New York 2006

Chapter 52 Coffee

Chapter 52 Coffee
The temperature in Nashville was still very low in January. Luo Ji was dressed in white clothes and a gray hood, with his hands in his pockets.Taylor was wearing a gray sweater and a red knitted scarf around her neck.Luo Ji helped her straighten her slightly crooked collar, and the two of them put on sunglasses, disguised themselves a little, and set off.

Luo Ji was first led by Taylor to the street where she often shopped. Taylor introduced various shops bit by bit, saying that she often bought this and that here.

Next, they came to the Cumberland River in Nashville, where there was a row of benches and a willow tree.Taylor told him that she often sat here, relaxing and seeking inspiration.The scenery was beautiful, but Luo Ji couldn't relate to it. He only felt his feet were freezing.

At Luo Ji's urging, the two of them arrived in front of a cafe. There were more than 20 people standing in line, stamping their feet.

Taylor began to introduce: "This is the most famous coffee shop in Nashville. In the cold winter, when you line up to buy a cup of coffee and then take a sip, it is the best enjoyment of the day."

After Luo Ji became a star, he didn't have this kind of experience for a long time. He would leave all the trivial matters in life to his friend Blake. Luo Ji also wanted to experience the little happiness in life that Taylor mentioned.

"Then I want to taste it."

The man and woman in front looked back from time to time, looking back and forth on their faces, and then whispered to each other.Seeing this, Luo Ji turned to Taylor next to him and said, "They seem to have recognized you. I didn't expect you to be quite famous in our city."

Taylor was a little proud, and said with a proud smile: "Humph, that's not the case!"

After the man and woman turned their heads and looked at each other for a few more times, they finally plucked up the courage to walk up to them and asked, "Are you Logic?"


Taylor, who was standing next to Luo Ji, instantly became petrified, motionless, and fell into depression.

Luo Ji immediately put his finger to his lips and said to the couple: "Shh, keep your voice down, don't attract other people's attention."

The man and woman were very cooperative, and the woman immediately lowered her voice: "Logic, I like you so much. Can I take a photo with you?"

"And me." The man immediately added.

Even with Luo Ji's instructions, the actions of the man and woman still attracted the attention of the people around them, and soon someone noticed him again.I don't know who shouted in the crowd.

"Oh my god. Logic actually appeared here?"

The crowd instantly became chaotic, and everyone crowded up to take a photo with him. Seeing this scene, Luo Ji decisively began to maintain order at the scene, and called the cafe staff to help prevent stampedes.

"And there's a star, Taylor Swift."

“Who is Taylor Swift?”

“A singer who sings country music.”

When they heard that he was a celebrity, other people, whether they recognized him or not, ran up to take photos with him.Taylor quickly got out of his depression and got into the mood, taking photos with fans one by one.It doesn't matter when taking photos with male stars, but you still need to be careful when taking photos with female stars. Luo Ji stood next to Taylor and took photos with fans while looking after Taylor to prevent others from taking advantage.

The group photo lasted for more than ten minutes. Luo Ji noticed that more and more people were gathering together, so he simply didn't buy any coffee. He refused everyone's request to continue taking the group photo, and took Taylor and ran away.

When they reached a secluded place, Taylor said regretfully: "We shouldn't have left just now. They were all waiting to take photos with us. The fans may be disappointed."

Luo Ji retorted: "I took a look just now. There are more and more people gathering on the street. We can't take a photo together. If there is a stampede and it makes the news, we will be in trouble."

"Oh yes."

The fans' reaction just now also confirms one thing. It is really difficult to break out of the country music industry. Luo Ji, who has only released one single, is more famous than Taylor.And this is in Nashville, the capital of country music.Most people in modern times still like pop music, and the melodies of the choruses are beautiful enough to wash your mind.

The two then came to a cafe with a relatively small flow of traffic, and this time they were well hidden without being discovered.After ordering the coffee, Taylor took a sip and said regretfully: "This one is still not as delicious as the one just now. It's a pity that I didn't let you drink the coffee from the one just now. Their coffee is the best when it's freshly brewed. , It’s a pity that you will leave for the next city after the business performance tonight.”

Luo Ji took a sip and felt that this coffee tasted pretty good. He couldn't imagine what Taylor said was the best coffee, so he politely said, "You can treat me to a drink next time I come to Nashville."

Taylor instantly became happy: "That's settled." "Of course."

The two chatted over coffee as the teen sitcom "Hannah Montana," starring Miley Cyrus, played on the TV in the cafe.The most popular and well-known new singer in the United States in 2006 was not Rihanna, Taylor Swift, or Luo Ji.But Miley Cyrus.

Disney released the music-based movie "High School Musical" in early 2006. The movie became a hit. How popular was it?The soundtrack of this film ranked first in the global record sales list in 2006. According to statistics from the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, the soundtrack sold a total of 700 million copies.

Due to the popularity of the movie "High School Musical", Disney began to produce the music-related TV series "Hannah Montana". The starring Miley Cyrus became famous in one fell swoop and became a popular singer from the TV series.

Her role in the play is very interesting. She usually pretends to be an ordinary high school student, but as soon as she puts on a blond wig, she becomes the popular rock sweetheart Hannah Montana. Her classmates can't even recognize her. It's simply... A silly plot, but this is a sitcom and can be understood.

There were many songs she sang in the TV series, so Miley Cyrus collected those songs and released an album "Hannah Montana". Once it was released, it became a hit all over the United States, and now it has become the No. [-] album on the Billboard album chart. two.

Taylor stared at the TV and asked casually: "Logic, do you like this TV series?"

"I don't really like it, mainly because the plot is too immature. It doesn't feel like real campus life and it doesn't resonate with me. The campus life in my memory is not like this."

Upon hearing Luo Ji's answer, Taylor immediately looked away from the TV and said calmly: "I don't like it either, it's too childish. Logic, what was your high school life like?"

Luo Ji couldn't help but curl up his lips as he recalled the time when his predecessor was the school bully. He replied insincerely, "I performed quite well in school at that time. I was studying music basically every day."

Taylor said in surprise: "What a coincidence. When I was studying in school, I often practiced music all afternoon. Many classmates didn't understand why I was so obsessed with music and said I was weird. I was in school. I have very few friends, which makes me a little sad.”

Luo Ji spoke directly: "You don't have to regret it. They have never found something they really love, so they don't understand you. When a person truly finds something he loves, the whole world will be like it. That's why you succeed." Yeah. You should be glad you made your choice."

"Logic, wait a moment."

"it is good."

Luo Ji didn't understand what Taylor was going to do. He just saw her taking out her mobile phone and typing away, mumbling words without knowing what she was talking about.

Luo Ji just looked at Taylor, and she really got along well with him. The two of them talked about daily life, their taste in art, their emotional experiences, and their family and friends.

Everything was so natural, but Luo Ji didn't feel tempted.The main reason is that Taylor is not very pretty. Compared to Max, Britney, Bianca, and Robin, she cannot trigger the secretion of Luo Ji's hormones at all.Luo Ji felt that she was like a girl who had not grown pubic hair, young and innocent, like the girl next door, but not sexually attractive.

Taylor worked for 10 minutes and finally finished the job. Then he asked the owner of the cafe to borrow a guitar. Luo Ji asked curiously, "What do you want to do?"

Taylor showed a shy smile, completely devoid of the free and easy nature of being together today: "I just suddenly got inspiration, so I wrote a short verse of our experience today. I haven't finished it yet. I don't know if you like it."

Luo Ji was extremely surprised. It was the first time that a girl wrote a song for him. This feeling was really wonderful. It made him feel mixed emotions. The thick-skinned Luo Ji also felt a slight fluctuation in his heart and wiped it with his hands. He wiped his face before speaking: "Please sing it to me."

Taylor played the guitar with a pick and looked at Luo Ji with her blue eyes. The unique melody of a country song sounded and she sang with her green voice.

"You came to my city, we met at Big Machine Records, you talked about your heroic deeds, and I talked about my trivial daily life. We discussed art together, like old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years, and we hit it off right away. I said Sir, let me take you to see my hometown. Madam, thank you for the invitation. Without any discussion, we will perform a small classical theater. This is a small tacit understanding between the two of us."

The melody in the first section is relatively relaxed, but then the melody slows down and the tune starts to become sad.

"The day we stepped out, the air was freezing cold. For some reason, I felt extremely warm."

"I took you through the streets I often walk, and took you to the river where I like to be in a daze. I also wanted to take you to taste my favorite coffee, but unfortunately it didn't happen in the end. You have to pursue the distance. , I’m leaving tonight, I don’t know when we can meet again. Maybe next time you come to my city, I will take you to taste my favorite coffee.”

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(End of this chapter)

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