New York 2006

Chapter 67

Chapter 67
"Fili, I have your phone number. An office claiming to be the Republican Development Committee called and asked you to attend tonight's banquet at the Rockefeller Building."

Fiona opened the office door and whispered.

"Push it for me, just say that I'm rushing to record the album and don't have time to participate."

Since Luo Ji returned to New York, it has really confirmed what Jeff Basker said, as long as anyone is slightly famous in the United States, both parties will recruit them.

During this time, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, the Chinese Political Alliance, the Black Political Alliance, the Latino Political Alliance, and various social organizations all invited Luo Ji, but he rejected them all because he wanted to record an album.

When it came to recording the album, Jeff Busker and Eno came over. Since Luo Ji decided to put five title songs in the album, after listening to them, they were so impressed with themselves.As producers and songwriters, the two of them enjoy signature rights and a small share of album sales, so they are dedicated to the entire album.

"Logic, your "Secrets" accompaniment production has been completed. Are you recording the song today?"

"Let's record it today."

Luo Ji came to the recording studio and started another day of recording.In recent days, apart from taking on a few high-value commercial performances, Luo Ji spent every day in the recording studio polishing his album.

I need another story
I need a story

Something to get off my chest
Say all the words that are tight in your chest

My life gets kind of boring
my life has become a bit boring
Need something that I can confess
I admit I need this

When Luo Ji and Taylor went to Broadway to listen to classical music, Tianqi played two songs, Secrets and Memories. The singers of these two songs had already debuted, Magic Red Band and Republic Band.Judging from the clarity of the picture quality and the difference between the singer's appearance and now, we can tell that it is a song from the future.

Judging from the lyrics, Secrets is about love, while Memories is about paying tribute to dead friends. Memories does not fit in with the entire album with themes of love, youth, and life, so Luo Ji saved this song for the next album.Then the tone of the entire album has been set.Arranged according to style and theme as follows.

Viva La Vida (Baroque pop style)

Secrets (Baroque pop style)

Marvin Gaye (male and female chorus love song)
We Don't Talk Anymore (male and female chorus breakup song)
We Are Young (Youth Love)
Coupled with five electronic-style lyrical rock songs composed by Eno, a total of ten songs make up his first album.The recording has been almost completed during this period, except for a few of Eno's songs, which may have been completed before participating in the Grammys.

After the first recording of Secrets, both Jeff and Eno thought it was very good. Luo Ji walked out of the studio and picked up his headphones to listen to it again. Compared to the original song, it still had some flaws. Luo Ji silently kept it in mind, and then bit by bit Compare and find out what went wrong, where the singing method and pronunciation need to be changed, and where the singing technique needs to be changed.

Luo Ji went back into the recording studio and revised it bit by bit, and the entire song began to slowly develop in the direction of the original singer.After several hours of recording, Luo Ji finally got a version he was satisfied with.

"That's the version."

Jeff said: "I didn't bother you while you were recording just now. Sarah Brightman is already here. Eno went out to accompany her."

"Let her in."

To be honest, the other four songs in the entire album were easy to record, but only the song "We Are Young" was really difficult to record. The original male singer's singing skills were really terrible.

The singing and accompaniment of the entire song were perfectly combined, and the pronunciation and pronunciation of each lyric perfectly rose and fell with the melody. Luo Ji had been practicing this song for a while, but there was still a gap between the complete singing and the original singing.So he could only record them piece by piece and then put them together through post-processing.The recording of this song is now nearing completion, except for a short section of female vocal harmony.

The female voice in the We Are Young MV was a young black female singer. She was quite beautiful, but Luo Ji didn't know who she was at all. Luo Ji looked up a lot of photos of black female singers online, but couldn't match them. Haven't found it for days.

Putting it off was not an option. When Luo Ji and Taylor went to watch an opera on Broadway that day, they happened to watch "The Phantom of the Opera". The female singing skills in it were simply amazing. Luo Ji was captured in an instant and asked the company to contact him later. Female voice.

The female voice was sung by Sarah Brightman. She walked in, and the usually cold-faced Eno was following her like a licking dog, but Sarah didn't seem to be too cold.Luo Ji walked up to say hello. "Hello Sarah Brightman, you are my idol. I went to see your "Phantom of the Opera" some time ago and I was absolutely amazed. I happened to have a song that needed a beautiful female voice, so I thought , why don’t we ask you to cooperate?”

Sarah Brightman is a famous Broadway opera singer and a British national treasure female singer. She became famous for "The Phantom of the Opera" in the last century. She also released several albums that combined classical and pop music and sold more than 7000 million copies. She is The famous British female singer of the last century.However, after entering the new century, like other singers of his generation, he began to become outdated.

However, she is still a national treasure-level singer. She usually performs operas, holds concerts, and participates in various activities. She lives a very comfortable life.

Luo Ji also heard from friends in the music industry that she was likely to sing the English theme song of the 2008 Olympic Games.

"Logic, I also like your music very much. I listened to your We Are Young demo, which is really good."

The 46-year-old Sarah Brightman was well-maintained and much younger than other white women of the same age. Luo Ji immediately took advantage of his advantage, pretending to be a little fanboy and hugged her, and then enthusiastically exchanged ideas with her about the combination of classical and pop music. , and some experiences in life.

"Sarah, you are so beautiful. How do you take care of yourself? What kind of cosmetics do you usually use? I will also buy a few bottles for my mother."

"Hahaha, I use..."

Luo Ji had never failed to please an older woman, and soon Luo Ji had Sarah Brightman giggling.The relationship between the two became familiar.Producer Eno looked on with envy and could see that Sarah was his goddess when he was young.

"Let's record first."

Entering the recording studio, Sarah Brightman immediately showed off her professionalism. She quickly got into the zone. Luo Ji listened to her singing first and then began to provide guidance on some details.

She is worthy of being a national treasure singer in the UK. Her terrifying singing skills are simply ahead of pop singers. After three times of singing, she has completely surpassed the original song.Luo Ji felt that he would never reach her level in this life.

What an experience it was like to have a great teammate as your guide. The official recording session began. Luo Ji had made up for any areas where he had been stuck or had improper techniques. Under her leadership, Luo Ji performed exceptionally well and finished the two songs in less than half an hour. The vocal part was recorded.

Luo Ji walked outside the recording studio and was very satisfied after listening to it. This was the best recording state these days.Then he handed the headphones to Sarah.

"Sarah, what do you think?"

Sarah curled her lips after listening, obviously not satisfied with Luo Ji's singing skills, but she didn't have much hope for the pop singer's singing skills: "It's okay, it's a very good pop music. Where is the complete version?"

"Are you okay later? If not, we'll let the post-processing staff work on it first. You can probably listen to the whole song in a while."

"It's okay, I have nothing to do today."

"Then I'll take you to my company."

Luo Ji took Sarah around the company and introduced her to the company's personnel and layout.The finished product came out about half an hour later. After Luo Ji listened, he handed the earphones to Sarah.After hearing this, Sarah looked at Luo Ji in confusion.

"Why is it that what you recorded alone is so different from what we sang together? That's not okay. You have to record it again."

"It was too difficult for me to compose this song. I wanted the words and the melody to rise and fall together, but after recording for several days, I could only get this result."

Sarah smiled, then pinched Luo Ji's cheek with her hand: "It's okay, let Aunt Sha guide you."

(End of this chapter)

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