New York 2006

Chapter 27 Nightclub

Chapter 27 Nightclub
"Let's go out for fun tonight. I'll take you to a bar." Manager Braun said.

After a few days of busy work, the distribution contract was finally settled. Sony BMG was still unwilling to give up the share requirements. Warner's distribution capabilities were not as high as Universal's fees.In the end, we signed with Universal, they are the most sincere.

Universal Music is responsible for the physical distribution, and Future Records is responsible for the online distribution of Luoji.They charge a 23% distribution fee, which includes online sales of music, sales of physical CDs and vinyl records, sales of mobile ringtones, and the inclusion of the copyright of song recordings into the global copyright library. They help as agents and charge a certain management fee.The copyright of the song's lyrics and music belongs to Luo Ji, and the MV belongs to Luo Ji's Future Records.

"Clubbing? Can I do it? Can I go in if I'm only 16 years old?"

"No problem, I'll take you in. There's a gathering of friends from the music industry there, and it's just the right time for you to meet people in the music industry. Of course, we're mainly going to talk about business."


At eight o'clock in the evening, the two called a car and went straight to Guy's, a Hollywood nightclub. This nightclub is very famous near Hollywood and is often visited by celebrities.There were many men and women waiting in line at the front entrance of the nightclub. Braun took Luo Ji to the back door. After he made a phone call, a black man opened the door and let the two of them in.

As soon as I entered, several DJs were playing music on the nightclub stage, strong drumbeats, noisy crowds, enchanting and sexy women and young and crazy men, dancing wantonly close to each other, their bodies in the swaying lights were particularly eye-catching and ambiguous. The atmosphere enveloped the entire bar.

"It's so noisy here!" Luo Ji shouted loudly.

Braun signaled Luo Ji to follow, and the two of them squeezed forward bit by bit in the crowd. The mixed air was filled with the smell of tobacco and alcohol, and the men and women around them twisted their waists crazily.Luo Ji's butt was pinched by someone in the crowd.It almost made him jump.

The two of them walked all the way to the wine table surrounded by sofas. A group of people sat around the table, including men and women, black and white, talking and laughing while drinking.Luo Ji could only recognize Ludacris, who was sitting in the middle. He had his hands crossed and rested on his chin, looking at the men and women on the dance floor, looking like a big shot.

Ludacris, a famous American rapper, is a signed singer on the Def Jam label owned by Universal Group. Not long ago, Braun helped him negotiate a million-dollar endorsement contract.He also contributed the hit single "Area Codes" to the soundtrack of Luo Ji's favorite movie "Rush Hour 2".

"Chris. I'm coming."

Braun shouted.After hearing this, Ludacris immediately stood up, pushed aside the men and women next to him, walked to the aisle and hugged Braun fiercely, looking very affectionate.

"Where have you been during this time? I haven't seen you before. Why are you here in Los Angeles now?"

Braun immediately introduced Luo Ji to Ludacris: "This is Logic, the client I signed. During this time, I am helping him release songs."

Ludacris stared at Luo Ji for a while: "Have I seen you somewhere?"

Luo Ji smiled and said, "Have you seen my videos on YouTube?"

Ludacris slapped his forehead: "Yes, yes, I remembered, you took that video that was on TV, right? It was very popular during this period, and I even downloaded your song and listened to it!"

"Thank you!"

"Braun, you are good. You have signed a good client. His songs are really good."

"Haha, we make each other successful."

"Come on, come on, everyone, take your seats." Ludacris then pointed at Braun and introduced him to everyone present: "Look here, everyone, the Braun I'm talking about during this time is this kid. He helped me get to know him. Pontiac is talking about multi-million-dollar endorsement deals. The guy next to Braun is Logic, who shot the most popular YouTube video of "Mom, I'm on TV." Let's Everyone welcomes them.”

Everyone raised their glasses in welcome.

"Ohhhh, ahhh!"

For some reason, the whole bar suddenly burst into flames. Everyone screamed and walked outside, whispering to each other.

"What's wrong, what happened?" said a black guy.

Ludacris said to the black guy who had just spoken: "Go out and see what's going on. Why is everyone going outside?"

The black guy nodded and walked outside.Ludacris patted Braun on the shoulder: "Come on, come on, have a drink with me. I haven't seen you for a long time and I miss you so much. Logic, you're welcome, you can eat and drink whatever you want. What do you call yourself?"


Ludacris and Braun chatted together and seemed to have a really good relationship.Luo Ji picked up an unopened bottle of beer on the table, opened it and drank.A black girl next to me came up and said, "I've seen your video. Your street singing video is really interesting."

The black girl was good-looking, so Luo Ji took the opportunity to chat: "Haha, thank you. Let me guess, you have relatives who are most likely from north of the Sahara Desert, right?"

"How did you guess that my father and mother are from Ethiopia?"

This is because in 2004, with the completion of the human genome project, Mitochondrial Eve confirmed the theory of human single origin.So when you see a black person who is good-looking and matches your taste, she is most likely from north of the Sahara Desert.7 years ago, the same group of people split up, with some moving out of Africa and spreading to Eurasia, and the other heading south of the Sahara Desert.The two gradually became different.

"Because you are very beautiful!" Luo Ji replied with a smile.

"Logic, your songs are really good." "Haha, really? When I release the physical single, I will give you a signed CD."

"Thank you so much for that."

The black girl put her arm on Luo Ji's shoulders and leaned close to her. The two of them toasted and drank. It felt so good to be praised.

Luo Ji was enjoying the compliments from the black girl when Braun pulled him over: "Luda, his single has been released online for more than three weeks, and it will be released physically in the next two days. Although there are discussions on the Internet The sound is quite loud, but in reality the discussion level is not high, the song barely reached Billboard hot 93, we need support.”

Billboard is the Billboard, the most authoritative music ranking list in the United States. Many people look for new music from the ranking list.Billboard has two major lists, the top 200 albums and the top 100 singles.The ranking principle is the number of radio listeners + physical sales + online digital downloads.In the past few weeks, Luo Ji's single was promoted through YouTube videos, online digital downloads, and a small number of independent broadcasts on radio stations.It reached number 93 on the singles chart.

Ludacris was very sincere: "You want to hit the charts, right? The quality of your songs is indeed good, but you don't know that the radio stations I contact are all biased toward R&B and hip-hop, which are popular radio stations for black people. But Logic's songs are biased towards Country, gospel, rock. That’s the kind of white station you should go to.”

Braun said: "Of course I know, but aren't there other snake oil radio stations like adult contemporary? Can you help recommend them? Radio stations like country, gospel, and rock are arranged by people from the Universal Publishing Department. We hope to have them next week Have a good ranking.”

"Okay, leave it to me to arrange it. I can probably influence more than 40 people. Do you know if you have the cash ready?"

"No problem, I understand the rules. Isn't this what I used to do? I'm the marketing manager. You arrange some, I arrange some, and Universal officials can probably influence some. I hope I can get a good ranking by then."

When Braun was a marketing director, contacting radio stations for rankings was one of them.Luo Ji would spend two sums of money, one of which would be used to send free single CDs to rock, adult, gospel, country and Christian radio stations.Part of it was used to bribe the network of radio stations Braun spoke of.Although he didn't have much money, Luo Ji still chose to believe Braun.

I hope Billboard will get off to a good start next week.Luo Ji also appealed to fans on YouTube and social platforms to call the radio station to request his songs, but he didn’t know how the effect would be!
The nightclub was still noisy, and more people were rushing towards the exit, showing no signs of decreasing.

The black guy Ludacris sent out to inquire finally came back: "It seems that Paris Hilton and Britney Spears are here. There are crowds of paparazzi outside. Some people say that Britney is not wearing underwear, and some people say that Britney is not wearing underwear." Said Paris was not wearing underwear or something. Everyone went to watch."

Someone around said: "It must be because Paris is not wearing any clothes. She has a criminal record."

Luo Ji, who knew Paris very well, added: "Paris often goes without underwear in front of the paparazzi. This time it must be for publicity. There is nothing strange about it. Braun, don't you know Britney? Can you?" Take me to meet her. I like her so much and have been her fan since I was a child."

Braun laughed: "No problem, leave it to me."

"And I."

"And I."

The men and women around them all echoed. It seemed that everyone liked Britney and wanted to see her.

Ludacris was angry: "I'm here too! Why is no one rushing to see me?"


"Oh oh oh oh oh oh."

The whole bar was buzzing as Paris Hilton and Britney Spears walked into the bar hand in hand.

Luo Ji looked at Britney, his eyes immediately put on the idol filter. Why is she dressed so revealingly? She is so beautiful. How come she is mixed up with Paris? She is so beautiful. Why is she dancing such a wild dance? It's so beautiful.

After Britney and Kevin divorced, she started hanging out with Paris. Two days ago, Britney took her children, Paris and three of them to a nearby department store for shopping. It’s good to have a best friend after a divorce, as it can relieve depression. Mood.Aiwu and Wuxia, Luo Ji felt that Paris was a lot cuter too.

Britney and Paris danced for a while, then took her friends to a private room to rest.

Manager Braun went to find Britney at Luo Ji's urging, and Luo Ji sat nervously waiting.The black girl who had just sat down and chatted with him in front of him came to his ear and blew gently: "Logic, I am free tonight, can I come to your place?"

"Ahem, it's inconvenient tonight!" Luo Ji declined politely. He just enjoyed the compliments of others, and it was not safe to say so.

The black girl was a little angry at being rejected and glared at Luo Ji.Luo Ji ignored her and went to chat with Ludacris next to him, asking the senior singer for some tips on promoting songs.Ludacris favored his agent Braun and taught him some tips.

For example, when visiting a radio station, bring some small gifts such as snacks and cookies.For example, don’t get angry when you encounter a question you don’t like, just change the subject.For example, if you encounter excessive paparazzi, don't confront them, just ignore them.

Not long after, Braun came back and told Luo Ji: "Britney has listened to your songs, and she agreed as soon as I said you wanted to see her. I'll take you there."

The young men and women at the wine table immediately shouted: "Braun, where are we? We also want to see Britney."

"Let's go there first, and I'll ask her for you later."

Saying goodbye to Ludacris, the two walked towards Britney's private room.For some reason, Luo Ji was a time traveler in his second life, so he was a little nervous to meet Britney. Could it be that not only himself in this life, but also his previous life also liked Britney.

(End of this chapter)

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