New York 2006

Chapter 51 Taylor Swift

Chapter 51 Taylor Swift
Luo Ji had just finished asking capitalists for advice on how to save company costs.Then I learned that Taylor Swift participated in all the lyrics and music for her first album. I was very surprised. There are very few singers who can write all the lyrics and music for an album by themselves, and the quality of the songs is so good. Luo The editor himself is planning to collect songs.

No wonder the style of her albums was so unified, so Luo Ji tried to get closer to her and discuss her experience in creating pop music.

Scott Borchetta, the boss of Big Machine, saw this scene and said: "Artists should communicate more with each other. You two can go to the recording studio to chat. If you have inspiration, you may be able to create it on the spot."

Following the advice, the two went to the recording studio. Luo Ji saw that the recording equipment of Big Machine Records was a bit old, like second-hand goods that had been discarded.

"It seems like your company has just started?"

"Yeah, when my first single Tim McGraw came out, my mother and I were going to promote it by sending a CD of the single to country radio stations. But the company didn't have enough furniture at the time, so we just Being able to sit on the floor and wrap CDs.”

After Taylor finished speaking, Luo Ji also fell into memories and said, "Your words also remind me of my early days. Winter had just entered and the weather had cooled down. My friends and I were singing on the streets of Brooklyn. Songs, shooting videos, and once I’ve collected enough material, I go back to my RV at home and edit the videos until late at night.”

After Taylor listened, he walked to the cabinet in the recording studio and took out his usual drink to treat Luo Ji: "To be honest, I have been following your YouTube channel for a long time. I was mainly attracted by your and Kitten's street performances. The cover attracted me. I like it so much, but it hasn’t appeared in your videos for a long time. How is it now?”

“It’s in New York now and it’s very nice.”

Although the kitten was his tool cat, Luo Ji did not forget it. Before setting off to promote, he left it at home with his mother Sami to take care of it.The mother, Sammy, later arrived in Chicago and left the kitten in Max's care.Afterwards, Max came to Chicago to take care of his mother, Sammy, and left the kitten to her friend to take care of.

Luo Ji and Taylor chatted and laughed, and chatted for a while about the interesting things they encountered during the promotion.They talked about some troubles and topics about becoming famous as a teenager, and the two of them had a very interesting chat for a while.

Mainly because their experiences are so similar.Taylor is only a few months older than her, and they are similar in age. They both started out as singer-songwriters, and their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes in a few months.From an ordinary person to a star.You need to adapt to how to accept media interviews, how to deal with fans, how to deal with the paparazzi, how to deal with the relationships with people around you, etc.

"Logic, why do you dare to raise your middle finger and say bad words in front of reporters and the public? I don't dare."

This is actually carefully designed: "This is the persona my agent set for me, mainly to show my unruliness. This is more realistic and more in line with my personality of rising from the bottom."

Taylor also felt the same way: "Yeah, you can't be yourself when you're a star." After saying that, she hesitated before speaking: "Can you tell me what happened on the day of the shooting? I'm curious. It's okay if it's inconvenient?" I know some of the shooting victims may have issues like trauma."

"Of course, I'm not that fragile." Luo Ji then boasted: "Let me tell you, when the two robbers got into the car with guns in their hands and threatened me with guns to commit robbery, I didn't know what to do. I didn't panic. In that dangerous situation, I was calmer than usual. I felt that my brain was working faster than usual, and I analyzed quickly..."

The protagonists of that shooting were Sammy and Carl.But under Luo Ji's bragging, Luo Ji simply became Schwarzenegger from the movie "True Lies", calm, powerful, and unfailing in the face of danger.He and the robber staged a brave and strategic ultimate showdown between justice and evil.

Maybe that kind of thing is really far away from ordinary people. Taylor didn't have the slightest doubt and looked at Luo Ji with admiration: "Logic, you are so brave. You can stay calm when encountering such a thing."

"This is the quality a man should have."

Taylor pouted and immediately answered: "Logic, we women can also be brave and stay calm in times of crisis."

Luo Ji immediately replied: "I also believe that women can possess this quality."

"Haha, I also believe that we women can do it." Most women are more emotional, but Luo Ji would not be stupid enough to argue with a girl.The two talked about their careers, life, each other's mental journeys in the past few months, and their daily worries. Unknowingly, they became much closer.

Luo Ji then got to the point: "Taylor, I have listened to your album. The songs are very complete. How did you create so many songs? My own creative ability is not that strong."

When it comes to music creation, Taylor, who was still laughing and joking, immediately became serious: "The reason why I have such a strong creative ability is because I have an extremely strong creative motivation. I want to think about my life, emotions, and experiences over the years. , all my feelings were written into songs and sung for everyone. I started writing songs at the age of 12, became a signed songwriter at the age of 14, and released my first album at the age of 16. I always feel that there is not enough time, and I want to use songs urgently. Recording my life so that many years later, others can understand me through music."

Luo Ji sincerely praised: "When I listen to your album, it's like reading a girl's diary. You did a great job, and the lyrics have the power to touch people's hearts."

"Thank you for your compliment, Logic. I'm honored to be recognized by my peers." Taylor said and then said: "If you want to increase the number of songs you create, I suggest you start with creative motivation. Creative motivation can't just be It’s limited to what you want to say, it’s more of a feeling, and this feeling will drive you to find the most suitable, melody, rhythm, chords, etc.”

Luo Ji knew this. Major keys, minor keys, different beats, speeds, dynamics and timbres would all convey different emotions.For example, if a song is written in a major key, it will be brighter and happier; if it is written in a minor key, it will be darker and sadder.

Taylor then said confidently: "To be honest, my creative ability is better than that of many people. This is also where I am most confident. None of the songs created by our company's songwriters are as high-quality and high-quality as my lyrics. This is What I am most satisfied with about myself.”

Luo Ji benefited a lot from this and nodded in agreement.Perhaps we can start from the aspect of creative motivation and see if we can try to obtain new revelations.

Taylor suddenly felt inexplicably lost and his expression darkened: "Many people say that artists are mostly emotional, but many people really don't understand the true meaning of this sentence. Artists' creative impulses come from strong emotional experiences. But as As age, experience and experience increase, few things can cause people's psychological fluctuations. I'm afraid that one day I will become emotionally numb and no longer be able to compose songs that can touch people's hearts."

Taylor's statement is very popular in the field of music, saying that the peak period of a musician must be the first three to five years. At this time, the emotions injected into the works he creates are the most sincere and the creative motivation is the strongest.After this time, he will be corrupted by fame, wealth and money and start to decline.Because he can no longer compose the most touching songs.

The most touching thing about art is emotion.

Why did he suddenly feel sad while he was talking? Luo Ji patted Taylor's shoulder with his hand, lowered his tone, and pretended to be an adult: "I say, little girl, you are worried about the future when you first became famous, why not think about what to do now? Sell ​​your album well, your album chart is not high yet."

"You are obviously a few months younger than me, and you still call me a little girl." After Taylor finished speaking, the corner of his mouth curled up, and then he lowered his voice and pretended to be an adult: "Boy, it's a bit boring here. There's nothing creative about sitting around. Inspiration, what are your plans next? If you’re not busy, I can take you on a tour of Nashville?”

It was indeed a bit boring to stay in the recording studio, so Luo Ji began to cooperate, bending slightly to perform classical etiquette, and then stretched out his arms to look at Taylor: "Madam, it is my honor to receive your invitation."

Taylor put his hand into Luo Ji's arm and stepped forward with his long legs: "Sir, I'm going to take you to see my hometown."

The two of them were instantly possessed by the drama, imitating the walking style of medieval film and television actors, and walked outside the company.The employees of the record company and the head of publicity all looked at the two of them in confusion.I don’t know what the two of them are going to do.

The two of them didn't care about other people's eyes, and looked straight ahead, looking like classic aristocrats. When the two of them walked outside, they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Puchi, hahaha."

Both of them were amused by the tacit understanding of the situation just now.

(End of this chapter)

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