New York 2006

Chapter 294 Playboy Logic

Chapter 294 Playboy Logic
After Luo Ji finished his speech, he walked down the stairs and calmly shook hands with everyone in the living room.

At this time, Max and Christine also walked towards him.

Luo Ji quickly pulled Jamie to his side and whispered in his ear: "Max and Kristen are both my girlfriends. Remember to help me out later. It's best to take one of them away."

Jamie was stunned for a moment, then showed a smile that every man knows, and patted his chest: "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Max walked up to Luo Ji and naturally took Luo Ji's arm.

Jamie hurriedly stepped forward and squeezed between the two of them, separating them. He said seriously: "Max, come with me. I have something important to tell you."

Max looked confused: "What's the matter?"

At this time, Kristen came over with her best friend Dakota.

Jamie hurriedly stood in front of Max, blocking her view: "It's just some legal matters regarding Future Records."

In order to prevent Christine from revealing his secret, Luo Ji took the initiative to step forward and give her a hug. To outsiders, this was like a greeting from a normal friend.

However, Kristine didn't follow the routine and directly buried her head in Luo Ji's arms and said, "My dear, do you like my surprise?"

"I like it, I like it." Luo Ji said quickly, "You haven't been here yet, I'll take you to visit."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he left!

Max, who was not far away, had no doubt about Jamie's words, but she wanted to tell Luo Ji before leaving.Then she turned sideways and saw this scene.

How can ordinary friends bury their faces in their arms when hugging them?Moreover, why was Logic so anxious that he pulled Kristine away.

Max realized something was wrong and wanted to catch up.

Jamie moved again, stood in front of Max, and said with a puzzled look on his face: "Let's go and talk about future records."

Max reacted immediately and yelled: "Jamie, your acting skills are terrible."

After Max finished speaking, he walked towards Luo Ji's direction.

Jamie was very helpless and said silently in his heart. Logic, it’s not that I won’t help you, it’s mainly because Max’s sense of smell is too keen.

Jamie wants to leave in case Logic turns on him later.But after turning around, I couldn't help but follow her quietly.


In the banquet hall where people were coming and going, Max walked up to Luo Ji and said, "Feili, why don't you introduce your friend to me when he's here?"

"Ah, look, I forgot." Luo Ji smiled, and then said to the two of them, "Max, this is Christine. Christine, this is Max."

Christine only thought that this woman was her boyfriend's friend, so she reached out and said hello: "Hello, Max."

Max first took Luo Ji's arm with his left hand and declared his sovereignty, and then she shook it back and said, "Hello, Christine."

Kristen was a little confused about this and didn't know what the fuss between the two was about.

Luo Ji just wanted to escape now: "I saw an acquaintance. I'm going to say hello. You two can talk first."

However, Max firmly held Luo Ji's arm and refused to let him go.

Dakota immediately realized something was wrong. She poked her best friend's waist and whispered in her ear: "There is a problem between the two of them."

Kristen chuckled in disbelief at first, and then her expression gradually became serious. She looked back and forth at Luo Ji and Max, and gradually confirmed this matter.

My boyfriend actually has a girlfriend in New York.

Bastard, why didn't you let me come see you on your birthday?It turns out that's really the reason.

My best friend’s guess is indeed true.

Kristine thought about her reaction when encountering such a thing. She would be sad, sad, slap her boyfriend hard and then break up without hesitation.

But when she saw this woman named Max holding her boyfriend's arm, her heart was filled with courage.

Kristen stepped forward and took her boyfriend's other hand, and said very forcefully: "Max, I'm Logic's girlfriend. Why are you holding my boyfriend's hand?"

Max was not to be outdone: "I am Logic's girlfriend."

When Luo Ji heard what the two said, he thought to himself, It's over, it's over!
In this dazed moment, the two of them started to quarrel.Gradually attract the attention of people around you.

Luo Ji immediately straightened his face, broke away from the two men's hands, and looked directly at them with his usual dignity: "Stop arguing and come with me."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he turned around and left. Christine hesitated for a moment and then followed him.Max was a little reluctant, but when he saw Christine following him, he had no choice but to follow.

Luo Ji was silent all the way and led the two of them into the study.

He stood at the door, and then he realized that Kristen's best friend Dakota Fanning was following behind him, and Jamie was also standing in the corridor from a distance, watching here.

Luo Ji first glared at Jamie from a distance, then smiled and said to Dakota Fanning: "Miss Fanning, there are a lot of big shots at the party today. You can go and get to know more people. This will be good for your career." help."

"It's okay, I'll just stay with Kristine." After Dakota said that, she wanted to walk into the study.

Luo Ji's face immediately turned cold, and he blocked the door with his hands: "Do you need me to repeat it a second time?"

Dakota became a little embarrassed and turned to her best friends in the room for help.

At this time, Kristen was no longer as strong as she had been in the argument with Max just now. She let it out in one breath and could not bring it up again.

Tears already appeared in her eyes, and she said to her best friend: "My dear, you go downstairs and wait for me. I can handle this matter myself."


What greeted Dakota was the door closing.

As she walked downstairs, she cursed: "Damn Logic, stinky Logic. He must have a dog's temper. He will fall out whenever he wants. It's a shame I was so good to you before. Bastard..."

As soon as I reached the corner of the corridor, I suddenly found a middle-aged white man standing there.

Dakota immediately put on a smile: "You are Logic's lawyer, right? I've seen you on TV several times."

"Yeah." Jamie then started gossiping excitedly: "How are the three of them doing?"



Christine and Max sat on the sofa in the guest room, while Luo Ji stood in front of them and walked around, talking non-stop.

"What's wrong with me having you two girlfriends?"

"Look at those artists, who doesn't have multiple girlfriends? Many of them have dozens or dozens of girlfriends. I only have the two of you. Can't I prove that I'm good enough?"

"Look at Brad Pitt and Leonardo. Do they still have fewer girlfriends? If not talking about them, just talk about my fan Low Taek Jho. He has several girlfriends."

"I have restrained enough for you. You don't know how many women want to sleep with me, but I reject them all. I am absolutely loyal to you."

Max sarcastically said: "So you are still the clean one?"

"Of course." Luo Ji said this confidently.

Max yelled directly: "You bastard."

Luo Ji shouted angrily: "You are making trouble unreasonably, can't you understand me? What I've done is good enough."

Kristine wiped the corners of her eyes with a tissue: "You are a playboy, but it only makes us understand you if you have two things to do."

Luo Ji scratched his hair irritably, looked at the two of them and said, "Then what do you think we should do?"

Max did not hesitate and looked directly into Luo Ji's eyes: "Choose me or her?"

When Christine heard this, she stopped crying and looked at Luo Ji pitifully with tearful eyes.

Luo Ji looked at Max in surprise. Kristen was not sure, but he could feel that what Max said was true.

Max is a girl from a lower class background.Although she has been working as an executive at Future Records over the years and her life has become more comfortable, this girl has a kind of self-esteem that makes people love and hate her, and she has never lost it.

Luo Ji confirmed again: "Are you serious?"

"Of course." Max didn't hesitate, and Kristen nodded.

Luo Ji was in great pain for a moment. He didn't want to throw away these two girlfriends.

Luo Ji walked up to them and knelt down, holding each of their hands, and said in a gentle tone: "One of you will be with me in New York, and the other will be with me in Los Angeles. Just like before, pretend not to know whether the other person is there or not." Is that enough?”

"No!" Max immediately pulled out his hand and said in a very firm tone, but Kristen's hand did not leave.

Luo Ji looked at the two of them with pleading eyes: "You must force me to make a choice. Others can do it, so why can't you live in harmony?"

Max was in disbelief. She looked at Luo Ji and said, "How come I didn't realize you were so shameless before?!"

Luo Ji said very sincerely, "That's because I like you and can't bear to have you leave."

"I think I like both of them!"

Luo Ji hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

"No one wants to share their boyfriend with another woman. It's the 21st century now." Max stood up and said directly: "Choose between me or Kristen. I will only ask once for the last time."

Kristen also stood up and expressed her attitude. She may have been infected by Max's words, and her eyes were full of seriousness.

Luo Ji looked at the two of them in disbelief: "You're all forcing me, right?!" "Yes!" the two said in unison.

"I don't choose anyway!" Luo Ji immediately acted like a rogue and walked aside to sulk.

Max, who had always been very strong, now had tears in his eyes: "Logic, we're done!"

Why can't she understand herself?

Luo Ji shouted angrily: "Max, I've been good enough to you. But now you want to break up with me on my birthday?"

Max ignored Luo Ji and walked to the door to leave.

Luo Ji directly threatened: "Max, if you dare to leave me, I will find you a new girlfriend in New York immediately. Do you think I am unwanted? People who want to be my girlfriend can fill the entire room." New York!"

Max hesitated for a moment, wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, then opened the door and left.

Luo Ji sat down on the sofa and rubbed his face in pain.

Kristen hesitated for a moment, then walked up to Luo Ji and patted him on the back.

Luo Ji raised his head and looked at her: "You won't leave me, right?"

When Kristine heard this, her tears couldn't stop flowing down. She cried and said: "Logic, I don't know what I think. My mind is very confused now. Maybe we should separate for a while to let both parties calm down." .”

Luo Ji's face turned cold: "Are you going to break up with me on my birthday?"

Kristen shed more tears, big ones falling down.

But then she became determined and said loudly: "You are like this every time. You always threaten me like this when encountering conflicts. You never care about me. Don't think that you are sure of me. I won't accept it this time." You're a threat."

She quickly wiped the tears from her face, stood up and walked out the door.

Luo Ji shouted angrily: "If you dare to leave this room, we will be finished!"

Luo Ji responded with the sound of a door closing heavily.

In an instant, he was so angry that he clenched his fists and smashed them against the wall.


Ten minutes later, Jamie knocked on the door and came to the study.

When he walked in, he saw Luo Ji sitting in front of the computer with an angry look on his face, typing on the keyboard, and there was blood on his hands.

Jamie approached the computer and found that Luo Ji was opening his Facebook account and writing a short composition on it.

"Some people are always self-righteous and think that the earth will not rotate without them. What I want to say is that the earth can rotate without anyone. Don't think that you are so important."

"You are no one in my eyes."

"I am Logic, and I am a superstar. My two albums have sold 3500 million copies. My two movies have a global box office of more than 12.5 billion US dollars. You can only look up to my commercial achievements. I am just 19 years old.”

"At such a young age, I have achieved things that you will never be able to achieve in your lifetime."

"I usually drive a bulletproof car customized by Mercedes-Benz, and I fly around the world on private jets worth tens of millions. No matter where I go, I am the most popular one."

"Do you think you will be sad if I leave you?"

"No, not at all! I can find a new mistress at any time in my multimillion-dollar mansion..."

There were more behind them, Jamie looked carefully.

Suddenly, Jamie saw Luo Ji about to click the publish button and quickly stepped forward to pull him away: "Calm down, don't say nonsense online. This will cause an uproar."

Luo Ji immediately struggled: "Jamie, let me go!"

"Don't let it go!"

Luo Ji said angrily: "If you don't let me go, I will fire you tomorrow."

Jamie still didn't let go and grabbed Luo Ji tightly: "Logic, calm down!"

Jamie's strength was quite strong. Luo Ji struggled for a while and couldn't break free. He was still exhausted and panting.

Gradually, the anger in Luo Ji's heart slowly dissipated and he stopped struggling.

Seeing that Luo Ji didn't move, Jamie said, "Have you calmed down?"


Jamie let go of his hand, still a little worried, and stood guard next to him. Seeing that Luo Ji really didn't move, he sat down on the sofa next to him.

He said with a playful smile: "It's easy to subdue you."

Luo Ji said unhappily: "You are only better because of your age. When I reach my peak in a few years, we will compare again."

"You can't compare to me anyway." Jamie said cheekily.

Luo Ji didn't want to continue arguing with him on this issue, so he asked him about business: "How are they two?"

Jamie said: "Both people left the party without causing any chaos. Except for a few insiders, no one knows what happened."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

Jamie babbled on: "That's right. It's not worth it for two women. I feel that you are in a good condition. You are not too sad, but more angry. This is actually caused by the man's possessiveness. Soon you will be gone." It will pass."

"If you are short of girlfriends, I can introduce you to a few. There are several interns from my law firm. They all graduated from prestigious schools. They are not only beautiful but also have high IQs."

"If you want to heal now, there are people at the party who are interested in you. You can just find one."

"Okay, okay, stop talking." Luo Ji waved his hand: "Go out and leave me alone."

Jamie was still a little worried: "Are you really okay?"

"It's okay, don't worry. I'll sort out my mentality and come out later."



Luo Ji stood on the railing on the second floor and looked down.David Guetta is the DJ at today's party. He is playing powerful electronic music, and the living room has become a dance floor.

Luo Ji looked a little enthusiastic and walked down to join them.

The media has been complaining about Luo Ji's dancing, so he took the time to practice and now he can dance well.

With Luo Ji joining the party, the atmosphere of the party instantly reached a climax.Some onlookers also joined in.

David Guetta shouted into the microphone: "Everybody, everybody get excited!"

Bang bang electronic music filled the entire villa.

Luo Ji danced to his heart's content. Suddenly, he noticed that many young beauties at the party were slowly surrounding him like hungry wolves.Teasing yourself with dance.

Hey, who is that behind?

Luo Ji turned around and saw that it was Kim Kardashian, dancing passionately in front of him.Luo Ji could feel the heat radiating from her body.

The figure is indeed good, but it doesn't depend on my aesthetics.

Luo Ji looked around the party and found that Avril was dancing not far away and would look over at him from time to time.

Without hesitation, Luo Ji slowly moved in her direction, dancing to the music.


Perfume, music, passion, dancing.Everything is so wonderful.

Suddenly the apocalypse appears!

A door appeared in Luo Ji's mind. As the electronic music played, the camera slowly advanced, and two people appeared on the screen. One was wearing a hood, and the other was a black man with a potted hair.

The man in the hood stood up and strangled the black man to death. Then the man in the hood took off his hood and revealed his face.He is the black man just now.

It turns out that these two people are the same person, and he killed his other self!
I'm tryna put you in the worst mood ah
I just want to win against you who are so self-righteous

Side bitch out of your league too ah
The women who surround me are one of a kind
I'm a M-Fxxkin starboy
I'm just a playboy

Apocalypse's music ended, and Luo Ji felt emptiness filling his heart.

"I'm a little tired from dancing, so I'm going to take a rest."

Avril nodded: "Okay, see you at my party in a few days."


Luo Ji nodded to her, then left the dance floor, took a glass of wine from the table next to him, and drank it down in one gulp.Then he took another glass, went to the second floor and stared at the dance floor below.

"Fxxk, Fxxk."

Luo Ji cursed angrily, and then said to himself: "Kill that weak self and become a ruthless playboy!"

 The Weeknd - Starboy ft. Daft Punk
(End of this chapter)

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