New York 2006

Chapter 31 Public Relations Crisis

Chapter 31 Public Relations Crisis
Agent Braun hurried into the room, looking like he had just woken up: "Sorry, I left last night. I haven't noticed such a big thing happened until now this morning."

Braun had a very interesting chat with a girl last night and left early.Luo Ji just called him to explain the situation and asked him to come over.

"This is Larry Rudolph, Britney's manager. You two should discuss how to handle the matter first!"

Larry Rudolph didn't hesitate and said directly: "First of all, Loig, you must never admit to anyone that you and Britney did it. Can this guy do it?"

Luo Ji was very cooperative: "It can be done."

"Then are you willing to sign a confidentiality agreement?"

Before Luo Ji could speak, Braun immediately retorted: "How can you sign a confidentiality agreement for this kind of thing? If you sign it, you will leave evidence. This is not a trade secret, this is a criminal offense. And you have already collected all the evidence It's all been dealt with, and it's useless even if Luo Ji speaks to the media or the FBI."

Larry Rudolph said: "It's useless. You have also seen the media's attitude towards Britney now. As long as Luo Ji tells the media, the media will deal with Britney just like they dealt with Michael Jackson. She will bear it." Keep it up, Braun, the media these days are just childish and will tear her into pieces if confirmed."

"I'm not afraid of them!" Britney said viciously.

Braun continued: "Don't think that I didn't let Logic sign the confidentiality agreement to threaten Britney in the future. I just wanted to protect Britney. There can be no evidence of this kind of thing. No matter how you go to consult Any lawyer would recommend this."

Larry Rudolph stared at Luo Ji, his voice much gentler than before: "Logic, what do you think? Are you willing to sign a confidentiality agreement for Britney?"

Luo Ji was puzzled: "Why am I willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement for Britney? Shouldn't this be a question that should be discussed rationally? If I can help Britney by signing a non-disclosure agreement, I will definitely be willing to help her. But Blau Yes, you are right, how can you leave any evidence for such a thing!"

Braun glanced at Larry Rudolph suspiciously. He always felt that he was weird, as if he was trying to induce Luo Ji to sign. He really wanted this confidentiality agreement.

Larry Rudolph stuttered: "Well, I, I am doing this to reassure Britney, otherwise she would have to worry about you exposing this matter every day."

Luo Ji was a little angry. His character was inexplicably doubted by others. He was about to retort when Britney said, "No, I believe Luo Ji."

After a day of getting to know each other, the two finally understood each other's basic personalities.Luo Ji would not use such despicable means to threaten others.And Britney is just a complete fool, without any scheming.I have been controlled by others for decades, and now I am like a wild horse running wild. I want to resist and try everything. Just like a child in adolescence, I will do it if you don't let me do it. Confront the media.

Larry Rudolph did not dwell on the topic of confidentiality agreements anymore: "So what do you think about my PR? I just said that you were creating music together last night. It was a normal communication between artists, and nothing extraordinary happened. "

Luo Ji and Britney looked at each other. The two people, who had been awkward because of their quarrel just now and didn't know how to get along, burst out laughing and replied in unison: "We were composing songs all night long."

Larry Rudolph looked at Britney and said, "That's not what you said on the phone. You said you two had a great night last night or something like that."

Britney explained: "Luo Ji wrote a song for this this morning, and it's quite complete."

Manager Braun said: "Can you sing for a while?"

"no problem."

Luo Ji and Britney had practiced for a while in the morning, so they finished the song smoothly.The two of them handled it much more smoothly than before. At this time, both of them were freed from the sour odor of love and could focus on the song itself.

Braun said: "Then PR will be much simpler. You record this song into a singing video, post it to YouTube, and then the two of you go to the hotel to be interviewed by reporters. The media has no evidence and will probably harass you two for a while. I won’t bother you anymore.”

Larry Rudolph, who had been busy all morning, finally entered the role of manager: "No, Britney is too far behind in this song. She is the most popular female singer in the United States, so you only give her these few lyrics." Sing?"

It's true when you think about it. The original singers were obviously male and female, but now that Britney is a first-line singer and much bigger than him, it would be very bad to distribute them like this.Luo Ji made some adjustments and split the verses evenly between the two, while they sang the chorus as a duet.

To put it simply, the chorus is usually the climax, and the rest is the verse.

Braun recorded it with a camera, and Luo Ji held a guitar and sang with Britney. The song reached its best this morning on the third play.Snap, snap, snap.Braun, Larry Rudolph and the big bodyguard applauded.Everyone laughed, and Rudolph said: "It's unbelievable. This song is so complete. Logic, did you really create it all morning?"

"of course."

"You are a true genius."

Braun then asked, "Then let Britney and Luo Ji produce the song?" Larry Rudolph said, "Let's talk about it later. Let's send out the video first. I'll ask their company for their opinion later." "

Braun directly retorted: "How can this work? This song is a duet. If the video is released now and Logic finds someone else to collaborate on the song in the future, the female singer will be regarded as a substitute for Britney. Who wants to be a substitute?"

Britney quickly said: "I do, I agree to record. But I can't do it during this time. I'm busy. I'll talk about it later."

At the entrance of the Express Hotel, among the dozens of paparazzi, you can still see a few regular reporters, reporters from FOX, CNN, NBC Universal, WST News and other large news groups.Everyone stands together and discusses what happened today.

"Do you think Britney knows Logic is underage?"

"I must know. Only in this way can there be big news, otherwise it would be boring."

Everyone watching the excitement didn't think it was a big deal and they all echoed. One reporter's attention was not here. He saw two policemen, a man and a woman, walking around next to the hotel. Just as they were about to enter the hotel door, they suddenly left again. come out.

"Look, what are those two policemen doing? They are coming in and out."

"Maybe they're here to maintain order."

The FOX reporter thought of something. He remained silent and sneaked to the side to ask the photographer to follow him.Then he ran away.As soon as everyone saw FOX's performance, they knew that an important person was running after him immediately. The FOX reporter immediately walked over to interview.

"Officer Jane, are you here because of Britney and Logic?"

Police Officer Jian thought to herself that you finally found me. I have walked back and forth many times: "Yes, we received reports from the masses that a sexual assault of a minor occurred here, so we came to take a look. Sorry, I Let’s go up and take a look first.”

"Police Officer Jane, Officer Jane..."

The owner of the hotel specially made an empty room for the police officer, and Luo Ji chatted with the police officer.

"Officer Jane, I don't know what you are talking about. There is no sexual assault happening here. Britney and I have been discussing song creation all night."

"There are no threats, nor any financial bribes. She is my idol. The two of us collaborated on a song last night. I was editing the video with her and my manager just now. If you are interested, When you search YouTube in the afternoon, you should be able to find the title "I collaborated on a song with my idol Britney Spears."

"Okay, okay, goodbye."

Britney was still in danger in the morning, but in the afternoon she happily went shopping with Paris Hilton.

This morning's public relations was very effective. There were YouTube videos to prove it, and the two of them were interviewed for a while in front of the media. Everything was perfect. Luo Ji also promoted his single during the interview. I don't know. What's the effect?

Luo Ji had nothing to do in the afternoon, so he set out for director Francis' film studio. Seven or eight reporters followed him, asking for details about last night.Luo Ji only said that he was composing songs last night and then started promoting his single.The paparazzi left dejectedly.

Luo Ji arrived at the studio. The editing of the MV went smoothly. He is now in post-production and it is estimated that it will be released in two days. At 6 o'clock in the evening, he returned to the hotel and had a quick meal before getting ready to go to bed. It had been a long day of work today.

Braun called out of the blue: "Look at NBCUniversal's Los Angeles Local 3."

Luo Ji quickly turned on the TV and tuned in. What was playing on the screen was a female host complaining: "Britney and Logic, two liars, lied and said they were composing songs all night long. Now we have new evidence."

An interview appeared on the screen. The subject was a young Latino. Luo Ji recognized him at a glance. Wasn't this Britney's driver last night?
Britney's Latino driver said: "Last night, after the two of them got in the car, they started to be dishonest and waited for the car to start moving. The two of them touched each other, kissed each other fiercely, and said love words to each other. They also said that they had been talking to each other all night. We were writing songs, so thankfully they weren’t doing it in the car.”

The reporter asked: "Do you have any evidence?"

"Of course there is."

Then a photo appeared on the screen, which should have been secretly taken with a mobile phone.The picture quality is not very clear, but what can be clearly seen is Britney and Luo Ji, hugging each other tightly and nibbling each other.

Luo Ji couldn't complain about Britney anymore. He couldn't even control the driver around him. He could betray such a close person. What kind of people were around her!
(End of this chapter)

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