New York 2006

Chapter 295 Shameless

Chapter 295 Shameless

At ten o'clock in the morning on August 2009, 8.

Future Records Office.

Luo Ji looked at the score of Xin Tianqi's song "Starboy" and saw that there were too many swear words in it.

Like bitch, cocaine, M-Fxxk.These words are okay. Luo Ji also often uses bad words in the media, so even if he sings them, it will be fine.

But there is a taboo word in it for non-black people, nigga.

In Tianqi's MV, it is shown that it is sung by a black man, so there is no problem with it.

But Luo Ji is of mixed Chinese and European descent. If he said this word in a song, it would violate the political correctness of the United States. Now even if he is so successful, he would not dare to say this word in public.

The lyrics of the song had to be drastically changed, and the lyrics related to cocaine had to be deleted. Luo Ji had previously said in the media that he was against drugs and the lyrics were inconsistent with his image.

This is not just for show, for some reason, he hates this from the bottom of his heart.

Luo Ji wrote and drew on the draft and revised it.

It may be difficult for him to compose a popular song, but he can still do it easily by asking him to modify the lyrics with three years of continuous learning.

After two hours, Luo Ji took the new lyrics and looked at the changes.

The original lyrics are like this, make the cocaine so it's easy to snort, and then watch her snort it clean, oh my God, I just love this woman.

Luo Ji hummed the revised part: "I stood on the dance floor, and women gathered around me. They danced close to me. Oh my god, I love them so much."

It rhymes very well and fits my own experience.

Luo Ji hummed the other modified parts and saw that there were no problems, so he took the music score to CEO Jeff Busker.

Basque also knew that Luo Ji had composed a new song. After reading it, he said, "Logic, is your electronic music style too new? Even I think it's a bit avant-garde. Why don't you continue to compose your folk songs and lyrical rock?" That’s more your style.”

Luo Ji said: "This is retro electronic music that I created. It doesn't matter if people don't accept it now. Anyway, I don't plan to release it anytime soon. I'll wait a few years until people are more accepting of electronic music."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements to register the copyright right now." Basque hesitated for a moment before saying, "Did you have a conflict with Max? She submitted another resignation application today. How should you deal with it?"

"Reject her first, my mother likes her very much."

Basque continued: "But she hasn't come to work for three days, so what's the point even if we keep refusing? She obviously doesn't want to stay in the company, and this has affected the normal operation of the company."

"You first find someone from the administrative department to take over, and I will start to solve this problem."

"All right!"


Blake drove Luo Ji to his villa on Long Island, New York.He looked at Luo Ji through the rearview mirror. His best friend was silent and looked unhappy.

My friend has been in this depressed state for several days.

Blake then started to persuade: "Isn't it just two women? There are so many women who want to sleep with you, can't you just find one? Yesterday I saw that Paris, Kardashian, and that Ika seemed to be right. You’re quite interested.”

"They are too old and have no interest."

"Why are you interested in Psaki? She is 11 years older than you."

"It's different."

"Why is it different?"

Luo Ji said: "Although I have several girlfriends, I like them and have feelings for them. You should also have discovered that the women I have a relationship with, except Britney, all others are through Only when we get along for a long time and understand each other can we truly be together."

"Okay, I understand you." Blake nodded and said, "Just like Hailey, it took me a long time to come out."

Luo Ji laughed directly: "By long, do you mean more than ten days?"

"But I'm also sad, okay."

"Okay, okay, innocent boy."

Luo Ji and his best friend chatted and laughed all the way to the villa on Long Island, New York.

As soon as Luo Ji entered the main gate of the villa, he saw two gardeners pruning green plants in the yard.

He instantly remembered that on the day of the birthday party, Sami complained to him that a female neighbor who lived not far away complained about the uneven green plants in the yard of her villa.

This group of ladies from wealthy areas are usually very busy with their time, so they like to compare themselves with each other.Luo Ji felt that the yard was fine before, but he didn't expect Sami to care about it.

"thanks for the effort!"

"It's not hard, Logic." The two gardeners said quickly.

"Would you like to go in and get a glass of water and take a rest?"

"No, we just started working."

"Well, if you need anything, just contact the housekeeper."

After Luo Ji said hello to them, he walked towards the house 50 meters away from the main entrance.

The environment here is indeed much better than the one on Broadway, but it's just too far away from the company, otherwise Luo Ji would definitely live here all the time.

As soon as he entered the living room of the villa, Luo Ji saw Sami, Queenie and a white woman in her 40s, lying on a makeshift beauty bed, receiving facial care from a professional beautician.

"Mom, grandma. Good afternoon."

Sami was a little surprised: "Why are you here? Didn't you say you were going to the company to handle things?"

Luo Ji walked up to his mother and said flatteringly, "I miss you a little, so I came to see you."

When Sami heard this, he seemed very happy, and said to the strange woman next to him in a slightly proud tone: "Fili is good at everything, but he is a bit clingy. We just met two days ago, and we are here again today. "

The white woman next to me smiled awkwardly: "It's pretty good."

Luo Ji asked curiously, "Who is this?"

"It's the one I mentioned to you two days ago. He lives not far from us."

"Oh, hello." Luo Ji greeted her.

The woman in front of me was the one who complained about the untidy nature of her yard.Sammy and she were just "best friends" on the surface. They often competed secretly and showed off each other.

Overall, though, it was Sammy who had the upper hand.

This woman has a super pain point. In her early years, her relationship with her children was very tense because of the dispute over inheritance.Her children only say hello to her during festivals and have almost no contact with her at ordinary times.

So as long as Sami "shows off her baby", the woman will immediately lose her temper.

However, this woman has money.I don’t know the exact number, but I heard from people around me that she has tens of millions of dollars of knives in her hands.

Although her family relationship is not harmonious, she lives a very happy life, usually socializing, shopping, traveling, attending high-society parties, and the like.

Sammy and Queenie are the same now, basically living the same life.

The only job the two of them have now is to take care of their younger brother Chucky and do charity on the side.

I heard from Fiona that Sammy and Queenie had a boyfriend when they attended a party nearby, and they lived nearby.

The social atmosphere in the United States is like this. Regardless of whether a man or a woman is single, no matter how old they are, they will try to start a new relationship.

But Sami and Queenie also knew that Luo Ji didn't like this, so they never brought their boyfriends to Luo Ji.

Sami said with a puzzled expression: "Feili, what is the name of the movie your film company released some time ago?"

Great acting!

Luo Ji immediately cooperated with his mother: "The Twilight Saga: New Moon."

"How much is the global box office?"

"7.7 billion knives."

Sami showed off her baby to her "best friend" throughout the whole process, while Luo Ji was silently complimenting her.

More than 20 minutes later, the three of them finished their beauty treatments. Luo Ji felt that Sami was in a very good mood, so he spoke.

"Mom, I have something to tell you."


Luo Ji smiled: "Whisper."

"You're such an old man, and you're still whispering." After Sami finished speaking, he looked at his "best friend" and said, "I'm going to have a chat with Fili. You can have afternoon tea here first, and I'll come over later."

"Okay." Sammy's "best friend" said quickly.

The moment he left, Luo Ji felt that his mother's "best friend" let out a long sigh of relief. It seemed that in just over 20 minutes, she had been tortured by Sammy's words.

Under the leadership of Luo Ji, the two came to the large swimming pool of the villa.

Sami was smiling all over his face, still thinking about his victory just now: "Fili, what's the matter?"

"You promise me not to be angry first."

"what's up?"

"You promise me first, and then I'll tell you."

Sami immediately became serious and looked at his child with wide eyes: "Did you kill someone again?"

"No, no, no, don't think about it."

Sami immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Okay, I promise you I won't be angry, just tell me." Luo Ji scratched his head: "I had two girlfriends at the same time before..."


"You still don't want me to say it."

"Okay, okay, go ahead." Sami looked at his son with strange eyes, as if he had discovered a new world.

Luo Ji then finished speaking in one breath: "My two girlfriends, one is Christine, the girl I filmed with. The other is Max. They discovered each other yesterday. And then both of them and I broke up and now Max is having a tantrum and wants to leave the company.”

Sami promised not to be angry and walked up to Luo Ji with a slap in the face.

Luo Ji immediately ran away: "You promised not to be angry!"

Sami cursed angrily: "You little bastard, I don't have a problem with provoking other women, but why are you provoking Max! Her life experience is so pitiful, and you still bully her."

"She took the initiative to break up with me, and you still blame me."

Sami was shocked by his son's shamelessness: ""

"What artist doesn't have several girlfriends? I only have two and she doesn't agree with them."

"Go and apologize to her!"

"Anyway, if I don't go, she doesn't love me at all."

Sami wanted to step forward and hit Luo Ji again, but Luo Ji immediately ran away and said loudly: "Mom, can you communicate in a civilized manner? If you hit me again, I will leave immediately."

Sami was very angry, but after seeing his son's flexible movements, he made a rational judgment about the current situation: "Okay, come here and I won't hit you."



"If you hit me again, I'll leave immediately." Luo Ji walked two meters away from Sami and found that she was really motionless, so he felt relieved.

Sami was very helpless towards his son, sighed and said, "What are your plans?"

"Anyway, I won't take the initiative to reconcile with her."

Luo Ji first expressed his attitude firmly, and then said, "Now that Max is leaving the company, I know that you have a good relationship with her, and I'm here to ask for your opinion. Don't wait until she leaves and you blame me again."

Sami laughed directly when he heard this: "You respect my opinion, you must be reluctant to let her leave!"

Luo Ji immediately retorted: "I didn't. I didn't mean it anyway. You can think whatever you want."

Sami said earnestly: "It's normal for lovers to have conflicts. Just calm her down. By the way, she never told me when you and Max got together."

"It's been months."

After Luo Ji finished speaking, he looked at Sami and said seriously: "I won't take the initiative to contact her anyway. If you have no objection, I will approve her resignation application."

"You really don't want to coax her?"

Luo Ji said irritably: "Why are you coaxing? We have broken up. Don't mention it again."

"Okay, okay." Sami still understood her son's temper, and she would never change her mind. She thought for a moment and said, "Then don't worry about it. I will persuade her."

"Yeah." Luo Ji nodded.

Sami then rambled on: "What do you think, dating two girlfriends at the same time? I know you are powerful now, but you can't be like this. I remember when you were in high school, How could a very well-behaved child become like this?"

"Be good, be good, I just didn't tell you before."


Luo Ji and Sami chatted for more than ten minutes and were already able to talk and laugh.

It seemed that Sammy's anger had dissipated, so Luo Ji took his leave: "Mom, if there's nothing else to do, I'll leave."

Sami said: "It's really something."

"what's up?"

"Debbie found out she was pregnant last week."

Luo Ji opened his mouth wide: "What, she is the one!"

Sami immediately complained: "You also killed people and had a child at the age of 19."

Luo Ji lost his temper at this sentence, and he immediately reacted: "I was wondering why Fiona suddenly returned to Chicago. It turned out to be this reason! She didn't dare to tell me and asked you to be the lobbyist. .”

"You are so smart, you thought of it right away."

"Am I so scary?"

"Yeah, they don't dare to tell you."

Luo Ji fell silent. In order to let his relatives live in peace, he issued an order that they must graduate from college safely, otherwise their pocket money would be stopped and the family would not help them in the future.

Debbie is now in puberty, so this matter needs to be handled tactfully and not haphazardly.

"What's Debbie's plan?" Luo Ji asked.

"She wanted to be born and raised by herself."

"So is she planning to get married?"

"The man was very willing to get married, but Lip and Ian found out that he had two girlfriends outside. They felt that the man was approaching her for money, so Debbie was still hesitant."


"Fili, what are you going to do about it?"

Luo Ji thought for a while and said, "She must complete her college studies. This is not negotiable. There are many people taking their children to school now. Also, her pocket money will be stopped for one year! We will decide later based on her performance."

"Isn't this too cruel? She has to raise a child."

"This is pocket money, not living expenses. The monthly living expenses for the family are enough, and we can't survive without her nutrition."

Luo Ji then said angrily: "It's better to stop. It will save her money to show off and cause trouble everywhere. Don't think that I don't know the situation in Chicago if you and Fiona don't tell me. She is not doing well in school. I’ve heard about her studying and hanging out with a few girls to bully others. You warn her that if she acts willfully again in the future, I will never take care of her again. "

Sami felt a little soft-hearted: "Do you want to think about it again?"

"If we let her go easily this time, then what's the point of setting rules for them? Anyone can break them and let me or you wipe their butts."

Luo Ji then made a cold face: "Don't try to help her, you are harming her by doting on her like this. Debbie used to be a good and lovely girl, but now she has become like this. I'm warning you, if I find out, I will definitely honor her My promise. Drive her out of the family."

Sami saw that his son was angry: "Okay... okay!"

"That's it, I'm leaving."

"There is something else."

"what's up?"

Sami said: "Fiona found after going back these two days that Lip seems to be slightly drunk. Ian graduated from high school and did not go to college. He is now working in an organization."

Luo Ji rubbed his temples. The black nanny he had arranged in Chicago seemed to have a problem with his intelligence gathering ability.

Thinking about it, it is very easy for children to hide things from adults.Didn’t I hide this from my mother for many years?

Moreover, there is no adult around these children to take care of them, so they are not going to heaven.

Luo Ji thought about it and decided not to interfere too much. Now that these children were in adolescence, it was time for rebellion, so it was better to leave this problem to Fiona.

Luo Ji still trusted Fiona. She had been training with Luo Ji in the past few years, and she had become able to stand alone and distinguish right from wrong.

"Lipp's problem is not big, let him control it a little. Ian, like Debbie, will stop his pocket money for a year. As for how to deal with it, let Fiona take care of it. Also, let Fiona take care of it. Na doesn’t need to go back to New York for the time being, just take care of things in Chicago. I’m fine here recently.”


Luo Ji was frightened, so he took the initiative and asked, "By the way, where are Liam and Karl?"

"Liam is okay, he's doing great."

"Yeah." Liam was indeed good and his academic performance was very good. Apart from Carl and Fiona, he was Luo Ji's favorite.

Sammy said: "As for Carl, he graduated from the Junior Military Academy this year and plans to go to West Point Military Academy."

"Yes, yes, I know that." Luo Ji nodded. Karl was the one he focused on, and his performance in the past few years was indeed good.


"But what?"

"Carl plans to get married after graduation."

Luo Ji opened his mouth: "He is only 16 years old!"

"You are different."

Luo Ji immediately shut up: "Okay."

Sammy continued: "He planned to get married in April, but he wanted to invite you to attend, so he postponed it until graduation."

"Yeah." Luo Ji then said, "How old is his girlfriend and what is her name?"

"The same age as Karl, 16 years old." Sami then laughed: "She seems to be Karl's first love. The two reconnected a year ago. Her name is Bonnie."

(End of this chapter)

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