New York 2006

Chapter 5 Sammy

Chapter 5 Sammy
Things went smoothly, and after a few days of running in, Luo Ji as a tenor had established a firm foothold in the choir.

The music teacher is very nice and can perfectly solve the problems he encounters in music.She took good care of Luo Ji. She often asked him questions and made physical contact in a very affectionate manner. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Luo Ji always felt that the music teacher looked at him strangely, as if he had ulterior motives.

However, Luo Ji didn't care much about these things now. He was now eager to find someone to consult on how to turn the songs into records and sell them.The music teacher was a very nice person, but her greatest achievement in her life was just getting No. 5 in a New York City high school choir competition.She really doesn't understand the American music industry.Then he thought of Jamie Dutton, the most powerful man he knew today.

Luo Ji had forgotten about Jamie Dutton a long time ago. After paying compensation of [-] yuan in the hospital, the two of them were settled and would probably never see each other again in the future.

But just a few days ago, he suddenly called Luo Ji and asked how his injury was. It was a sign of sincere concern.Luo Ji said a few words politely, but his heart was full of curiosity.When ordinary people encounter this kind of thing, they will definitely not contact each other again after the two parties have settled it, so as not to continue to be blackmailed. Jamie had better hurry up and take the initiative to call and ask himself.

Out of curiosity, he used Gugou to search for Jamie Dutton. He was born in Montana on September 1978, 9. He is now 4 years old. He was born in the Skadden Law Firm and belongs to the Dutton family, a famous large landowner in Montana. a member of.No wonder Jamie gave him a 28-meter knife without hesitation, and he was not afraid of blackmailing him. He turned out to be a descendant of the old Qian family!

Therefore, when Luo Ji encountered a problem related to the music industry, he thought of Jamie Dutton, so Luo Ji called him a few days ago and told him his problem, and the two made an appointment to meet today.

The reason why Luo Ji found Jamie was that, judging from Jamie's behavior, he was a kind-hearted person.On the other hand, people who come from old money families in the United States attach great importance to the honor of their family. Unless there is a particularly big benefit, they generally abide by the rules.


You're beautiful
you are so beautiful
You're beautiful it's true
It's true that you are so beautiful

There must be an angel with a smile on her face
Her face is like a smiling angel

When she thought up that I should be with you
When she remembers that I should be by her side

But it's time to face the truth
But it's time to face reality
i will never be with you
I can never be with you

On the weekend morning, Luo Ji sat in his RV, played and sang "You're Beautiful" on his guitar, and then looked at his mother Sammy and brother Chucky beside him: "Give me some advice, you guys think I How's your singing?"

Chucky jumped up and down and clapped his hands: "It sounds good. Brother, you sing so beautifully."

"That's great." His mother, Sami, looked at Luo Ji fondly: "I remember you often sang to me when you were a child, but when you grew up, you no longer wanted to sing to me."

After the death of his father, his character began to become introverted due to the huge changes in his living environment.

In addition, mother Sami herself has certain violent tendencies, unstable emotions, self-destructive tendencies, and chaotic relationships with other people. She cannot set an example for Luo Ji, which makes the relationship between the two very tense.

The most serious incident Luo Ji remembered was in the summer when he was 15 years old. The two of them were chatting and laughing while eating ice cream, but after a while they got into a fight over some trivial matter.

Luo Ji was in adolescence at that time. He was very excited and shouted that he would leave this hellish place and never come back or contact her forever.

At that time, Sami cried, made trouble, and tried all kinds of methods, but she couldn't persuade Luo Ji. Finally, she took out a pistol and put it to her head.

That was the most profound scene in Luo Ji's memory. He could still see his mother Sami's determination at that time through his memory. Her eyes were red from crying, but there were no tears. She looked straight at Luo Ji and said one word. A meal: "If you leave me today, you will never see me again."

The predecessor was also frightened by this determination at the time. He knew that if he left, Sami would definitely pull the trigger and commit suicide. His mother Sami was sometimes crazy and paranoid.

After all, blood is thicker than water, and he has never mentioned leaving since then, but the relationship between the two has always been tense.

Luo Ji wanted to ease the tension between them. Whenever he had time during this period, he would take the guitar and play and sing by himself, with his mother Sami as the audience: "If you want to listen in the future, I can sing to you every day. "That's settled." Sammy said with a happy smile.

Luo Ji also smiled and replied, "Okay, no problem."

Perhaps because the long-term tense relationship between mother and son had finally eased, Sami stepped forward excitedly, hugged Luo Ji, and kissed his face: "That's great!"

Relatives in Europe and the United States often use physical contact to express their love. In fact, before 1960, this kind of intimate expression was rare.

In the early 20th century, a new school of psychology, behaviorism, emerged in the United States. They opposed traditional psychology and advocated studying psychology from the behavioral level. They believed that human behavior is the body's response to the surrounding environment. By studying human reactions, and stimulation to explore people's psychological characteristics.

Therefore, the behaviorism school is one of the schools that has the greatest influence on Western psychology, and even once held a dominant position in the history of Western psychology.

John Watson, the representative of behaviorism, believed that for children, the mother only exists to provide food, and the relationship between the child and the mother is only established through feeding.So a "cry immunity parenting method" was proposed.

He believes that breastfeeding can already get the maternal love that the child needs, so when the child cries and makes a fuss, do not try to comfort the child. Only children who grow up in this way will become independent earlier.

He said that children can even be trained to become outstanding social elites such as lawyers, doctors, and scientists through behavioral training.

This seemingly logical behavior turns out to be very illogical.John Watson, who proposed "indifferent education", practiced it with his own children.

His eldest son described John Watson as an unsympathetic person who deprived them of their emotional foundation, causing them to be emotionally starved, and finally ended his life at the age of 30.His eldest daughter suffered from depression and committed suicide multiple times.His youngest son has been wandering without a serious job.

The indifferent way of getting along with children has the greatest impact on the baby boom generation after World War II in the United States.Their lives lacked love and emotions. Many people ran away from home in the 70s and [-]s and joined the hippie wave to find love in the collective.

Luo Ji's grandmother Queenie was such a person. She left her home when she was a teenager and never went back.After spending decades hanging out with a bunch of hippies, he now works as an herbalist on a commune outside Chicago.

Harry Harlow completed the "Rhesus Monkey Experiment" in 1959, and this "cold education" parenting method was overturned.

This experiment proves that if parents want their children to grow up healthily, they must provide them with multiple sensory channels such as touch, vision, and hearing, and respond promptly so that children can feel the presence of their parents and gain a sense of security from them.

Only when children have a sense of security can they gradually develop good personality qualities such as strength and self-confidence, and become a person who is friendly to others, willing to explore, and capable of dealing with things.

If a child's cries cannot be responded to by parents when they are young, the child will become timid and unsociable, have serious psychological problems, be emotionally deficient, and seriously affect brain development.

This experiment caused a huge sensation in Omi at the time. People changed their parenting methods one after another, spending more time with their children, increasing close contact, and engaging in parent-child games.Even orphans in orphanages and disabled children in hospitals have received more contact from volunteers and nurses than before.

Luo Ji had become accustomed to this way of getting along with each other during this period. He gently gave his mother Sami a hug, and then patted her on the back: "Okay, mom, I'll call and make an appointment with Jamie today." Let’s meet and we’ll be leaving soon. I’ll be so hungry right now!”

"I'll make you breakfast right away. What do you want to eat?"

"Just a sandwich will do." Luo Ji wasn't picky about food either.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

(End of this chapter)

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