New York 2006

Chapter 47 New Plan

Chapter 47 New Plan
(The previous chapter was a bit academic and many people didn’t like it, so I’ll delete it.)
On January 2007, 1, the weather in Chicago was very good today, and many patients came out to bask in the sun.Luo Ji was no exception. He was reading Nietzsche's "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" in his hand under the winter sunshine.

Luo Ji benefited a lot from William Daley's long conversation with him a few days ago, and he also developed admiration for William Daley.

But Luo Ji also had doubts as to why a stranger whom he had just met for a day was talking to him so casually and so much, as if he was preparing to be his life mentor.Luo Ji asked at the time, but William Daley only said that he wanted to guide young people to make progress, and used this high-sounding reason to pass it off.

In the past few days, William only guided him to support Daley Jr.'s candidacy for mayor of Chicago. Luo Ji readily agreed and wrote a check of 2300 meters to support Daley Jr.'s campaign.

The reason why we only give so much is because current U.S. federal election laws limit individual donations to a single candidate to $4600, including $2300 each for the primary election and formal election.

William Daley told himself so much, obviously not for the mere 2300 yuan. A week later, when Luo Ji began to accept business performances, William Daley took him to various political gatherings and let him perform. He also brought I went to the performance in their church, which gave him a big face.

Of course, William Daley did not pay for these. The purpose of the emotional exchange was to allow himself to be a free labor force.If calculated according to the current market price, the number of performances Luo Ji helped William Daly attend would have been worth [-] US dollars.

However, Luo Ji was not without gains. He got to know many big names who often appeared on television, such as Kenneth C. Griffin of Citadel Investment Company, billionaire Eric Lefkofsky of Illinois. Federal senator, TV host Oprah Winfrey, movie star George Clooney and so on.

Although Luo Ji was far away from these big shots, these big shots liked him very much and had warm conversations with him.

These people are undoubtedly the elites of the United States, and Luo Ji has initially made contact with these people.Therefore, Luo Ji also became interested in Nietzsche as described by William Daly.

Luo Ji sat on a bench and put down the book "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" in his hand. After more than ten days of reading, Luo Ji finally understood Nietzsche's philosophy.To be honest, Luo Ji is a believer in materialism and the people's view of history.Nietzsche's idealism and heroic view of history had a huge impact on him.

As a materialist before, Luo Ji felt that idealism was nonsense. How could the world be idealistic?But after reading Nietzsche's philosophy, Luo Ji only had one thought: It makes sense that the world is idealistic.

Nietzsche's philosophy is completely logical and self-consistent, in line with the conditions of the real world, and can explain the operating laws of everything in the universe.

Nietzsche believed that the pursuit of power, the desire to control and rule all things, and the will to conquer all things that hinder "self-expansion" were regarded as the origin of the universe. It was a very influential set of idealist theories.

His philosophy influenced a generation, and an entire generation of thinkers and artists in the early 20th century found inspiration in Nietzsche's writings.Freud, Jaspers, Sartre, Heidegger, Foucault, Deleuze and Derrida are all philosophers deeply influenced by Nietzsche.There is also a long list of writers he directly influenced: Zweig, Thomas Mann, Bernard Shaw, Hesse, Rilke, Gide, Lu Xun, etc.

Nietzsche believed that there was no morality at all and that moral behavior was all fabricated and the instinct of the weak against the strong.The collision of "right will theory" between people, society eventually formed the rulers and the ruled, the elite and the mediocre.

Therefore, all morality can be boiled down to only two basic types, namely "slave morality" and "master morality". These two morals are not prescribed by anyone, but are the natural evolution of society.

Nietzsche believes that strength is good, weakness is evil, and strength is what human beings should pursue. Only by allowing the strong to control the weak and transforming the world according to the wishes of the strong can civilization progress.

Therefore, from the perspective of history, Nietzsche believes that Superman is the master of history, and ordinary people are just a mob, just a tool for Superman to realize his will. Without Superman, there would be no history, and he supports the heroic view of history.

After reading it, Luo Ji was shocked, but that was it. There were too many theories to explain the world, including metaphysics, logic, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, materialism, idealism, agnosticism, agnosticism, etc.

But all this has declined. What occupies the mainstream of modern society, what is believed to be the most likely to truly explain the world, and what has dominated the modern world is scientific theory!
Escaped from the ocean of thoughts, Luo Ji returned to reality and looked at Max and his mother Sami walking side by side in the distance. The two were talking and laughing, just like a mother and daughter. Maybe they really had similar experiences. Mother Sammy really liked Max.

Luo Ji looked not far away again. His good friend Blake came over after hooking up with a female patient: "I'm still reading this book. It's been more than ten days. What's so interesting about it?"

"Academic books are still too boring, but they are still quite interesting to read." Luo Ji pointed to the female patient in the distance: "Did you hook up with a new one? You have changed several women along the way. Friends, what should Hailey do?”

"Well, I haven't told her yet." Blake quickly changed the subject: "Max and Sammy have a very good relationship. They flew directly to Chicago when they heard that Sammy was injured."

This was something that bothered Luo Ji, so he said, "My mother likes Max very much. She asked me to help arrange a position for him. She doesn't want Max to work in the restaurant anymore." "Didn't you keep complaining during this time? Are there too many unknown calls? Many people are powerful and it’s hard to just hang up. Just let Max be your assistant, arrange your schedule and manage your work calls."

Luo Ji was hesitant. After all, the two of them had a relationship before. It wouldn't be good to get involved in work, and it wouldn't be appropriate to be around him every day. "I'll think about it again."

Broker Braun came over at this time: "There is a small private shopping mall opening the day after tomorrow, and they have given a price of [-] dollars, which is the most expensive during this period. Do you want to take it?"

"Why is it so expensive?"

"It seems like they want to use your likeness to make a billboard or something."

Some time ago, the news that Luo Ji killed two robbers in Chicago spread throughout the United States. Yao Ming sent a message saying that it was widely reported even in China, Singapore and other Chinese areas. The popularity was very high.Because of this popularity, Luo Ji's commercial performance quotations have also increased a lot.

It is worth mentioning that Yao Ming, who sent himself a message, was also injured. When he blocked Thomas of the Clippers some time ago, he fractured his tibia after landing. The situation was quite serious and he is now recuperating in the hospital.However, Luo Ji's injury was not serious. He rested in St. Michael's Hospital for a week and then came out to receive treatment.

"It's just portraits. The price is so expensive. As long as I'm not naked, I can cooperate with whatever they want to take."

"Okay." Braun was very happy. He hesitated for a moment as he approached and then continued: "Logic, what have you thought about it? It would be a pity not to release a album now that your single is so popular. All singers nowadays are It is after the album is released that singles are used to increase the popularity. You have to know that the price of an album is much higher than that of a single, and the sales volume of an album is generally greater than that of a single. You have it now There are three songs, and the quality is very good. Why not collect the songs and make an album? This will lose a lot of financial benefits."

Braun mentioned this matter several times before, but Luo Ji said he would think about it. At that time, he mainly wanted to make an album that was all about apocalypse.But after this period of thinking, Luo Ji had a new idea. Although he loved songs, records were still a business after all.The most important apocalypse is still too random, and I don’t know how to trigger it.

This time I was injured and experienced so many things but nothing happened. I don’t know when the next song will come out.Only in this way can we release a new album in the Year of the Monkey and the Horse.Manager Braun has advised himself more than once. In the modern record industry, a record is completed by many artists, so don't think that it is all completed by yourself.

"Okay, I promise you, you go and collect the songs with Jeff Basker. The style requirements are towards lyrical rock, classical pop, and soul music. When you collect the songs, pay attention and tell them that the title song in the album is gone. , unless the quality of the songs collected is particularly good, we will not release singles for sale separately."

Manager Braun was very happy and stretched out his hand to high-five Luo Ji in celebration: "You should have done this a long time ago. The record industry is also an industry, and it is all done through the cooperation of many people. Don't worry, leave it to Jeff and me. Both have been in the record industry for many years. Famous singers are hard to find, but there are a lot of songwriters. Just like movie scripts, many lyrics and music are written without a chance to be produced. Your single is now a Billboard single If it’s number two on the music chart, there will be a lot of people willing to give you the lyrics and music to sing.”

After the shooting, radio stations across the United States were discussing the incident. Viva La Vida's popularity soared instantly, jumping from 22nd to third last week. This week, it even edged out Akon's I Wanna Love You, arrived at No. [-] on Billboard.

The number one spot on the Billboard is still Beyoncé's "Irreplaceable". Her rhythm and blues song is particularly popular among women in the United States, and sales of mobile phone ringtones are very high.

The general idea of ​​the song is very interesting, man, don't be crazy, I will find a new one to replace you in a minute if I dump you.I have some ideas about feminism. Feminism in the United States has been on the rise in the past few years, and women’s calls for equality between men and women are getting louder and louder.

Max and his mother, Sami, had almost finished taking a walk, so they came to a bench to rest. Sami said, "What are you men discussing here?"

"How about we discuss shooting the billboard the day after tomorrow?" Luo Ji kissed Sammy on the face and said, "Mom, your complexion is getting better and better during this period. You seem to be recovering well."

Mom Sammy smiled brightly: "The doctor took great care of me, answered every question, and was surprisingly gentle. I don't know if he was fascinated by me."

Luo Ji slapped his forehead and looked at his mother in embarrassment: "Ahem, he's so kind to you, maybe because I sponsored him to do research on new medical technologies."


"Ha ha ha ha."

(End of this chapter)

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