New York 2006

Chapter 253 The divorce agreement was revealed

Chapter 253 The divorce agreement was revealed

It was a clear and sunny day in Los Angeles on February 2009, 2.You can see many couples shopping together on the streets.

Kristen and her best friend Dakota Fanning went shopping on Rodeo Drive.

The two met in 2007 when they were filming the short film "Machete" funded by the women's fashion magazine "Charm". After that, the two also shot many covers for the magazine. In addition, both of them are in the entertainment industry, and then they became friends. Become a friend who talks about everything.

Last year, Kristen also introduced Dakota Fanning to audition for the second Twilight movie.

However, Christine and Luo Ji were not in a relationship at the time, so they were so quiet that they could not speak on the set.Dakota Fanning was rejected by the crew because of her high salary, and the crew chose Saoirse Ronan, who was relatively low-paid at the time.

Failed auditions are common in Hollywood, and Dakota Fanning can't blame her best friend Kristen, as the two remain good friends.

While chatting, the two wandered into a Louis Vuitton store.

The clerk was not surprised when he saw two female celebrities. This was Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, and celebrities were too common.She approached and asked if she needed help, but after being refused, she did not bother.

Kristen picked through it and picked up a black one.The short skirt that was level with the knees was worn on the body and he gestured: "What do you think of this?"

Dakota Fanning looked at it seriously: "I don't think it's suitable. It's a little too mature."

"Okay." Kristen put the clothes back on the hanger.

Dakota was also one of the insiders of her best friend's relationship. She said, "Today is Valentine's Day. If you haven't been to the world of two with Logic, why would you want to ask me out to go shopping together?"

Kristine was a little disappointed: "His second album was released yesterday, and now he is so busy that he can't even touch the ground."

Dakota complained for his best friend: "Even if he releases a second album, won't he be able to find time in the day?"

"Men still have to put their career first." Kristen explained for her boyfriend.

Dakota said: "Just spoil him. He said he doesn't like your dark eye shadow, so you might as well not even wear eye shadow now."

"Hehe." Kristen squinted and smiled, but did not answer.

Dakota said angrily: "If you ask me, men can't be too accommodating. Haven't you seen the movie "He Actually Is Not That Into You" produced by Warner for this year's Valentine's Day? You have also seen the experience of the heroine in it. The more you accommodate a man, the less he cares about you. If you treat him badly, he will treat you better."

"I have seen this movie, and I went to see it with him a few days ago." Kristen smiled: "However, love is not as simple as shown in the movie, it is much more complicated than this."

"I think you have a very good temper."

Dakota said heartbrokenly: "You must have listened to Logic's second album. Netizens speculated that "Someone You Loved" and "Let Her Go" were written for Taylor. They were written so affectionately for his ex-girlfriend, but you didn't show any emotion at all. There's none?"

The smile disappeared from Kristen's face and she whispered, "I asked him and he said no."

Dakota questioned: "Who was it written to? The lyrics are obviously written to his ex-girlfriend. Or do you think it was written to Lady Gaga?"

Kristen said unconfidently: "Maybe he wrote it to Robin?"

"His ex-wife? Impossible" Dakota said harshly: "It's obvious that Logic didn't like her. The two got divorced after three months of marriage. Logic also paid 4700 million meters of property."

Kristine was a little curious and wanted to change the subject, so she asked: "4700 million? How do you know?"

"Didn't you read this morning's newspaper?"

"Did not notice."

Dakota explained: "Their divorce agreement came out. Logic established a 1000 million education fund for the two children, a house worth more than 540 million, and will provide 10 yuan a month for the two children. Living expenses until adulthood. This adds up to 4700 million knives."

Kristine was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly said: "This, this is what he gave to his two children."

"The child was not given to the woman. Now the child is raised by her." Dakota continued: "You can make so much money by giving birth to two children. I have never made so much money after making movies for so many years. I don’t know how many women will want to stick to him in the future.”

Kristen's mood for shopping disappeared instantly, and she remained silent.

Dakota followed closely: "Also, what about those two songs? He must have written them for Taylor. The person he dated the longest in his life was Taylor, and they dated for more than a year and a half. The song was written You are so affectionate, you must never forget your ex-girlfriend. Didn’t he send you away with just one sentence? "


"He interacted with Taylor at the Grammys some time ago, didn't you see?"

Kristine thought for a while and said, "I, I will ask him."

A trace of curvature appeared at the corner of Dakota's mouth, and then she said with the same hatred: "Yes, you should make trouble with him, so that he will care about your feelings. Let me tell you, you should..."


Hotels near Big Machine Records, Nashville.

"When Logic's second album was released, it was suddenly revealed that his marriage only lasted three months last year and cost him $4700 million in property."

After Taylor watched the news on TV, he felt calm at first, and then suddenly his mind opened up and he cursed!
This bastard!

Didn't he compensate his ex-wife for the 1000 million yuan that he lent him not long ago?

But Taylor soon put aside this unrealistic idea, and a Hollywood newspaper broke the news some time ago.

"Twilight" last year had a global box office of 4.87 million US dollars, and DVD sales in the United States were 1.9 million US dollars. The overseas data is the same as the US market, which is roughly calculated as 1.9 million US dollars.Revenue from broadcast rights around the world exceeded US$4000 million, totaling approximately US$9 million.

As for Logic himself, his personal income in 2008 exceeded $3.6 million just from "Twilight".He also has two music companies of his own, Future Records and Electronic Music Records.

Not to mention that he has his own investment company, so he definitely has no shortage of money for his children.The 1000 million I borrowed from him must be used for other purposes.

Bang, bang, knock on the door.

The female assistant ran in with a solemn look on her face. She said with some anxiety: "Did you see the news this morning? Logic paid his ex-wife 4700 million yuan for divorce last year?"

Taylor said indifferently: "I've seen it."

The female assistant said tentatively: "Aren't you angry?"

Taylor said angrily: "He is my ex-boyfriend, what should I be angry about? That is his own business and has nothing to do with me."

The female assistant observed it and found that Taylor was in a good mood, not pretending. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Just don't be angry. By the way, there is one more thing."

Taylor said: "What's the matter?"

"Logic's second album "18"'s sales data came out yesterday, and it sold 123 million copies, which is more than the 103 million sales data of your second album over the three-day weekend."

Taylor said in surprise: "Sold so much in one day?"

"Hmm, the data urgently released by the Recording Industry Association of America may have spread throughout the United States by now."

The female assistant then said: "Maybe Universal Music has contributed, otherwise the Recording Industry Association would not have announced it in such a timely manner, especially today is Valentine's Day."

"Yeah." Taylor nodded calmly, and then packed up his things in the hotel room.The female assistant asked doubtfully: "Don't you say anything about this?"

"What's there to say?" Taylor packed his things without even raising his head.

The female assistant said doubtfully: "How about scolding him, saying that he is not worthy of his reputation, that his records are rubbish, his songs are terrible, and his second album is disappointing?"

Taylor raised his head and looked at his assistant: "You have also listened to his second album. Is his second album rubbish?"

The female assistant told the truth: "It's not rubbish, it sounds pretty good."

Taylor continued to be busy and explained casually: "That's alright, his second album is really great, more exciting than his first album. He is a musical genius, which is recognized in the United States. So as long as he is mentally prepared in advance, he can Breaking my record won't make me feel so disappointed."

"Okay." The female assistant nodded.

Taylor seemed to be in a good mood and put the Apple MP3 player on the table into his bag.He was humming a song from Luo Ji's second album.

Well you only need the light when it's burning low
Only think of the light when it is dim

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
I miss the warmth of the sun only when it's freezing and snowing

Only know you love her when you let her go
You only know it's true love when you let go

The female assistant said, "Is this a song Logic wrote for you? Netizens said it was written for you."

There was a slight smile on Taylor's lips, but he said with an arrogant look: "I don't know, and I'm not interested either,"

"All right!"

Taylor packed up all his things and sat down on the sofa: "When will Logic's private plane leave?"

"Ten o'clock at noon." The female assistant said.

Taylor looked at the watch on his hand and said happily: "It's getting late, let's go to the airport now!"

"Okay." The female assistant then stared at Taylor suspiciously.

Taylor looked at his assistant strangely: "What are you looking at?"

The female assistant thought for a moment and said bluntly: "You were fine the day before yesterday. After listening to Logic's second album yesterday morning, you proposed to go to Los Angeles today. Logic then urgently sent a private plane over. Today is Valentine's Day. You Do you really want to see him during this festival? Do you have any thoughts of getting back together with him?"

Taylor's expression was a little unnatural, and he hesitated and said: "I, I want to go early and come back early. Haven't you seen that my time is very tight recently? It just so happens that there are no rehearsal tasks today. If we go there today, we can save a day!"

The female assistant muttered: "Are we one day short? You still don't want me to tell Andrea that we are leaving today."

Taylor looked calm and said seriously: "I'm afraid she'll have random thoughts, but I didn't mean it anyway."

"Okay, I was overthinking it." The female assistant continued: "Anyway, Logic is a playboy and not worthy of your cherishment. There have been endless scandals around him. A few days ago, the newspaper even photographed him having an affair with a British man. The actresses walked together and seemed to be named Carrie or something.”

As a smart person like Taylor, of course he could hear the subtext in the female assistant's words.She wanted to retort, but in the end she didn't say it.

The impulsive emotion slowly disappeared, and Taylor sat quietly on the sofa and meditated.

The female assistant saw this scene and said nothing.Although Taylor has a good temper and never gets angry with her, he is his employer after all, so some words can only be stopped.

She has finally completed the instructions given by Taylor's mother Andrea. As for what will happen next, she doesn't care. After all, this is the boss's private matter and she can't say anything.

Taylor suddenly stood up and said, "Let's go first. This is already agreed. Logic told me yesterday that the crew threatened to go on strike and did not want to fly on Valentine's Day. Those crew members probably also want to celebrate Valentine's Day."


Early in the morning at Roger's home in Burbank, Fiona opened the door with a puzzled look on her face. She looked at the elite woman opposite: "Psaki? Why are you here?"

Psaki smiled broadly: "I'm here to see Logic."

Fiona said doubtfully: "He is not at home now, going to record the Ellen Show."

Sammy's voice suddenly came from the kitchen: "Fiona, who is it?"

"Jen Psaki! People from Philly Company." Fiona shouted to the kitchen, and then said to Psaki: "What's the matter with you? Logic's second major has just been released, and I will be busy until late today. Only then can I come back.”

Psaki asked: "About what time will he get home?"

Fiona asked: "I'm not sure about this. Do you need me to call him for consultation?"

Psaki thought for a moment and said, "No, I'll just wait for him at home."

"Okay, okay, come in!"

Today is Valentine’s Day!Fiona thought to herself.

Fiona took her to the living room, where they sat on the sofa and watched TV.Fiona was chatting while observing Fili, her subordinate opposite.

He was from a middle-class background, had a good upbringing, and had a good temperament, very much like the type she guessed her nephew would like.

They won't get together!It's just that the age difference is too big.

Fiona said, "Can you tell me what you have to do with Feili?"

Psaki said without hesitation: "As for some political matters, I will explain it in detail."

"Okay." Fiona nodded.

Sami came over at this time: "Is there anything I can't tell Feili on the phone? I need to come over in person on Valentine's Day."

Psaki smiled slightly: "It's really not convenient to say it on the phone. We can only say it in person."

"Okay!" Sami looked Psaki up and down, then said with a smile: "Miss Psaki, how about working under Fili?"

"pretty good."

"how old are you?"

"30 years old."

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"I'm still single," Psaki said.

Sami immediately sat next to her, held Psaki's hand, and said earnestly: "You are not young anymore. Women still need to find a man to accompany them. Otherwise, when you get older, you will find that life will be very difficult. of."

"Um..." Psaki moved his butt awkwardly and began to fidget.

(End of this chapter)

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