New York 2006

Chapter 297 The person chosen by fate

Chapter 297 The person chosen by fate
2009 8 Month 25 Day.

Luo Ji, Jamie and Xu Youyu were sitting at home on Broadway, watching CNN news on TV.

The female anchor announced today's news: "Today, the unemployment rate in the United States reached 9.6%, the highest level since June 1986."

Jamie looked at Xu Youyu and said with some worry: "Will such a high unemployment rate affect the financial market?"

Xu Youyu said confidently: "No, although the performance of the real industry is very poor now, because of the government's large-scale water release, there is a lot of liquidity in the financial market. And because of the panic selling of last year's financial crisis, don't expect the stock market to recover in March this year. It has been rising for five months, but the entire market is still in a state of low valuation, and funds are now pouring into the financial market."

"Okay." Jamie nodded, and then he said: "What is the return rate of the first-phase fund and the second-phase fund now?"

Xu Youyu did not answer, but looked at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji said, "Jamie is one of our own, tell him it's okay."

Xu Youyu then said: "The return rate of the first-phase fund this year is 58%, and the return rate of the second-phase fund is 32%."

Jamie was extremely surprised: "Is the return rate of the second phase fund already so high four months after it was established?"

"The main reason is that the Internet and technology industry have performed so well this year, especially in the past few months, that they have grown very fast. We made the right bet."

Jamie complimented and said: "Dr. Xu, you are really an investment genius!"

Xu Youyu waved his hand quickly: "It's mainly because of Logic. He is the real investment genius and has a keen sense of the market."

"Stop being humble."

"No, no, it's really all Logic's fault."

Xu Youyu is of course telling the truth. It is true that he is a highly intelligent math doctor, but there are too many people with such resumes on Wall Street, and their rates of return are not so terrible.

The reason why the two private equity funds have such high returns is of course because of Luo Ji.

Luo Ji provided a general investment direction, and then asked Xu Youyu to screen the corresponding stocks and diversify the investment.The first thing to focus on is of course the field of smartphones, which appeared in the MV for "Apocalypse" and represents the future.

Two leading companies were screened out, Apple with iOS system and Google with Android system.

Most of the fund's 40% funds have been invested in these two companies, and some have been invested in other small companies in the smartphone industry chain.

Apple has nearly doubled since the beginning of the year, and Google has also risen by 70%.

The other 30% of the fund is invested in high-growth Internet companies.For example, Amazon, Netflix, Booking Holdings, etc.These stocks have gained an average of more than 60% this year.

Booking Holdings, in particular, has increased nearly 1.5 times this year.

If the fund invests entirely in the stock market, the rate of return may be higher.

But in order to prevent the occurrence of black swan events, control risks.The last 30% of the fund is invested in some safe-haven products, such as government bonds, gold, rare metals, etc.

Jamie looked at Luo Ji: "Logic, is what Xu said true?"

Luo Ji was not interested in discussing this topic: "Stop talking about this and watch the news."

On TV, the female host of CNN said: "This year, the United States has launched a total of 10 combined anti-dumping and countervailing investigations on Chinese products, two anti-dumping investigations, and one special protection investigation, involving tires, poultry meat, and tires. , coated paper, oil well pipes and other products exported to the United States. China’s countermeasures involve products such as electrical steel, broilers, auto parts, cars and off-road vehicles imported from the United States.”

"The escalating trade conflict between the two countries is likely to escalate into a trade war."

"Recently, news has come out of Washington that some members are preparing to propose a fair trade currency reform bill. This bill is a continuation of the Schumer Act proposed by New York State Senator Chuck Schumer in 2003."

"The measures are aimed at Japan, China and other countries to depress their currencies. If passed, special tariffs will be imposed on all products."

After reading the news, Luo Ji said, "Jamie, do you think the next currency reform bill can be passed?"

Jamie thought for a while and said: "It should be passed. After all, the Democrats now control an absolute majority in the House and Senate. It is very easy for them to pass the bill."

“So a trade war will definitely start during President Barack’s term?”

"There is a high probability that it will happen." Jamie continued: "Judging from the current trade friction between the two countries, China's attitude is very tough. If we pass the bill, they will definitely counterattack. Not all the media are talking about trade wars now. Are we definitely going to start a fight?”


Luo Ji and Xu Youyu glanced at each other, and both saw the worry in each other's eyes.But now that Jamie, a white man, is present, it is not convenient for the two of them to talk in detail.

The two of them, who are of Chinese descent, certainly hope that the Chinese people in the world will live better and better, but Jamie, a white man, does not necessarily have that.

Luo Ji really didn't expect that after coming to power, Barack, a black man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would not only revive the American economy and introduce a national health care bill, but he would also do this next. If he had known it, he would not be so supportive of him.

In 2008, China did not sell U.S. Treasury bonds in a massive way like Russia, which severely damaged the U.S. economy. Instead, China bought $2300 billion in U.S. Treasury bonds to support the U.S. economic recovery.

Unexpectedly, a year later, when the U.S. economy recovered a little, it would return favor with enmity and prepare to counterattack China.

Luo Ji knew that there were no feelings between countries, only a game of interests.

Every ten years or so, the United States will suppress emerging countries or regions and launch strategic competition against them. This is regarded as a national policy of the United States in a sense.

Moreover, this kind of strategic competition in the United States has been successful.

The United States has achieved success in its trade wars and financial wars with Latin America in its early years, its Cold War with the Soviet Union, and its trade wars and financial wars with emerging economies such as Japan, the Four Little Dragons, and the Four Little Tigers in recent decades.

Just like the Japan-US trade war and the Asian financial crisis in 97, they interrupted the development momentum of these economies to varying degrees, causing them to stagnate and lose their ability to threaten the United States.

Latin America is now the back garden and toilet of the United States. Japan and South Korea are completely controlled spiritually and financially by American capital and have become the little brothers of the United States.Not to mention other countries.

Luo Ji was a little worried and didn't know whether the country with the largest Chinese population in the world could withstand the next offensive from the United States.

Luo Ji watched the news on TV that Barack planned to visit China in November. Could it be that this black president was the one chosen by fate to start a war with China?

Turner Tower, New York!

Turner sat in his office, holding a CNN newspaper from a month ago and reading it over and over again.

“Miss California Kelly Prejean, who became an outspoken critic of same-sex marriage after winning the title, was stripped of her crown for alleged breach of contract.”

Turner yelled: "Fake News!"

As a wealthy man in the United States, Turner's main business is real estate, but he also runs some other businesses.For example, Miss Universe, he owns some shares.

He also attended as a judge for Miss California Kelly Pree's beauty pageant.He liked the girl and voted for her.

But Kelly Prejean caught Turner off guard by speaking to the media.

Regarding politics, although Turner had previously said that he would participate in the presidential election, it was just for fame and hype, and everything was for business.

He also never touched on sensitive political issues. As a result, Kelly Prejean opposed same-sex marriage, forcing him to face the issue head-on.

As soon as the incident happened, he certainly spoke from his heart and was outspoken in supporting Kelly Prejean in the media.

He thought it was no big deal and would calm down easily soon.But who knew, the media would not let go, and accusations poured in overwhelmingly at the poor girl, as well as Turner, who supported Kelly Prejean.

This had affected Turner's business, and he had no choice but to quietly fire Kelly Prejean.

Now every time he thinks about it, he feels extremely painful inside.Why didn't you stick to your true intentions in the first place?

Having come from the golden age of the United States, he felt the changes of the times for the first time.

When did things change in the United States? It seems to be a problem that arose after the Democratic Party came to power this year.Economic, cultural, and political trends have all changed.

Even the president changed from white to black.

He looked at another newspaper, which contained recent news about Barack.

"Recently, President Barack attended an immigration conference in Los Angeles. He said that 1200 million illegal immigrants have taken root in the United States, and there should be a mechanism to allow them to legalize their status, "come out of the shadows" and no longer be exploited by their employers' low wages. .”

The picture in the news was a photo of people attending the meeting with Barack.At a glance, more than 90% are Latino.Looking at this photo, Turner, who is white, felt very uncomfortable.

The United States has changed. This is no longer the United States he is familiar with!
"Hey, what are dad doing?" Ika walked in with a smile.

Turner put the newspaper on the table and looked at his favorite child: "Nothing, just read the newspaper. What do you want from me?"

Ika said: "Yesterday I received the income statement from Logic Private Equity Fund. What do you think the rate of return is?"

Turner said with great interest: "Let me think about it, you have invested for four months, is it about 10%?"

"No, it's 32%." Turner was extremely surprised: "Is it that high?"


Turner immediately showed his shrewdness as a businessman: "Tell me, will Logic accept my funds?"

"I don't know about this. Many people wanted to invest in his fund, but they were all rejected. I heard from friends in New York that the heir to Johnson & Johnson wanted to invest in Logic's private equity fund a few days ago, but was rejected."

"Forget it, short-term yields can't explain anything. Let's wait and see again after a long period of time."


After Turner finished speaking, he lowered his head and fell into silence.

Ika felt that his father was absent-minded today, so he asked, "What's wrong with you? You don't look happy."

Turner suddenly said, "What do you think of me running for president?"

Ika laughed: "Didn't you participate in elections in recent years?"

"Hahaha." Turner smiled heartily.

Seeing that his father was in a better mood, Ika said, "I'm going back to work."

"Yeah, let's go." Turner smiled at his daughter.

When Ika left, Turner was the only one left in the office.He picked up the newspaper on the table and read it again, unable to concentrate for a long time.

Maybe it's time to stand up, he thought to himself.


Massachusetts!State Capitol.

A white girl in her 20s came to Psaki who was waiting in the corridor: "Senator Scott Brown is free now, and he will let you in."


Psaki entered the room and the white girl walked out and closed the door.

There were only two of them left in the room, and Psaki didn't mince words and went straight to the topic: "Congressman Brown, do you understand why I came to you?"

"Is it for Logic?"

"Yes." Psaki continued: "I can't figure it out. Didn't you and Mr. Logic reach a tacit agreement in the media not to attack each other? Why have you started to target him again in recent days? "

Scott Brown smiled contemptuously: "You know the reason yourself, do you still need me to tell you?"

Psaki immediately said: "I don't know what you are referring to?"

"Pretending to be stupid?" Scott Brown said with a cold face: "Logic funds my competitor in the district and wants to kill me! Then let him have a taste of my counterattack!"

"we do not have."

"Don't think of me as a fool!" Scott Brown continued: "My district is originally a Republican base, and the Democrats have a very low chance of winning. As a result, I just had a few arguments with Logic in the media, and then my competition The opponent received a large amount of money. Are you telling me this is a coincidence?"

"I think it's definitely a coincidence. Maybe it's the operation of the Democratic National Committee."

"I say it again, don't think of me as a fool!" Scott Brown said angrily: "Who else but Logic's petty mind would spend a large amount of money to support a person who has a low chance of winning."

Psaki did not want to directly confront the angry person, and she suggested: "Perhaps our mutual friends can persuade you to restrain yourself."

Scott Brown sneered: "Are you talking about that soft-hearted financier who always compromises when threatened by capital? I've already kicked him!"

Psaki turned cold and threatened: "So, you are going to make an enemy of a billionaire because of an unfounded conjecture!"

"Let that mixed-race kid come over." Scott Brown looked directly into Psaki's eyes without compromise: "Let me see what he can do!"


As soon as Psaki left the Massachusetts State Capitol, she called Luo Ji. She described the negotiation process in detail.

After hearing this, Luo Ji said nonchalantly, "So, the talks have collapsed?"


"I told you not to go."

"The fewer enemies a man has, the better," Psaki whispered.

"But he has become my enemy."

"Maybe you should calm down your explosive temper. If you didn't fund his competitors at that time, maybe there wouldn't be anything like this."

"Then any politician can target me in the future without paying the price! I can't stand such a thing happening."

Psaki hurriedly said: "Okay, what are you going to do next?"

"Keep funding his rivals and get rid of him next election."

"But this will make your conflicts deeper and deeper. I just found out that Scott Brown is now a supporter of the Tea Party. This organization is now very influential."

"Just support him if you support him. Scott Brown is just a small Republican state senator. We don't need to take him so seriously."

Psaki was still a little worried, and then said: "We have supported Sarah Palin before. After she resigned as the governor of Alaska, she is now leading the Tea Party organizations across the United States for the Republican Party. Maybe we can let her be the leader." Lobbyist, please ease the conflict between you.”

Luo Ji hated compromise. He said impatiently: "Come back. My base is in New York. He poses no threat to me. That little guy Brown can only talk to me a few words in the media, and he also Can’t take advantage.”



Luo Ji hung up the phone and returned to the room to chat with Xu Youyu about China and Mi.Jamie was gone by now and the two could talk freely.

Xu Youyu sighed and said: "Barack, the black president, seems determined to start a trade war. It is estimated that when he returns from his visit to China in November, he will let the Democratic Party start the legislative process."

Luo Ji thought for a moment and said, "Is it possible to stop it?"

Xu Youyu shook his head: "It's impossible. Just like Jamie said, now that the Democratic Party controls an absolute majority in the House and Senate, it will be easy for him to pass the bill."

"Alas." Luo Ji sighed.

Xu Youyu said: "Don't worry too much. China's purchasing power parity is already the second in the world. This data can better reflect the true strength of a country. China is actually very strong, otherwise the United States would not There's movement. It's an acknowledgment from the opponent."

"Then why do Chinese people think their country is weak? I see that's what their own media says."

"Cognition lags behind strength. They haven't realized yet that they are already strong."

Luo Ji felt much better after hearing this: "Okay."

Xu Youyu Youyou said: "In short, I hope the Chinese people in the world will get better and better."


Early the next morning, while Luo Ji was lying in bed sleeping, a piece of news appeared on Fox TV, a media that leans toward the Republican Party.

"Last night, Ted Kennedy, the senior Democratic senator from Massachusetts who served for 47 years, died at home of brain cancer at the age of 77."

"The state government decided to hold a special election on January 2010, 1 to elect a new federal senator."

"This seat is particularly critical. If the Republican Party wins, it will reduce the Democratic Party's original 100 seats to 60 seats in the 59-seat Senate. The Democratic Party will lose its absolute majority, which will give the Republican Party more opportunities to block the bills introduced by Barack."

A butterfly in the tropical rainforest of the Amazon River Basin in South America, occasionally flapping its wings, can cause a tornado in Texas, USA two weeks later.

This is called the butterfly effect.

I don’t know what kind of storm this butterfly’s wings will stir up.

(End of this chapter)

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