New York 2006

Chapter 28 Britney

Chapter 28 Britney

"I've had enough. For the past 25 years, I have been listening to other people's words to live. Now I am free and no one can control me. I just want to live for myself. Cheers, sisters!" Luo Ji also Before entering the private room, Britney's voice was heard.

There was a bodyguard standing at the door of the box. When he saw Braun, he nodded and let the two of them in.As soon as he entered the box, Luo Ji saw a group of men and women screaming loudly and drinking heavily. The flashing lights were dazzling. Some men and women were dancing enthusiastically. Everyone looked very happy.

Luo Ji recognized Britney from the crowd at a glance. Britney was much thinner than on TV. Her clothes were very revealing, as if she had completely let herself go after the divorce.Luo Ji's eyes were equipped with beautifying filters. As she stood there, all the girls around her instantly lost their color. She was the brightest star in the crowd.Is this the charm of a superstar?

"Oh, Britney."

When Luo Ji saw Britney, his heart melted instantly and he fell into great happiness.Brittney turned her head when she heard the sound. When she saw Luo Ji, she rushed towards him before she could put down the wine glass in her hand.

"Logic, I love your music!"

Luo Ji was like an inexperienced boy who was a fanatical star-chaser. He was so excited that he opened his arms and hugged her.Britney quickly raised her right hand high, fearing that Luo Ji would knock over the wine glass, and then extended her left hand to hug him, responding enthusiastically.

"Britney, I'm your fan, I really like you."

Britney was used to this kind of scene, so she patted Luo Ji's back in a familiar manner, hugged Luo Ji for five or six seconds, and then let go of her hand: "Thank you for always liking me. I'll watch it on YouTube After watching your videos, I also like your music, your songs are really good.”

Britney invited Luo Ji and Braun to sit down, and then introduced Luo Ji to the friends next to them: "Everyone should have seen the video of "Mom, I'm on TV" some time ago. He is Logic, and his music is great. "

Paris Hilton, who was sitting next to Britney, immediately said: "I know you Logic, and I finally met you. Tell me, did you post that post on 4chan?"

Luo Ji's eyes were blank and he looked innocent: "Paris, I don't know what you are talking about?"

Paris Hilton glared at Luo Ji with her eyes wide open, and shouted loudly: "It's not who you posted it from, the link to that post is your first singing video on YouTube."

Britney leaned forward slightly and used her body to slightly separate Luo Ji and Paris: "Paris, don't be angry. What is going on?"

Paris glared at Luo Ji: "Some time ago, I was getting a beauty treatment in a beauty shop, and suddenly I was surrounded by a group of paparazzi. They asked me if there was a new sex tape leaked. At that time, many gossip media followed suit. You You should know about this, right?”

"I know, you said it some time ago. But what does this have to do with Logic!"

Luo Ji secretly winked at his manager Braun, but his manager Braun spread his hands and looked confused, obviously not knowing what was going on.Paris Hilton continued.

"Later, I searched around and found out that this news came from the 4chan forum, and the link attached to that post was Logic's video, which was his first singing video." At this point, Paris glared at Luo Ji: "The post was posted only a few hours apart from the time your video was posted, and you still said it wasn't you."

It seemed that there was no way to hide the matter, so Luo Ji decided to confess and be lenient: "Parris, it really wasn't me who posted it, it was my agent Braun who posted it. I didn't know until he asked me for credit later."

Braun immediately understood what was going on, and finally understood what Luo Ji's look just now meant. It was a signal to take the blame.

He hesitated and said, "Paris, I'm really sorry. I was only focused on diverting traffic to the video, and I really didn't expect it would have such a big impact. I'm sorry!"

Luo Ji shrank his neck and secretly hid behind Britney, trying to minimize his presence and let manager Braun face Paris's anger.

Paris glared at Braun, and the scene fell into silence for a moment.Britney came out at the right time to smooth things over: "Paris, don't be angry. It's fake anyway and it won't cause you much harm. Just forgive him."

Paris took a few deep breaths, first glared at her manager Braun, and then looked at Luo Ji with a meaningful look: "Okay, for Britney's sake I forgive you."

Paris specifically used the accent on the "you" in the words!

The conflict ended and everyone fell into carnival again.Luo Ji tried his best to make Britney and Paris giggle.The relationship between several people instantly became closer.

"So, Logic, you've been filming the music video in Los Angeles for the past two days, right?" Britney took a sip of wine.

"Yes, it was directed by Francis Lawrence. It was just filmed yesterday and is being post-processed. You should be able to see this video on my YouTube channel in two days."

Britney said in surprise: "I know director Francis Lawrence, he has directed my music video before."

"What a coincidence. It seems like fate." Luo Ji smiled and patted Britney's arm.

Britney took advantage of the situation and held Luo Ji's hand: "You filmed the MV too early, right? The record industry is in a slump right now. Normally, you record the songs and release the album, and then release the album after the album is almost sold. The single is sold, and if the single performs well, the MV will be shot."

Luo Ji moved his body closer to Britney: "I became famous through YouTube, and I didn't follow the traditional path of publicity. In fact, my songs have been sold online for three weeks, and I just negotiated a physical distribution contract today. There should be no physical records sold in two days." Paris turned to the two men and women who were getting closer and said: "You two, please pay attention."

Luo Ji said confidently: "Britney has been my idol for a long time."

Paris was speechless: "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything."


Britney asked: "Logic, remember to notify me when your physical single is released, I will support you. Don't mention it, your videos are quite interesting. I watched your "Mom, I'm on TV" "After the video, I have been paying attention to you. When you and the little cat were performing on the street, did so many people really take the initiative to take photos with you?"

Luo Ji said, "Of course not that many. Although many people want to take a group photo, they don't have the courage. Usually I invite them to take a group photo, and then edit it to make people think they are the ones who asked for the group photo. Of course, there are still some people It’s my classmates. It’s all about the video effect.”

Paris said: "I feel that YouTube is a good promotion platform. You have done a good job and promoted your single very well through video communication."

“Yes, it’s really a platform that goes directly to the fans.”

"Maybe I should use this platform too," Paris mused.

It seems that there is no shortage of smart people in any era. If elites like this enter the oil pipeline, they will inevitably greatly squeeze the living space of the grassroots.

Luo Ji took Britney's hand and patted it: "Maybe you should also use this platform so that you can talk directly to your fans."


Luo Ji stayed by Britney's side and enjoyed the joy of chasing stars.Britney seemed to like him quite a bit too. The two chatted about family, life, and life.We got to know each other better and sat closer to each other.Everyone drank freely and it was very lively.It was 2 o'clock in the morning and everyone was very drunk.

"Let's go dance!"


Both of them were slightly drunk, and Luo Ji pulled Britney onto the dance floor.She was not tall, and her head just reached Luo Ji's chin.

The lights were dim, it was late at night, everyone was a little tired, and the music in the nightclub changed from the exciting dance music to Marvin Gaye's "Let's Get It On" from the 70s.

Britney buried her head in Luo Ji's chest, and the two swayed slowly to the music. Their ears were full of wine, and the smell of hormones filled the air. Luo Ji lowered his head and whispered in Britney's ear, expressing his love for his idol.

"Britney, you know what? I've always had a poster of you in my room. I have all your records. I've watched your movie "Backroads" so many times. I spent my entire youth with you. Yes. I really like you!"

Britney was already drunk, but when she heard what Luo Ji said, she didn't say anything and just hugged Luo Ji harder.It seemed like she hadn't felt so loved for a long time.There was only thin clothing between the two of them, and Luo Ji could feel her body temperature.

Suddenly a song sounded in his mind, and the apocalypse was coming again.

Let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
As Marvin Gaye sang, we don't have to suppress the passion in each other's hearts

You got the healing that I want
Only you have the cure I crave

Just like they say it in the song
Just like his lyrics, we don’t have to suppress ourselves

Until the dawn, let's Marvin Gaye and get it on
Just like Marvin Gaye sang, we release our pent-up passion until dawn breaks

Luo Ji never understood why the probability of one-night stands in the West was so high before, but now he understood.There are bars everywhere, drunk men and women, ambiguous music, flickering lights, dancing with your body close to your body, hormones secreting at a rapid rate and occupying your brain. It would be strange not to be impulsive.

Luo Ji hugged Britney tightly and whispered in her ear: "How about you go to my place?"

Thousands of words turned into one sentence: "Yeah."

 Charlie Puth - Marvin Gaye ft. Meghan Trainor
  I have been writing it for so long, and I don’t know how many people will read it again. I hope you can comment more and point out the shortcomings of the novel.Your comments are my motivation to keep writing.

(End of this chapter)

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