New York 2006

Chapter 254 Becomes an Internet Popularity Again

Chapter 254 Becomes an Internet Popularity Again

New York, a middle-class community in Brooklyn, where there are large single-family houses, and the houses look very beautiful.

Since Matthew established his own law firm and took over some of Luo Ji's company's business, Lily has also worked for Luo Ji's charity foundation.After the two had some money, they moved out of the apartment and bought a house here with a loan.

It is worth mentioning that Ted and Tracy also bought houses here.This place is just over ten minutes' drive from Robin's wealthy community, and the few of them are still very good friends.

Especially Lily, she only works when there are charity projects. She is basically idle at ordinary times, mostly spending time with Robin.

Early in the morning, she received a call from Luo Ji, who asked her to go over and comfort Robin and not do anything outrageous.

As she drove to Robin's house, she bought a newspaper.There is news about friends in it. Logic’s ex-wife made a big fuss.

The picture accompanying the newspaper was a photo of her former job in a television station.There are also words on it, another woman who became a multi-millionaire through marriage!
The content of the article was very unfavorable to Robin, describing her as a scheming woman who deliberately gave birth to a celebrity child and relied on the child to defraud money.

If Lily hadn't known about Robin's true condition, she might have been misled by the news.She couldn't help but worry about her friend.

She drove quickly to Robin's home, and reporters were already gathering at the door.When reporters saw her visit, they immediately swarmed over to interview her.

"Lily, we know you. You are Robin's friend and you often appear in some charity events. Can you tell us what kind of person Robin is?"

"Did you know that your best friend is a scheming girl?"

"Is your friend a gold digger?"

But Lily didn't stop at all. She used her small body to dodge the reporters, trotted to the door and skillfully opened the door with the key and hid inside.

Lily pretended not to know, and sat next to her with a smile: "Good morning, Robin."

"Good morning." Robin looked at the computer without looking up.

Lily saw the newspaper on the table at a glance, which was exactly the same as the newspaper she had just read: "You read the news!"

Robin said angrily: "Can you not read it? The door was full of reporters early in the morning. I asked them for this newspaper."

Lily quickly patted Robin's back and comforted him: "Oh, don't worry, we all know you are not that kind of person."

Robin pushed the computer in front of Lily: "Look at what the Internet says about me."

She is so beautiful, but she was a bitch. Logic really shouldn't have given her so much money!

I know her. As a reporter, she fell into horse manure during an interview and became famous on the Internet for a while.But then it disappeared, I didn’t expect this to be the reason!
She didn't notify Logic after she got pregnant, and didn't notify him until after she gave birth to the child.Scheming girl!

Logic is so generous!This is 4700 million meters!I really want to give him a child!
Logic is so pitiful, he was defrauded of his wealth and sex.

Robin used to be a reporter, so she naturally has media sensitivity. She said angrily: "I said I didn't want it at the beginning, but he insisted on giving it. Now I have become a villain, but he is famous for it. This news is still his second When news broke out after the album was released, I suspected that he was responsible for the news."

Lily hurriedly comforted: "He is not that kind of person. He asked me to come over and comfort you immediately after receiving the news. He still cares about you very much, and it is impossible for him to leak it."

Of course Robin could feel her ex-husband's feelings for her, and also knew that what she just said was a bit harsh, so she quickly went back to make up for it: "I know he is not that kind of person, and what he said just now were all angry words."

"I know." Lily said.

The two continued to watch the discussion on the news in the online forum. Just like Anna Nicole Smith, although there were some people who envied her, most of them were critical.

In any culture, mainstream values ​​abhor this kind of thing.As a client, you have to bear a lot of moral pressure.Who can say that Anna Nicole Smith's drug abuse and her death had nothing to do with the media's criticism of her.

The more Robin watched, the angrier she became. She didn't know how to face her relatives and friends in the future.

Jingle bell, jingle bell.The phone rings.

Robin quickly picked up the phone and said aggrievedly: "What good thing did you do?"

"I'm sorry." Luo Ji apologized sincerely.

Robin yelled: "I said I didn't want it at first, but you insisted on giving it to me. You men are all like this, thinking that money can solve everything. But now, all the media is criticizing me, and I don't dare to look online now comments."

Luo Ji quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, I have to record "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" today, and I will help you clarify. The money is also for the children and has nothing to do with you."

"It's all your fault!" Robin complained.

"I'm sorry, it's my fault." Luo Ji then said, "Don't feel any psychological pressure. The negative news is actually not as serious as you think. Look at me, the negative news has never stopped, and I can't live a good life."

Robin scolded directly: "I'm not you! I'm not as shameless as you!"

Luo Ji was so noisy that he had no choice but to pretend to be sick: "Stop arguing, I have a headache."

Robin's anger dissipated instantly and he asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry!"

Luo Ji continued: "Don't worry, I will handle this matter. I will send Braun and Jamie over later and ask them to help you deal with the public relations crisis. Just do as they say."


"Then can you bring your children to see me? I miss you!"

"Don't even think about it!"


Jamie was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, standing on the lawn in front of Robin's house, accepting interviews from reporters.

He said with a serious face: "Logic's divorce agreement is very clear, the money is for the two children. His ex-wife didn't ask for a penny!"

"Robin is a devout Christian and she is against abortion, so she gave birth after she became pregnant."

" Logic and Robin got together is beyond the scope of today's discussion."

"Yes, Logic likes children very much. He is a good father! He also has half the custody of the child, but now he is raised by Robin."

"Please stop crowding around Robin's house. I have answered all your questions. If you have anything to ask in the future, you can come to the law firm to find me. My law firm address is..."

After Jamie was interviewed by the reporter, he walked into the room with a smile on his face and said sternly: "It's done easily! Robin, you see the reporter has left!"

Robin looked outside through the window: "Why are there two or three reporters still there?"

"They may want to wait and see if Logic will come over." Jamie guessed, and then he said with a relaxed face: "This matter is actually not difficult to publicize. Wait until Logic shows up on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" ” Let me clarify above so that mainstream public opinion will not embarrass you too much. In fact, this kind of thing mainly requires the cooperation of the man.”

Robin glared at Jamie: "So I still want to thank him? He wasn't the one who caused it!"

Jamie immediately fell silent and stopped talking!Braun began to change the subject: "Robin, I think you should accept Logic's proposal and let the bodyguards protect you. The last time you were holding your child and the paparazzi photographed the child's face, he was very angry!"

Robin was also frightened by the outcry from so many reporters this time: "Okay, but I will hire my own bodyguards. I can't even spend the 10 yuan a month living expenses he gave me."

"Uh... isn't this good?" Braun said quickly: "He will probably quarrel with you again after he finds out about this!"

"Just make a noise." Robin looked at Braun indifferently: "Tell him, he is my ex-husband. He can't control what I want to do! I even want to change the nanny he hired now. , those two nannies are the spies she sent here."

The nanny who was cooking in the kitchen suddenly became alert and lowered her head even further!

Braun fell silent for an instant and did not dare to say another word!

"Ahem, cough, cough. Now that the matter is settled, the two of us will leave first. If you need anything, you can contact me at any time."

After Jamie finished speaking, he left. Before leaving, he looked specifically at Lily who was standing aside.Does Jamie know that Lily's husband Matthew and himself are competitors.

However, Logic trusts him the most now!only……

Lily watched the two people leave, then looked back at Robin: "Are you going to hire a male bodyguard or a female bodyguard?"

Robin immediately said: "Male!"

Lily said in surprise: "Are you really going to do this? Logic will probably go crazy by then."

"Forget it, just piss him off." Robin yelled, "He's a bastard. He still cares about me after we get divorced. I'm surrounded by his people. Even Ted's wife Tracy is his." .”

Lily hurriedly stepped forward and said, "This proves that he cares about you!"

Robin said unhappily: "Whose side are you on? Why did you say good things for him? Now his money has even bought you?"

"Of course I'm on your side. I've scolded him many times before, have you forgotten?"

Lily stepped forward and hugged her friend: "However, he is such a powerful person, and he allows me to scold him without refuting a word. It's just for your sake. You should have noticed, too, that he has always been accommodating. I care about you very much. The first time something happens to you, I will consider your feelings and help you solve it."

Robin stopped talking and turned his head to look out the window.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit solemn, Lily smiled and said, "Stop talking about these unhappy things, let's listen to the song he wrote for you. By the way, how did you get him to write a song for you in the first place?"


Two hours later, Robin's mood improved a lot. Due to the high popularity of this matter, the news about Jamie's public relations just now appeared on the Internet.

On the Reddit forum, Logic section, people have begun to discuss this news one after another.There was some discussion that was favorable to Robin.

This woman is actually quite nice. She didn’t ask Logic for a penny!

Logic’s vision is indeed good, this woman is indeed beautiful, and their child is also very cute!There are pictures.

Logic is willing to let her lawyer speak for her, and is also willing to let her raise the child, which proves that she is not just here for the money, otherwise Logic may directly deprive her of custody rights due to his violent temper and power.So, she should still be good.

She is against abortion and I firmly agree!
Lily saw this comment and said, "Why didn't the public relations tell everyone the fact that it was difficult for you to get pregnant?"

“Jamie said I’m against abortion, so I can get more support from everyone!”

"Okay." Lily then looked at Robin: "Is it really difficult for you to get pregnant in the future?"

Robin said expressionlessly: "Yes, the doctor said that the probability of pregnancy that time was only one in [-]. Maybe in two or three years, the probability of pregnancy will be completely zero. I am already considered very lucky. Later, I I have been married to Logic for several months and have not taken any safety measures, but there has been no movement at all.”

Lily immediately hugged Robin: "Oh, poor Robin."

Robin said calmly: "I already have these two children. They are gifts given to me by God. I am already very satisfied."

Lily still looked at her with pity.

Robin smiled: "Stop talking about this, let's continue reading the comments. I like to see them praise me the most."

Unfortunately, most of the latter praise Logic.In the United States, there are many men who are unwilling to pay child support for money. Logic invested 4700 million to raise children, which is a breath of fresh air.

There's nothing wrong with Logic being a good man!

If my father could do what Logic did, I might not be in this situation now.

I want to give Logic a baby, and I can’t even think of how I will spend the [-] yuan a month on living expenses!

Her ex-wife is unwilling to ask for money, so the living expenses of [-] meters per month must be compensated to her.I feel that Logic still loves her, otherwise how could a man take the initiative to give her so much money.

Robin's eyes softened when he saw this comment.

Lily pointed her finger at the screen and shouted: "Robin, look at this."

Logic’s ex-wife In addition to the black stuff that fell into the horse manure, I found some more.Hahahaha, it’s really funny.I have uploaded the video to YouTube, everyone can watch it quickly.

There is a link below the comment.

Robin hurriedly opened it. The first time the video was played, Lily yelled: "Isn't this some outrageous thing you did on TV as a live reporter when you made a bet with Barney? This..."

"That's why I dared to do it because the ratings of the previous TV station's news were not high! I didn't expect to be found out." Robin slumped down on the sofa and shouted: "It's over, it's over..."

In the video, Robin, as an on-site reporter, had just finished interviewing a child, and then faced the camera and began to explain the news. She deliberately included the word "booger" in the gap between her words!

Lily breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, it's just a "booger"!"

Unfortunately, the progress bar told her that things were not that simple.

In subsequent interviews at different locations, she mentioned "big breasts" and "a piece of shxt". Even more outrageously, she pinched herself after an interview.

Lily swallowed and looked at Robin sympathetically.She already had a premonition of what was going to happen next.

The most exciting was undoubtedly saved for last.

Robin was wearing a woman's black business attire. As an on-site reporter, she ended the broadcast at a nursing home. She took the microphone and said to the camera seriously: "I am a very bad, bad girl."

After she finished speaking, she patted her buttocks with her hand and let out a sweet cry: "Oh."

 The source of Robin's scandalous material, "How I Met Your Mother" Season [-], Episode [-]!

(End of this chapter)

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