New York 2006

Chapter 66: Remarks on the launch and readers’ questions

Chapter 66: Remarks on the launch and readers’ questions
I have been writing this book for two months and it has reached 20 words. It just so happens that today is the [-]st and it is on the shelves today. I am still a little excited.

Of course, the first thing I want to do when I put it on the shelves is to ask for a subscription.On the one hand, writing this book is a desire to create, and on the other hand, I hope to have financial income.As the old saying goes, if you really like my work and think it is well written, I hope you can subscribe and support the original version.Only when you have money can you talk about creative motivation.

This kind of statement is too official, but it is also true. In this market economy environment, without money, it is really difficult to have the motivation to stick to one thing.

I swear, I will never miss the word count. Every chapter is related to the plot, or foreshadowing, or plays a promoting role. I sincerely hope that everyone can subscribe.

Here are some explanations of the book.

The inspiration for this book comes from Chicago 1990. I’ve already said this once about the work, and I’ll say it again.

Before I read Lao Qi's novel, I didn't know that novels could be written like this and the characters could be so three-dimensional.It feels like I have really entered an Aplus universe, which is a real world. This is an experience that no other novel has given me, except Dream of Red Mansions.

After reading Chicago 1990, I looked for many other novels to read, but from then on, except Wushan is not Yun, these novels were difficult to read.The reason for this is that Chicago 1990 is too real.

This sense of reality is created using strict logic, countless classic pictures, and complex three-dimensional characters.I can still remember every character in the play.

This sense of reality is also related to an important idea, apocalypse.It can be said that Lao Qi created a genre, Tianqi Liu, which is different from novels that travel to modern cities with all their memories.

An important goal of this book is to highlight a sense of reality, a world where reality and American dramas blend, and then realize the protagonist's road to success step by step.

However, there are two major difficulties in achieving a sense of reality in this book. Many readers have raised them, and I will explain them here.

First, the protagonist, who is of Chinese and European descent, looks more East Asian.This is different from the setting of Chicago 1990. The protagonist in Lao Qi's book is Chinese and black. Black people have a place in the American music scene, and there are many successful cases in reality.But East Asians are different. There are too few such cases, and many readers may be surprised.

Let me explain here, although there are relatively few East Asians in the American music scene, there are still some.For example, Far East Rhythm ranked number one on the Billboard singles chart for three weeks, as well as Psy and BTS.There are also many East Asian cover singers on YouTube who are also very famous, such as J.Fla, Mary Deeby, and Yitong Chen.Therefore, the protagonist of this book’s fame in the American music scene is also based on reality.

Secondly, the book mentions that the male protagonist looks like Leonardo when he was young, and he is similar to Zunlong.The protagonist's appearance conforms to Eastern and Western aesthetics.

At the same time, it conforms to the aesthetics of Eastern and Western people. Chinese women include Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li.The male has Zunlong, Yanzu.The most famous Western male is Leonardo, and the female is Avril Lavigne.

Leonardo himself conforms to the aesthetics of East Asians, and he also has some East Asian temperament.Zunlong can also be accepted by Europeans and Americans.So it will not be surprising to see that the American music scene can accept male leads so quickly, or that Britney, Taylor, Max and Robin, etc., like male leads.There are also some minor questions that everyone has commented on, and I will answer them one by one.

1. Are Chinese Americans united?The Chinese may have differences on some issues, but they are still very united when it comes to issues concerning the rights and wrongs of the Chinese community.

Everyone supports Chinese celebrities, the collective safety of Chinese people, etc.Don’t be brainwashed by marketing accounts. It involves major ethnic issues. Think about what you would do if you were Chinese in the United States. Then this is what Chinese people in the United States do.

Yao Ming also said in that chapter that the protagonist should become the business card of the ethnic group. There are many places where Chinese are distributed in the world, so the protagonist is loyal to the entire Chinese ethnic group.This is a matter of racial identity, don't talk about what you have and what you don't.

2. Regarding the protagonist’s inexplicable liking or trust for some people, as well as his vague feelings about some things, or his intuitive judgment about certain things.Follow your intuition, this is another plug-in for the protagonist besides Apocalypse, which has direct pictures and sounds.You should be able to understand it if you read the book carefully.

These intuitions are derived from the subconscious influence on the protagonist in the past life.

For example, the reason why Luo Ji liked and trusted Max when he first met him was because of his love for Max when he was watching the show in his previous life, as well as Robin and Bianca.For example, the editing method of the protagonist's video is because he watched a lot of such videos in his previous life.For example, in the previous chapter, the protagonist thinks that Taylor looks best dressed like that because the most widely circulated photos of Taylor in her previous life were in this look.

3. The plot trends of some American drama characters involved in the book may deviate from the settings in the drama.I think people will change as the environment changes. People are complex animals. Just like the children of Shameless, as well as Sammy and Queenie, when they have money, they may become better.This sense of separation from the characters in the play can probably be understood as long as you understand that people change.Except for a few, I will be loyal to the settings of the characters in the American TV series.

4. Logic. When you see some characters’ behaviors that are contrary to logic, please wait patiently. The reasons why they are contrary to logic will be explained later.It's not that the author is stupid, nor that the characters are stupid, but it's intentional. Please rest assured about the concept of this book, there will definitely be no problems with the logic.

5. Business line.I have actually laid a lot of foreshadowings. Many of the chapters where people talk about water are actually foreshadowings. You should be vaguely aware of them, and some people have pointed them out in the chapter reviews.The protagonist has just grown up and has very little capital. He needs to accumulate it step by step. Please be patient.

6. Update. I am a slow coder. All plots must be carefully designed and whether they will affect future plots must be considered.Some of the information involved will be queried multiple times and cannot be simply pasted and copied. It needs to be selectively retained.After writing it, I have to revise it many times for typos and sentence problems.After everything is completed, you also need to use the voice software to listen to see if it is smooth.Modify it and upload it again at the end.

After the upload is completed, I will go over it again to see if there are any mistakes. Finally, I will make corrections based on the errors pointed out by readers.So readers who may have read it once before can go back and read it again. I have modified many places.So there are really no manuscripts saved now.

One last time, I will never skimp on word count. I swear, every chapter is related to the plot, foreshadowing, or promoting. Finally, I hope everyone can subscribe and support.

(End of this chapter)

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