New York 2006

Chapter 241 The Girl Is Outward

Chapter 241 The Girl Is Outward
On January 2009, 1, Luo Ji, Fiona and Blake were sitting in the living room of Burbank's home in Los Angeles, California, watching NBC News on TV.

"Yesterday, several new victims emerged in the Madoff fraud case, including Catherine Hardwicke, the director of the first part of the Twilight Saga, screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg, and the heroine Kristen Stewart."

On the TV, the camera switched and Kristen walked out of the mall with a smile on her face and chatting and laughing with several girls. Several paparazzi immediately rushed up and surrounded Kristen.

"Christine, please tell me how you joined the Madoff Foundation."

"Christine, as a victim of Madoff's fraud, how much money did you lose?"

Several girls around her immediately looked at her in surprise. The smile on Kristen's face disappeared immediately. She squeezed through the paparazzi with a very embarrassed face and only hurriedly dropped a sentence.

"No comment!"

Luo Ji looked at Christine's embarrassed figure on the TV, hugged his belly and burst into laughter: "Hehehehehehe!"

Fiona was speechless. She looked at Luo Ji with evil eyes and said, "She is your current girlfriend after all. What are you laughing at?"

"You don't know what happened. When I met her and Madoff, I asked her not to join the Madoff Fund. Later I introduced her to some stable investment channels. But she refused to listen and said that the Madoff Fund was A ticket to the upper class. Hahahaha! What a ticket to the upper class. I think it’s toilet paper for the upper class. Throw it away after use!"

Fiona asked in confusion: "Why didn't I know that you had also met Madoff?"

Luo Ji watched the TV show intently and explained casually: "Oh, you went back to Chicago to see Debbie, Carl and the others in those days."

The news on the TV continued, and the female host of NBC said: "President Barack's cabinet has added another ethnic minority. He is the Nobel Prize winner and scientist Steven Chu. Steven Chu is sworn in as the Minister of Energy in the Barack administration. Zhu He is the first person to be appointed to the Cabinet after winning the Nobel Prize. He is also the second Chinese-American to serve as a Cabinet member after Elaine Chao."

The first Nobel Prize winner to serve as the head of the U.S. cabinet. Alas, American lawyers are not allowed to rule the country.

The scene on the TV continued, with a group of reporters interviewing Steven Chu, the new Minister of Energy.

"Mr. Zhu, what are your plans after becoming the Minister of Energy?"

The Nobel Prize winner seemed very confident: "I will cooperate with President Barack's nuclear weapons policy and strictly manage the development of nuclear weapons and prevent nuclear proliferation."

Steven Chu paused after speaking and continued: "Because of global warming, I will also formulate a new US energy policy to vigorously support new energy companies. Compared with solar energy, wind energy, nuclear energy, new energy vehicles and other companies, ."

When Luo Ji heard this, he couldn't help but smile.It’s time to start the plan. Should we contact Musk?Forget it, let’s wait for him to take the initiative to contact me!
Fiona pretended to be casual and said: "Feili, during this period of time, why don't you take me with you wherever you go like before?"

Luo Ji touched his head and said, "Well, Hum... I didn't want you to get more rest."

Fiona smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm not tired."

Luo Ji rolled his eyes: "You don't have to work so hard. Blake can stay with me. You two just take turns. Blake, don't you think so?"

Best friend Blake immediately said with a smile: "Yes, yes, Logic said you worked too hard, traveling everywhere with him. It would be better for you to live your own life more."

Fiona snorted coldly: "Humph, you must be up to something."

Luo Ji looked serious: "Anyway, I'm doing this for your own good. Believe it or not, it's up to you."

Luo Ji's alienation from Fiona was obviously not to give her more rest. Luo Ji now completely let himself go and had three girlfriends at the same time, Max, Psaki and Kristen.He would often tease Robin, his mother, not to find a new boyfriend.

Luo Ji definitely didn't want his aunt Fiona to know about having such a good time and having such a wild time.

"Anyway, you are an adult now, I can't control you anymore."

After Fiona finished speaking, she looked at Blake next to her with a straight face: "I'm warning you, you'd better not let Feili cause any media scandal. Otherwise, do you know the consequences?"

Black said indifferently: "How could it be? Fili is single now, what kind of scandal can there be!"

Fiona said in a questioning tone: "Did I say anything about his emotional problems?"

"Uh... what else could you be talking about if you weren't talking about this?" Blake said doubtfully.

"Aipin! I warn you not to lead him astray!"

Luo Ji immediately said unhappily: "We won't touch that. Also, you can't say that about Blake. He is my best friend."

"Okay, I know."

Fiona finished speaking without any sincerity. When Luo Ji continued to look at the TV, she secretly gave Black a warning look!Blake shrugged, spreading his hands indifferently with a face full of indifference.

Fiona mouthed silently: "Don't forget, I know your girlfriend! I'm also very familiar with Sammy and Queenie!"

Blake also mouthed silently: "It's up to you!"


At five o'clock in the afternoon, the bodyguard drove Luo Ji to Christine's house as a guest. This was agreed upon last year.

As soon as Blake got in the car, he started complaining: "Fiona, she threatened me!"

Luo Ji said nonchalantly: "Don't worry about her. I'm an adult now. She and Sami are very uncomfortable with me being out of their control. They always try to find ways to increase their influence around me. Don't worry, Just wait for some time for them to adapt. I won't let them succeed."

"All right!"

People are in a state of power game all the time, and people want to control each other in various names.Including all social relationships with relatives, friends, and lovers.

This is what the book "Power" talks about, originating from Nietzsche's will to power!

Luo Ji had always been very strong in front of outsiders. He had established his concept of superiority early on and was very authoritative.

Such as Braun, Jeff Busker, Yang Jian and Xu Youyu.They only have the right to make suggestions, not decisions, in front of themselves!Be careful when speaking.

But among his family members, Luo Ji always followed his family's lead even though he had achieved very high achievements.As family members, Sami and Fiona both felt that they could control Luo Ji's behavior.

It wasn't obvious when he was with Taylor before, because she was his only girlfriend, but after Robin's incident, his family began to get involved in his personal life.

What they say is, I am doing this for your own good. Your lifestyle is not good, so be obedient.After that, Luo Ji began to deliberately reduce the influence of his family around him.

For example, they often don't go home, which reduces the time they spend with them.

Waiting for Sami, Fiona and the others to adapt to this state of getting along, they understand that they cannot control themselves.Then they will adapt to this state of getting along.Then the relationship with your family will enter a stable state.

Luo Ji tried to be as gentle as possible during the whole process, but still had to maintain a good relationship with his family.

Luo Ji then thought of Britney. This woman was the most innocent woman he had ever met.

As a child star, she was too well protected and didn't understand the relationship between people at all. She was controlled by her relatives, agents, and companies.

Luo Ji originally thought that her custody case would be a sure thing.As a result, Luo Ji saw in the media a few days ago that Britney actually lost her custody case.

For Britney, a world-famous superstar, her future life will be determined by her father and a court-appointed lawyer.How much money Britney can spend every month, where she can go, and who she can contact are all controlled by them. It can be said that she has lost her personal freedom. Can you believe it?
Albums, concerts, documentaries, media interviews, advertising endorsements, book signings, and guest appearances in TV series and movies.Luo Ji saw in the media that her work was fully arranged. To a certain extent, she had now become a complete money-making tool.

Many people who are born as child stars in the United States will have such troubles with their parents because of money issues.However, it can be said that there are almost no cases like Britney who lost her freedom after she became an adult.

"Too stupid, too stupid!" Luo Ji cursed with hatred.

Blake asked in confusion: "What's so stupid?"

"Nothing." Luo Ji said casually.

The Chinese bodyguard driving the car suddenly said: "Boss, the destination will be here soon."


Luo Ji immediately adjusted his mood and looked at this middle-class community. Every household's lawns were neatly mowed, and the streets were very clean. Most of the people he met on the road were white people, with only a few ethnic minorities here and there.

A very classic white middle-class community!

The surrounding environment is good, but not as good as Luo Ji's wealthy community in Los Angeles. You really get what you pay for.

As the vehicle drove forward, Luo Ji saw Christine, wearing a light blue dress, standing on the road in front of her home, looking towards both sides of the road and waiting.

She immediately recognized Luo Ji's private car in Los Angeles and waved from afar with a smile on her face.

The bodyguard slowed down the car and observed the surrounding environment: "Boss, there are no paparazzi."

"Okay." Luo Ji nodded.

The car stopped next to Christine. Luo Ji opened the door and got out. Her makeup was very delicate today. She was even more beautiful after not seeing her for more than two months.

Christine immediately threw herself into Luo Ji's arms and kissed him on the mouth: "My dear, I miss you so much."

"I miss you too!" Luo Ji responded, stroking the hair on the back of her head.

Blake saw the interaction between the two ended and took out a bottle of older Romanée-Conti red wine from the car: "Logic, here you go!"

Luo Ji took it casually: "Okay."

Kristen said seriously: "Blake, long time no see, let's go inside and sit together."

"No need." Blake said to Luo Ji, "Then we will pick you up at nine o'clock in the evening!"


Christine's family is a big family. In addition to her parents, she also has three brothers, all of whom were present at the dinner today.It's a family dinner.

As a Jewish family, her family's clothing is very popular, unlike those extreme Jews who wear yarmulkes. Her family is very secular.

There were seven people in total, and they all sat at the table and chatted while eating.

As the head of the family, Mr. Stewart asked: "Logic, I heard that your film and television company is making big moves this year?"

Luo Ji asked curiously, "Have you heard about it too?"

"Yes, I work at FOX TV station and I often hear about developments in Hollywood."

Luo Ji took a bite of beef and then said, "Well, in addition to the filming of "The Twilight Saga: 3" this year, my company will also be the main producer of two movies and two American TV series."

Mr. Stewart, as someone who has experienced this, said: "Are there too many projects? After all, your film and television company has only been established not long ago."

Kristen said unhappily: "Dad, don't give any opinions on the operation of Logic Film and Television Company."

"Uh..." Stewart's face suddenly turned ugly. His daughter hadn't even gotten married yet, so why was she starting to show off?

Luo Ji patted Christine's hand to comfort him, and then explained: "These works of mine are all in cooperation with other companies, such as Warner, Legendary Pictures, HBO and the CW TV station. My company's funding is not as high as you can imagine. So high!"

"Okay, what are the works?"

Luo Ji explained seriously: "We worked with Brad Pitt to shoot the movie "World War of the Dead," and we worked with HBO to shoot the TV series "Westworld." The investment costs for these two movies were relatively high, and the remaining two were small-budget works. One is the low-budget horror film "Deus Expeditions," and the other is the TV series "The Vampire Diaries."

Kristen asked curiously: "The Vampire Diaries, is it about vampires?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Yes, it is very similar to "The Twilight Saga". It is about youth campus vampires. I think this theme will become popular. That's why I asked the company to produce it. After all, Kristen and I It started this new trend.”

Kristen's brother immediately said, "I think it will definitely catch on. People in our school really like Twilight."

"Hahaha, let me borrow your good words!"

"World War Z" and "Westworld" are both from the apocalypse, so of course they have to be produced."Deus ex machina" and "The Vampire Diaries" were scripts acquired by the company in Hollywood before.

To a certain extent, just like record companies, it was Luo Ji who let the film companies try themselves.Tianqi's efficiency is still too low, and the company still needs to learn to make its own blood.

Kristen's mother suddenly said: "Logic, I heard Kristen say that you don't plan to make your relationship public in the media?"

Luo Ji didn't panic at all: "Yes, I think the relationship between the two of us is a relatively personal matter, so we should not let the media pay too much attention to it."

"I think……"

Kristine immediately interrupted: "Mom, I think what Logic said makes sense. Those couples who receive too much media attention will not have good results in the end."

Her mother continued: "But..."

Kristine stamped her feet and said unhappily: "What did we say before? You promised not to interfere with me and Logic's affairs!"

Her mother immediately raised her hands in surrender: "Okay, okay, I won't say anything anymore."

A few people continued to eat and chatted with each other while eating.Luo Ji helped Kristine add food from time to time, smiling the whole time. He also said interesting things from time to time to liven up the atmosphere and please her family.

Kristine was very happy that her boyfriend was very considerate to her today.She could reward him later. Thinking of this, her face instantly turned red.

At the end of the dinner, Christine's mother suddenly said: "Logic, have you ever thought about converting to Judaism?"

Luo Ji: "..."

Kristine looked unhappy and said loudly: "Mom..."

(End of this chapter)

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