New York 2006

Chapter 46 Enlightenment of Life

Chapter 46 Enlightenment of Life

With the help of lawyer Jamie, Luo Ji obtained the prosecutor's written agreement.

Luo Ji then discussed with the mayor's representative William Daley and his entourage how to deal with reporters later and what his attitude towards the media should be. Luo Ji put on a little makeup, modified his haggard face, and changed his appearance. Put on a formal suit, he will be on camera later.

While waiting, Luo Ji's personal cell phone kept ringing. Britney, Max, Robin, director Francis, YouTube contact, Yao Ming, etc. all sent text messages asking how his injury was and reminding him. Watch the major news stations.

Luo Ji turned on the TV in the room and searched for it with the remote control. William Daly and his group also started watching.Luo Ji scrolled through the news and saw his own news on Fox. The host was explaining it. The picture was a picture of himself standing in the corridor of the hospital with a bandage on his head and a tired look on his face.

This photo was secretly photographed by paparazzi in the hospital corridor a few hours ago. I didn't expect it to make the news so quickly.

The host of Fox said: "I want to say that Logic has a lot of character. He is a man. When encountering this kind of thing, he should shoot back and resolutely defend his own interests. This is why we should not ban guns. There are only people around him. With guns, we can protect ourselves when we are in danger.”

William Daley, the representative of the Mayor of Chicago, said: "This host is so shameless. A criminal case can be related to the gun ban. Logic, you are not opposed to the gun ban."

"Well, in the current situation, even if I say that I support a gun ban, no one will believe it."

Luo Ji then turned on his handheld computer, searched and browsed the major news networks.This leaked photo has made the incident of Logic being robbed become more popular.

A star was robbed and he killed the gangsters. As a star, Logic was also injured. There are pictures and the truth.Such a dramatic event, FOX, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, NBC, ABC and other large news media immediately followed up and reported on it.Basically the tone was positive, praising Logic for defending its rights.

Only CBS's tone was a little more sinister, but that's innocuous.

Don't look at the scandal between Luo Ji and Britney that made a lot of noise before, but this kind of gossip is only discussed on various entertainment channels and cannot be published in serious news media. Now that the robbery case has come out, this kind of social news has been published a lot. On the front page of the news website, Luo Ji made a small break out of the circle.

William Daley came over at this time: "Mayor Daley is coming soon. Logic, you will take a photo with the mayor later, and then there will be an interview with the accompanying reporters. You just need to answer the questions we have agreed upon."

Luo Ji was surprised: "Accompanying reporters, what about the reporters outside the hospital? Many of them gathered and wanted to interview me. The hospital also urged me many times and asked me to deal with it and send the reporters away quickly. If I don't accept them interviews, they won’t give up.”

William Daley said: "Let your lawyer go outside to speak on your behalf, and you can rest peacefully in the hospital. Remember what I said, don't have too much contact with reporters, don't say bad things about the Chicago city government, and handle everything in a low-key manner." , it will be fine after the heat subsides in a few days.”


Richard Michael Daley, also known as Daley Jr., has served as mayor of Chicago from 1989 to the present.The reason why he is called Little Daley by the media is because his father is also named Richard, Richard Joseph Daley, who was also the former mayor of Chicago.

Luo Ji called Jamie aside: "You really helped me a lot today. Fortunately, you saw that this was a deal, otherwise I would have been blinded. But what I can't figure out is, didn't this happen in Chicago? A shooting? There are thousands of shootings in Chicago every year. Why do Mayor Daley and others pay so much attention to my case and even find a prosecutor to threaten me and ask me to cooperate with public opinion and public relations?"

Jamie said: "You are a celebrity. You killed two gangsters on the spot. It is naturally topical. The media will report it on a large scale. Public opinion will be very unfavorable to Chicago. The mayor of Chicago will bear the brunt. If it happened in normal times, Daley and the others probably wouldn't I would care so much, but in two months there will be a mayoral election in Chicago.”

"I see, it's all for the election. Then help me introduce Mayor Daley."

Jamie said: "It has been 17 years since Daley became the mayor of Chicago. He is a standard American politician. On the one hand, he practices his own governance philosophy, develops tourism, supervises the construction of Millennium Park, and increases environmental protection. , developing urban business districts, raising housing prices in Chicago, deindustrializing, and globalizing, all of which have been done well.”

Luo Ji was confused: "Why are you praising little Daley? You weren't complaining about the Daley family before."

Jamie changed the subject: "On the other hand, he was merciless in conveying his interests. He did not use his rights until they expired. There is a revolving door of politics and business in the United States, but he went too far. He assigned the city's project contracts to family members and private individuals. Friends and political allies, etc. Even though the media has reported many times, he has not restrained himself. He is the native emperor of Chicago."

"and then?"

"He is also the leader of national privatization. This group of privatization political forces has influence across the country. They advocate reducing government public assets and handing everything over to private parties. In fact, they sell public assets to stakeholders at low prices. , blatantly conveying benefits.”

Luo Ji looked at Jamie: "So what do you want to express?"

"What I want to say is that the Daley family is a worm in the United States. Don't have anything to do with them after this transaction."

Luo Ji sighed in a low voice, feeling a little depressed, and said something that spoke from the bottom of his heart: "Before today, I always thought that I was omnipotent and could do anything I wanted to do, but today I discovered that I am no different from ordinary people. The difference is that a Southern District prosecutor threatens me with a stick if there is insufficient evidence, and prosecutes me if I don’t cooperate. What is the difference between me and ordinary people except that I have money?"

"you do not need……"

Luo Ji interrupted directly: "You are a member of the Dutton family, the ruling class of Montana, but I am a helpless minority from the bottom. I have no ability to offend them, do you understand? Jamie , this is not a question of whether I pay attention to them, but a question of what they need from me.”

Luo Ji particularly disliked this feeling of having no control over his destiny. This feeling made him very unhappy. After working hard for almost half a year, this was the result. Luo Ji desperately wanted to get rid of this feeling of powerlessness.

Jamie stopped admonishing: "I understand."

"Thank you for your understanding, Jamie. Please go outside the hospital and speak to reporters for me. This is the speech. You can explain what happened to reporters and explain to everyone that my mother and I were injured and need some time to rest. Tell everyone not to worry. Then you ask the reporters to disperse and not to affect the security of the hospital."

"Okay." Not long after Jamie left, little Daley came.Little Daley first cared about his condition, and then got into the topic.

The two first shook hands and took photos, and then the accompanying reporters began to interview. Daley said that they would vigorously improve public security. Luo Ji also expressed that he was very satisfied with the speed of the police investigation. He was very satisfied with the background of the criminals in such a short time. Chicago efficiency.

At the end of the interview, little Daley looked at Luo Ji and said, "Logic, you are very nice. I heard that your relatives live in Chicago. Would you like to consider moving to Chicago?"

Luo Ji smiled and replied, "My music company is in New York, so it's not convenient."

"Young talents like you are always welcome in Chicago. I have to attend a meeting with the city government later, so I will take my leave now."

"Goodbye, Mayor Daley!"

The mayor and his entourage came and left just as quickly.The entire interview lasted less than three and ten minutes before they all left.Luo Ji glanced at the ward. Only Daley's younger brother, William Daley, was left in the room.He was the one who handled the public relations this time. Luo Ji was a little angry at his big stick, but he could only endure in the face of power.

"Is there anything else? Mr. William."

William Daley walked up to Luo Ji: "Logic, I like your Viva La vida very much. This song has an epic feel. The choir in our church is practicing this song, and the performance is very good."

Luo Ji knew about this. Maybe the word "preacher" was in the lyrics. This song was very popular among churches. Many churches asked for music scores through their agents, and Luo Ji agreed to all of them.Christianity has a great influence in the United States, so it’s better not to offend.

"It's my pleasure.".

William Daley then spoke: "Logic, are you unhappy today? You feel that I have used disgraceful means to threaten you."

Luo Ji managed his expression well and replied with a smile: "No."

"Haha, you are good at making fun of situations, but no one likes to be threatened. I apologize to you here."

Luo Ji remained silent and just looked at William Daley, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"Do you know the difference between Americans and Europeans?"

"where is it?"

"Most people in the United States believe in absolute individualism and are unwilling to sacrifice individualism for the collective. They value individual freedom, and the economic system tends to be capitalist. Although Europe talks about individualism, most of them are willing to sacrifice the individual for the collective. , emphasizes equality, and is close to socialism in its economic system.”


"The United States is a very young and special country. People immigrated to the United States hundreds of years ago, started from scratch, gradually opened up the wilderness, and obtained their own industry. Therefore, in the United States, individualism is connected with personal responsibility and personal ability. Together. Self-reliance, self-reliance is the cultural foundation of the United States."


"We believe that individuals should be responsible for themselves, not the government. Like universal health care, Europe and other countries with universal health care have widely criticized the United States for not having a universal health care system, but no matter how much criticism there is, it will be difficult to pass in the United States. , individuals should be responsible for themselves and not think about paying for the country. Self-reliance is the foundation of the United States."

"Is this a bit of social Darwinism? What about the weak, ordinary people?"

William Daly's eyes seemed to light up: "The weak should perish. The government only needs to protect their basic survival needs. If they want to pursue higher success, that is their own business. We believe in heroism and we advocate competition. , we recognize that individuals can create brilliance. So, Logic, you have to be responsible for yourself."

"I'm very responsible for myself."

William Daley smiled: "No, no, no, kid, you don't know anything about the United States. I have learned about your experience. The education you received will only make you an ordinary person. You know what the real core of the United States is. ?"

William Daley's name for himself had changed, and Luo Ji had noticed that he was trying to influence his thoughts: "Separation of powers, Declaration of Independence, US Constitution, two-party system?"

William Daley said: "These are all appearances. The real core of the United States is to use the revolving door of politics and business as a network to achieve the rule of elites over ordinary people through education, media, economy, politics, etc. This network is what the media calls it. The establishment does not only include politicians, but is a group of elites that encompasses all aspects of society."

Luo Ji didn't like this idea very much: "What about equality?"

William Daley spoke firmly and his eyes shone: "Equality is a topic of concern to Europe and other older countries. Equality is the enslavement of the weak to the strong. What we believe in is Nietzsche's thought. We recognize the existence of the superman and the morality of the master. What mankind should pursue, the heroic view of history is the correct way to interpret history. Ordinary people are just a mob. They have no ideas or thoughts of their own. They will not play a role in the progress of civilization, and we, the group of people, are the leaders. The existence of human progress.”

"Mr. Daly, what do you want to express to me by saying so much?"

William Daly is like the wolf grandmother in the fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood, saying in a seductive tone: "Child, there are two roads before you now, stay away from this elite network and be an ordinary person. Or stay close to this network, Let me take you into this world that belongs to the strong."

(End of this chapter)

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