaway, Woody Allen, Al Pacino, etc.

The most popular among women at the party was Anna Wintour, editor-in-chief of Vogue magazine. She is known as the "godfather" of modern women's fashion, and her Vogue magazine has always been at the center of public opinion.She is the editor-in-chief in the movie "The Devil Wears Prada".

Luo Ji was chatting with Ms. Clinton while observing the people in the banquet hall.I was wondering if I could talk to Anna Wintour after the chat was over.

Ms. Clinton noticed that Luo Ji was absent-minded, followed his gaze, and found Anna Wintour surrounded by a group of women.

"Logic, do you want to meet her?"

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

Ms. Clinton smiled: “You are still interested in fashion!”

Luo Ji said helplessly: "The media has always said that the singers under my company are not tasteful in their clothing, and their style is too low and they don't know how to dress up. After seeing her, I wondered if I could let her introduce some more reliable fashions. Designers come to work for my company.”

"People in the music industry really have to be at the forefront of fashion." Ms. Clinton continued: "I will introduce her to you later."

Luo Ji thanked you: "Sorry to trouble you!"

Ms. Clinton waved to a white woman in the distance, and the woman opposite immediately came over with a smile.

This white woman wears a women's black suit on her upper body, a gray sweater underneath, and a pair of light gold pearl earrings on her earlobes. Like Psaki and Ms. Clinton, she has neat short hair.

The outfit looked like that of a female politician. Luo Ji felt like he had seen her before, but couldn't remember where.

Ms. Clinton said: "Logic, Jane, let me introduce you to this. This is the U.S. Representative from New York State, Kirsten Gillibrand."

The woman opposite immediately smiled familiarly and stretched out her hand: "Hi, Logic. Hi, Ms. Psaki! Long time no see!"

"Hello." Psaki greeted her immediately.

Luo Ji suddenly thought of her and said, "It's been a long time indeed."

"Indeed, the last time I saw you was at a fundraising dinner held by Chinese Americans for Ms. Creighton. Two years have passed."

Ms. Clinton said: "Logic, did you know that Kirsten also has a Chinese name?"

Luo Ji asked curiously: "What is it?"

Ms. Clinton continued: "Tina Lu, the Chinese-American community generally calls her this name."

"is it?"

Luo Ji looked at this blond Anglo-Saxon woman with confusion. White politicians with Chinese names like this usually do it to win votes from Chinese Americans.

Congressman Kirsten suddenly started talking in Chinese: "I got my name when I was studying in China. Logic, you can call me by my Chinese name in the future. It will appear cordial."

Luo Ji asked in Chinese: "Okay, which university in China did you study at?"

Kirsten continued to say in Chinese: "In 1986, I studied at BJ Normal University, where I majored in Asian studies. After that, I also worked as a lawyer on Hong Kong Island for a period of time."

"How was the experience?"

"It feels very good, the people there are very welcoming."

Next to him, Psaki protested: "Can you two take care of us? We two don't understand Chinese."

"Hahaha, okay." Kirsten switched to English: "Logic, what do you think of my Mandarin?"

"It's really good!" Luo Ji smiled and gave a thumbs up!Although her Mandarin had a Caucasian accent, Luo Ji could understand her completely, and she spoke long sentences fluently without any knots.He seems to really understand Chinese.

She obviously did this to please herself, but she didn't know what the purpose was.

Luo Ji, Ms. Clinton and Kirsten chatted for more than ten minutes before Kirsten took the initiative to say goodbye.

When Ms. Clinton and Representative Kirsten were saying goodbye, Luo Ji pointed his eyes at Psaki, the political consultant. She immediately understood and leaned into Luo Ji's ear to explain in a low voice.

"In 1999, Kirsten joined Ms. Clinton's 2000 U.S. Senate campaign team, and then she..."

Before Psaki could finish speaking, Ms. Clinton had turned back to look at Luo Ji, and the two had no choice but to end the conversation.

Ms. Clinton asked seriously: "Logic, what do you think of Kirsten?"

"Very good." Luo Ji nodded.

"Then let me tell you something."

"it is good."

“Privately,” Ms. Clinton said, looking at Psaki.

"Logic, I'll go hang out somewhere else and you guys can chat," Psaki said awkwardly.

Psaki still seemed a little thin-skinned, but Luo Ji did not stop him. Only Luo Ji and Ms. Clinton were left around.

Ms. Clinton said leisurely: "Logic, can you guess the purpose of my party today?"

"You can probably guess whether you are going to serve in the White House and become a member of President Barack's cabinet."


Luo Ji smiled and said, "What is your position?"

"Secretary of State!" Ms. Clinton said.

Luo Ji immediately smiled and complimented: "Congratulations, Secretary Clinton!"

Psaki's previous guess was indeed correct. From now on, she will be the third-in-command of government administration, the top leader of the U.S. State Department, and the prime minister for foreign affairs and international affairs.The power is overwhelming.

Ms. Clinton continued: "This is one of the purposes of my party today. I also have another purpose, to introduce Representative Kirsten to everyone! Logic, I hope you can sponsor her in the future!"

Luo Ji was a little unhappy. I will support whoever you ask me to support. My money does not come from strong winds.

Luo Ji said calmly, "I don't know her political views right now, okay?"

"She is mine and she will be my successor when I go to the White House!"

Luo Ji said in surprise: "You mean she will become the next senator of New York State?"


For someone like Ms. Clinton who is halfway to the White House, she will automatically step down as a New York senator.If not during an election, the senator's position is appointed by the governor.

This is a senatorial seat with only two quotas in New York State. As long as you sit in it, you can sit there until you die.By the way, it can pave the way for running for president in the future.

Last year's popular presidential candidates Ms. Clinton, President Barack, and Republican John McCain were all senators!
Such an important position was confirmed by Ms. Clinton's light words. Luo Ji was a little shocked.

He tentatively said: "Representative Kirsten's qualifications are a bit shallow. She has only been a member of the House of Representatives for two years. There should be many politicians in New York State who are more suitable than her."

Ms. Clinton said domineeringly: “But she is mine!”

Luo Ji swallowed: "Okay... okay. I will support her from now on."

Is this the top political family in the United States?A single word determined the position of a state senator.

Ms. Clinton continued: “Will you support her as much as you support me?”

Not wanting to show his cowardice, Luo Ji asked, "Then will she abide by the agreement between you and me?"

Ms. Clinton was stunned for a moment before reacting: "Are you talking about low-interest government loans?"


"I was just about to tell you about this. Your Holi game company has great resistance to getting a loan from the government. No one wants to see the government lending low-interest money to a game company. This will create a lot of pressure from public opinion. ."

Luo Ji felt a little unhappy, but he still tried to speak as calmly as possible: "Your assistant promised me at the time that you could help me handle it."

"She didn't understand the situation and thought it was your record company."

"My record company is not short of money," Luo Ji said.

"It's not that I won't help you, the resistance from the game company is really strong!"

Ms. Clinton thought for a while and continued: "How about switching to your other companies, such as your film company or live performance company, which can provide a lot of employment, then the pressure will be very small."

"Both companies are not short of money either."

An idea suddenly flashed in Luo Ji's mind: "How about a mobile instant messaging company? This is a start-up company, high-tech, and at the forefront of the times."

"Mobile instant messaging? Is it the global kind?" Ms. Clinton asked curiously.

"Yeah." Luo Ji boasted: "Ten days after it was launched, the number of global users has reached 100 million."

"What is your name?"


Ms. Clinton obviously didn't understand much about this. She thought for a while and said, "There are already 100 million users. Globalization, mobile Internet, you submit the information in the next two days, and I will help you."

"it is good!"

Luo Ji said without any psychological burden, of course WeChat does not have 100 million users now, it has just exceeded 10.However, it is too common for Internet companies to have low user numbers.

It is difficult for non-professionals to tell whether the data is fake or not.What’s more, this is still an emerging industry!
"Approximately how much do you need?" Ms. Clinton asked.

Luo Ji said as much as he could: "Three hundred million meters."

"It's hard to apply for a loan if you have too much money." Ms. Clinton then said seriously: "But a low-interest loan of [-] million yuan should be able to help you get it easily!"

"Okay, it's enough to burn for a while."

"What about Representative Kirsten?"

Luo Ji smiled at Ms. Clinton: "She is a very nice person, and I like her political views very much."

Clinton was shocked by Luo Ji's shamelessness. She shook her head and smiled helplessly: "You..."

(End of this chapter)

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