New York 2006

Chapter 30 Gossip

Chapter 30 Gossip
Luo Ji stared at Britney and said seriously: "I defrauded you of your money? Why do you think so? I had no such intention."

Britney cried and shouted: "You are still lying to me. The bar is very strict and minors cannot enter at all. I thought you were 21 years old when you were able to enter the bar last night, but it turned out that you were only 16. You Are you working together with Braun to deceive me? If I don’t pay you, you’ll call the police.”

Luo Ji suddenly understood. He walked over and pulled Britney to sit on the bed. Then he took out a tissue and handed it to her: "Wipe your tears first. The girl I despise the most is crying."

Britney didn't appreciate it and stared straight at Luo Ji.

Luo Ji could only explain: "Last night, Braun and I went to Ludacris to discuss the song promotion. We didn't know you were coming to the bar. Later, I found out you were coming, so I asked Braun to go find him. Yours. Come on! You also met Ludacris last night. I am your fan. I have liked you since you first debuted. How could I blackmail you?"

"Really?" Britney put away her tears and looked at Luo Ji dubiously.

Luo Ji spread his hands: "I planned to confess my age to you today when we separated. Britney, you looked into my eyes and I really, really like you. You also heard the song I wrote. , how could I write a song like that if I didn’t have feelings for you.”

Most artists are emotional. Britney heard this and chose to believe Luo Ji.She could feel the sincere emotion in the lyrics: "I believe in you, but I can't do this anymore. After all, you are only 16 years old."

Max is like this, Robin is like this, Britney is still like this, why is it that the women he meets are always so much older than him.

Luo Ji sat on the bed with a depressed expression: "But I love you."

Britney smiled cheerfully, sat next to Luo Ji and gently stroked his hair, as if coaxing a child: "How can we fall in love after we've only known each other for a day? The me you know is not the real me. What you love is just that person." The media shaped me."

Luo Ji was speechless, and the room fell silent for a moment.

He really doesn't understand the real Britney. What he loves is the Britney who was shown on the screen when he was a teenager.The girl who is pure and charming all in one body, and she is now the mother of two children.

A man is a boy until he dies, maybe he gave her all his beautiful fantasies.When I was a carefree teenager, I had a poster of Britney in my room. When I saw her every day, I felt beautiful.

A knock on the door suddenly broke the silence. Britney stood up and went to open the door. Before leaving, she explained: "Maybe my agent is here."

Luo Ji quickly broke away from his depressed mood. He heard several quarrels broke out between Britney and the people at the door.Judging from the content of the conversation, it is related to myself.

"The downstairs is now surrounded by paparazzi. I sneaked in through the fire escape. I quickly closed the door. I was afraid that paparazzi would come up and take photos."

"Didn't I tell you not to tell him first and wait for me to handle it? What on earth were you thinking last night? Now your rumors are flying all over the sky."

"Is he really your fan? Oh my god, you two should clean up your room quickly in case the FBI comes to raid!"

After the two talked, Britney's manager entered the room, and Luo Ji recognized him. Larry Rudolph had served as the manager for many teen pop singers, such as Avril Lavigne, Justin Timberlake, and Back Street. boy.He played a large role in the careers of these singers and he often spoke in the entertainment media.He also has great energy in the music industry, much more powerful than his manager Braun.

Larry Rudolph was also followed by a burly white bodyguard. After he entered the room without saying a word, he began to clean up all traces of the room. Larry Rudolph was also very forceful and directly began to dig through Luo Ji's personal belongings.

Luo Ji stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

The white bodyguard immediately stood in front of Luo Ji, preventing him from moving forward.Britney saw this situation and yelled: "Rudolph, what are you doing?"

Larry Rudolph was very strong and rational: "I very much doubt whether this boy secretly recorded the video. If he has ulterior motives, you will either have to pay a lot of money or go to jail. I have to check it out, in case."

Britney argued: "We have discussed it just now. He is not such a person. He is a fan of mine. You can't do this to him."

The strong white man bodyguard stood in front of him. Luo Ji was still a little timid, so he started to say harsh words.

"Rudolf, you can dig it out, but if you can't find any evidence, you must apologize to me, otherwise we will be ruined!"

At the end, he added with a pinched neck: "Don't think I'm afraid of you, I'm trying to prove my innocence to Britney."

Larry Rudolph seemed amused: "It seems like you two haven't figured out the current situation yet."

After Rudolph finished speaking, he walked over to the TV, turned it on, and changed the channels. Luo Ji saw pictures of Britney Spears on many TV stations, and occasionally saw pictures of himself.

Rudolph found a gossip show that had just launched and stopped: "Watch for yourselves, news about you two is flying all over the sky now."

The bodyguard went to clean up the rubbish sheets and quilts in the room. Rudolf continued to search for Luo Ji's personal belongings. Luo Ji sat next to the chair and looked at the TV. He wanted to figure out the ins and outs of the matter. Why was Rudolf such a big agent? Regardless of the image, go straight through his personal belongings.

The TV station is a local gossip channel in Los Angeles. There is a male host and a female host in the program. The male host points to the screen: "Look at this picture." As soon as the picture came out, Luo Ji complained in his mind, what's so good about this? , isn’t it just the photo in the newspaper this morning? What’s this?

"Recently, after Britney and Kevin divorced, she and Paris suddenly became good sisters and went to nightclubs all day long. A few days ago, Britney put on a short-sleeved shirt with I am Paris Hilton printed on her chest. I can Do whatever you want. Paris' spokesperson even publicly admitted the matter on behalf of Britney. He said that Britney regarded Paris as a sister, looked up to her as a role model, and was happy to have her protection."

The hostess responded: "Why did she get involved with the bad girls in Hollywood?"

Britney screamed: "Damn media, they don't care who I'm friends with."

The male host snorted coldly: "She's more than a little involved."

The scene turned, and a photo appeared on the screen. The setting was that of a bar last night, and Britney was accidentally exposed when she got out of the car.Luo Ji was about to say it was nothing, but when he took a closer look, he saw that she was not wearing any underwear when she got out of the car.Luo Ji immediately thought that Paris had behaved like this before and deliberately hyped it up.

With a thud, Luo Ji felt that something beautiful in his heart suddenly shattered like a mirror.

The male host yelled bitterly: "Britney has disappointed the American people so much. Everyone thought that Britney would get better after the divorce, but she turned out to be even worse. With Paris Hilton, Lindsay... When Lohan gets mixed up, the three of them are Bitchi, and the New York Post’s assessment is indeed true, the three of them are like attending a slut summit!”

The beauty in his heart was torn to pieces. Luo Ji suddenly became furious. He stood up suddenly and yelled at Britney next to him: "Are you sick? You are a star. You have your own music. You are everything." Human idol. Do you want to abuse yourself like those two Bichi?"

Britney was startled by the suddenly angry Luo Ji and was stunned for a moment. Then she reacted and glared at Luo Ji: "I don't want you to worry about it. Now I am completely free. I no longer have to comply with everyone's requirements. I’m fed up with the endless harassment from the media. Don’t they want to film it? So hurry up and film it.”

The agent Rudolf paid no attention and continued to search, while the bodyguard he brought with him went to clean up the garbage in the toilet.

Luo Ji hated the irony: "Why are you so stupid? The media will only be happier if you do this. You will be harassed even more powerfully by the media."

Britney was even more angry: "I don't want you to control it! My life is controlled by myself. You all ask me to be a perfect girl, but I am not. I am the Bitchi in their mouth, and I am not the Bu in your mind." Lanny!”

The two people who had been sweet to each other in the morning suddenly became at war with each other. They glared at each other and did not give in at all. They were engaged in a silent contest, both wanting to defeat each other in this contest. Sixteen-year-old Luo Ji finally sat down on the chair helplessly. After all, she was not her own person.Watched TV silently.

The female host then spoke: "Everyone, look at this photo again."

What appeared on the TV was a photo of Britney's personal driver sitting in the car, Luo Ji and Britney supporting each other, and the two of them getting into the car through the back door looking drunk.

The female host continued: "Yesterday, Britney came out of the bar, got in the car with this man and went all the way to a cheap hotel near Hollywood."

The host deliberately used the accent on the word "cheap".A photo then appeared on the TV screen. It was of the two walking into the hotel. Luo Ji had his arms around Britney's neck, his mouth was whispering into Britney's ear, and Britney was giggling.

The host continued: "The two of them walked into the hotel at three o'clock last night and never came out again. According to the hotel staff, the two of them stayed in the same room last night. There is no doubt that Britney started to have sex after her divorce. Self-esteem, but this is not the most exciting thing. The most exciting thing is the identity of this man. We should not say man but boy."

The next video that appeared on the TV was a clip of Luo Ji being interviewed by Metro News 1.

"This boy is only 16 years old. His stage name is Logic. He is a singer from New York. He filmed "Mom, I'm on TV" that has been widely circulated on YouTube recently. At the same time, his song Viva la Vida was released on the Internet, ranking first Billboard hot 93."

The male host chuckled and said, "So our Britney is in love with a 16-year-old singer, right?"

The bodyguard Rudolph brought over had already returned from handling the trash. Britney's manager Rudolph looked through everything, including Luo Ji's cell phone, but found nothing.He apologized to Luo Ji straightforwardly.Then he looked at Britney who had a dull look on her face.

"I hope you will pay attention. This scandal is not like the past. It is a very serious public relations crisis. You are likely to be harassed by the FBI."

Britney was in a huge shock and she realized the seriousness of the matter.

His agent Rudolf then asked Luo Ji, "Are you willing to cooperate with our crisis public relations?"

If this matter is brought to light, the woman will be hurt the most. If she doesn't handle it well, she may be imprisoned. The initiative lies entirely with Luo Ji. Luo Ji looked at Britney silently, and Britney showed a pleading expression. She suddenly thought of the quarrel between the two just now, couldn't let go, and turned away again.

The seven-year dream image of Britney in Luo Ji's heart has been shattered, and it was torn to pieces in front of Luo Ji. Luo Ji really just walked away and left her to deal with it on her own.But Luo Ji wasn't such a scumbag that he would embarrass a woman.

"I am willing to cooperate with the public relations crisis! Call my agent over."

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(End of this chapter)

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