New York 2006

Chapter 4 Public Schools

Chapter 4 Public Schools
Luo Ji and Blake were walking in the hallway of the school classroom, and some classmates would greet them warmly.Some people immediately stepped aside when they saw them, fearing to offend them.Luo Ji also noticed that some classmates would peek at them. When Luo Ji looked back, these people would immediately look away and pretend to be indifferent.

The most outrageous thing was that a thin little boy saw him and Blake appear and ran away at a sprint speed of [-] meters.

Fxxk, how outrageous is the predecessor to scare a good child like this!

Luo Ji returned to the classroom. Before class started, he took out the textbook and began to familiarize himself with it. He looked through the textbook. There were various annotations on the chapters he had learned before. He had studied very seriously.

Luo Ji recalled that his grades were among the best in the entire school, and in the eyes of his teachers, Luo Ji was an out-and-out good boy.

He gave the teacher the impression that he studied well, respected the teacher, and spoke politely, but his personality was a little cold.Don't the teachers know that he used to be a school bully, and he really liked to bully classmates with Blake, but he just pretended to be a good boy.

Luo Ji thought about it carefully and realized that it was really like this. The teacher didn't know.

In the culture of public high schools, anyone who snitches to the teacher is looked down upon.This group of high school students are in their youth. Who wants to be despised by the whole school and called a whistleblower? Even if they are bullied, they will only deal with it privately.

The class bell rang, and the history teacher walked in. He was a middle-aged bald white man. After entering the classroom, he opened the book in his hand on the podium and started explaining without saying anything.Some students below were playing with each other, some were reading comic books openly, and some were listening to music with headphones on.The history teacher does not care about what the students do. He just talks about the history of the world.

"Since the agricultural revolution, people in history have usually used the word "civilization" to describe the organizational structure of human society. In such an organizational structure, the number of humans has increased as never before, and for tens of thousands of years , for the first time there were densely populated settlements. In and around cities, people were guided, organized and controlled. The agricultural revolution directly led to the first explosion of human civilization. With the development of agriculture, human beings Across the world, starting from 3500-3000 B.C. and over the next few thousand years, seven major civilizations emerged independently."

Luo Ji was also speechless. Didn't this history teacher just read everything in the textbook?It's not as good as seeing it yourself. The quality of the teaching is also amazing. It's like chanting sutras, boring and emotionless.Teachers in these public middle schools clock in to work every day and implement happy education. There is no pressure on their performance in entering higher schools, and they do not worry about being fired.A responsible teacher may still take care of it, but an irresponsible teacher doesn't bother to take care of it at all.

The United States is such a big country, is no one aware of the shortcomings of this kind of happy education?Yes, of course there is, and there are many. In the United States, many people are criticizing the public education in their country.Even those countries in Europe like to watch the fun and scold the United States all day long, calling them stupid Americans and idiots.

Is criticism useful?Of course it’s useless!There is no other reason. The teachers union in the United States is extremely large and can influence the politics of both parties. Therefore, no one in the United States dares to provoke them.In the United States, in the early public schools, teachers were generally housewives and their salaries were not high.Therefore, teachers’ unions aim to protect the employment of low-income groups.However, during the civil political movements of the 70s and [-]s in the United States, the union and its leaders gradually realized their political influence, and eventually the teachers union became a special interest group.

The United States has a two-party system. The National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers are the two largest campaign sponsors in the United States. They invest a large amount of campaign funds in parliamentary elections at all levels every year, more than the National Trucking Union and the National Rifle Association.In a sense, the American Teachers Union is the largest union organization in the United States.Due to the close relationship between the two parties and the teachers' unions, all levels of government from the federal to the state are reluctant to conflict with the teachers' unions.

Under this political advantage, the rules of the American education system are heavily tilted towards the teachers union.

In the United States, an average of one in 57 doctors has had his medical license revoked, and an average of one in 97 lawyers has had his law license revoked. In comparison, for teachers, this number is one in [-]. The elimination rate can be said to be very small.With the intervention of the union, the labor contract between the school and the teacher included a "lifetime tenure system" that meant they could not be fired.All teachers must be treated equally, there must be no personal differences, and teachers must not be required to perform their work.Union forces will do everything they can to block any bill that would make education more efficient.

Are teachers’ unions so rampant and no one cares about them?

No one cares!The wealthy elites in the United States have extremely strong power. They can shake up the interest group of the teachers union, but they do not care about the quality of education for the people at the bottom of society. It can even be said that they are happy to see the people at the bottom implement happy education.The children of the American elite enjoy good private education, graduate from prestigious universities, and become social elites. Their children continue this cycle.Most children from ordinary families enter the society and work in low-end jobs after high school. Only the outstanding ones are likely to go to college, and most of them go to community colleges with relatively cheap tuition.Their lives have no hope, and the lives of their parents are their foreseeable future.Rich people are also happy to see all this, so that in the future, the children of the lower class will not have the strength to compete with their children, thus achieving a certain sense of class solidification.

What's more, the people in the teachers' union not only come up with the tough stuff, they also do the soft stuff.It is not easy for people in the education industry to come up with a seemingly correct theory.They will say that they should promote the development of the child's nature, not force the child to do things he doesn't like, and let the child find the things he likes on his own.Learn to encourage your child more, no matter what he does well or badly, he is the best.Do not announce results in public, do not rank students, reduce learning content, and cultivate children's self-confidence...

These words sound reasonable, but how strong can a child's self-control be? If not strictly disciplined, the child will be in a 3-minute fever, and it will be difficult for him to learn in depth. Once he encounters a difficult problem, he will give up easily.It is said that reducing competition will cultivate children's self-confidence, but in fact, it is cultivating a group of people who have fun at school all day long.The teachers union used both soft and hard tactics, and many people at the bottom began to believe in this theory, and even many middle-class people were deceived.In recent years, there has been little discussion about public education issues in the United States.Even Japan was fooled and started implementing happiness education in 2002.

Most people trained under this education system have sensitive hearts and lack the ability to resist setbacks. When they enter society in the future, they will most likely neither achieve worldly success nor inner happiness.

After reading the history book for a while, Luo Ji found that he couldn't understand it. His mind was now occupied with how to publish the song.

Thanks to his father's tiger dad behavior when he was a child, Luo Ji learned piano and violin since he was a child. Coupled with music courses in the United States, he had a basic understanding of music theory.He had already picked up the score of We Don't Talk Anymore before. It should be easy to pick up the score of "Long Live Life". So now that he has the score, what should he do next?
The bell rang, and the history teacher left without any delay.

Luo Ji went to his music teacher with questions.The music teacher was a white woman in her 50s. Luo Ji had performed well in her class before, and their relationship was okay: "Teacher, what is the most important thing about becoming a singer?"

The old lady's sudden visit to Luo Ji was quite unexpected, but she still explained it to Luo Ji enthusiastically: "The most important thing is of course the tone. In reality, one's singing skills can be improved through practice, but The characteristics of the voice are innate and difficult to change. Just like Eminem, the most popular male singer in recent years, his voice is very distinctive, full of power but not harsh. In short, whether it is a male singer or a female singer, Singers, their voices must be unique. Of course, having a unique style alone is not enough, it must be comfortable and ear-catching."

"Hmmm" Luo Ji thought thoughtfully.

The music teacher continued: "Think about it again, there are so many cover singers on Myspace, and there are so many people who can sing the songs accurately, but why only a few songs are widely circulated? It's because those singers have great timbres." Unique and catchy.”

"So how is my voice?" Luo Ji asked.

"Son, although you usually don't speak actively in class, haven't you noticed that you get high scores every time? This is not only because of your instrument scores, but also because of your voice." The music teacher praised Wanluo. Editor, the topic changed: "Felix, why are you not very interested in music? I have invited you to the school choir several times before but you have not agreed."

what reason?Of course, the choir took up their spare time, during which time Luo Ji and Blake usually went to the secret base to play.

Luo Ji was about to refuse, but an idea flashed in his mind. Although this was a very poor public middle school, after all, it was a public middle school under the wealthy New York City government. The government allocated a lot of money, and the music classroom was The instrument recording equipment was complete, so he immediately changed his mind: "Is it too late for me to join now?"

"Of course." The music teacher said happily: "Wait a moment, I will get a form for you to register, and by the way, I will tell you the time of the activity..."

(End of this chapter)

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