New York 2006

Chapter 296: First Experience in Hollywood

Chapter 296: First Experience in Hollywood
2009 8 Month 14 Day.

California.Editor in Burbank, Los Angeles.

Luo Ji is still in New York.Now living here is his ex-wife Robin, their two children and two Chinese nannies.They flew here from New York on Luo Ji's private plane three days ago.

Braun looked at the two children in the stroller and said with a surprised look on his face: "We haven't seen each other for a few months, how come they have changed so quickly?"

"Children grow up quickly, and their appearance will change in a few months."

Braun leaned down and tickled Luo Ji's two children, making them giggle.

Robin called the two children by their nicknames: "Diane, Ari, this is dad's agent. Read it to mom, he is dad's agent Scooter Braun."

"Dad's...Scott Brown." The two children said vaguely.

"No, he is Dad's agent Scooter Braun." Robin deliberately slowed down his pronunciation so that the two children could hear him clearly.

The two children thought for a moment and then said, "He is Dad's agent Scooter Braun."

"Wow!" Braun exclaimed.

"Don't worry." Robin said in broken Chinese: "Tell mom that he is dad's agent Braun."

The two children speak Chinese a bit poorly, and it took them three times to speak Chinese clearly.However, the Chinese pronunciation is much more standard than Robin.

Braun exclaimed: "Are two kids so smart?"

Robin said with a bit of pride: "Yes, they are really smart. Now at one and a half years old, they can speak some complete phrases, both in Chinese and English."

Braun praised: "They must have inherited the excellent genes of you and Logic."

"Hahaha, I have more inheritance." Robin said without blushing: "I was very smart when I was a child."

Braun raised his hand and looked at his watch: "It's getting late, let's go."

"Okay." Robin reluctantly kissed the two children on their foreheads, and then said to the children: "Mom is going out to work, so be good."

"it is good."

"Yeah, I want a toy."

Robin handed the two children into the hands of two Chinese nannies, then shook off her newly dyed blond hair, picked up her bag, Braun, and the female agent assigned to her by the SB agency, and left in the car.

The two children were very familiar with the Chinese nanny, and they didn’t cry when their mother left. They just clamored for toys.

Luo Ji had previously hired a Latino nanny for his children, but as his children entered a period of explosive growth in language cognition, Luo Ji realized the problem of cultural inheritance.

So I specially hired two Chinese nannies, and asked them to talk to the children in Chinese, listen to some Chinese songs, and read some Chinese myths and fables to the children.Let them get in touch with as much Chinese culture as possible.

When Luo Ji got along with his two children, he always communicated in Chinese.

He also consulted experts about children's language issues, and there was no problem with bilingual teaching.

Don't underestimate your child's learning ability.

However, there is a key point in bilingual teaching or multilingual teaching. Children must be exposed to a multilingual environment for a long time, and someone must often have bilingual conversations with the child, otherwise this ability will deteriorate.

Moreover, Luo Ji learned bilingualism when he was a child.His father, David, spoke Chinese to him when he was a child, and his mother, Sami, spoke English.


Robin and the three of them took a car and arrived at the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles in a short time.This is where Robin works today.

She began to pursue her dream of acting in the entertainment industry.

Luo Ji had asked her before if she wanted to make a movie.She was moved, and Luo Ji took it to heart.

Luo Ji's company currently has no projects suitable for Robin, so he will look to his partners, Legendary Pictures and Warner Brothers.

It just so happens that Christopher Nolan's new project "Inception" has a sexy vase supporting role.

Robin definitely has the looks for the role and her figure is great.When the two of them were having sex with each other before, Luo Ji took many sexy photos of her in private, which were very seductive. (If you want to see it, join the group.)
Besides, this role does not require any acting skills. Even if it does require some acting skills, Robin used to be a reporter and host. Her previous career and actress both required acting skills, so there is absolutely no problem.

With Luo Ji's request and the fact that Robin was suitable for the role, she easily got the role without any resistance.

In "Inception", she plays a "blonde girl" who is the identity disguised in the dream by Eames, a member of the Inception team.

The main plot she wanted to participate in was to steal the wallet of the dream stealer target in a dream, and then ask someone from the dream stealer team to remind the person, and then gain the trust of the dream stealer target. (Dalula Riley's character.)
Several people came to the third floor of the Hilton Hotel. This floor is the bar. Robin's scene will be filmed here today.

At this time, the props team is setting up the venue.It will take a while before the shooting starts, and everyone is still making preparations.

The venue itself is not big, and today it is full of staff. The three of them were spotted by the crew as soon as they entered the door.

The producer of "Inception" saw them and immediately greeted them: "Mr. Braun, Miss Robin, good afternoon."



The producer complimented: "Wow wow wow, Miss Robin, you are so beautiful today."

"Thank you."

"I will arrange for you to put on makeup." The producer then called a staff member nearby: "Take Miss Robin to her exclusive dressing room."

"Okay." The staff member nodded.

"Then we'll see you later." After Robin finished speaking, he and the female agent followed the staff and left.

The producer then looked at Braun and said with a smile: "You are such a big shot, why do you come here in person for such a trivial matter?"

Of course I can’t tell you the real reason!

Robin's two children for Logic will be the heirs of Logic's business empire in the future. Of course, he must establish a good relationship with Robin in advance.Just in case the child grows up and kicks him out.

Braun made up a casual excuse: "I have something to do in Los Angeles recently, so I just stopped by to take a look."

"Yeah." The producer then chatted with Braun enthusiastically.


Of course, what happened just now was seen by the rest of the crew.Also included were the stars of "Inception" sitting not far away.

Ellen Page looked surprised and looked at Leonardo and Marion Cotillard next to her: "Did I misunderstand that the producers who used to be so arrogant were so respectful."

Cotillard turned around and said, "You read that right."

Ellen Page was a little confused: "What is her identity? I remember Robin only played a small supporting role in the movie. Why is the producer's attitude so good?"

This sentence made Leonardo a little confused: "Don't you know? Robin is Logic's ex-wife and gave birth to two children for him. When Logic divorced her, he also gave her a divorce fee of 4700 million yuan. . This incident was still well known throughout the United States."

Ellen Page shook her head: "I don't know."

Leonardo said doubtfully: "Don't girls of your age like Logic very much and pay great attention to him? Don't you like him?"

Ellen Page blushed instantly when she heard this, and hurriedly pretended to rub her face to demonstrate, and then whispered: "I don't like it."

Leonardo asked curiously: "Then who do you like?"

Ellen Page found that they were unaware, so she returned to normal, smiled and said: "Drew Barrymore, I like her very much."

"Okay." Leonardo joked: "I thought you would like me."

"I don't like you, Uncle!"

Hahaha, the three of them laughed.

Leonardo didn't care at all. This tender-faced little girl was not only beautiful, but also quirky and had a carefree boyish air. She was very popular on the set.

"I don't like Logic either." Marion Cotillard suddenly said without a clue.

"Why?" Leonardo asked. He actually liked Logic. The media said that Logic was somewhat similar to him when he was young.

Cotillard said: "His reputation in Hollywood is not very good. Everyone says he is too arrogant and not approachable."


Of course, what Marion Cotillard said was not the real reason. The reason why she didn't like Logic was something else.

She couldn't help but recall that it was around this time last year, not long after she successfully auditioned for the movie "Nine."

One day, she was with Nicole Kidman and Sophia Loren.Oh, and Fergie, by the way.Four people are in the dance studio, practicing for the musical movie.

Then she got a call from movie producer Harvey Weinstein.

Harvey told her that Logic, the world-famous singer and the producer of "Twilight", which had just hit the box office, liked her very much, and Logic's idol was still her.

Therefore, Logic took the liberty to take the initiative to visit her. I wonder if that’s okay?

Of course, Marion Cotillard agreed without hesitation.

She likes Logic's music very much, and his movies are also successful.And the most important thing is that Logic is so handsome, so young, and he is his fan, so of course he must pamper him.

At that time, she also thought about whether Logic would get dizzy when he met his idol, so she could do something about it.

Just like Britney, that bad woman, because she was Logic's idol, she actually slept with her fan and seduced Logic into bed. It was so shameless.

However, it is a bit exciting to think about it.

Logic's clean little flesh has indeed grown on her aesthetics.Maybe it won't hurt if I sleep with Logic then.

I am full of expectations for this meeting, and I also want to dress up well to leave a good impression on my little fan.

As a result, Logic, the bastard who offered to see her, let her go without any explanation.

What's even more egregious is that during this year's Oscars, this bastard just proposed to acquire Marvel.

This was a multi-billion-dollar acquisition. Logic was at its peak at the time and caused a huge sensation in Hollywood.The media and friends in the entertainment industry are all discussing this matter.

As a result, at Oscar time. Logic said in the media that his idol is Kate Winslet, his career rival.

Logic's speech earned Kate enough attention and made her steal the show.Even some young fans of Logic also like Kate!

Now, she hates Logic.

Just as Cotillard was recalling the past, Ellen Page suddenly pointed not far away and said: "Who is that man? The producer seems to have a very good attitude towards him." Leonardo knew Logic better. He also has a good relationship with Jho Low. When attending a party, he heard Jho Low talk about some things about Logic.

Leonardo explained: "He is Logic's manager, Scooter Braun. He is a big shot in the entertainment industry."

Marion Cotillard said directly: "He is not a big shot. I heard some people in Hollywood say that he is Madoff's white glove. Before Madoff's scandal, he tricked many celebrities into investing in Madoff's fund. "

Leonardo hurriedly said: "The official has recognized the identity of his victim, and he has also been cheated of a lot of money. Don't say anything nonsense about Cotillard in the future, be careful if it reaches his ears. His energy It’s not small.”

"I'm just going to talk about it among the few of us, and I won't talk nonsense to anyone else." Cotillard said quickly.

To be honest, she wasn't like this before and was very cautious in doing things.It's all Logic's fault. Just thinking about him made me so angry that I blurted out the words without thinking.

Ellen Page was a little curious: "What does that Braun do?"

"Do the SB management company and SB performance company know about it?"

"do not know."

Leonardo helped popularize the science: "He is the boss of these two companies, his live performance company..."

After listening to Ellen Page, she had a general understanding of Braun.

Braun discovered and signed Logic early before he became famous.

As a result, he became famous in the entertainment industry. He often spoke in the media and told some legendary experiences between him and Logic. He also appeared in the New York Times' character column. He is a very discerning elite.

Later, he met Madoff, and before Madoff's fund exploded, many celebrities made investments.As a result, his reputation was somewhat damaged, and he kept a low profile since then and rarely appeared in the media.

However, with the popularity of this year's Flushing Music Festival in New York, the holding of Lady Gaga's global tour, and the smooth progress of more than ten music festivals across the United States, SB Live Performance Company has gradually become famous and has become a second-tier company in the American live performance industry. .

With the addition of SB Management Company, we now have Logic and Lady Gaga, two global superstars, as well as two second-tier singers, Caitlyn Rose and Bruno Mars.And Justin Bieber, who has become very popular among teenagers after the release of his recent second album.

As the controller of these two companies, Braun gradually got rid of Madoff's negative influence and became a major figure in the American entertainment industry.

Ellen Page looked at Leonardo with a surprised look on her face: "Is Braun really that powerful? He can make anyone famous if he wants to be popular?"

"He mainly relied on Logic's musical talent."

"Oh, that's it." Ellen Page didn't question it at all. Since the release of Logic's second album, his album "18" has been directly praised by the media, and no one in the United States has doubted his musical talent.

Cotillard was a little unhappy when he heard the two praising Logic, and now he said good things for Braun: "I think Braun still deserves some credit. The media has some myths about Logic. The one Braun recently discovered Isn’t the kid Justin Bieber quite popular? It’s not thanks to Logic, he admits it himself.”

Leonardo said: "But some media said that this kid is copying Logic's path to fame. He first posted street singing videos on YouTube to gain popularity, and then he became famous by posting songs."

Cotillard immediately retorted: "This method is not exclusive to Logic alone. Anyone can use it. And Bieber's media image is much better than Logic's. This kid is so well-behaved."

Leonardo noticed Cotillard's abnormality and said with a smile: "Hahaha, it seems that you really don't like Logic. Can you tell me how he provoked you? Maybe I can be a lobbyist for you. I have a very good relationship with Jho Low, my partner at Logic, and I can communicate through him.”

Cotillard hurriedly said: "I don't, don't talk nonsense, I'm just annoyed by him slandering people in the media. He not only slanders fellow musicians, but also hosts, entrepreneurs and actors. He is like a mad dog. You don't Are you paying attention to his news? He has been exchanging insults with a politician in the media in the past two days."


The exclusive dressing room for "Inception".

Robin stood up and personally sent director Nolan outside. He sat down again with a happy face and said to the female agent, "The director seems to like me very much."

The female agent hurriedly said: "Of course, you didn't hear him say that your image is very good and you are very suitable for this role?"

"No, I will definitely get it done easily!" Robin said happily.

To be honest, although Robin often appeared on TV shows when she was a host and reporter, she was still very excited about making a movie for the first time.

There was still some time before filming started, and she had nothing to do, so she simply stood up and wandered around the set.

As Robin walked through a room with a door ajar, she heard two women talking inside, and her name was mentioned in the middle.

Curious, Robin hid against the wall and listened.

"Robin, the woman who played 'Blondie' in the movie."


"Let me tell you, she came in through connections."

"what relationship?"

"She is Logic's ex-wife. It seems that she was brought in by the management companies Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures,"


"Of course, otherwise she is a Hollywood newcomer with only one day's role. How can she have an independent dressing room? Let me tell you a secret. Director Nolan is very dissatisfied with the management's move to force people. He made a big fuss before. temper."

"Then why did I just see that Director Nolan went to see Robin with a smile on his face?"

"Of course Nolan is doing it for the sake of the management and Logic. Otherwise, do you think Nolan, a big director and the producer of the movie, would care about a small supporting character?"

"You make sense." The man paused for a moment and then said, "You said, Logic and she are divorced, why do you still take care of her like this?"

"Maybe it's because she gave birth to two children for Logic. I read on the news that Logic gave his two children 4700 million. He is really good to his children."

"What you said makes me want to give Logic a baby."

"Hahaha, I think so too."

"I heard that Logic's IQ is 167 and he is so handsome. Do you think the children I have with him in the future will be both smart and beautiful?"

"You want to eat shit! Can you climb into Logic's bed? I heard people in Hollywood say that Logic is very restrained when it comes to sex. Many people tempted him, but he refused them all,"

"It's not possible for now, but that doesn't mean it's not possible in the future. Maybe Logic and I will meet in Hollywood one day."

"That's right. If either of us has a chance to sleep with Logic in the future, how about bringing the other one with us?"



Robin's scenes were not many and not too difficult. It took her more than an hour to shoot the scene, which lasted just over a minute.

The female bodyguard drove the three of them home in a car.

Robin's first experience in Hollywood ended like this.

The whole process went very smoothly. Except for Cotillard, who seemed to be a little targeted at her, everyone else was kind to her.

This was a happy thing, but when she thought that it was all superficial hypocrisy and politeness, and they were all doing it for the sake of her ex-husband, she felt a little depressed.

"Why do you look unhappy?" Braun asked.

"It's okay." Robin said casually.

"Did someone bully you?"

"No, don't think about it."

"Okay." Braun said and then said: "If you encounter any problems, you can tell me at any time and I will help you solve it."


Robin fell silent after speaking, thinking wildly.

As she thought about it, she suddenly realized that it seemed that since Logic's birthday party a few days ago, Jamie, the lawyer who served her ex-husband, and the Jewish compatriot in front of her, had changed their attitudes towards her and were a little too enthusiastic.

Especially Braun, as the boss of two companies, he actually accompanied him to Los Angeles for such a trivial matter.His attitude can be described as flattering.

Thinking of this, Robin looked at Braun suspiciously.

Braun was a little confused by Robin's eyes: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Why are you suddenly so enthusiastic about me since Fili's birthday party?"

Braun was a little flustered, his pupils dilated and his eyes evasive.But he quickly calmed down and put on a smile: "It's nothing, don't think about it. Logic just asked me to take care of you."

Robin was keenly aware of the change in Braun's expression, and she said tentatively: "Did something happen that I don't know about? Tell me, and I will never tell others."

Braun said quickly: "It's really not true, don't think about it."

The two exchanged words in the car for a long time, but Braun kept quiet.

Robin was a little annoyed and threatened directly: "If you don't tell me, I will tell Logic directly that you have been attentive to me during this time. What do you think he will think?"

Braun was in disbelief: " are kidding me."

Robin took out the phone directly: "I'll call him now and tell him."

When the female bodyguard and manager heard this, they immediately pricked up their ears.Braun was indeed too enthusiastic about Robin during this period, as if he was interested in her.

The melon-eating show is not to be missed.

But Braun's next words disappointed them both: "I'm afraid of you, I'll tell you later."

"it is good."


Editor in Burbank, Los Angeles.

Front lawn!

Braun looked around cautiously and found no one, then whispered: "Robin, I can tell you. But you have to promise me first that you can't tell anyone about this. Especially Logic, otherwise I You'll lose his trust."

Robin thought for a while and said, "What do I want to see?"

"I am thinking about your child, and I promise that everything I say next is the truth."

Robin became serious and said seriously: "You have my promise."

Braun looked at her face and finally decided to trust her: "Logic the day before his birthday..."

 If you want to see the sexy photos Logic took of Robin, join the group.

(End of this chapter)

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